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Chapter 625 Insanely rich!

Chapter 625 Insanely rich!

Southeast Shanxi.

Wangjiayu Village.

Eighth Route Army Headquarters.

Chiefs, chiefs of staff and division commanders are getting together to chat about the current situation.

The chief of staff said, "It's noon today."

"Good news came from the 9th theater. The second battle of Changsha, which lasted for a month, has ended. A total of more than 3 Japanese soldiers were annihilated, 6 aircraft were shot down, and 9 motorboats were sunk."

"At present, the Japanese army is retreating to the north of the Xinqiang River. The Chinese army is pursuing the victory and regaining the lost ground. It is expected to restore the situation before the war."

The chief nodded and said with a smile: "General Xue is not that easy to provoke, the little devil has kicked the iron plate this time."

The division commander analyzed: "The Japanese army assembled its forces and attacked Changsha for the second time. The force was 4 divisions and 4 brigades, with a total force of 12."

"As for the national army, the total strength is 10 armies and 33 divisions, and the total strength is about 30."

"Our anti-sweeping operation in Northwest Shanxi this time."

"Independence Regiment, New Second Regiment, and New First Regiment. The total strength of these three regiments is about 5000. The total strength of the Japanese army plus the puppet army is also about 12."

"The defense of Changsha has been fought for a full month."

"Our anti-sweeping operations in Northwest Shanxi ended in just half a month, and more than 3 Japanese troops were killed."

"Looking at it this way, our three regiments in Northwest Shanxi are stronger than the 30 troops in the Ninth War Zone of the National Army!"

"Teacher!" The chief of staff laughed, "You can't settle accounts like this."

"Of the five Japanese divisions attacking Northwest Shanxi, only one division was a Type A division."

"However, among the four divisions and four brigades of the Japanese army that attacked Changsha, three divisions were Class A divisions, namely the 3rd, 4th and 6th divisions."

"And these 12 troops are basically devils, and there are very few puppet troops."

The anti-sweeping operation in Northwest Shanxi and the second Changsha defense battle started at about the same time.

And they all won, and they all wiped out more than 3 enemies.

One was fought by the Eighth Route Army, and the other was fought by the National Army.

Although the Eighth Route Army is now part of the battle order of the National Army, after all, the ideology is different, so both the Kuomintang and the Communist Party can't help but compare the two battles.

It depends on which side plays better.

The chief said: "This time, I agree with the commander's opinion. Our three regiments in Northwest Shanxi fought better than the 9th theater."

"Oh?" The chief of staff did not expect the chief to say the same, and his tone was surprised, "chief, why do you think so?"

The chief analyzed: "First of all, the 3rd, 4th, and 6th Divisions of the Japanese Army are Type A divisions. In fact, the combat effectiveness of these three Type A divisions was strong in the first few years of the War of Resistance. With the development of the battle, the elite veterans of the Japanese Type A Division were gradually consumed, and the new recruits who came in were naturally inferior to those elite veterans in terms of combat experience."

"Although the Japanese army won many battles and fought many battles, in fact there are not many elite veterans. The combat effectiveness of the 3rd, 4th and 6th divisions is not as strong as expected."

"It's definitely not comparable to the 10th Division of the Japanese Army that has just participated in special performances and wartime reinforcements."

"Secondly, our strategic vision does not necessarily have to place the battlefield in Northwest Shanxi."

"If you really want to count carefully, the Battle of Miaoergou and the Battle of Xinzhou can also be counted as part of the anti-sweeping campaign in Northwest Shanxi."

"In the battle at Miaoergou, the 2 battalions of the Xinyi Regiment and the 2nd Brigade alone wiped out a Japanese 5th Heavy Artillery Regiment and 3rd Infantry Regiment. There were five or six thousand devils in total."

"In the Battle of Xinzhou, the Xinyi Regiment defeated the 39th Japanese Infantry Regiment, wiped out the 108th Japanese Field Artillery Regiment, and shot down more than 80 Japanese aircraft."

"Whether it is the number of enemies wiped out or the number of planes shot down by the Japanese army, our three regiments in Northwest Shanxi are more than those in the 9th theater."

"Although the strength of the Japanese army attacking Northwest Shanxi this time is weaker than that of the Japanese army attacking Changsha."

"But don't forget, our three regiments in Northwest Shanxi participated in the battle, including the militia, there were only more than 4 people, and even including the 5nd Independent Brigade, there were almost 2 people."

"And the 9th theater has 10 armies, 33 divisions, and 30 troops."

After a pause, the chief said decisively: "So I think that the anti-mopping up campaign in Northwest Shanxi is more beautiful than the second Changsha defense battle."

"In that case, it's true!" said the chief of staff, "I didn't add the battle of Miaoergou and the battle of Xinzhou to the anti-sweeping battle in Northwest Shanxi. them."

The division commander said with a smile: "In September alone, the Japanese army may have lost 9 troops in the Chinese battlefield. At this rate, the devils are not far away."

The chief and the chief of staff couldn't help but smile.

They both knew that what the teacher said was a joke. The Japanese army lost two major battles almost at the same time, but the strength of the Japanese army was still far greater than that of the Chinese army.

It is not so easy to drive the devils out of China.

However, these two victories made several leaders see the hope of victory in the War of Resistance.

Those patriots at home and abroad will surely cry with joy when they receive the news of these two great victories.

And now the Eighth Route Army is accumulating strength, ready to deal a cruel blow to the devils.

