I am helping

Chapter 638

Chapter 638

Chapter 640 Yamamoto: The security plan is impeccable!

"The viewing group..."

Back in his office, Kazuki Yamamoto looked gloomy and frowned slightly.

As soon as the observation group was mentioned, Yamamoto recalled bad memories.

A year ago, there was also an observation group to the First Army, and Kazuki Yamamoto personally commanded that battle.

Originally, Yamamoto thought that battle was his favorite, and commanded a division and a brigade to attack the Eighth Route Army in southeast Shanxi.

Let the observation group see the power of special operations, reform the tactics of the Japanese Army, and promote special operations.

At that time, Kazuki Yamamoto will be famous in history.

But it is a pity that because of the leak of information in that battle, the entire army of the observation group was annihilated, Major General Hattori Naomi was killed, the entire army of the 9th Brigade was wiped out, and Major General Koshigi Toranosuke was killed.

Although Lieutenant General Yoshio Shinozuka survived that defeat, Kazuki Yamamoto also encountered a crisis of confidence.

That battle was like a brand that Kazuki Yamamoto could never forget.

For Gushou, Kazuki Yamamoto naturally knew something about him.

This person graduated from the Japanese Army University and participated in the Russo-Japanese War. He was originally the head of the 6th Division of the Standing Division.

When the Anti-Japanese War broke out in 1937, Gushou served as the head of the Lieutenant General of the Japanese Sixth Division and led his troops to participate in the attack on North China. In North China, he also condoned his subordinates to massacre civilians.

In Kazuki Yamamoto's view, although Lieutenant General Gushou likes to order the massacre of Chinese people, he is very capable.

With Gushou's qualifications and combat achievements, he should have been promoted to general and commander of a certain front army long ago.

The five divisions had just lost a battle in Northwest Shanxi. His Majesty Tian Locust and the cabinet must be extremely dissatisfied with the commander of the North China Front Army.

And at this time, Gushou came to North China to observe, probably...

"Come on!"

Thinking of this, Kazuki Yamamoto shouted towards the door, and Goro Koga, Yamamoto's guard and correspondent, walked in and nodded to Kazuki Yamamoto.

Taking a deep breath, Kazuki Yamamoto said: "Immediately send spies and special agents to alert the northwest of Shanxi, and report immediately if any abnormal situation is found."


Xiaolu Goro bowed his head, turned and left.

Seeing Xiaoga Goro's back turning and leaving, Kazuki Yamamoto's eyes flickered slightly.

This time, the Secret Service must perform well.

If Lieutenant General Gushou can succeed General Ningji Okamura and be promoted to the commander of the North China Front Army, the secret service team will leave a good impression on Gushou.

So... maybe special operations can be promoted in the North China Front Army first.

Because according to intelligence, there were also traces of special operations in other bandit areas of the Eighth Route Army.

What is certain is that the Eighth Route Army is also vigorously promoting and using special operations.

If the Eighth Route Army is allowed to make achievements in special operations, and the Locust Army of the Imperial Japanese Empire lags behind in this area, not only will the situation be more unfavorable to the Locust Army, but Yamamoto will not be reconciled.

Now, Kazuki Yamamoto is in charge of the intelligence department of the First Army, so the spies and agents of the First Army are under his command.

Xiaolu Goro didn't dare to delay, and immediately conveyed the order.

Subsequently, Kazuki Yamamoto grabbed the command saber and personally led the special agent team to reconnaissance near the airport.

He did a rough research, and assuming someone wanted to assassinate Gushou, it must be on the way from the airport to the inner city of Taiyuan.

According to past experience, Li Yunlong of the Eighth Route Army will receive information when an officer above a lieutenant general enters Shanxi, and this time is no exception.

Kazuki Yamamoto cheered up and led the special agent team to carefully investigate the dangerous area.


While Kazuki Yamamoto was studying how to protect Gushou, Li Yunlong had already led his troops to Zijin Mountain.

"Duan Peng, is this the place?"

Li Yunlong looked at Zijin Mountain in front of him, then at the deserted horse road winding towards Shouyang County, and asked Duan Peng.

In just a few hours, more than 100 vehicles from the Automobile Battalion transported 100 20mm machine guns, 40 37mm anti-aircraft guns, as well as ammunition and combat personnel of the machine gun battalion and anti-aircraft gun battalion to Taiyuan, which is about 30 kilometers away. position, waiting for the ready transport battalion mule carts, mules and military horses, dragging anti-aircraft weapons, and marching rapidly all the way carrying weapons and ammunition.

At noon, we finally arrived at our destination, Zijin Mountain.

Duan Peng nodded, and his tone was affirmative: "Head, this is here!"

Duan Peng has led his troops to pick up Zhang Wanhe and the battalion-level officers assigned by the headquarters from the Zhengtai Railway.

