20 years ago.

In the Battle of Osaka, the Toyotomi clan was wiped out.Since then, nominally, the Tokugawa family has completed the great cause of the unification of Japan.

Xingyuan in Kyoto: Nijo Castle.Tokugawa Hidetada, the second generation Edo shogunate, promulgated the "One Country, One City Order".

In order to successfully subdue the various places, I also attached the joint letter written by General Hidetada, such as Sakai Tadayo, Doi Tokatsu, Ando Shigenobu, etc., to the daimyos.

Coupled with the various suppression policies imposed by the shogunate on local daimyo, the domestic situation in Japan is like a crater that is about to erupt.

All that's missing is an east wind.

The previous banner was the descendants of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who opposed the forces of the Tokugawa family, and all joined them. With the defeat of that battle, the strength of the opposition in various places was also greatly reduced.


These opposition forces have not died out, nor can they be easily eliminated by the shogunate.

Tokugawa Iemitsu, the third shogun of the three generations, in order to win over more forces and fight against daimyos from all over the world, so he adopted a cooperative model for obedient temples.

For example, the monks of the Jindiyuan of Nanchan Temple respected the teachings with their hearts, were responsible for the administration of the temple, drafted documents, and assisted in the drafting of "Samurai Laws" and other legal codes to suppress daimyos from all over the world. They were called "Prime Ministers in Black".

There are also Senbo Kita-in Temple, Enryaku Temple and so on.

Everything has two sides.

With the help of monks, Tokugawa Iemitsu also deepened the dissatisfaction of daimyos from all over the world, including many samurai.

After all, the road to the rise of the Wu family is to replace the monks' local rights, so that they have grown all the way to this day.

There is a fundamental contradiction between the two.

In the eyes of many people, Tokugawa Iemitsu's behavior is perverse and should be punished.

It is precisely because of the instability of the domestic situation in Japan.

In order to stabilize the situation, the Tokugawa family adopted a peaceful foreign policy towards Dazhou, and at the same time severely punished the samurai of the Western Kingdom to go to sea.

It not only suppressed the local economy of the opposition, but also strengthened its own legitimacy by paying tribute to the Zhou Dynasty. The ultimate goal was to focus all its energy on suppressing domestic opposition forces.

To sum up various reasons, the current Tokugawa family's rule in Japan is not stable.

Japanese wolf ambition.

There must be a reason for China's short-term peace policy, and it is definitely not that the rulers love peace.

According to all the information Liu Xianglian brought back, combined with the history he knew, for example, there will be a large-scale peasant uprising in Japan next year, and the power struggle between the brothers of the shogunate.

So Tang Qing'an strengthened his determination to take action against Japan, and let go to support the Fourth Army Town.

A super military town with more than [-] soldiers in his hands, controlling the Ryukyu Kingdom, and controlling half of the naval forces.

It is also the strongest town among the four towns in Jinzhou.

The most important thing is to be alone overseas.

Only Tang Qing'an dared to do such a thing.

Because Jinjiang Town was established from scratch, he established it single-handedly, regardless of his prestige or the hearts of all parties, he has the confidence to give it a go.

Switching to other successors would not be able to achieve such a level, nor would they dare to do so.

Such a perfect time and place.

Just in line with the ancient saying: if you don't take what you want, you will be blamed instead.

Japan is now the weakest and the weakest time of the people.Putting in one point of effort can achieve ten percent of the effect.

For the fourth town.

Tang Qing'an had a lot of hands, asking for money for money, asking for food for food, asking for soldiers for soldiers, asking for supplies for supplies, and asking for power to give power.

There is only one purpose, and that is to destroy Japan.

In order to deal with Japan, Jinzhou launched the Fourth Army Town.

Liu Xianglian is the core of the means used by the Fourth Army in Japan.

Whether it is to unite with the emperor, contact temples that are dissatisfied with the loss of power, or contact Tokugawa Hidetada, Liu Xianglian is always running up and down.

The spies arranged by Tokugawa Iemitsu around Tokugawa Hidetada were uncovered, temporarily allowing Tokugawa Hidetada to stabilize his vassal state.

The biggest strategy at the moment is the secret and intensive assassination of Tokugawa Iemitsu by various forces.

Peng Dahai personally selected from the army, and finally selected fifty veterans of the Jinjiang Army.

"The next thing, you are not allowed to ask, you can only obey the order. When the order is issued, even in the face of death, you must complete the military order."

For the veterans in front of him, Peng Dahai was very reluctant. They were the cornerstone of the Fourth Town.

Don't look at only 50 people.

But with their presence, the morale of the army will not collapse.

In order to assassinate Tokugawa Iemitsu, only the group of people in front of him is the most effective method, and even the new combined army cannot reassure Peng Dahai.


The veterans replied in a low voice.

The veterans are familiar with each other and have profound experience. Even if the temperance officer didn't say anything, since selecting them, it must be the most difficult task.