At that time, it will not be a small fight, nor a sabotage battle like the Hundred Regiments War where each army fights on its own.

It's a real big corps offensive.

Launched a full-scale attack on the Japanese First Army and even the North China Front Army.

The teacher laughed again: "And Li Yunlong's clear-coded telegram, it's really murderous."

Speaking of this, the chief and the chief of staff laughed out loud.

The chief said: "Li Yunlong is such a ghost."

The chief of staff also said: "If I were Ningji Okamura, I would probably vomit blood in anger. Li Yunlong is too bad a kid."

at this time.

A telegraph soldier held a telegram in his hand, walked in quickly, and saluted a standard military salute:
"Report, new telegram!"

"Oh?" The Chief's tone was surprised, "It's another telegram from Li Yunlong? This kid won't get rich again, right?"

After a pause, the chief said again: "Read!"

"Yes!" The telegraph soldier took the telegram and read, "The 5000 tons of combat materials seized this time will be transported directly from Datong Airport to Yangcun Airport by Boss Chen with 40 transport planes and 10 fighter jets. Prepare to hand over 4 203mm heavy howitzers, 6 150mm howitzers and 4 37mm anti-aircraft guns, please get ready to receive the goods, the time is 10 am on October 10, Li Yunlong, head of the new regiment."


However, the New Second Regiment and the Independent Regiment each had to give Li Yunlong a 1mm howitzer.

Therefore, Li Yunlong directly handed over six 6mm howitzers to the headquarters, and reduced one 150mm anti-aircraft gun.

Then the number of 150mm heavy artillery in the new regiment is exactly 36, which is the level of a reinforced heavy artillery regiment.

It can only be described as terrifying.

Plus the two artillery battalions of the new regiment.

I am afraid that the Japanese army will have to dispatch a heavy artillery brigade to suppress the new regiment in terms of artillery firepower.

When the chief, chief of staff and division commander heard this, their eyes lit up like light bulbs.

"Li Yunlong, kid?" The chief of staff said in a tone of surprise and joy: "You actually got 50 planes to transport supplies for us?"

in fact.

The chief, chief of staff, and division commander are also worrying about how to transport 5000 tons of combat supplies to southeast Shanxi.

If it really doesn't work, the chief will even order Li Yunlong to transport this batch of combat materials to Northwest Shanxi and hide them first, and then take them out for the main force of the 129th Division in the future.

But now the problem is solved.

With 5000 tons of combat supplies, 40 transport planes with full horsepower can get it done in a few days at most.

In the past, Boss Chen arranged transport planes to deliver goods to Yangcun Airport. Many times, the calculation was based on thousands of tons, and they were all transported from overseas bases. The range of the transport planes started at 2000 kilometers each time.

The two-way flight from Datong Airport to Yangcun Airport is only about 900 kilometers.

Shipping will be faster.

"Li Yunlong is rich again?"


"Chief, if we don't assign a few heavy howitzers to our 129th Division, it will be a bit unreasonable."

The teacher pushed his glasses, his eyes and tone full of expectation.

At the same time, I was also a little envious, Li Yunlong is really a big hand, and he has a 150mm howitzer and a 203mm howitzer.

In this regard, the 129th Division is not rich.

Li Yunlong, the head of the regiment, is better than the head of the teacher, Laozi!
But the chief waved his hand and refused without hesitation: "The 150mm howitzer can call you a few, and the 203mm heavy howitzer is fine. I want to create a heavy howitzer battalion."

"Okay." The teacher had no choice but to say, "150mm is 150mm, it's better than nothing."


129 Division Logistics Department.

Minister Zhang Wanhe is writing an approval note for the 772 regiment, 200 boxes of grenades and 200 boxes of bullets. Today's 772 regiment is also a reinforced regiment with a strength of nearly 3000 people.

Today, the size of the arsenal has expanded dozens of times, and the ammunition is relatively sufficient.

Zhang Wanhe's life is also very comfortable.

He had just finished writing the approval slip and stamping it, and handed it to the transportation captain of the 772 regiment, who took the approval slip to the logistics department to pick up the ammunition.

Zhang Wanhe was about to drink his saliva.

The phone next to him rang, and Zhang Wanhe picked it up casually: "Hello, this is the logistics department."

The next moment, the Chief of Staff's voice sounded in Minister Zhang's ears:

"Minister Zhang, a large amount of combat supplies will arrive at Yangcun Airport in two days. The headquarters ordered your logistics department to prepare for transportation."

"Yes!" Minister Zhang straightened his body and asked, "Chief of Staff, how many tons of supplies are there in total? I can arrange a transportation team here."

Having said that, Minister Zhang wondered secretly.

There is no doubt that the supplies from Yangcun Airport were all handed in by Li Yunlong without exception.

The problem is, just now 1000 tons of weapons and ammunition are in place, and combat supplies have arrived so soon?
The chief of staff said: "This time the combat supplies are 5000 tons."

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Wanhe's eyes were about to drop, his voice suddenly raised, "5000 tons of combat supplies?"

"That's right!" said the chief of staff, "In addition to 5000 tons of combat supplies, there are also 150 cannons with a caliber of 10 mm or more. You need to prepare some warehouses and transport teams."


After hanging up the phone, Zhang Wanhe slapped himself hard.

hiss!This is not a dream.

This kid Li Yunlong is so rich that both labor and capital want to be the logistics director of the new regiment.

In the logistics minister's office, Zhang Wan and the minister rubbed their hands together.

(End of this chapter)

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