I am helping

Chapter 193 Our old Li is going to get rich!

Chapter 193 Our old Li is going to get rich!

At one o'clock in the morning, the Xincheng Airport in the northern suburbs of Taiyuan was bathed in silence.

In the dark, Lu Yingjun and Duan Peng lurk at the top of a chimney more than 20 meters high.

Judging from the surrounding environment, this chimney should belong to the chimney of a cement factory, but this factory has long been abandoned.

It is only more than 300 meters away from the fence of Xincheng Airport. You can clearly see the environment of Xincheng Airport by lying on the top of the chimney and holding a telescope.

Lu Yingjun and Duan Peng were lying on the chimney, holding up binoculars to observe. Not far away, there were members of the first combat team ready to respond at any time.

The reason why Duan Peng is brought with him is because Lu Yingjun intends to cultivate him, compared to Monk Wei who is aggressive and rebellious.

Duan Peng's personality is modest, upright, resolute and brave. Of course, the two have similar personalities, both of which are somewhat aloof and out of gregarious.

But this is not a problem for special forces, and special forces are not good fighters. I am not afraid that you have shortcomings, but you are afraid that you are not capable.

Lu Yingjun and Duan Peng each held a telescope to monitor the devil's every move.

The entire airport runs east-west, with two runways in total, the length of the runway is about 1000 meters, and 15 aircraft are parked on the auxiliary runway.

Judging from the size of the aircraft, most of them are fighter jets, and there are only a few bombers of two or three.

A total of 8 planes were shot down by the machine gun group of the Xinyi Regiment. The number of Devil planes was seriously insufficient, so Shinozuka Yoshio ordered the Changzhi and Datong planes to be transferred to Taiyuan.

After all, Japan is a small country with poor resources, and only the first-line offensive force will be equipped with a large number of aircraft.

A garrison force like the First Army only has one flying team with 21 planes in the occupied area to fight security warfare.

However, even if the First Army had a small number of aircraft, it would be difficult for the Eighth Route Army with backward equipment to deal with the aircraft flying randomly in the sky.

Even if it is a new regiment equipped with 40 machine guns and anti-aircraft guns, if the Devil's plane does not take the initiative to dive and attack, there is nothing to do with it.

Therefore, blowing up the devil's airport is of great significance. As long as the devil's plane is killed and the airport is blown up, the Japanese First Army will lose the ability of aerial reconnaissance in a short time.

Although the Japanese North China Front Army still has aircraft, but it needs to take into account the reconnaissance of such a vast battlefield, and the Devil's aircraft must be too busy.

On the north side of the runway is a row of one-story houses, which are estimated to be facilities such as oil depots, repair shops, and arsenals.

In the southeast corner of the airport are facilities such as tower, garrison and pilot dormitories, several rows of brick-and-concrete buildings on the third floor, and facilities such as canteens, kitchens and toilets beside them.

The airport is surrounded by a closed fence, with barbed wire on top of the fence.

There is a sentry tower at each corner around the wall, on which besides the devil sentinels, there are also searchlights turning around.

At the end of the runway, eight 8-type double-mounted machine guns stood there quietly, and there were devils on night shift at the machine gun positions.

The entire airport is heavily guarded, and devil teams patrol along the runway every two to three minutes.

At this time, the radio communicator next to Lu Yingjun rang with a whistling sound.

The corner of Lu Yingjun's mouth immediately showed a cold murderous intent.

Dong San lifted the radio silence, it must be that the Shanpao Battalion has arrived at the Dongshan Mine and is ready.

"Dong Er, please answer if you receive it, please reply if you receive it!" As expected, after a while, Wang Chengzhu's call came from the receiver of the radio.

Lu Yingjun picked up the microphone of the radio communicator and said in a low voice: "Dong Er received it!"

"Two holes, two holes." Wang Chengzhu said again, "Please convey the shooting parameters immediately."

Lu Yingjun said: "The ruler is four hundred and 74, and the right is zero 51."

He had already calculated the shooting parameters for shooting the Devils Airport with the mountain cannon from the Dongshan Mine through the artillery mirror.

Then he said: "A test shot, let it go!"

After speaking, Lu Yingjun quickly took the receiver and microphone, and brought his eyes to the artillery mirror, ready to observe the impact point at any time.

About ten seconds later, both Lu Yingjun and Duan Peng heard a long howling sound from above their heads. The screaming sound came from far to near, and it exploded at a position 200 meters away from the airport.

Seeing clearly the location of the impact point through the artillery mirror, Lu Yingjun immediately put the microphone to his mouth and said, "Add one to the scale, zero and two to the left, put it on!"

More than ten seconds later, a shell landed in the Devils Airport with a whistling sound, right in the middle of the two Devils planes at the airport, and the two Devils planes were blown up into the air.

"All battalion, three rapid-fire shots... release!"

When he said the last word "put", Lu Yingjun bit hard, his body trembled slightly, and he almost let out a low voice.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Chengzhu also issued an order for the entire battalion to fire at the new regiment artillery position in the Dongshan Mine.

The whistling sound of shells instantly tore through the quiet air. Duan Peng and Lu Yingjun looked up and saw that more than a dozen shells formed more than a dozen orange-red ballistics in the night sky, like dazzling streamers.

The shells fell into the airport and exploded. With a loud noise like thunder, Xincheng Airport was immediately plunged into a sea of ​​smoke and flames.

Metal bullets with a breath of death cut through the air and made a terrifying tearing sound.

In the field of vision of Lu Yingjun and Duan Peng, the devil planes on the runway were torn into pieces like paper.

In fact, when the first shell fell, the garrison troops and pilots at the airport were all awakened, but the devils were still in a dazed state when the first shell fell outside the airport.