All the way from the mountains of knives and seas of fire, they were built to become fierce beasts of war, efficient killing machines, and they would never blink in the face of death.

Peng Dahai turned his head to look at Liu Xianglian. Although he didn't say anything, the meaning in his eyes contained everything.

There is pride and reluctance for the veterans.

Liu Xianglian has extraordinary martial arts skills, but he will not underestimate the veterans in front of him.

From the aura of the veteran, Liu Xianglian knew that although she could kill any one of them, she would definitely pay a high price.

Fifty veterans were transferred here and isolated from the outside world.

Peng Dahai looked at Liu Xianglian seriously.

He doubted whether the assassination would be successful.

The assassination of Oda Nobunaga, the former shogun of Japan, led to great changes in the domestic situation in Japan.

The Toyotomi family of the former shogun and the Tokugawa family of the current shogun are both generals under Oda Nobunaga. It is impossible for them to be unprepared.

"The forces in Japan are mainly divided into three types, namely, pro-vassal daimyos, genealogical daimyos, and external daimyos."

Liu Xianglian carefully explained to Peng Dahai.

"The pro-vassal daimyo is a daimyo who is related to the shogun by blood, which is equivalent to the clan, the genealogical daimyo is a follower of the Tokugawa family, which is equivalent to the direct line, and the external daimyo is the same as the Tokugawa family, which existed very early Great name."

"As for this assassination, not to mention the other daimyos, but the pro-vassal daimyos and genealogical daimyos, and many of them secretly supported it."

After listening to Liu Xianglian's words, Peng Dahai still couldn't understand.

Because of the theory he instilled, he could not accept the complicated situation in Japan.

In his mind, he originally thought that the shogun was the king of Japan, but later learned that Japan also had an emperor.

In fact, it's not just his misunderstanding, the former Ming Dynasty and the Great Zhou Dynasty, some ministers also made jokes, mistaking the shogun for the king of Japan.

Although through Liu Xianglian, he learned a lot of domestic intelligence in Japan, but Peng Dahai's old views made him unable to think clearly.

"If you want to achieve your goal by means of assassination, I think it will be very difficult to succeed."

Peng Dahai said suspiciously.

As a general who is good at fighting, he is not a person who regards the lives of soldiers as nothing, but loves soldiers like children.

"I have no hope for an assassination."

Liu Xianglian nodded, actually agreeing with Peng Dahai's words.

Peng Dahai looked surprised.

A little unhappiness rose in my heart for a while, and I suspected that Liu Xianglian was not from the army, but was originally a high-ranking nobleman who didn't take the lives of soldiers seriously.

Seeing Peng Dahai's expression, Liu Xianglian knew that he had misunderstood her, so she quickly explained.

"Even if the assassination failed, it would still reveal the internal conflicts in Japan, and there would be no room for relaxation for all parties, which would definitely lead to civil strife in Japan."

An unlikely successful assassination cost the lives of fifty soldiers in exchange for possible civil strife in Japan.

Peng Dahai's face was still grim, but he didn't say anything more.

"Is there no hope of success?"

After all, Peng Dahai couldn't help asking, he didn't want the soldiers under his account to die in vain.


Liu Xianglian nodded again.


Except Hokkaido.

From north to south, the more you are in the north, the more pro-vassal daimyos and genealogical daimyos, which is equal to the number of foreign daimyos.

But the further south you go, most of them belong to the forces of foreign daimyos.

The southernmost island of Kyushu.

Ninety percent of foreign daimyos, less than [-]% of genealogical daimyos, none of pro-vassal daimyos, and this is also where the power of the shogunate is weakest.

The four powerful vassals that fell in Japan in later generations all came from the south.

The territory directly under the current shogunate is only more than two million shi, and the territory is distributed in the Kanto, above, and Koshin is the main one, which basically coincides with the territory of Pudai daimyo.

In other words, although the Tokugawa shogunate was already the most powerful in Japan, and no daimyo in any place could compete with it, it only had an advantage, rather than centralizing power like the Great Zhou.


If there is no external change, 20 years later, during the tenure of Tokugawa Iemitsu, the current third-generation shogun, the territory directly under the Tokugawa shogunate will rapidly expand to nearly 400 million shi.

At that time.

The whole of Japan, whether it is culture or political situation, tends to be unified, and it is a country that is really difficult to conquer.

At the moment, only Tokugawa Iemitsu's younger brother, Tokugawa Tadacho, whose territory is in charge of Kai, Suruga, and Toe, totals up to 50 shi.

Since the first half of the year.

Tokugawa Tadaga suddenly beheaded several close officials in Junfu in the name of trying a sword, and often "called the beheader again at dawn".

This action alarmed Edo, and Tokugawa Iemitsu sent envoys three times in a few months, and he himself put forward his opinions to Tokugawa Tadacho twice.

Rebuke and oppose Tokugawa Tadaga's murder.

Tokugawa Tadaga did not resist directly. Every time he faced the envoy, he would bow his head and admit his mistake, but it would not take long for him to return to his original state.

