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Chapter 146 Roll call one by one!

Chapter 146 Roll call one by one!

The combat quality of this devil army is still very strong.

Seeing the tank moving to one side, firing guns, and the smoke began to fill the air, the devils who survived by chance regained their toughness, stood up one after another, held bayonets, and followed behind the tank's buttocks, He bowed his waist and charged towards the Eighth Route Army position.

Devil tanks generally follow the infantry behind the attack. The tank can protect the infantry from being hit by the machine gun fire in front, and the infantry can also protect the enemy infantry from carrying explosives to blow up the tank.

Because people sitting in the tank have a lot of blind spots, when you are carrying explosives to blow up the tank, the devil infantry will shoot you to death from behind, and the tank will run over your body and be crushed directly. Bolognese.

Li Yunlong snorted coldly when he saw the Devil Tank actually dispatched out of the road and the Devils following behind.

If in the past, there was no way to deal with the devil tank, the power of the cluster grenade made in the border area was too small, and the only way to deal with it was to blow it up with explosives, but the devil infantry was still behind the tank, so the devil tank did not It's so easy to bomb, killing a tank and sacrificing a company, or even a battalion of soldiers is very common.

But now, times have changed.

Labor and capital have bazooka anti-tank rocket launchers and machine guns.

Tianke the devil's tank.

The Devil Tank was in the middle of the road, and it was hard to hit because the gunpowder smoke from the shell explosion covered the sight of the shooting.

Once opened, it became a target directly.

Although the devil grenadiers fired a few smoke bombs, these smoke bombs were not enough to seal the entire battlefield, and there was still wind today, so the devil's smoke would be blown away soon.

What's more, because of the special terrain of Hulugou, the devils almost have to withstand the [-]-degree attack of the Eighth Route Army on the road.

"Keep shooting, hit the moving tank first!"

With a roar, Li Yunlong sneered and ordered the soldiers to focus on taking care of the tanks that had left the road.

After two rounds of shooting, about half of the devil tanks were completely destroyed, a raging fire ignited, and the shells exploded.

Although this is quite different from what Li Yunlong said that half of the tanks were killed in the first round, but among the tanks that were not completely destroyed, at least half of the tank tracks were pierced, or the driver was shot and killed by machine guns, so they can still move. There are only a dozen tanks, and they are distributed in two gourd circles. The head and the tail cannot look at each other, and they are caught in the embarrassing situation of fighting on their own.

Following Li Yunlong's order, the deputies at each bazooka position have loaded the third bazooka into the bazooka.

Among them, Wei Dayong and Duan Peng's team moved the fastest. Wei Dayong was ready to launch the fourth rocket as soon as the third rocket launcher was installed.

In the first three shots, two rockets hit and one missed, killing two Devils and Devils tanks.

Wei Dayong took a deep breath, with a stern expression on his face. The regiment leader said that killing one Devil tank was a third-class merit, three was a second-class merit, five was a first-class merit, and ten tanks were a special merit.

Although Wei Dayong did not expect to win the first-class merit once, but he really wanted to win the first-class merit again.

It happened that a Devil's Type [-] tank came out from the middle of the road, and that Devil's tank obviously also found their anti-tank position. The heavy machine gun in the tank spewed out a tongue of flame in this direction, hitting Wei Dayong and Duan Peng. A few streaks of mud mist bounced off the mound in front of him.

The Devil Tank turned the turret slowly, preparing to aim the barrel at the anti-tank position. Duan Peng showed a hint of anxiety on his face and shouted: "Captain!"

Wei Dayong didn't panic at all. After aiming at the devil tank, he pulled the trigger without hesitation.

call out!
Under the thrust of the gunpowder, the rocket headed straight for the devil tank, and the tail flame formed a white smoke trajectory in the air.

boom!The rocket pierced through the side armor of the Type [-] Devil tank in an instant, entered the tank and exploded. A big fireball shot up the entire tank, and even the turret was blown away.

Not to mention the devils inside, they have already become a pile of minced meat. With the burning of tank fuel and the explosion of bombs, the devils inside will have no bones left.

The little devil following the tank was also overturned by the air waves and shrapnel.

The thickest armor of the Type 16 tank is only 280 mm, while the armor-piercing power of the Super Bazooka reaches an astonishing [-] mm.

The Devil Bean Tank is no different from paper in front of it.

Seeing this scene, Wei Dayong grinned, and he got the second-class work!
"Haha..." Duan Peng also laughed, "Captain, you are really wiping your ass with straw, you showed me a trick!"

Wei Dayong's face darkened: "What the hell is this allegory, don't ink, hurry up and reload, labor and management will get first-class merit."

"Praise you and still pretend?" Duan Peng said, "See if you can do it, pay first-class merit, and I can do it."

Although Duan Peng complained, his hands were not idle. He quickly took out a rocket from the rocket box, pulled off the safety pin and stuffed it into the barrel.

"You really can't do it." Wei Dayong grinned, "Your boy is born to reload."

"You wait." Duan Peng refused to accept, "I will practice this bazooka sooner or later!"

Although Wei Dayong is the captain, Duan Peng is not used to him, and the two often bicker and fight.

While speaking, Duan Peng had loaded the rocket into the chamber, quickly took out the wire from the tail of the rocket and connected it.

"Captain, it's done!" Duan Peng patted Wei Dayong on the shoulder, then quickly stepped aside, while holding the next rocket in his hand.

Wei Dayong was looking for prey. The smoke in the middle of the road was blown away by the wind. A tank whose track on the road wheels was knocked down to the ground, the turret was turning to find the target, and the heavy machine gun under the turret was also rattling. screamed.

