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Chapter 659 Eat the 1th Division!

Chapter 659 Eat the First Division!


"Now, our cement factory, steel factory and mechanical repair shop are almost built."

Zhao Gang said: "However, raw materials and technical personnel are relatively scarce, and it may take a lot of time to form a production volume..."

When Boss Chen provides machinery and equipment, he will also arrange senior technicians to provide technical guidance.

Raw materials will also be provided, but not many.

"As for the technicians, I have already applied to the headquarters, and the headquarters will send a group of technicians over in the near future." Li Yunlong said: "The main reason is that the steel plant lacks iron ore, especially high-quality iron ore."

Xing Zhiguo said: "We can use the rails of the Tongpu Railway first. Anyway, when the First Division arrives, the devils will repair it again."

The North Tongpu Railway is now under the control of Xinyituan, and the devil's railway transportation has been completely interrupted on the section from Datong to Taiyuan.

Tongpu Road is the top priority of the Shanxi First Army, so the Devils will definitely reopen to traffic.

"It would be great if we could knock down Baotou." Chief of Staff Wang Dehou said, "We have all the steel and coal, and there is no shortage of explosives."

There are many metal mines in Baotou, and even rare earths, so the devils sent a division to guard there.

The devils transported the plundered resources to Beiping and Northeast through Pingsui Road.

Li Yunlong's eyes flashed and he said: "Recovering Baotou is only a matter of time."

From now on, the combat policy of the new regiment is to deal with the First Army first, then the Mongolian Army and even the entire North China Front Army, and finally the Kwantung Army.

Use the plane provided by Boss Chen to bomb the Japanese mainland.

As for whether to land and counterattack Japan's homeland, Li Yunlong had thought about it, but he hadn't thought about it that much.

You have to eat one bite at a time, and you have to go step by step.

If that day really comes, Li Yunlong will definitely not give up that opportunity.

When the Han flags are all over the world, the horse rides on Tokyo to enjoy the cherry blossoms.

Xing Zhiguo suddenly thought of the information provided by Boss Chen, and said in a worried tone: "This time, the First Division will bring a heavy artillery brigade, which will pose a great threat to our reinforced concrete fortifications!"



According to the information provided by Boss Chen, the 3rd Heavy Artillery Brigade, which belongs to the 150st Division of the Japanese Army, has only 240mm and [-]mm cannons.

After the 3th Heavy Artillery Wing of the 5rd Heavy Artillery Brigade was wiped out by the Xinyi Regiment.

The base camp assigned the 4th Heavy Artillery Wing of the 7th Heavy Artillery Brigade to the [-]st Division.

The 4th Heavy Artillery Brigade belongs to the Guards Division and has been guarding in Tokyo. This time, the devils also spent their money to suppress the development of the new regiment.

The thickened reinforced concrete bunkers and gun towers built by the Xinyi Regiment are slightly thicker than the thickened bunkers and gun towers of the devils.

It can barely hold a few shots of a 150mm caliber cannon, but it is impossible to hold a 240mm heavy artillery.

Wang Dehou also nodded and said, "This is a problem. How powerful is the 240mm howitzer compared to our loving father's hammer?"

"Should the devil's howitzer be more powerful?" Xing Zhiguo said, "After all, the devil's caliber is larger."

"Not necessarily." Zhao Gang also participated in the discussion, "Boss Chen's products are all high-quality products. Although the devil's heavy howitzer has a large caliber, it is not necessarily more powerful than our loving father's hammer."

"It's a mule or a horse, and it's time to pull it out for a walk."

Li Yunlong snorted: "Although the devil's 240mm heavy howitzer is powerful, our 203mm heavy howitzer is not vegetarian."

Although the 45-year-type 240mm heavy howitzer has a large caliber, it weighs 38 tons. It cannot be maneuvered in the assembled state, and its shooting flexibility is also poor.

The B4 heavy howitzer equipped with the new regiment has a total weight of 15.8 tons and can be maneuvered with a crawler tractor in the assembled state.

If the devils dispatched 240mm heavy howitzers, then the new regiment of B4 heavy 203mm howitzers would also have to be pulled out for a walk.

Because of this, the devil's heavy artillery can be suppressed.

Otherwise, it is very likely that the devils from the first division will break into the base area. The 240mm heavy howitzer poses a great threat to the tunnel fortifications.

One shot down, if the tunnel fortification is relatively shallow, it can completely kill or injure the soldiers in the tunnel fortification.

If he really can't stand it, Li Yunlong doesn't mind having a heavy artillery battle with the First Division.

"Then, shall we still repair this fort?" Xing Zhiguo asked.

Hearing this, Li Yunlong narrowed his eyes, showing deep thought and careful consideration.

Originally, Xinyituan wanted to build fortresses in important strongholds such as Dagu Town and Lijia Town, and give up the county town to the devils.

