The Red House starts from Liaodong

Chapter 163 The Storm in Liaozuo

Chapter 163 The Storm in Liaozuo

"After thinking about it, you are one of the generals with an overall view among the battalion generals, so I want to add more burdens to you."

Finally hearing what she had been waiting for for a long time, Zhu Xiu was both excited and uneasy.

Golden State Army.

In the past, the most powerful were the generals and armies of Fuzhou and Jinzhou, followed by the soldiers of the Donghai Battalion.

As for the generals of the Liao people, they were just adding heads.

The following years.

The size of the Donghai Battalion is getting bigger and bigger, and there are more and more generals from the Liao people. When Zhenjiang was recovered and the army was reduced by [-] people, earth-shaking changes took place.

The most powerful ones are of course the generals from the Donghai Battalion.

The second is the generals from the Liao people. As for the generals of the former Jinfu Erzhou anyway, there are not many people in the army.

A general from the Liao people, Zhu Xiu is already one of the battalion commanders. Whether in the Jinzhou Army or the Zhenjiang Army, he is one of the senior generals.

If you continue to promote, it will surpass the vast majority of people.

"Adding a burden is not necessarily a good thing. You need to be able to endure more grievances, for me and for millions of Liao people."

"The last general will definitely live up to the general's expectations."

Zhu Xiu did not pretend to be false, and replied very honestly.

In terms of the territory and military strength under Tang Qing'an's rule, there will be at least a dozen general soldiers, deputy general soldiers, generals, guerrilla generals and other senior generals in charge of one side in the territory of Da Zhou.

In order to successfully expand the army by [-] in the future, it is necessary to lay a solid foundation now, not only generals, but even lieutenant generals must be promoted.

In this way, after doubling the troop expansion, it will not lead to a sharp decline in combat effectiveness, nor will it cause injuries.

With a total of 3000 people in the battalion, it is enough to be responsible for one place, but it is not enough to be responsible for one side.

If it is a time of peace, of course it needs to be tightened, but now it is different, and power needs to be delegated to the generals.

Otherwise, like the previous attack on Xin'anbao, Tang Qing'an would have to temporarily promote the general. The general's prestige is not enough, and it is extremely easy to make mistakes.

"I called you here just to give you some advice in advance, but you have to remember my words, and you will be wronged if you add a burden.

Only by enduring grievances can we have a great future. "

Tang Qingan reminded.

Although Zhu Xiu didn't know the specifics yet, he had some predictions in his heart.

Since he is in charge of one side, of course there will be more checks and balances, which is not as comfortable as being the battalion general.

"Don't worry, General."

Hearing that Zhu Xiu understood what she meant and that she really had no doubts, Tang Qing'an laughed in satisfaction.

After several years of fighting, many talents have emerged from the army, but not many have high levels of consciousness.

Such as Huayan.

If the person in front of you is blind, he is definitely not willing to give up his "pots and pans".

Tang Qing'an had a fancy to Zhu Xiu's integrity, and that's why he summoned him today.

After seeing off Zhu Xiu, Tang Qing'an also went down the mountain. He still needs to see Wu Zhenmeng, Li Qi, Chen Rui and so on tomorrow.

I can't be free for a few days.

Back home, Tang Qing'an fell asleep exhausted.

Early the next morning, Qin Keqing helped the general get up, and while arranging his clothes, mentioned something about Liu Chengmin.

"Second Master is not young anymore, why don't you care about his marriage?"


Qingwen held the boots and put them on Tang Qing'an's feet. Tang Qing'an couldn't help laughing when she heard Qin Keqing's words.

"He has someone in mind."

"Whose girl is it? As his elder brother, you just want to say kiss for him."

"I really can't tell you this, don't look at the second brother who usually doesn't seem to care about anything, if I tell you about this."


Tang Qing'an shook his head.

"He's going to annoy me for a long time."

Seeing this, Qin Keqing stopped asking about Liu Chengmin, and brought up Tang Zhanwang again.

"Since the matter of the second master can't be mentioned yet, what about the second master? He's grown up too."

"There's no rush for them."

Tang Qing'an knew that Qin Keqing had made up his mind again.

But regarding the marriage of the younger brothers, Tang Qing'an didn't plan to deal with it now, wait three to five years, and get older when they are older, so there is no obstacle.

After probing for a while, Qin Keqing knew that her husband had other plans, so she pressed her own mind.

Things at home, things outside.

Tang Qing'an dealt with each of them.

I have seen everything that should be seen with the generals, and I have already made up my mind.