"You are the one!"

A fixed target is much easier to hit than a moving target. Right now, Wei Dayong is aiming at the Devils tank with one shot.

Accompanied by a loud bang, the Devil's Type [-] tank instantly turned into a ball of flames.

"Duan Peng, hurry up." Wei Dayong yelled, "It's only one devil tank short of it."

"It will be ready soon." Duan Peng replied, while quickly loading the rockets into the chamber.


Not far from the bazooka positions of Wei Dayong and Duan Peng.

Zhao Gang had a great time shooting tanks with a large-caliber Barrett sniper rifle.

It's so cool to beat the Devil Tank with this thing, the Devil Tank's defensive armor is as brittle as a piece of paper in front of it.

Coupled with Zhao Gang's excellent marksmanship, he has already killed three devil drivers and paralyzed the armor of four devil tanks.

One of the tanks had just left the road and was about to drive straight to this side. Zhao Gang shot and killed the Devil driver in the driver's seat, and the Devil tank stopped advancing immediately.

Then a rocket fired by a soldier not far away hit the devil tank, and with a loud bang, the devil tank was immediately enveloped in flames.

Li Yunlong looked at the large-caliber sniper rifle in Zhao Gang's hand with a look of envy, but there was nothing he could do...

Using Zhao Gang's [-]-style sniper rifle to shoot and kill several devil soldiers, Li Yunlong didn't feel satisfied.

Then he stood up, bowed and ran to a double-mounted machine gun. The soldiers of the machine gun company just loaded the 120 rounds of machine guns with two drums.

"Get out of the way!" Li Yunlong's eyes were sharp, and the guard Huzi and several soldiers did not dare to stop him.

Immediately, Li Yunlong put his two shoulders on the cannon butt, pulled the cannon bolt and then turned the barrel, aimed the circular cross sight in front of the cannon at a paralyzed but still firing Devils tank, and then pressed down the iron. , Li Yunlong's body trembled with the trembling arc of the machine gun body.

There are two protective shields in front of the machine gun. The Devil's heavy machine gun and rifle can't shoot through it, which can protect the operator very well. As long as it is not hit by the Devil's tank's main gun, it is relatively safe.

As the machine gun roared, two long flames protruded from the front of the machine gun's barrel, and the flames instantly extended to the devil tank.

The dense machine gun shells instantly penetrated the defense of the Type [-] light tank, shot into the tank, and tore up the ghosts operating the turret and heavy machine guns inside.

The Devil Tank fell silent at once.

A dozen Devil tanks that rushed out of the road were beaten down to four in a blink of an eye.

However, the combat literacy of this Devils tank regiment is indeed extraordinary. Even in the case of all-round disadvantages in firepower and terrain advantages, they still caused a lot of casualties to the new regiment, especially the tank main gun, 100 The distance of more than one meter is also more suitable for the use of this weapon. In the short battle time, six or seven groups of bazooka and machine gun positions were hit by the tank's main gun, causing more than [-] casualties.

The Type 3 medium tank of the regiment leader Maeda Takao escaped the front three rockets due to the terrain.

Seeing from the front and rear observation mirrors that most of the tanks of his alliance were absolutely destroyed, his expression was full of disbelief, and a chill had already crawled all over his body.

"Is this still the poor Eighth Route Army like a beggar?"

"How could this be the Eighth Route Army?"

The majestic Seventh Regiment of Japanese Chariots was vulnerable?Can you believe it?

Such a powerful firepower, to be called a beggar-like army by those idiots?

Takao Maeda has been stationed in Mongolia and has fought against the Mongolian cavalry, Fu Zuoyi's Sui Army and the Soviet Union. He has never fought against the Eighth Route Army. He has only heard from his colleagues that the Eighth Route Army is a group of beggar troops.

"The First Army is such a bunch of stupid pigs, they actually let Ba Lu go to the public security area to ambush the imperial army!"

"A bunch of trash!"

"A bunch of idiots!"

Although very angry, Takao Maeda knew that if he stayed here, he would definitely die.Although the communication vehicle has requested tactical guidance from the North China Front Army, with the current situation, it is definitely not possible to wait for reinforcements.

Asking for help is better than asking for yourself. When you get out of the tank, you will definitely be shot dead immediately. At that moment, Takao Maeda got into the driver's cab from the turret, and saw the driver wearing a jacket-style tank cap was beaten to pieces by machine shells, and all kinds of smashed internal organs The food in the stomach at noon flowed everywhere, and the feces, blood and food in the intestines were mixed together.

An extremely foul smell filled the entire tank cab. Takao Maeda, who smelled the smell and saw this scene, almost vomited out his lunch on the spot.

He took out the notebook from his pocket, tore a piece of paper, crumpled it into two small balls, stuffed it into his nostrils, and felt better.

Then he got into the cab with his whole body and began to clean up the driver who was beaten to pieces. This driver was an excellent tank soldier, and he did not expect to be loyal to the emperor here.

Maeda Takao didn't know if the tank's tracks were smashed. If it wasn't smashed, there might be a chance to escape in the tank.

He is still very confident in his tank driving skills.

Takao Maeda didn't know that an Eighth Route Army soldier from a bazooka team had already arrived directly above the tank carrying rockets.


(Li Yunlong: If you don’t vote for the monthly pass, you can keep it and give birth to cubs? Hurry up and turn in the monthly pass to the regiment headquarters! What are you talking about? Dare you refuse to hand it in? Be careful, I’ll beat you up!)

(End of this chapter)

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