But it is impossible for the fortress to withstand the bombardment of 240mm heavy artillery.

At present, a new group of cement factories and steel factories is about to be completed. Once completed, a large amount of steel bars and cement can be produced to build fortresses and roads.

When the First Division first arrived, the cement plant and the steel plant were almost ready to go into operation.

The new regiment can confront the first division while building fortresses.

However, the Devil's 150mm and 240mm heavy artillery can bombard from a long distance, blowing up the half-repaired fortress, and making the fortress' previous efforts go to waste.

And even if the new regiment repaired the fortress, the devil's 240mm heavy howitzer still couldn't stop the bombardment of the devil's 240mm howitzer.

After all, the 240mm heavy artillery is too much of a threat to the new regiment.

After a long time, Li Yunlong waved his hand and said, "I won't build the fort for the time being. Let's see if Boss Chen can get information on the whereabouts of the Devil's 240mm heavy artillery."

It is thankless, and Li Yunlong will never do a loss-making business.

After a pause, Li Yunlong said again: "This First Division has come to Northwest Shanxi, so don't even think about leaving."

Zhao Gang's pupils shrank when he heard this, and he asked immediately, "Old Li...do you want to wipe out the First Division?"

Even Xing Zhiguo and Wang Dehou had serious expressions on their faces. With the strength of the new regiment now, if they want to eat the First Division, they may have to grind their teeth again.

"That's right!" Li Yunlong's eyes were sharp, "Last time we let the 10th Division run away, labor and management have regretted it for several months, this time we must not let the [-]st Division run away again."

Zhao Gang said: "The strength of this first division is much stronger than that of the tenth division. We have to think long-term."

But Xing Zhiguo asked thoughtfully: "What does the head of the regiment mean, should he pull the new second regiment and the independent regiment to work together?"

"That's right!" Li Yunlong said yes again, nodded, and continued, "This time, that kid from Yamamoto sent an advance team to the Independent Regiment and the New Second Regiment's defense area to sabotage, and the No. 200 devils of the two advance teams all If he was killed, he would earn 1000 tons of weapons and ammunition, and he would not have to hand it over to the brigade headquarters. At present, Boss Chen is already arranging a transport plane to deliver the goods."

"When these weapons and ammunition are in place, the main forces of the New Second Regiment and the Independent Regiment can each be expanded to 1 people."

"After our expansion is completed, the main force can reach 4, which together will be 7 main force."

"The weapons and equipment are better than the devils in the first division, and the number of troops is more than that of the devils in the first division. Could it be that they can't kill the first division?"

Everyone thought about it carefully after hearing the words, and according to what Li Yunlong said, they really had a chance to kill the First Division.

Although the artillery firepower of the First Division is very powerful.

But with the artillery firepower of the New First Regiment, plus the artillery firepower of the Independent Regiment and the New Second Regiment, the First Division has no advantage.

This time.

There is only one First Division in Northwest Shanxi, but this First Division is facing three regiments of the Eighth Route Army in Northwest Shanxi.

"Old Li, what are you going to do?" Zhao Gang asked.

Among the people present, Li Yunlong had the most ideas about fighting,
"I haven't thought about how to do it yet." Li Yunlong said, "But I have an idea in general."

"The mission of the 36st Division to Northwest Shanxi must be the same as that of the [-]th Division, to block our new regiment in Northwest Shanxi."

"Prevent our new regiment from attacking the devils everywhere, and curb the development of our new regiment."

"Wait until the devils are free, and then send heavy troops to encircle and suppress our new regiment."

"So we have to act first, and get rid of the devil's first division before the devil frees up."

If the devils want to attack Northwest Shanxi, the First Division must be the main force.

There are many advantages to getting rid of the first division first.

Not only when the devils attacked the base area in Northwest Shanxi, the pressure was much less.

Of course, the First Division is not made of mud. If you want to eat the First Division, you must pay some price, but it is worth paying the price.

If you can eat the number one Japanese army division, you can greatly reduce the arrogance of the Japanese army and increase the determination of the Chinese military and civilians to resist Japan.

Li Yunlong continued: "Even if we can't wipe them out, we must at least inflict heavy damage on the First Division. The heavy artillery brigade of the First Division must be eliminated."

This time, Li Yunlong really made up his mind.

On the one hand, the price of eating or severely injuring the First Division is very fragrant.

On the other hand, the devils have repeatedly sent Class A divisions to Northwest Shanxi. Is Northwest Shanxi really a tourist attraction?Come and go as you want?
The little devil's heavy artillery brigade poses too great a threat to the Chinese army and must be eliminated.

Of course, the price of killing the Devils Heavy Artillery Brigade is also very attractive.



Iron Lion Alley.

North China Front Army Command.