In the public room of the General Military Mansion, Tang Qing'an wrote each name on the blank documents on the case table.

Tang Qing'an wants to promote three generals.

One is in charge of Jinzhou, one is in charge of Zhenjiang, and the other is in charge of the east of Changbai Mountains.

Not to mention Jinzhou, of course it is the second brother Liu Chengmin.

Zhenjiang, Li Shenghu, Wu Zhenmeng, and Chen Kaiwu all have qualifications.

To the east of the Changbai Mountains, Zhu Xiu, Li Qi, and Li Bosheng also have their talents.

The three guard generals are not responsible for the daily management of each battalion, but only responsible for each battalion, regardless of the soldiers.

At the same time, the post of the battalion commander of the barracks they were in charge of was also given up, and the three of them were asked to recruit their own guards, 90 elite guards.

Tang Qing'an didn't use this system to check and balance because he was afraid that some people would have dissent after the power was released.

With his current prestige, who would dare to disagree with him?Who has the strength to give birth to a dislike for him.

The entire Jinzhou Army, the Zhenjiang Army, was built by him from scratch.

Even if the battalion leaders general the generals below, who was not promoted by him?
In the past two years, he still had some worries, but now he doesn't have these worries. Instead, he hopes to help him with a few talents.

This system is just a routine, just like drinking water when you are thirsty.

"Zi, order the former battalion chief Wu Zhenmeng to be promoted to the Liaozuo Northeast Branch General. Stationed in Zhenjiang, including the three battalions on the Korean islands, they are Chen Kaiwu, Li Bosheng, and Li Qi."

"Zi, order the former battalion chief Zhu Xiu to be promoted to the general guard of the eastern part of Liaozuo. The three battalions guarding the eastern part of Liaozuo are Li Shenghu, Zhang Bo, and Peng Dahai."

"Zi, order Liu Chengmin, the former chief general of Jinzhou, to be promoted to the general guard of the Liaozuo southeast branch, and guard the three battalions in the southeast of Liaozuo, namely Guo Ying, Yu Zhi, and Chen Hong."

"Zi, order the original battalion chief Yu Zhi, and Chen Hong be promoted to the battalion chief."

"Zi, order Chen Rui, the former deputy general of Jinzhou, to be promoted to the chief general of Jinzhou."

"Zi, order the original guard camp to promote Zong Tang to Jinzhou Vice-General."

"Zi, order Li Daoxin, the former sentry officer of the personal guard battalion, to be promoted to the general of the personal guard camp."

"Zi, order Wan San, the former captain of the personal guard battalion, to be promoted to the post of the guard camp sentry officer."

"Zi, order Chen Kaiwu, the former commander of the battalion, to be transferred to the chief general of Zhenjiang."

"Zi, order Deng Xing, the former guard of Hongzui Fort, to be transferred to the battalion general."

"Zi, order Zhao Sheng, the former general manager of Jinzhou Qian, to be transferred to the deputy general of Zhenjiang."

"Zi, order the former cavalry battalion commander Huayan to guard Zhenjiang."

"Zi, order Zhang Yi, the former commander of the cavalry battalion, to be promoted to the commander of the cavalry battalion, and guard Jinzhou."

"Zi, order Chen Yu, the former commander of the cavalry battalion, to be promoted to the commander of the cavalry battalion, and guard the eastern part of Liaozuo."

"Zi, order Li Rujing, Xu Jufei, Zhao Xueyan, and Pan Xun, the former bodyguards of the personal guard camp, to be promoted to chief of the personal guard camp."


The Jinzhou Army and the Zhenjiang Army have truly separated.

Jinzhou defenders, battalions, military forts, cavalry, a total of 5000 people.

The Zhenjiang garrison, battalion army, various military forts, and cavalry have a total of 4000 people.

In the eastern part of Liaozuo, there are battalions, military forts and cavalry, totaling 1 people.

There are 1000 troops stationed in Seoul, North Korea.

The army totaled 4 people.

There are fewer soldiers and more officials, which is to prepare for future military expansion.

All over the country set up soldiers and Taoist officials, who are responsible for the training of civilians and soldiers in their spare time, so as to lay the foundation for the source of soldiers.


Stationed in the Jinzhou Navy Battalion, the battalion commander Shen Yourong, 2000 sailors, and [-] warships
Stationed in the Zhenjiang Naval Battalion, the battalion commander is Yan Zhengzhong, with 500 sailors and [-] large and small warships.

Naval battalions stationed on the islands of Korea, stationed in Jeju Island, battalion commander Li Er, 500 sailors, and [-] large and small warships.