After several clean-ups by him, he has killed all the unruly people under his rule, which has strengthened his dominance in the territory.

The conflict between Tokugawa Iemitsu and Tokugawa Tadacho has been known to everyone since then.There are rumors everywhere that Tokugawa Tadaga's fate will definitely be the same as that of Matsudaira Tadaki who was dealt with by Tokugawa Ieyasu.

Tokugawa Tadacho won the sympathy of most of the daimyo.

Kato Tadahiro, the daimyo of the Kumamoto clan in Kyushu even far away, threatened to support Tokugawa Tadacho, saying in public that it was the daimyo's right to deal with disloyal retainers.

I think the shogun should protect the rights that daimyo should have, instead of ignoring the facts.

In the face of criticism from all over the world, Iemitsu Tokugawa tried his best to overcome all opinions and made a decision to take tough measures against Tadaga Tokugawa and confine his younger brother.

Before he started to act, his idea had already spread, which just confirmed the rumors.

Now that the matter has come to an end, Tokugawa Iemitsu no longer conceals it, and directly orders, Dengcheng ordered the daimyos to confiscate the territory of his younger brother Tokugawa Tadacho.

The situation suddenly became tense.

Everyone is watching to see where things will go in the end.

in history.

Because Liu Xianglian did not appear, Tokugawa Tadaga did not find out the spies around him, trying to get away with pretending to be crazy.

As a result, the spy told Edo exactly what he had done, and let Tokugawa Iemitsu figure out Tokugawa Tadaga's way out.

Let him fall to death step by step, facing the pressure of his elder brother, he lost the power to resist, and ended up being "suicide".

Things are changing now.

Now that he found the spy sent by his elder brother, Tokugawa Tadaga could only kill him.People were killed, and the conspiracy between the two brothers also tore off the mask.

So in the past six months, Tokugawa Tadanaga has made every step of the way to deepen his strength in the territory, just to deal with the counterattack of his eldest brother.


Anyone with a discerning eye can see that there is bound to be a war in Edo.

So where will the big names from all over the world go? Some people are excited, some people hesitate, and some people worry.

Kato Tadahiro, the great name of the Kyushu Kingdom's Kumamoto Domain, quietly came to Bungo Hagiwara.

A middle-aged monk in his early forties showed a mocking look when he saw Kato Tadahiro.

"Aren't you afraid of alarming Mr. Ishikawa Chu?"

Ishikawa Tadashi was always an official sent by the shogunate to Kyushu Island to serve in Bungo Hita. The main purpose was to monitor the daimyos on Kyushu Island.

At the same time, he also took care of Matsudaira Tadanao who was exiled in Bungo Hagiwara.

It was the monk in front of him.

"Ishikawa Tadashi is just an ant, how could he be put in my eyes."

Hearing Kato Tadahiro's big words, Matsudaira Tadamo showed a look of indifference.

As for the purpose of the person in front of him, he already knew what the other party was planning.

If he had discovered such people ten years ago, he would have personally taken action to punish such evil-minded daimyos.

But in the first half of his life, he was loyal to the Tokugawa family, and the outcome in exchange had already made him discouraged, accompanied by resentment.

As the daimyo of Echizen Fukui's 63 stones, during the Battle of Osaka, he led the soldiers of the Echizen Domain to smash the Osaka Castle and defeat the descendants of Toyotomi, making great contributions to the great cause of the Tokugawa family.

As a result, how did Tokugawa Hidetada repay himself?
Because he was afraid of himself, he was only awarded the positions of three councilors when discussing meritorious deeds, which is a great shame.

Even today, not only was he deprived of his territory, he was also exiled and detained.

If it wasn't for his reputation and the hard work of his loyal retainers, he would have turned into a pile of loess long ago because of his behavior of borrowing his family to stay away from the world.

He is not a loyal person.

Just never saw the opportunity.

Now, the opportunity presented itself.

"You should send someone to Akita instead of seeing me first."

Kato Tadahiro's face was full of doubts, and he didn't understand the meaning of Matsudaira Tadao's words.

"Kyushu is too far away from Edo, and its strength is not as good as that of the shogunate. It must be prioritized to ensure that Tokugawa Tadaga is undefeated, and Akita is close to Edo, so he can quickly support Tokugawa Tadaga."

"However, the Matsumae family in Akita is more loyal to the shogunate. I'm afraid they won't meet my envoys, but they will reveal my intentions instead."

Matsudaira Tadano smiled contemptuously.

A bumpkin is just a bumpkin, with little knowledge and no good ideas.

"Akita has a man."

Tadanao Matsudaira pretended to be sophisticated and revealed it.

Kato Tadahiro suddenly realized.

"How pure is Honda?"

"How did I forget him?"

This is the master who planned to assassinate the second generation shogun in Edo a few years ago. Regardless of his strength or reputation, he is not comparable to ordinary daimyo. Unfortunately, he failed in the end.

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