Ordering the mules and horses of the transportation battalion to stand by, Li Yunlong climbed up Zijin Mountain, carefully inspecting the terrain and comparing it with the map.

Then Li Yunlong said with a satisfied expression: "That's right, this place is just on the devil's route!"

Li Yunlong was born to read pictures, and with the high-precision map provided by Boss Chen in his hand, he could quickly identify the location.

Although it is only more than 20 kilometers away from Taiyuan City, it looks very desolate, and there is no village within a few kilometers around.

"Pass my order."

"The machine artillery battalion, the anti-aircraft artillery battalion, and the transport team, immediately go to the dense forest over there to hide."

Li Yunlong pointed to a dense forest 2 kilometers away. The dense forest was not small, and it should be able to provide concealment for the machine artillery battalion, anti-aircraft artillery battalion, and transport team.

This place is under the route of the devil's plane, there must be more than one plane flying overhead.

The machine artillery battalion and the anti-aircraft artillery battalion, especially the mules, military horses, and even carts of the transport team, had too many targets. If there was a devil's plane flying overhead at this time, they would definitely find something unusual.

At that time, not only Gushou's planes will fly around, but the Devil's First Army in the direction of Taiyuan will also dispatch troops to encircle and suppress them.

Soon, under Li Yunlong's order, the large army walked towards the dense forest.

The Sword Squadron went to the dense forest for reconnaissance first. Although the place was desolate, there was no guarantee that there would be no common people.

After half an hour.

The soldiers sat in the dense forest, gorging on canned meat and fruit, and drinking water to replenish their strength.

Canned meat is included in the food quota, and canned fruit is the last time Boss Chen airdropped supplies to the battlefield, and they haven't finished eating yet.

Li Yunlong specially ordered the logistics warehouse to keep the canned fruit, and when the troops executed the order, they would take it out for the soldiers to eat.

"Hey hey hey..."

Looking at a 20mm machine gun and a 37mm anti-aircraft gun placed in the dense forest, Li Yunlong smiled, showing murderousness in his smile:
"140 anti-aircraft firepower, exciting!"

Duan Peng, He Jie, Gao Tianyi and the others on the side glanced at the 140 anti-aircraft weapons, and their expressions were also stern.


They are operated by experienced fighters.

All 140 anti-aircraft firepower opened fire on the Devils plane.

That scene...

Everyone looked full of anticipation.

As Li Yunlong expected, there are often devil planes on this route, either flying from Taiyuan to Peiping, or flying from Peiping to Taiyuan.

It's just that there were not many of them, and only one devil plane passed by for several hours.


Just when Li Yunlong and the others arrived near Zijin Mountain.

Dagu Town, Xinyi Regiment Headquarters.

Xing Zhiguo looked at the watch in his hand, and said to the political commissar Zhao Gang: "From the time, the group leader and the others should have arrived at Zijin Mountain. Just 24 hours later, the plane that old devil Gushou took will arrive."

"Using anti-aircraft firepower to hit the plane, will this trick work?"

Zhao Gang, who was originally full of confidence, felt that he didn't have much confidence in this thought.

"Put your heart back in your stomach, this trick is absolutely fine."

Xing Zhiguo chuckled and said:

"The devil's protection of Gusao must focus on the airport, the airport to the inner city of Taiyuan, and we never thought we would do it halfway."

"This is called being impossible to guard against!"

"And we have 140 anti-aircraft firepower, all of which are operated by experienced fighters. As long as the devil's plane does not change the time or route temporarily, the business this time will be very stable."

"That's right." After listening to Xing Zhiguo's analysis, Zhao Gang nodded and put his heart back in his stomach.


Early the next morning.

The devils of the three regiments of the 41st Division were under the order of division commander Shimizu Jiji.

About [-] people marched to Wusu Airport.

Not only has Wusu Airport been surrounded by a 10-kilometer radius, but the road from the airport to the inner city of Taiyuan is also three steps, one post, five steps, and one post.


As a combat staff officer left from the door, Kazuki Yamamoto walked in with a major general commanding the saber: "The 41st Division has been deployed, and the main road from the outer city gate of Taiyuan to the inner city gate of Taiyuan has been fully martial law. I have already arranged two convoys at the airport. After Lieutenant General Kosao arrives at the airport, I will arrange for him to rest in the air-raid shelter at the airport first. The wave convoy entered the inner city of Taiyuan."

This time, Yoshio Iwamatsu gave Kazuki Yamamoto full responsibility for the safety of the inspection team in Taiyuan.

So Kazuki Yamamoto was well prepared.

On the one hand, it is to show the face of the secret service team in front of Lieutenant General Kosao.

On the other hand, Kazuki Yamamoto was also thinking about himself. If Lieutenant General Gushou had an accident under his protection, his military career would come to an end.

