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Chapter 127 Thank you Brigadier!

Chapter 127 Thank you Brigadier!

In Yangcun, Xinyi Regiment Headquarters.

Leader Li just finished talking to Chen Feng.

In last night's battle, 10 devil turrets and 1 stronghold were lost, plus the 3 turrets lost a few days ago, a total of 16 turrets were lost.

Li Yunlong struggled for a long time, and finally made a decision that he wanted 12 bazookas and 4 cannons.

Bazooka and cannon with corresponding ammunition arriving tomorrow.


However, there is not a shortage of new Maxim and 60 mortars for the time being.

Li Datuan secretly calculated an account, as long as he used the bazooka to continue to use the devil's gun towers and strongholds to get assistance from Chen Feng, he would be able to make a lot of money.

After all, in North China, especially after the Japanese army implemented the cage policy, the most indispensable thing was gun towers and strongholds.

At that time, the new group will have a bazooka or a cannon, wouldn't it be too cool?
But Li Yunlong also knew, he just thought about it, not to mention whether Chen Feng had so many weapons to assist him, whether he could kill more than 2000 gun towers.

He couldn't even pass the brigade commander's test. The brigade commander Gong Xifa Cai was not just kidding with Li Yunlong.

Not long after talking with Chen Feng, Li Yunlong hid the radio communicator, and the phone on the table rang.

Li Yunlong guessed that the call was probably from the brigade commander, and he couldn't hide, so he had to pick up the phone and put it to his ear: "Hey, this is Xinyituan."

"Li Yunlong." The brigade commander's hearty laughter came from the other end of the phone, "I congratulate you on getting rich!"

Li Yunlong couldn't help but tighten his chrysanthemum, and sometimes in his dreams he could hear the brigade commander congratulating him on his fortune, which made him nervous when he heard this sentence.

"What kind of money are you making?" Li Yunlong said hastily, "The poor are almost out of control."

The brigade commander said: "You kid can hide it from my eyes?"

"Last night, 10 blockhouses and 1 stronghold on the Yuliao Highway were taken away overnight."

"Don't tell me, boy, you didn't do this."

"Aside from you, who else is so bold as to launch such a large-scale combat operation without consulting the superior?"

Li Yunlong quickly said: "Brigade Commander, this is not a major combat operation. It is just a matter of one or two battalions working hard for half a night. It is really not a major combat operation."

"So?" the brigade commander said, "You admit that the battle last night was done by your new regiment?"

"Admit it." Li Yunlong said, "You promised me before, give me some autonomy, this red mouth and white teeth, Brigadier, you have to admit it."

At the brigade headquarters, the brigade commander and deputy brigade commander Han looked at each other, their expressions were a little incredulous.

Li Yunlong really did it!

Good guy, one or two battalions were dispatched in one night, and 10 gun towers and 1 stronghold were taken away.

In addition to the new regiment, the entire 386 brigade was dispatched. It is estimated that it would be difficult to achieve this result after a busy night, and the casualties would definitely not be small.

"Really?" The brigade commander smiled, "I promised you, who will prove it to you?"

"Brigade Commander, I admit it." Li Yunlong said, "Tell me, how much equipment are you going to rob this time?"

"However, there are not many weapons and ammunition seized this time. There are only 5 light machine guns, about 100 rifles, and more than [-] rounds of bullets. It is a loss."

The brigade commander frowned: "I just want to ask you, did you do it last night? Who said you were going to rob your equipment?"

"Just these three melons and two dates, labor and capital still don't like it, you can keep it for yourself."

Li Yunlong's expression brightened: "Damn, Brigadier, tell me sooner if you don't want to rob me, it scares me."

"Your reaction is so strong." The brigade commander said in a suspicious tone, "Isn't it a trick to play with the labor and management to build the plank road and hide the old warehouse? Could it be that you made your fortune through other channels?"

"No, no, absolutely not." Li Yunlong quickly denied, "If I get rich, can I hide it from you, brigade commander?"

It is not considered rich if the weapons are not in the warehouse, Li Yunlong added in his heart.

The brigade commander asked Li Yunlong several times before, and Li Yunlong was honest, so the brigade commander believed Li Yunlong's words.

Don't get too entangled in this issue right now, and asked: "In the battle last night, did your new regiment use bazooka rocket launchers to deal with the devil's gun tower?"

"That's right!" Li Yunlong said, "It was with rocket launchers that we took down 10 gun towers overnight."

"Brigade Commander, can our arsenal imitate the bazooka I sent to the brigade headquarters?"

Li Yunlong asked one more question.

The brigade commander said: "The comrades in the arsenal already replied yesterday. Unfortunately, even if we have mastered its firing principle, with our current technology and equipment in the arsenal, we still can't manufacture such advanced weapons."

"And the structure of its rocket is very complicated. Our arsenal can't even make a shell with a delay fuze..."

"But the arsenal has set up a special research team to study it."

"By the way, what's going on with your channel recently?"

"Has there been any assistance with your bazooka recently?"

"I haven't been idle recently, I'm in touch." Li Yunlong said, "The next batch of aid should be coming soon."

"When the next batch of aid arrives." The brigade commander said, "You don't need to hand over the bazooka to the brigade headquarters. You can first select elite backbones and train a batch of bazooka soldiers. Labor and capital will be of great use."

"Yes!" Li Yunlong responded with a happy smile.