When the second shell landed on the airport, the devil's garrison and pilots woke up like a dream, and the airport was bombarded!

Before he had time to put on his clothes, the Devil pilot immediately rushed to the runway, intending to start the plane and take off.

However it was too late.

Swarms of shells fell on the runway, smashing the shells and tearing the plane to pieces.

After the three rounds of bombardment, although the devil's runway was not completely blown up, it was impossible for the plane to take off and land on the runway.

And the 15 planes of the devils have all been destroyed and ignited a raging fire.

But the bombardment was not over yet. Under Lu Yingjun's radio command, the shells formed a barrage of Xu Jin, exploding from the oil depot and arsenal on the north side to the devil's dormitory on the south side.

The shells from the Shanpao Battalion pelted the Devil's airport one after another.

The explosion of aviation fuel stored in oil depots and aerial bombs in munitions depots was as loud as shaking mountains and mountains.

The devil's garrison and pilots rushing out of the dormitory just met Xu Jin's barrage, and they were blown upright.

Seeing the devil's airport engulfed in flames through the telescope, both Lu Yingjun and Duan Peng grinned.

"Dong [-], Dong [-], the mushrooms have been picked, and Dong [-] is ready to go home."

Lu Yingjun picked up the phone and called.

"Dong San received it, I wish you good luck."

After a pause, Wang Chengzhu asked on the radio: "Boss Li asked you how many mushrooms you picked this time, and he wants them all."

"Then please tell Boss Li that the 15 mushrooms you picked are all high-quality mountain products."

After Lu Yingjun finished speaking, he put away the earphones and receivers, turned off the radio communicator and put it on his back, grabbed the rope and slid down the chimney. It didn't take long before the figures of the two disappeared into the night.


Yoshio Shinozuka was awakened by the sound of the cannon.

He had just fallen asleep for less than half an hour.

Since the Eighth Route Army launched its campaign, Shinozuka Yoshio has been sleeping very late every day, and only sleeps for four or five hours a day.

This is a serious lack of sleep for an old man who is 60 years old.

Although his body was exhausted, Shinozuka Yoshio had to pretend to be energetic every day, so as not to let others see his fatigue.

"Baga, where is the cannon shooting?"

Shinozuka Yoshio, wearing a lieutenant general's uniform and carrying a lieutenant general's command sword, walked into the brightly lit combat hall with a gloomy expression.

"Your Excellency, Commander!" Kusuyama Hideyoshi turned around and paused, "The sound of the cannon came from the direction of Beijiao Airport."

Yoshio Shinozuka frowned almost into a frown: "Immediately call the airport and ask what happened and why are there gunfire?"

Kusuyama Hideyoshi said: "I have asked Kasai-kun to call and inquire, and there should be news soon!"

At this time, the second test firing had already been fired, and the second shell had landed in the airport.

But soon the rumbling and continuous sound of cannons rang in the ears of Shinozuka Yoshio, Kusuyama Hideyoshi, and all the devil officers and staff officers.

The faces of all the devil officers changed drastically.

After running to the gate of the combat hall, they raised their heads to look at the night sky in the direction of the airport, only to see that the night sky was shining like crimson lightning, and then there was a rumbling explosion.

Shinozuka Yoshio's face was gloomy, and his brows were tightly frowned.

The old devil has been through the battlefield for a long time, so he still has good judgment. Judging from the sound of the guns, the artillery fire of the Eight Routes is very fierce, and it is afraid that it is no less than an artillery battalion.

How many troops have come from the Eighth Route?

Is the Eighth Route Army bluffing or is it going to attack Taiyuan?
Toshimatsu Kasai ran up to Yoshio Shinozuka, paused and said, "Report to the general! Xincheng Airport has been bombarded, and communication with the airport is currently interrupted!"

Yoshio Shinozuka asked in a deep voice, "Have any other places been attacked by the Eight Routes?"

Kasai Toshimatsu said suddenly: "The Communications Staff Department has not received any news or reports in this regard!"

"Your Excellency, Commander." Kusuyama Hideyoshi said, "This is most likely the enemy's bombardment at the Imperial Army Airport. We should send troops immediately to find the enemy's artillery position."

Yoshio Shinozuka turned around and returned to the battle hall, standing in front of the wall with a large accurate map hanging, all the devils rushed over.

Yoshio Shinozuka pointed to the map and said: "According to information, the most powerful and ranged artillery currently possessed by the Eighth Route Army is the 75mm mountain field artillery. With the Imperial Army, use the Xincheng Airport as the center point to search for an area within an eight-kilometer radius of the airport."

"Order, the Yamamoto special team will attack immediately, find the artillery and artillery of the enemy's eighth route, and destroy them for me!"

"Hi!" Kasai Toshimatsu paused, then walked quickly to the communication room next door.


In the Dongshan mine, Wang Chengzhu turned off the radio and turned to report to Li Yunlonghui.

"Reporting to the head of the group, Captain Lu said that he picked 15 mushrooms."

Li Yunlong couldn't help but smile when he heard that:

"15 mushrooms, that is to say, 15 devil planes were blown up, my God, our old Li is going to get rich!"

"What kind of money are you making?" Kong Jie couldn't help but said, "You killed 15 devil planes. I don't know. I thought you got 15 planes."

Ding Wei changed his expression and asked, "Lao Li, will you be able to get assistance from your channel if you kill the devil's plane?"

"That's right." Li Yunlong nodded, smiling like a chrysanthemum, "If you kill a devil plane, guess how many mountain cannons our old Li can get?"

"How many doors?" Kong Jie asked hastily.

(End of this chapter)

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