Chapter 935 The Ming Royal Family Becomes a Tyrant (Second Update, Please Subscribe)
Daming broke into the Persian Gulf!

In fact, the British had already received the news almost when Ming sent a fleet to sail through the Hormuzik Strait. After all, Oman was a British protectorate, and the British colony of India was also within easy reach.

But for Daming's intrusion, the British didn't react at all.

"It's just a desert. Let's go to them to fight for the desert... Are so many people dying just to grab a handful of sand to make sand sculptures?"

Any reasonable British person would think so. Of course, this does not mean that the British did nothing. What did they do?
"On the day we entered the Persian Gulf through the Strait of Hormuz, the British and Indian authorities dispatched warships to the Musandam Peninsula on the west coast of the Strait of Hormuz. Dem Peninsula, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling the Persian Gulf. After all, the Strait of Hormuz is the only waterway from the Persian Gulf to the Indian Ocean, and the Musandam Peninsula is located on the south bank of the Strait of Hormuz, guarding the southern gate of the Persian Gulf. As long as we control there, we can block my Daming in the strait."

After a short pause, Li Nanlin said.

"I have to say that the British are indeed a veteran empire. They can use the most cost-effective way to achieve some of their goals. Compared with confronting or even competing with us in the Persian Gulf, this way is undoubtedly lower cost , is also more effective.”

"It is indeed very effective!"

Emperor Zhu said with a sigh.

"Otherwise, how can it be an old empire? The British will not conduct a comprehensive confrontation with all countries in the world. They will choose some key points and deploy them in a targeted manner, such as Gibraltar, Egypt, and Hall Muzi Strait..."

After a short pause, Emperor Zhu said with a smile:

"However, this is not a big deal. The British, their control of the strait is only temporary. Maybe they will control it now, but in the future? After the Russians go south, they may continue to control Hormuz Strait? So, for now, the actions of the British have no impact on us, after all, our interests there are very limited."

Let alone the fact that the British now control the export of the Persian Gulf, it will have no impact on Daming, even if it takes another 20 years, it will have no impact. After all, in Emperor Zhu's plan, at least in the next 30 years, there will be no Will develop the Persian Gulf oil fields.

There is nothing more than a desert, a piece of sacrifice made by Ming Dynasty for the "benefits of allies".

"Your Majesty, we are in the Persian Gulf for the benefit of our allies,"

Li Nanlin looked at His Majesty and said,

"But for the benefit of our allies, all we got was a desert. Except for a small amount of poor arable land near Kuwait City, the rest of the land until the Qatar peninsula was a desert. The army there even needed to purchase food from outside. Your Majesty, in this way, is the maintenance cost too high?"

The Persian Gulf is definitely a "spending money"!
At least for now, occupying the west coast of the Persian Gulf, from Kuwait City to the vast desert of the Qatar Peninsula, is definitely a loss-making business for Ming.

This is a well-known fact. After all, at this time, there is nothing there except the desert. If there is, at most there are some Bedouins in the desert who raise horses. Except for the sand and the local Arabian horses, What else?
This is also the reason why the British have no interest in that area at all. The land is desert, the people are poor, and the sparse population leads to a narrow market. The combination of so many reasons makes Britain, and even the whole world, very interested in them. No interest, even under the rule of Ottoman Turkey, they have no interest in those deserts.

"Moreover, in the future, we also need to consider the resistance of the local Bedouins. Even when they were ruled by the Turks, they were very troublesome to those people. They were not only herdsmen in the desert, but also robbers, bandits, and... ..."

"It's the dead one!"

Emperor Zhu sneered.

"Anyone who tries to challenge the empire will be destroyed. They will either accept the rule of the empire or become sand in the desert. Even if there is a worthless desert, in the face of the dignity of the empire, they must strike hard , show no mercy!"

In fact, Emperor Zhu was not worried at all about the resistance of the mere 10,000+... maybe less than [-] locals. If they dared to resist, then... Actually, for Daming, this is not a bad thing.

After all, the future is the oil valve of the world!
From Kuwait to the south, the entire Tessier Plateau to the southern Daihna Desert, all the oil fields of the later generations of Saudi Arabia's big dog are in this area, where not only the world's largest onshore and offshore oil fields, but also relative to the world Compared with other large oil-producing areas in the world, this area is sunny all year round, the land is flat and dry, and the sea is shallow and calm without storms.All the oil fields are very close to the port—the distance is no more than 100 kilometers. It can be said that they are drilled and shipped away.

In later generations, Saudi Arabia's oil export volume ranks first in the world, and it is a real gift from God.Not to mention the large oil fields, the distribution is concentrated, the pressure of the oil wells is high, all the oil wells are self-flowing wells, and they maintain a strong oil injection capacity for a long time.The mining cost is still extremely low, which is basically a net profit.

Now that this area has been seized, how is it possible for Daming to spit out the "coffer" of Daming in the future?
What does Daming want?
Naturally, in the future, like North America, it will be an overseas province of Ming Dynasty, a place that is absolutely impossible to give up to others.As for the locals who may cause the locals to secede... Of course, they should be reduced as much as possible!
Punching hard... that's the Army's business!

As for the Persian Gulf, Li Nanlin didn't take it seriously at all. In his opinion, it was just a desert, and there was nothing worth paying attention to. It was even very far away from the main route.

Then they chatted about some navy matters. After Li Nanlin retired, Emperor Zhu muttered to himself:
"Perhaps you don't realize the value there now. Wait another 30 years. After 30 years, the whole world will realize how important it is!"

This is of course the advantage of the traversers. Now it is just a desert, worthless, and a place without any meaning, but what about the future?

"In the future, the Ming imperial family will depend entirely on it..."

Walking to the edge of the map, Emperor Zhu happily marked a circle on the map. In order not to drag down the empire's economy, Emperor Zhu resolutely made a decision—to make that piece of land exclusive to the Ming royal family. It's also the reason why he sent "Eastern Warriors" there, because the warriors... are the private army of the Ming Dynasty!

In this way, that piece of land will naturally become exclusive to the Daming royal family in the future. Of course, in addition to the exclusive exclusive use of the royal family, the Royal Petroleum Company will also be established in the future.

In the future, the Ming Royal will not only invest in oil fields under the guidance of Emperor Zhu, but will also make a lot of investments in Africa.

Of course, the Ming royal family will never compete with the people for profit, and will not invest in plantations in Africa.It will only invest in some factories and mines that seem to lose money.After all, the development of those mineral resources requires a lot of money.Huge infrastructure investment is required.

Such a huge amount of capital must be very large for private capital, and even most private capital cannot afford it.

Under such circumstances, the royal family must of course shoulder this responsibility.

In fact, such an arrangement is not bad, no matter whether the Daming Royal has the absolute power as it does now, one thing is certain - the Daming Royal is definitely the richest in the world!
(End of this chapter)

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