I am helping

Chapter 130 There are ants crawling on my body!

Chapter 130 There are ants crawling on my body!
After making a detailed combat plan at noon, Zhao Gang sent communications troops to send the plan to the brigade headquarters.

That night, Li Yunlong received a reply from the brigade commander.

The brigade commander called Li Yunlong himself, and the reply was short and domineering: give labor and management a hard hit.

On the third night, Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang led their troops to march towards Qi County.

Now that Xinyituan has become richer, Li Datuan's personality has become more restrained. He repeatedly told himself not to do things that violated discipline, such as disobeying orders and killing prisoners. The family property is cheaper than others, and he has no place to cry.

Before the war, Li Yunlong personally went to the surrounding area of ​​Liao County to scout the terrain and the enemy's situation, talked with ordinary people who were familiar with the situation in the city, and learned about the deployment of the enemy's troops in the city through the local party organization, and sent scouts from the Sword Special Unit to sneak into the city repeatedly. Field scouting.

Not to mention that he is well aware of the devils and firepower deployment in Liao County, and it is not bad.

Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang also made detailed calculations on the direction, time and route of the enemy's possible reinforcements, and dispatched two companies and engineering platoons to monitor and block the enemy's possible reinforcements Yushe and Heshun. .

At [-] o'clock in the morning, the Shixia stronghold outside the county seat of Liao County.

Li Yunlong lay on the soil slope 1 km away from the stronghold, and raised the Zeiss 8x binoculars to look towards the stronghold.

This is a medium-sized stronghold, with a cannon tower more than ten meters high standing under the plaster, and there are jagged crenels on the top of the cannon tower, showing the characteristics of the cold weapon era.

Two devil soldiers stood straight on the top of the gun tower with 38 rifles on their backs.

In addition, there is a small turret with a height of six or seven meters, and there are two bunkers.

This stronghold was built on the halfway of the earth slope, condescending to guard and monitor the road entering the county.

The two bunkers are located at the commanding heights on both sides of the stronghold, and there is a machine gun position built with sandbags next to the bunkers.

After all the gun towers and strongholds on the road were taken away, all the devil strongholds stepped up their defenses, widened the trenches, added barbed wire, hoarded supplies, and assumed a defensive posture.

The weather is fine today, with no clouds in the sky, and there are two streams of thick smoke coming out of the two chimney pipes in the stronghold, and the straight smoke is straight into the sky.

Li Yunlong handed the telescope to Zhao Gang and said cursingly.

"Damn it, labor and management haven't had breakfast yet."

"This group of devils and puppet soldiers are still in the mood to cook. It really makes me angry."

"Huzi, go and tell Wang Chengzhu to bomb the devil's kitchen with a mortar."

"Yes, Captain!" Huang Erhu bowed and touched the back.

"Zhang Dabiao!" Li Yunlong shouted, "Take your 400st Battalion and start building trenches and foxholes [-] meters ahead based on my place."

"Yes!" Zhang Dabiao also turned and left.

After a while, Huang Erhu came to the forest where the soldiers were hiding and found Wang Chengzhu, the commander of the artillery company.

Huang Erhu said: "Company Commander Wang, the regiment commander asked me to inform you to blow up the devil's kitchen with a mortar!"

"I see." Wang Chengzhu had a grin on his face. "Follow me from Class 3."

At that moment, Wang Chengzhu led a mortar squad out of the woods.

When they came to a piece of flat ground under the slope, Wang Chengzhu pointed to the flat ground and said.

"Set up the mortar, quick, quick!"

The soldiers moved the ammunition, moved the ammunition, set up the cannon, and got busy in an orderly manner.

Although there are more than a dozen cannons in the cannon company, it is obvious that Li Yunlong does not want to show all his hole cards at once. Whoever shows his hole cards first in the game will suffer.

At the same time, on the slope.

Zhao Gang set up the Barrett large-caliber sniper rifle.

Load 10 rounds of 12.7mm bullets, and then press the magazine down the belly of the gun. With a crisp and pleasant clicking sound, the magazine is fixed.

Zhao Gang will turn the optical sight and adjust the magnification to the maximum. Looking through the cross of the optical sight, the ghost's portrait becomes very large and clear at the same time. It is clearer than the 8x Zeiss telescope in Li Yunlong's hand. .

Zhao Gang smiled and said, "Lao Li, how about I make a bet with you?"

Li Yunlong's expression changed: "How to bet? What to bet?"

Zhao Gang said: "I'll use this gun to hit the devil's sentry upstairs on the cannon. If I hit you, you won't be allowed to drink for a month."

Li Yunlong gave a thumbs up, and used the thumb distance measuring method to roughly measure the distance from here to the cannon building.

"It has to be 1200 meters, and the bullet is shot in an arc." Li Yunlong asked back, "What if you miss it?"

"You can binge drink within a month." Zhao Gang said, "I will never interfere. How about it? Do you dare to bet?"

"Is there anything I dare not bet on?" Li Yunlong snorted, "Anyway, you can't hit it."

A few days ago, you were lucky and hit a tree trunk at 1000 meters away. The labor and management did not believe that you were so lucky this time.

This month's labor and capital binge drinking is set.

