I am helping

Chapter 161 Cutting Leeks!

Chapter 161 Cutting Leeks!
Endless troubles?

How could Shinozuka Yoshio not understand this truth.

But now that Li Yunlong's troops are full-fledged, it's not so easy to solve.

What's more, those idiots in the intelligence department have only a little bit of information about Li Yunlong, and they don't even know where the new regiment is stationed.

Miyano Doichi also said that he would use the intelligence department of the North China Front Army to investigate Li Yunlong when he went back, but there is no news about Li Yunlong until now.

"Yamamoto-kun is right. It may be difficult for Li Yunlong's department to solve it right now, so let's start with the assistance of Li Yunlong's department."

"This task is entrusted to you, Mr. Yamamoto. Find me a channel to assist Li Yunlong, cut off his weapon support channel, and cut off his wings."

"This is a plan to draw salary from the bottom of the pot."

"Hi!" Kazuki Yamamoto paused and said, "Before I find out Li Yunlong's assistance channel, I hope that I will command the intelligence system of the First Army."

"Of course, Yamamoto-kun, you are also quite accomplished in information science." Yoshio Shinozuka said happily, "It's also good for those idiots in the intelligence department to see how top-notch intelligence experts get information."

Yamamoto said: "Once Li Yunlong's aid channel is investigated, the special agent team will attack and destroy his weapon channel."

Shinozuka Yoshio asked in surprise, "Oh? Isn't your target the Eighth Route Army Headquarters and the Commander's Department of the Second China War Zone? Why are you interested in such a small target this time?"

Although Kazuki Yamamoto has no record yet, his tone has always been loud, either beheading Yan Laoxi or beheading Principal Chang.

In fact, Shinozuka Yoshio is also betting, even if the beheading is unsuccessful, he has nothing to lose, but what if Kazuki Yamamoto succeeds?
At that time, it will be Yoshio Shinozuka's honor.

Yamamoto paused slightly and said, "General, I'm afraid you made a mistake in your judgment this time."

"The Eighth Route Army has always been at odds with the Chinese government army. It is impossible for the Chinese government army to provide the Eighth Route with such sophisticated equipment."

"What's more, the weapons in Li Yunlong's hands basically come from abroad."

"Judging from the fight with Li Yunlong's department in Yangcun, the weapons in Li Yunlong's department are all German."

"Then I can deduce from this that the anti-aircraft guns and anti-tank guns used by the Eighth Route Army to attack the Seventh Tank Regiment should also be German."

"It is impossible for Germany to assist the Eighth Route Army, and the Eighth Route Army has an ambiguous relationship with the so-called Communist International, so I judge that the source of these weapons is the Soviet Union."

"Usually, the Soviet Union needs to go through the national government to provide assistance to the Eighth Route, but they provide assistance secretly, so they specially purchased German equipment."

"Judging from the current intelligence, the Soviet side does not have much equipment to assist the Eighth Route, at most one or two regiments of German weapons and equipment."

"So, this must be a conspiracy by the Soviet Union against our Great Japanese Empire."

What the special forces like to do most is to destroy the conspiracy of other countries, and Kazuki Yamamoto is no exception.

The key is to destroy the conspiracy of other countries, but also make the other party unable to catch the handle, so that they can't tell the suffering.

"Wow!" Shinozuka Yoshio nodded, thinking that what Kazuki Yamamoto said was very reasonable, whoever was most likely to secretly help the Eighth Route, of course, was the Soviet Union in the north.

Now because of the large-scale implementation of the prison cage policy in North China, large-scale aid from the enemy country cannot enter the Eighth Route Base Area, but it will not be sure in the future.

Thinking of this possibility, Yoshio Shinozuka couldn't sit still.


In Yangcun, Xinyi Regiment Headquarters.

"The 400 recruits that the brigade commander promised us and more than a dozen company and platoon officers have arrived. At the rice drying field, do you want to say a few words as the regimental commander, and mention their morale first?"

