I am helping

Chapter 167 It's a Big Thing!

Chapter 167 It's a Big Thing!

Mitake Tsuda got up quickly, got dressed, and went to the war room of the brigade and regiment headquarters with a sullen face and a command saber.

As soon as he entered the brigade war room, Tsuda Mitake saw that the staff officers of the brigade headquarters were in a mess.

Several operators were busy answering the phone, and the brigade department's phone was about to explode.

"Moses, this is the headquarters of the [-]th Brigade, Nani? Yangquan Railway Station was attacked?"

"Nani? Niangziguan and the surrounding strongholds are under attack? How many people are there in the Eighth Route's attacking force?"

"What did you say? A dozen strongholds near Shouyang were attacked at the same time? Ask for tactical guidance?"

"Moses Moses..."

The phone just hung up, and the next second it rang again, and the operator quickly picked it up again.

Tsuda Mitake's face instantly became gloomy and gloomy, and the old devil who had experienced many battles had already smelled something unusual.

At this time, the sound of cannons outside the city continued, and became more and more rapid, rumbling from a distance like thunder, knocking hard on the chest.

"Your Excellency, Head of the Brigade!"

Masaji Kurosawa, Chief of Staff of the Fourth Brigade, who wears the rank of Major, spoke in a hurry:

"Yangquan Railway Station was attacked by the Eighth Route Army just now. The situation is urgent. I have sent two squadrons to support it."

"Since zero o'clock, dozens of phone calls have been made from strongholds in the direction of Niangziguan and Shouyang, all claiming that they have been attacked by the Eighth Route, and the Eighth Route's offensive is very fierce."

"There are quite a few strongholds that have lost contact."

Tsuda Mitake's tone was unbelievable: "Nani? All the dozens of strongholds of the Zhengtai Railway under our control were attacked at the same time?"

Even though he was mentally prepared, Tsuda Mitake was still shocked when he heard the news suddenly.

How many troops would it take to attack so many strongholds at the same time?How many weapons and ammunition do I need?Eight roads but the days?
The Fourth Brigade is responsible for the defense of the Zhengtai Railway from Shouyang to Niangziguan, and most of the troops are scattered in these strongholds.

If these strongholds are breached by the Eighth Route Army, the Fourth Brigade will undoubtedly suffer heavy losses.

"Hi!" Kurosawa Masaji said, "There are still some strongholds, the phone can no longer be connected, but there is a high probability that they have also been attacked by the Eighth Route. This is likely to be a large-scale offensive by the Eighth Route organization against my Fourth Brigade!"

Mitake Tsuda narrowed his eyes: "It's not a possibility, but a certainty. This is the large-scale offensive launched by the Eighth Route against my Fourth Brigade."

"We must immediately report to the headquarters and take countermeasures against the Eight Routes, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!"

"Kurosawa-kun, immediately report the situation of the eight-way attack on the Zhengtai Railway base to General Shinozuka, and ask for tactical guidance!"

On the more than [-] kilometers of Zhengtai Railway, dozens of strongholds and railway stations were attacked almost simultaneously.

Relying on the strength of the Fourth Brigade stationed in Yangquan alone, it is impossible to handle it anyway.

Since you can't beat it, shake people quickly.

Kurosawa Shoji: "Hi!"


In Taiyuan, the headquarters of the Japanese First Army.

Yoshio Shinozuka was woken up by Chief of Staff Kusuyama Hideyoshi in his sleep.

"Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, something serious has happened." As soon as Shinozuka Yoshio opened his eyes, he heard Kusuyama Hideyoshi standing beside his bed with a stack of telegrams in his hand.

"Mr. Nanshan, what happened?" Shinozuka Yoshio hurriedly asked.

"The Zhengtai Railway is being attacked by the Eighth Route Army on a large scale. The Eighth Route Army has used forces and offensives that are unprecedented." Hideyoshi Kusuyama said in a hurried tone.