The corners of Zhao Gang's mouth curled up slightly, and he took out a slender strip of cloth from his pocket and tied it to a small tree with the thickness of a thumb beside him. With the bottom, open the safety and then push the bullet into the chamber, and put the butt of the gun on the shoulder.

Li Yunlong raised his binoculars and kept staring at the top of the devil's cannon building.

Not long after, Li Yunlong heard a gunshot next to him.

Barrett's gun had an initial velocity of more than 800 meters per second, and at a distance of 1200 meters, it took less than 2 seconds for the bullet to reach the devil's position.

Immediately afterwards, through the field of vision of the telescope, Li Yunlong saw that the head of a devil sentry on the top of the opposite cannon building was directly blown off.

It was really blown up, just like a watermelon hit by a large-caliber rifle bullet, it exploded directly.

Red and white splashed another devil sentry all over.

The devil sentry was stunned, his companion's head exploded in front of his eyes, everyone was stunned.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that the gunshots reached the stronghold, and the devil sentry realized that it was an enemy attack, and immediately bowed down and blew the warning whistle.


The rapid warning whistle rang, and the devils and puppet soldiers panicked and ran towards the stronghold and the gun tower in a panic.

Some devils were shitting, and when they heard gunshots and whistles, they didn't even bother to wipe their buttocks. They pulled up their pants, picked up their rifles, and rushed out.

The two 2mm mortars of the artillery company have also been set up by the artillery.

Wang Chengzhu said: "Target the kitchen of the devil's stronghold, one test shot, let it go!"

One of the gunners put the shell in his hand into the barrel, followed by a muffled bang.


The cannonball exploded six or seven meters away from the left side of the kitchen, setting off a cloud of mud mist more than two meters high.

The artillery quickly readjusted the shooting elements of the mortar according to the point of impact.

"Two rapid fires, release!"

Seeing the devil's head exploded, Li Yunlong was stunned for a moment, a little surprised, and then laughed again: "Haha... It seems that I have to quit drinking."

Immediately afterwards, there was a booming sound from the opposite stronghold.

Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang hurriedly looked towards the mortar position below the slope, and after two muffled bangs, two mortar shells flew into the air in an instant.

The two turned their heads and looked towards the stronghold along the trajectory of the mortar shells across the sky.

A few seconds later, two shells hit the kitchen of the stronghold precisely one after another, and the devil's kitchen was instantly reduced to a pile of rubble.

It took several seconds for the two loud bangs to come.

Immediately afterwards, two more shells were fired on the artillery position.

The devil's kitchen is an ordinary brick and stone house, just like ordinary houses, a mortar shell can easily solve it.

The reason for firing a few more shells is to tell the devils and the puppet army that your Eighth Route Grandpa is here.

Zhang Dabiao took the first battalion and started digging at a position 800 meters away from the devil's stronghold, making a gesture of planning to besiege the Shixia stronghold for a long time.

In the cannon building, Second Lieutenant Toshio Imai, the leader of the devil squad, was observing the situation outside through the shooting holes.

A devil soldier ran up from downstairs, paused and said: "Captain, the eighth-route bombardment bombarded the kitchen, and two soldiers were killed!"

Toshio Imai's face darkened suddenly, Balu didn't even let him eat breakfast, how arrogant!

At this time, several soldiers carried down the dead sentinel upstairs, and Toshio Imai saw that his head had been beaten.

His face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

The company commander of the puppet army came up from the stairs, shouting and running: "Taijun, Taijun, the Eighth Route Army is here, and they are digging trenches outside."

A chubby translator translated the words of the puppet company commander to Toshio Imai.


"Dig trenches?" Toshio Imai was taken aback.

In the past, the stronghold was often harassed by the Eighth Route guerrillas. They either came to sneak attack at night, or they came in during the day and fired two shots before running away. It was the first time that Toshio Imai encountered such a situation where the Eighth Route came and dug trenches.

Running to the top of the gun tower, looking at the Eighth Route Army soldiers who were digging in the distance, Toshio Imai's face changed slightly.

The sentinel on the tower was killed just now, and it was still shot by a large-caliber gun. Toshio Imai did not dare to stay on the top of the tower.

At that moment, Toshio Imai bowed and returned to the third floor of the blockhouse, and angrily ordered: "Shoot, shoot!"

The Devil's machine gunner in the turret immediately pressed the weight of the Type [-] heavy machine gun, and with the vibration of the gunshot, flames spewed out from the shooting holes of the turret.

The small artillery tower, the two blockhouses, and the two heavy machine gun firepower points built with sandbags opened fire one after another, and the machine gun bullets immediately poured towards the Eighth Route Army like rain.

It's just that at this distance, the machine gun bullets scattered widely, and it was difficult to hit as long as they were slightly concealed, and the power of the machine gun bullets also dropped significantly.

From the shooting hole, I saw a round of light and heavy machine gun fire that had little effect, and then carefully checked the distance and position from the eighth road, and found that all the attacks at the stronghold were helpless against the eighth road. But there is not even a mortar, and some grenades are equipped, but the grenades are simply out of reach at this distance.

"Cunning Tubalu!" Toshio Imai felt uncomfortable as if he felt ants crawling on his body.

He walked quickly to the phone, pushed the phone soldier away, grabbed the phone and shook it vigorously a few times, then put the phone to his ear.

"Moxi Moxi, this is the Shixia stronghold, please pick up the Liao County Gendarmerie immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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