Zhao Gang walked into the regiment headquarters, and the recruits from a battalion who had been looking forward to the stars and the moon finally arrived, and Zhao Gang was very happy.

"There's nothing to talk about. The instructors have already talked about what should be said when they were in the teaching group."

Li Yunlong waved his hand and said:

"Let the battalion commanders choose their own people and assign them to each battalion. By the way, let the artillery battalion commander Wang Chengzhu choose first."

"Our artillery company has been expanded into an artillery battalion, and we need to replenish a lot of artillery. All artillery are treasures."

"Okay then." Zhao Gang turned around and said a few words to the guard Xiao Li, who then went to notify the communication soldiers, who then notified the battalion commanders to pick people up.

Zhao Gang sat cross-legged on the Kang and said:

"Six mountain cannons and 6 rounds of shells also arrived in the morning, and now our new regiment has 2000 75mm mountain cannons."

"Including the original 17 guns, there are 31 guns. This is the equipment of an artillery regiment. You don't really want to create an artillery regiment, do you?"

"If you want to make a fuss, it's a mountain artillery regiment." Li Yunlong said, "A dozen mountain artillery and a dozen mortars are added together, so is it called an artillery regiment?"

"I plan to distribute more than a dozen guns from the original artillery company to the battalions to increase the firepower at the battalion and company level."

"Let Zhuzi's artillery battalion serve our 12 American mountain artillery."

This guy is like a mountain artillery regiment when he opens his mouth, and his appetite is not small.

If you make a mountain artillery regiment, at least the brigade commander also makes a mountain artillery regiment, and the division commander makes a mountain artillery brigade.

So how many mountain cannons have to be handed over to the superiors to make the new group become a mountain cannon group?

"12?" Zhao Gang asked, "Then there is 1 mountain cannon and 1 field cannon, and they will also be distributed to the battalion?"

Li Yunlong said: "The two cannons should be given to Lao Ding and Lao Kong respectively."

After the new regiment has the American M1A1 75mm mountain gun, the Italian field gun seems to Li Yunlong to be more hip.

Although the caliber is 75 mm, this Italian field gun is nearly half the weight of the American mountain gun, and its power and range are not as good as the American mountain gun. Even though it has made great achievements in the new regiment, Li Yunlong still looks down on it.

At present, the firepower of a mountain cannon battalion in the new regiment is enough, and any more will increase the logistical pressure. It is better to give the two extra cannons to Lao Ding and Lao Kong.

Their two regiments were each equipped with a 1mm gun and a 75mm infantry gun, guarding the devil's gun towers and strongholds, and soon became rich.

This is called getting rich first and then getting rich later.

"I don't think there's any problem." Zhao Gang said with a smile, "Old Li, I found that you have become more enlightened recently, and you have begun to take care of the overall situation."

"Fart." Li Yunlong said, "Look at what you said, did I disregard the overall situation before?"

"Why?" Zhao Gang frowned, "Could it be that I wronged you?"

After a pause, Zhao Gang said again: "Don't talk about this, there are 400 militiamen who will join our new regiment in the second half of the month. This is a whole battalion. How do you plan to deal with their guns?"

Now there are 1700 people in the new regiment, and with the addition of 800 newcomers, there will be more than 2500 people.

In the Eighth Route Army, the Xinyi Regiment was considered a strengthened regiment, because the main regiment had only about 2000 members, the core regiment had about 1000 members, and the local militia regiment had only a few hundred members.

Moreover, Li Yunlong's regiment has fierce firepower and soldiers with rich combat experience, which can be called the trump card main force regiment of the Eighth Route Army.

Unless Li Yunlong is engaged in a sideline job to find wars, the superiors will not easily use Xinyituan, after all, good steel is used on the blade.

"This is not easy?" Li Yunlong said, "The leeks are already growing, we just need to prepare the sickle."