Shinozuka Yoshio suddenly got up from the bed, his tone was unbelievable.

He snatched the telegram from Kusuyama Hideyoshi and read it.

Seeing this, Shinozuka Yoshio was stunned.

The first telegram was sent by Major General Tsuda Mitake, head of the Fourth Brigade.

The telegram stated: The fourth brigade was in charge of the Shouyang-Niangziguan section of the Zhengtai Railway, its strongholds, railway stations, and artillery towers. At the same time, it encountered a large-scale attack by the Eighth Route Army. But it is estimated that there are at least 3 people, requesting tactical guidance, His Majesty the Emperor onboard, and the Imperial Japanese Army onboard.

The second telegram was sent by the eighth brigade east of Niangziguan, which was in charge, and the situation was similar to that of the fourth brigade.

In addition, there was a telegram from the third brigade, and Tongpu Road was also attacked by the Eighth Route at the same time.

"how can that be?"

Shinozuka Yoshio's tone was full of disbelief, and his brows became tightly knit.

Judging from the telegram, the attacked Zhengtai Railway and Tongpu Railway are more than 500 kilometers long, which means that more than 300 strongholds were attacked at the same time.

Where did the Eighth Route come from to have so many troops at once?Do they all grow out of the ground?
Suddenly, Shinozuka Yoshio thought of what Kazuki Yamamoto had said. With the style of the deputy commander of the Eighth Route Army headquarters, he would never sit still and let the Japanese cage tactics succeed, and would definitely take countermeasures.

Yoshio Shinozuka didn't pay much attention to it at the time, but now it has come true.

Before he had time to think, Yoshio Shinozuka threw off the quilt and walked quickly to the war room while putting on his military uniform.

"I have already notified the staff officers of communications, intelligence, and special high-level departments and the combat staff to the war room." Kusuyama Hideyoshi said behind him.

Walking quickly into the combat hall, sure enough, several trusted staff officers and a group of combat staff officers have already arrived.

Seeing Yoshio Shinozuka and Hideyoshi Kusuyama walking in, a group of Japanese military officers immediately stood in place and nodded in the direction of Yoshio Shinozuka.

Yoshio Shinozuka walked straight up to Takeo Iteng, the intelligence staff officer, and slapped two clear and crisp slaps on both sides.

"Haka!" Yoshio Shinozuka cursed.

"Hi!" After being slapped, Takenan Anteng didn't dare to be dissatisfied, and suddenly nodded.

Shinozuka Yoshio's tone was cold and stern: "As the intelligence staff officer of the First Army, the Eighth Route Army launched such a large-scale combat operation in the First Army's defense area, and you didn't receive any news in advance?"

"This is your serious dereliction of duty. The imperial army will suffer heavy losses because of your dereliction of duty!"

"Report to Your Excellency the General!" Takeo Anteng paused and said, "During this time, the intelligence system of the First Army is not under my command, but Colonel Yamamoto's."

Yoshio Shinozuka's expression froze, the words about to revoke Takeo Iteng's position came to his lips, and he swallowed them back immediately.

During this period of time, the intelligence system of the First Army was indeed under the command of Kazuki Yamamoto to track down Li Yunlong's assistance channels.

However, after several months of continuous investigation, and even combined with the intelligence system and special high-level courses of the North China Front Army, there was little effect.

Now it is only known that a mysterious person surnamed Chen has been assisting Li Yunlong. Others, including this person's origin, age, appearance, and source of weapons, are unknown.

After glaring at Takeo Iteng coldly, Yoshio Shinozuka turned to the long table in the battle hall. The long table represented Zhengtai Railway and Tongpu Railway, surrounded by small red flags. The position of each small flag represented There are eight routes attacking the stronghold there.

Seeing the red flags that almost covered the table, Yoshio Shinozuka's face became even more ugly.

He couldn't figure it out, it was still the same question, where did so many people come from on the Eighth Road?