At Lushun Port, at Changshan Island, the size of Changshan Island, set up sailors and soldiers to prepare roads, and adjusted 260 large and small warships as training ships, responsible for the training of local people who are good at water.


The continuous large-scale mobilization of various places in Jinzhou and Zhenjiang caused disturbances in Fuzhou, Xiuyan, Fengcheng, and Yunyang.

In the territory of the barbarians, the Liao people rushed into Zhenjiang on a large scale, which also caused more severe countermeasures.

"Any suspicious Liao people can be killed."

With the order of the old slave, large-scale massacres began everywhere.

Refugees who were close to the Changbai Mountains and far away from the hinterland of Shenliao fled in the dark or in the fields.

And the hundreds of thousands of households in the hinterland of Shenliao, regardless of whether they are hermits or military households, are in great pain.

In spring, when the snow is more than ten feet deep and there are few people, Zikaiyuan, Tieling, Fushun, Shenyang, Liaoyang, Anshan, Haizhou, Yingkou...

The family was destroyed and forced to relocate, but there was a family with hundreds of gold, and the search and collection of silver was no less than hundreds of thousands, and Yan Yikong was everywhere.

It turns out that there are 47 large families in Shenyang City, all of which have tens of thousands of properties, and they have been searched and exhausted. In the past two years, they have migrated without death, or poor without migration, and none of them has remained the same.

Whether it is rich or poor, they are all the targets of the barbarians.

The looted materials included everything, not even the clothes worn by the Liao people.

The rich households kept nine pieces of clothing, the middle households kept five pieces of clothing, and the poor households kept three pieces of clothing.

"It's inhumane, it's a beast."

An old man leans on crutches.

Two of his six sons have no clothes to wear, and the family's daughter-in-law and grandchildren are all naked and dare not leave the house.

As a scholar, an old man with a reputation, he absolutely cannot accept it.

Years of tyranny, the old man held back.

The former barbarians forced the Liao people to shave their hair and wear pigtails with money. For the sake of the lives of dozens of family members, the old man resisted.

In the past few years, like a frog boiled in warm water, his bottom line has been broken and broken, and now he has lost his courtesy, righteousness and shame, and he can no longer bear it.

"The daughter-in-law of the Zhou family was insulted by the barbarians."

The eldest son said bitterly.

Liaomin women who have no clothes to wear still need to go out to work in the fields. They can only go out before dawn and hide in the fields to work, and dare not go home at night.

Barbarians who are slave owners like to go to the fields to harass women who are panicked and have nowhere to hide. It is common to be raped and insulted.

"No one in the Han nationality bullies me like this."

The old man closed his eyes in pain.

He had already seen the situation clearly, and escaping from reality would not bring him a way out. As a student, he still had some insight.

"In that case, let's die together."

The six sons nodded one after another.

Because the old slave restricted the possession of iron tools by the Liao people, the old man held a cane, and the six sons held wooden sticks, taking advantage of the barbarians' wantonness in the fields, they beat and killed them all the way.

The father and son, with the will to die, snatched weapons from the barbarian's house, and finally killed more than [-] barbarians. The remaining barbarians did not dare to approach and avoided.

Soon, the nearby barbarian flag soldiers rushed over to ask questions.

Murderous, and finally only saw the burning village, many people set themselves on fire, unwilling to accept humiliation.

Countless incidents of resistance took place in Liaozuo.

The tragedy and tragedy that should have been recorded in the historical records are very lacking, leaving only some indirect rumors or sporadic fragments.

The massacre in the south, because there are still people who survived, or passed on orally, or wrote in diaries, etc., even after nearly 300 years of literary inquisition, they cannot be covered up.

In the massacre in Liaodong, millions of local Liao people were slaughtered, and none of the survivors survived, which led to related stories, and the words were all annihilated in the long river of history.

The adjustment of troops in Jinzhou and Zhenjiang has been completed, and the army has a greater initiative.

"Hit as much as you can."

Tang Qing'an gave an order.

In the organization of the defending generals, the Jinzhou Army and Zhenjiang Army from all over the country were dispatched one after another to guerrilla in the Changbai Mountains. Some teams had Liao people joining along the way, so they knew the enemy's situation well, and even went to the vicinity of Tanghe smoothly.

This place is less than a hundred miles away from Liaoyang.

 Monday's update is adjusted to be sent out at [-]:[-] p.m., and the eight chapters are nearly [-] words. Please support and subscribe to help the author's recommendation score reach the standard. Thank you very much, and I wish you all a fortune.


(End of this chapter)

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