In the battle room, a huge map has been posted on the wall of the battle hall, almost covering the entire wall.

This map is a detailed map of Northwest Shanxi, and even the roads under construction in Northwest Shanxi are marked out.

In order to defend against the new regiment of the Eighth Route Army, the devils took great pains.

Although Northwest Shanxi is in the defense zone of the First Army, the current First Army can barely protect itself, let alone take the initiative to attack the new regiment?
The last time the Xinyi Regiment attacked the Zhengtai Railway, not only was the First Army helpless, but more than 4000 people were killed.

The Xinyi Regiment in Northwest Shanxi has become a confidant of the North China Front Army. If the Xinyi Regiment comes a few more times, the First Army will almost disappear.

The Southeast Asian battlefield is progressing smoothly, the Japanese offensive is smooth, and the British and American troops are retreating steadily.

The reason why Japan invaded China in an all-round way and threatened to subjugate China within three months was to completely occupy China, and then integrate China's huge population and resources to help Japan fight the US and British forces in Southeast Asia.

However, the Sino-Japanese War has been fought for more than four years. Not only did Japan fail to achieve a decisive victory, but a large number of Japanese troops were held back in China.

This time the Japanese army attacked Southeast Asia, but achieved unexpected results, and victory was in sight.

Therefore, Ningji Okamura and others pay little attention to the situation in Southeast Asia, and instead will study how to deal with the new group in Northwest Shanxi.

"Your Excellency, Lieutenant General Mitsuo Nakazawa, head of the First Division, has arrived!"

A staff officer hurried in and bowed his head to Neiji Okamura in salute.

Okamura Ningji's expression changed: "Please come in."


The devil's staff officer turned and left.

After a while, Lieutenant General Mitsuo Nakazawa appeared at the door, wearing a khaki battle robe, a lieutenant general's sword on his waist, and a pair of round glasses.

Behind him were two guards with sharp eyes, but when the two guards reached the door, they stopped still.

Mitsuo Nakazawa stepped across the threshold and walked into the war room.

Mitsuo Nakazawa graduated from the Army University, and was a classmate of the same period as Akira Muto, Naoji Sakai, and Deng Kunisaki.

Moreover, Mitsuo Nakazawa also served as the chief of staff of the No.16 Division of the Japanese Army that participated in the Jinling Massacre.

The No.16 Division of the Japanese Army was the garrison unit of the Japanese Central China Front Army after it occupied Jinling.

As soon as he entered the door, Sanfu Nakazawa gave a military salute to Neji Okamura: "Your Excellency, General!"

Neiji Okamura returned the military salute with a solemn expression, then smiled slightly, and made a gesture of invitation: "Mr. Nakazawa, you have worked hard all the way, please go to the living room to rest for a while."

To be the head of the first division must be capable.

After two years, Mitsuo Nakazawa will probably be promoted to the commander of a certain army.

For example, Yokoyama Isamu, the previous commander of the First Division, was promoted to the commander of the Fourth Army not long ago.

If Mitsuo Nakazawa performed well in Northwest Shanxi, Neji Okamura would consider promoting Mitsuo Nakazawa to the commander of the First Army.

Sanfu Zhongze looked at the map on the wall: "Your Excellency, this is the map of Northwest Shanxi, right?"

"That's right, this is the detailed map of Northwest Shanxi!" Okamura Ningji said in a rather surprised tone, "Mr. Nakaze has also studied the map of Northwest Shanxi?"

Tanabe Moritake and Arisue Seizo on the side were also slightly surprised.

Sanfu Zhongze said: "The opponent of the First Division is in Northwest Shanxi. Of course, we must study the map of Northwest Shanxi thoroughly. Not only must we study the map of Northwest Shanxi thoroughly, but we must also study the opponent thoroughly."

For Li Yunlong and Xinyituan in Northwest Shanxi, Sanfu Zhongze has never underestimated them.

To be able to achieve the position of head of the first army division, Mr. Nakaze is not a fool. Killing so many lieutenant generals and major generals in the empire, as well as the new regiment of tens of thousands of locust soldiers, is it so easy to deal with?

The 10th Division paid a heavy price for their arrogance and contempt, and Sanfu Nakazawa did not want to follow in the footsteps of the 10th Division.

Neiji Okamura's expression became more and more satisfied. Mitsuo Nakazawa's attitude made him full of confidence in the First Division.

"Yoshi!" Neiji Okamura nodded and said, "I will also transfer the 26th Independence Mountain Artillery Regiment of the 12th Division to you to command."

"Then thank you, General!" Sanfu Nakazawa looked happy. Since then, the First Division has four artillery regiments, two of which are heavy artillery regiments.

In the next confrontation with Xinyituan, Mitsuo Nakazawa felt confident.

(End of this chapter)

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