Could it be that the size of the regular troops of the Eighth Route Army far exceeds the number of troops estimated by the intelligence department?

Suddenly, a bad idea appeared in Yoshio Shinozuka's mind.

The Eighth Route Regular Army is probably far more than 150,000 in size, it is likely to exceed 200,000, or even reach [-].

At that moment, Shinozuka Yoshio was startled into a cold sweat...

It turned out that the Eighth Route Army had been hiding its strength. Even when the Japanese army was raiding, the Eighth Route Army did not show their true strength and hole cards.

Prepare to deal a fatal blow to the lifeblood of the Japanese army in North China at a certain time.

"Commander, more than a dozen strongholds on the Yuci section of the Zhengtai Railway have been violently attacked by the Eighth Route Army, and we request tactical guidance!" Communications Staff Toshimatsu Kasai said to Yoshio Shinozuka.

Shinozuka Yoshio and Kusuyama Hideyoshi immediately looked at Yuci on the map. Yuci was very close to Taiyuan, less than 30 kilometers away, but it was also attacked by Eight Routes.

Suddenly, Yoshio Shinozuka felt his scalp go numb. So many places were attacked by eight forces at the same time, and he had no soldiers to send for a while.

Even if the reinforcements sent out are likely to be ambushed, it is impossible for the Eighth Route Army to launch such a big battle without being fully prepared.

The effect of cage tactics is remarkable, but the disadvantages are also obvious. The Japanese North China Front Army has insufficient troops, and most of the troops are scattered in the vast strongholds and gun towers. As a result, the originally insufficient troops are even more scattered.

"Order the 3rd, 4th, and 9th Brigade Headquarters not to send troops to rescue for the time being, so as not to be ambushed by the Eighth Route."

"The staff immediately formulated a counterattack plan."


On the wide road a few kilometers west of Yangquan City, the battle was in full swing.

There were two squadrons who came to the railway station to help the devils who were close to No. 400.

Compared with the devils and puppet soldiers at the train station, the devils rushing to help were very cautious and sent scouts to scout and open the way ahead.

There was no terrain suitable for an ambush nearby, and the Devil scouts discovered the ambush of the first and second battalions, and the ambush was changed to an encounter.

It has to be said that the Fourth Brigade deserves to be the elite of the Japanese army. This group of devils reacted quickly and had a high level of combat quality. As soon as they fought, mortars, grenadiers, and machine guns greeted the first and second battalions in the direction of the first battalion.

When encountering other Eighth Route Army units, the devils would probably take advantage, but the devils were facing Li Yunlong's new regiment.

Light and heavy machine guns, submachine guns, bazookas, mortars, grenades, all kinds of firepower hit the devils head and face, covering the sky and covering the sky.

The devil was directly beaten and forced, and he was defeated in the direction of Yangquan within less than 10 minutes, leaving behind a pile of devil corpses.

By the time Li Yunlong led the third battalion to come for reinforcements, the battle was over.

"Report to the head of the regiment and the political commissar, the devils have been repulsed by us." Zhang Dabiao reported to Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang, with the Second Battalion Commander Zheng Yu standing beside him.

"How many devils have you killed here?" Li Yunlong put the pistol in the holster, and the guard Huang Erhu behind him carried his shotgun.

"The devils came to two squadrons. They didn't form an ambush, but fought an encounter. There were probably more than 100 devils killed." Zhang Dabiao said.

"Quickly clean up the battlefield, the first battalion and the second battalion alternately cover and retreat into Lion Mountain!" Li Yunlong ordered, with a stern look on his face.

Li Yunlong was not angry because he didn't make an ambush and only killed more than 100 devils, because he knew that these devils were the meat in his bowl, and he ate them early and late.

"Yes!" Zhang Dabiao and Zheng Yu straightened up, shouted in unison, turned and walked towards their respective command positions.


(It’s August, begging for a guaranteed monthly pass!)

(End of this chapter)

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