"Cut leeks?" Zhao Gang's expression changed, "Where do you go to cut leeks?"

Li Yunlong said: "You don't think I really have nothing to do these days, do you?"

"Let me tell you, I have sent scouts to the Baijin Railway and Yuliao Highway to gather intelligence."

"The Japanese 4th Brigade and 9th Brigade have seized these two lines of communication again, and the devils are repairing strongholds and artillery towers."

"These two brigades came here for support in a hurry, and they must have not brought much food and ammunition. I guess I will have to go back to Taiyuan and Yangquan after a few days."

"When the devils rebuild the gun towers and bunkers, our new regiment is almost ready to rest, and we can start cutting."

"And this time I'm going to recruit the New Second Regiment and the Independent Regiment to work together."

"After we finish cutting Baijin Road and Yuliao Road, we will cut Zhengtai Road."

"When Zhengtai Road is cut, the leeks on Baijin Road and Yuliao Road will grow again."

"I don't regard the devil as a cage for blocking our communication lines. What do I consider him to be? That's right, leeks!"

"You know what's the best thing about leeks, it's that you can't finish cutting them."

"There used to be a saying in the Eighth Route Army that guarding the traffic lines of the devils would lead to good food and drink. We call it guarding the traffic lines of the devils to make a fortune."

Speaking of getting rich, Li Yunlong's enthusiasm for the local rich man came up again, and he opened his mouth like a machine gun to talk endlessly.

"All right." Zhao Gang said, "You study first, I'll go and see if the battalion commanders are here."

After Zhao Gang finished speaking, he got off the kang, put on his shoes and walked outside.

Li Yunlong was not annoyed either, and called Kong Jie and Ding Wei respectively.

His speaking skills on the phone are the same. Now the Xinyi Regiment has two extra cannons, one Italian field cannon with a slightly stretched hip, and one American mountain cannon with excellent performance.

Whoever comes first gets the American mountain gun with excellent performance.

Both of them didn't wait for Li Yunlong to finish speaking, when he heard the sound of hanging up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Li Yunlong smiled. He seemed to see the picture of Ding Wei and Kong Jie riding their horses and rushing desperately to Yangcun.

The independent regiment was located a little closer to Yangcun. Although Li Yunlong called Ding Wei first, Kong Jie still arrived 5 minutes earlier than Ding Wei.

Panting, Ding Wei ran into Xinyi Regiment headquarters, but when he saw Kong Jie and Li Yunlong sitting together, his face collapsed.

"Old Kong, you usually take time to do things, why are you so active today?"

"Haha..." Kong Jie said, "Old Ding, I'm sorry, my old Kong is one step ahead, so I will accept that American mountain cannon."

"Old Ding sit down." Li Yunlong invited Ding Wei to take a seat, took out Laodao brand cigarettes, and distributed one to each of them.

"This is a cigarette seized from the devil, how about you try it?"

Ding Wei and Kong Jie took it, and Li Yunlong lit a match for them.

Kong Jie took a puff and said, "The strength is too weak, it's not as good as my old smoke."

"This smoke is okay." Ding Wei nodded and said, "The devil has a cage policy, and I am about to be driven crazy. Fortunately, the headquarters ordered a raid to seize some supplies, otherwise our new The two regiments are about to break down."

"Yes!" Kong Jie nodded, "The situation of our independent regiment is similar. The difficulties we have experienced in the past few months are thanks to you, Lao Li, who gave each of us an infantry cannon. This time, our two regiments attacked Baijin Road. The loss was very small, and a small fortune was made."

Li Yunlong nodded. His new regiment did not participate in the raid on Baijin Road, but depending on the situation, the troops who participated in the battle all made a small fortune, which can be regarded as overcoming the current difficulties.

Hehe smiled, and Li Yunlong said: "It's nothing to make a small fortune. Let's Lao Li take you to make a big fortune."

(End of this chapter)

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