Opening game, American Tycoon

Chapter 948 The End of the Empire

Chapter 948 The End of the Empire ([-]rd update, please subscribe)
What should war look like?
It should be a hail of bullets, it should be blood flying.

should be……

But definitely not like this.

poison gas!

The poisonous gas directly destroyed the Brazilian defense line. On the two-kilometer-deep front, tens of thousands of Brazilian soldiers were either killed by the poisonous gas or injured by the poisonous gas.

While the Brazilians were struggling desperately in the poisonous gas, the Ming army continued to advance. What Wang Qingshan saw along the way was hell, and there were dead people everywhere-the corpses everywhere reminded him that the silence between heaven and earth is due to What, because of death!
After almost three kilometers in advance, there was finally some movement between the sky and the earth - a violent coughing sound from the trench in front of him. Although the permeating green smoke blocked his sight, he could still see the surrounding area of ​​the trench. There were corpses, and among the corpses, there were still some vague figures struggling there.

It's Brazilian!


Without the slightest hesitation, the moment he saw the enemy, Wang Qingshan pulled the trigger, and at the same time that he knocked down the enemy with one shot, the comrades around him had already killed them with bayonets.

On the battlefield, no one is allowed to think too much, and a moment of hesitation is death. When those coughing Brazilians saw the enemy rushing in front of them, they also instinctively took up arms and resisted, but their The resistance was feeble, and many of them had even dropped their guns long ago.



As the soldiers screamed and stabbed into the enemy's body, the soldiers were surprised to find that the enemy in front of them was completely vulnerable. Those seemingly strong black men were weaker than they imagined, and they even went straight to meet them. Assassinated with a bayonet.


Accompanied by the roar of the soldiers, the bayonet sank into the enemy's chest, and after the pistol was emptied, he picked up a rifle from the ground and stabbed the enemy. Wang Qingshan was surprised to see that many Brazilians were killed when they were killed. , There was a relieved smile on their faces.

The fierce battle imagined never happened at all, and the soldiers broke down the "resistance" of the Brazilians almost easily, if resistance means death!

In front of them, the green poisonous gas has faded a lot, like a shocking fog. As the troops continued to advance, there were fewer and fewer dead and more and more wounded. Facing the attack of the Ming army, they Most of them fled in a hurry. They coughed while fleeing. Some of them vomited blood and fell down while running.

This is no longer a battle, but a sweep!

The soldiers who came from the rear ended the lives of those people directly with bayonets. In this way, they chased for more than 8 kilometers, and they didn't stop until the green poisonous smoke almost completely dissipated. Didn't stop for long.

In less than half an hour, hundreds of trucks arrived. Those trucks were driving on the muddy battlefield. After the trucks passed the defense line of the forward troops, the trucks drove forward for more than 100 meters, and then Turning the direction on the battlefield like that, facing the Brazilian defense line with the rear of the car, and then the engineers detonated the special explosive bolt again. As before, at the moment the explosive bolt exploded, hundreds of tons of chlorine gas were released again. When it came out, the green chlorine gas once again formed a huge poisonous gas cluster, and under the action of the earth wind, it rolled towards the Brazilian defense line.

In order to ensure the effectiveness of the poisonous gas attack, and of course, because it was the first time to use poisonous gas and did not know how much it should be used, the military transported in a total of more than 1200 tons of chlorine gas. According to the plan, the military released it from three locations at the same time. More than 300 tons of chlorine gas were pumped out. In order to prevent the concentration of chlorine gas from becoming weaker, resulting in a decrease in lethality, the military specially sent an airship to observe the concentration of chlorine gas. When the concentration was found to be lower, it immediately dispatched automobile troops to transport the chlorine gas cylinders directly to the front line. Cast again.

This kind of continuous release of poisonous gas has never happened before, even in the First World War in another world, the belligerent countries never used this method to continuously release poisonous gas, and now, in Daming, the officers of Ming Dynasty It was the first time they got this kind of "fresh toy", but they still applied poison gas on a large scale in the most direct and violent way according to their own ideas.

A shot is a thousand tons!

It has to be said that such a heavyweight poisonous gas directly destroyed the resistance of the Brazilian army. It took only one day for the Brazilian defense line to completely collapse-the high concentration of poisonous gas directly killed more than 10 people, while The rest of the Brazilians, whether they were white officers or black soldiers, completely collapsed. The white officers took off their uniforms and fled back home, while those slave soldiers turned into thugs. They fled from the front line to Rio de Janeiro. On the way, they burned, killed and looted all the way, and directly "purchased for zero yuan".

On the night of February 2th, although the Ming army was still more than ten kilometers away from Rio de Janeiro, the streets were full of gunshots and flames everywhere. The troops withdrawn from the front line were looting and setting fire everywhere, even the Capitol was set on fire. Burned, men killed, women abused.

Around the palace, the royal guards were guarding the last piece of pure land in the city. Thousands of nobles and civilians fled here to avoid the thugs. Obviously, the purpose of those thugs was to rob, not fight with the royal guards.With the protection of the Royal Guard, at least it is safe here for the time being.

But it was only for a while. Rio de Janeiro was filled with gunshots from rioting soldiers and cries of civilians. When the buildings in the city were constantly being set on fire, there was also chaos in the palace.

"Your Majesty, we have to leave. Now the Ming army will occupy this place at any time, and the rioters in the city are looting everywhere. We..."

Although the marshal didn't go on, why didn't Pedro II know what he wanted to say.

Brazil is over!

He looked out the window at the burning city.

one day!
It took only one day for the Ming army to destroy their resistance.

"Poison gas, damn it, they are followers of Satan, how can they use poison gas?"

In the face of other people's complaints, Pedro II just let out a long and helpless sigh, poisonous gas, Daming people destroyed everything with poisonous gas.

Brazil is dead...

"Get on board!"

Without any hesitation, facing the Ming army that was about to attack the city, Emperor Pedro II of Brazil made a rational choice, just like his ancestors made the choice when facing Napoleon's invasion.

Of course not, the resistance fought to the death.

Instead, Europe!

(End of this chapter)

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