The brigade commander actually didn't rob, which is so rare.

"Thank you Brigadier!"

"Thank you Brigadier!"


In Taiyuan, the headquarters of the Japanese First Army.

Commander Shinozuka Yoshio is receiving Miyano Michiichi, chief of staff of the Japanese North China Front, accompanied by Kazuki Yamamoto, the captain of the secret service team.

The two sat at the table facing each other, when a servant brought tea to the table, Yoshio Shinozuka stretched out his hand and said, "Miyano-kun, please!"

Miyano Michiichi picked up his teacup, first took a breath, and then took a sip.

"That's right. It's clear, fresh and sweet, with a mellow fragrance. It's really good tea. There are very few such good teas in the empire."

Kazuki Yamamoto said: "General Miyano is joking, but in fact, this is just a very common Biluochun in southern China."

Although Kazuki Yamamoto is capable, he is not tactful in dealing with people. Yoshio Shinozuka was afraid that he would offend Miyano Michiichi, so he said: "The true meaning of the tea ceremony lies in inner peace, Miyano-kun, don't you think that Has all your toil on the trip from Beiping been relieved by the fragrance of tea?"

Miyano Michiichi nodded slightly, turned his head to look at Kazuki Yamamoto, and asked calmly: "Yamamoto-kun, I heard that some time ago, your special agent team carried out a beheading operation on the leader of the Eighth Route. How did you get it? I heard that your special agent Team, but General Shinozuka's favorite."

Kazuki Yamamoto heard the teasing meaning in Miyano Michi's words.

Since Miyano Michiichi knew about the operations of the secret service team, he probably also knew that the secret service team had failed.

"It's ashamed to say." Kazuki Yamamoto said, "The last combat operation ended in failure."

"However, Chief of Staff Miyano has always focused on combating the army, and he never seems to be interested in my special operations."

Miyano Michiichi shook his head slightly: "China has a vast territory, and Yamamoto-kun's special agent team is only a few dozen people, so I'm afraid it can't bear the overall situation."

If the Yamamoto secret service team won last time, or if Kazuki Yamamoto had a better attitude, Miyano Michiichi might look at Yoshio Shinozuka's face and be more polite to Kazuki Yamamoto.

Once Miyano Michiichi said this, it was equivalent to denying the Yamamoto Special Team.

The embarrassment on Kazuki Yamamoto's face flashed away, he glanced at Yoshio Shinozuka, leaned forward and nodded slightly.

Shinozuka Yoshio said: "The essence of special operations is that when the balance of strategy is in a stable state, the weight of an ant can cause the balance to tilt."

"General Miyano, excuse me for saying too much, you are the chief of staff of the entire North China Dispatched Army."

"To His Majesty the Emperor and the Empire, there is a great responsibility."

"Although the cage tactics implemented by our army in North China have initially achieved results."

"But I think the special warfare brought back by Yamamoto-kun from Germany is an innovative tactic."

"Especially against the Eighth Route Army, which is good at guerrilla warfare."

"However..." Miyano Michiichi said, "Currently, the secret service team has not achieved a good record. It may be very difficult to innovate tactics based on this."

"General Miyano." Yoshio Shinozuka said, "Do you know how the eight-way attack on Qixian County was like some time ago?"

Miyano Michiichi's expression changed and he said, "I would like to hear the details."

When Miyano Michiichi came to Taiyuan this time, he was sent by Tada Hayao of the North China Dispatch Army to inspect whether the combat effectiveness of the First Army had declined.

The North China Dispatch Army Command was in disbelief when they heard that the formed cavalry regiment was wiped out and the county was taken by the Eighth Route Army.

"This was a trivial battle." Yoshio Shinozuka said, "But the result was unexpected."

Miyano Michiichi's expression changed, and he asked, "Unexpected?"

Shinozuka Yoshio said: "One side is the Imperial Army and the Imperial Alliance Army with nearly 600 people, and the other side is the Eighth Route Army's small force with only 60 people."

"And the battle took place at the city wall of the county town heavily defended by the imperial army."

Speaking of this, Shinozuka Yoshio deliberately paused.

Although Miyano Michiichi knew that Qi County was captured by the Eighth Route Army, he didn't know the details of the battle.

"Ten to one." Miyano Michiichi said, "Is there any suspense about the outcome of the battle?"

Shinozuka Yoshio said: "No, the Imperial Army and the Imperial Association Army suffered more than 300 casualties in this battle, and this small eight-way army suffered at most 5 casualties."

"Sixty to one casualties?" Miyano Michiichi said in shock, "How did this battle happen? The commander who commanded the battle should apologize with all his heart."

"In the baseball field in Tokyo, the score of 20 to 0 is very common, but in the North China battlefield, it is the first time I have seen such a one-sided battle with the imperial army losing, and the loss ratio of 60 to 1. " Yoshio Shinozuka said while looking at Kazuki Yamamoto.

Kazuki Yamamoto said: "Major General Miyano, this is a special operation carried out by the Eighth Route Army. A small group of Eighth Route elites dressed in the clothes of the imperial army rode the army horses of the imperial army and successfully deceived the checkpoints and strongholds outside the city. If you want to occupy the southern city wall, and then hold it, the main force of the Eighth Route will be able to capture Qixian County within an hour or two."

"Nani?" Miyano Michiichi was stunned for a moment, "Tubachi also understands special operations?"

(End of this chapter)

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