Therefore, Kazuki Yamamoto brought up the spirit of [-] points.

After all, the intelligence work of the Eighth Route Army is pervasive. Once a Japanese officer above the general level enters North China and Shanxi, based on previous experience, the Eighth Route Army will immediately get information.

For example, Lieutenant General Akira Muto, head of the 2nd Guards Division, and Major General Hirata Masahani, deputy chief of staff of the North China Front Army, were shot dead as soon as they entered Shanxi.

As a result, not many officers above major general dare to come to Shanxi.

In addition, Lieutenant General Miyano Michiichi, chief of staff of the Eastern Army, also happened in North China. According to intelligence, it was done by the Li Yunlong Independent Group, but there is no evidence.

The last time Moritake Tanabe, chief of staff of the North China Front Army, went to Taiyuan, the First Army also dispatched a division to protect near the airport.

The current commander of the First Army Yoshio Iwamatsu did not dare to leave the inner city of Taiyuan easily for fear of being assassinated.

"Yoshi!" Yoshio Iwamatsu nodded after reading Kazuki Yamamoto's security plan, "The plan is very good, but don't be careless, the intelligence of the Eighth Route Army is very powerful."


Yamamoto bowed his head.

After thinking about his security plan carefully, he didn't notice any flaws, and it could even be said to be impeccable.

The protection of the combat forces of a second-line division, the real and fake convoys, and the special agent team provide 24-hour personal protection.

If he led the special forces to assassinate Gushou, he would never find a chance to do it.

"I'm not going to the airport to meet Lieutenant General Kosao."

"Yamamoto-kun, you and Hanagu-kun greet me at the airport on my behalf."

Then, Yoshio Iwamatsu looked at Kazuki Yamamoto and said.


Kazuki Yamamoto bowed his head again, then turned and left.

Yamamoto knew that Commander Yoshio Iwamatsu had always been afraid of death, and if there was any trouble, he would immediately leave Taiyuan by plane.


at the same time.

Peking Airport.

The convoy escorting Gushou drove into the airport. The area around Beiping Airport was also heavily fortified. There were almost three steps, one post and five steps and one sentry. A large number of Japanese sharpshooters were ambushing around, and it was difficult for a bird to fly in.

They were still escorted to the airport by Moritake Tanabe and Seizo Arisue.

However, Moritake Tanabe and Seizo Arisue did not get on the plane to accompany Kosao to Taiyuan.

The degree of danger in Shanxi is the most dangerous in the Chinese-occupied areas.

Even if there is a division of troops to pick up the plane, and the secret service team will protect them all the way, Tanabe Moritake and Arisue Seizo will not dare to take risks lightly.

But Moritake Tanabe and Seizo Arisue would not tell Kosao about such things.

Soon, Lieutenant General Gushou, Major General Omura Toshikaze, Major General Ihara Aixio, and several senior officers and assistant officers boarded the KI57 transport plane.

Under the escort of two Nakajima fighter jets, the KI57 transport plane flew towards Taiyuan.

In the cabin, looking at the increasingly smaller and further away Beiping City, Gushou couldn't help but let out a cold snort.

He led an observation group to the headquarters of the North China Front Army in Beiping for three days, but Neiji Okamura didn't even see him.

This also made the old devil feel competitive, and he must take the position of commander of the North China Front Army from Neiji Okamura.

Today you ignore me, but in the future I will make you unable to climb high!

More than half an hour later, the plane was about to enter Shanxi.

"Your Excellency the Lieutenant General."

"Why don't we go to Northwest Shanxi to take a look?"

Major General Toshikaze Omura suggested.

Omura Toshikaze and Ihara Aixiong are both reserve officers and students of Kosao, and they will be reused once Kosao goes to serve.

"Omura-kun." Gushou recalled his thoughts and asked, "Why do you suddenly want to go to Northwest Shanxi to take a look?"

After sorting out his thoughts, Toshikazu Omura replied: "There is an old saying in China, which is to know yourself and the enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles. I want to take a closer look at our future enemy."

On the side, Ihara Aixiong did not speak.

Gushou thought for a while, then waved his hand and said, "You can't go to the northwest of Shanxi, and you can't observe the enemy at close range."

Toshikazu Omura asked in astonishment: "Your Excellency, Lieutenant General, why?"

"It seems that Mr. Omura doesn't know enough about our future enemies." Gushou narrowed his eyes and said, "The three regiments of the Eighth Route Army in Northwest Shanxi have a lot of anti-aircraft firepower, and the reconnaissance planes of the Locust Army dare not enter Northwest Shanxi easily. , even if we enter, we can only do high-altitude reconnaissance, so our transport plane is going to observe closely, isn't it courting death?"

Hearing what Gushou said, Omura Toshikazu wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and dared not mention anything about going to Northwest Shanxi.

(End of this chapter)

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