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Chapter 667 The 1st Division is dispatched!

Chapter 667 The first division is dispatched!

Following the order of Sanfu Zhongze, the regiments of the First Division began to march from Datong to the northwest of Shanxi.


Mitsuo Nakaze was still very cautious. The first division headquarters and the headquarters of the division headquarters, as well as the heavy artillery unit, did not move in Datong.



As for the two infantry regiments assigned by Neiji Okamura to the First Division, only one infantry regiment has arrived in Datong so far, and the other infantry regiment has not yet arrived.

The first batch of 8 regiments, under the leadership of Chief of Staff Xin Yeyi Huo Dazuo, marched towards the northwest of Shanxi in mighty force.

Nearly 3 elite Japanese troops formed a long queue on the highway.

The First Division has more than 800 vehicles and a variety of heavy weapons.

In addition, there are more than 60 tanks and armored vehicles. Although the number of tanks does not reach the size of a tank regiment, this level is considered very luxurious in the Japanese army.


Iron Lion Alley.

North China Front Army Command.

"Report to the commander."

Holding the telegram in his hand, the communications staff officer walked quickly into the war hall, and bowed his head to Okamura Neiji to report:

"Lieutenant General Mitsuo Nakazawa, head of the First Division, has sent a telegram."

"The 49th Infantry Regiment, the 7th Infantry Regiment and the 57th Infantry Regiment, the main force of the First Division, the 12th Regiment of the Mountain Artillery, the [-]st Industrial, Cavalry, Artillery, and Supplies Regiment, have set off from Datong to Northwest Shanxi .”

"Oh?" Ningji Okamura asked in a surprised tone, "Didn't the 6th Heavy Artillery Regiment and the Suzuki Regiment of the First Division Headquarters go to Northwest Shanxi?"

"Hi!" The communications officer bowed his head in response.

"Could it be that Lieutenant General Nakazawa noticed something?" The deputy chief of staff had Mo Jing's three eyes showing thought.

"Probably not." Chief of Staff Moritake Tanabe shook his head, "If Lieutenant General Mitsuo Nakazawa noticed something, he would definitely not send the main force of the First Division to Northwest Shanxi. , as long as the main force of the first division arrives in the northwest of Shanxi and has a firm foothold, the rest of the troops will be able to arrive [-]% safely."

Youmo Jingsan said: "That means that Lieutenant General Zhongze Sanfu does not feel that the road to Northwest Shanxi is absolutely safe."

"Your Excellency, Commander, do you want to send a reconnaissance plane to reconnaissance along the road from Datong to Northwest Shanxi?"

"Once any abnormal situation is found, immediately notify the ground troops."

"Yes." Neiji Okamura nodded, "Immediately dispatch all reconnaissance planes to escort the main force of the First Division."

The First Division is currently the only trump card in Ningji Okamura's hands that can suppress the new regiment.

Therefore, every move of the First Division must be ensured to be foolproof.

As for Sanfu Zhongze not going to Northwest Shanxi for the time being, it is simply because he is afraid of death.

There are already several lieutenant generals who died in Shanxi. Several of these lieutenant generals whose whereabouts were leaked led to their deaths.

Moreover, intelligence shows that almost all of these lieutenant generals died at the hands of the Xinyi Regiment of the Eighth Route Army.

Northwest Shanxi is also the territory of the New First Regiment of the Eighth Route Army. If he, a lieutenant general of the First Division, burns, kills and loots other people's territory, will there be good fruit to eat?
If it is not confirmed that it is [-]% safe, Sanfu Zhongze will never go to Northwest Shanxi.

Instead, he commanded the First Division remotely in Datong.


Yusue Seizo suddenly lowered his head.

Following the order from the North China Front Army Command, the reconnaissance plane of the First Army quickly took off and headed towards the northwest of Shanxi.


On the vast Chinese battlefield, after several years of military confrontation, more than 100 million Japanese troops were pinned down in the Japanese-occupied area, unable to launch a new offensive.

The strategic idea of ​​exchanging space for time put forward by the Chinese Nationalist Government at the beginning of the war showed results to a certain extent.

After four or five years of war, the Japanese troops stationed in China have begun to show signs of decline.

Although Shanxi Northwest Iron Triangle has made a lot of noise.

However, in the overall strategic pattern of the East, the second theater of the Chinese battlefield is just a pawn, and the Northwest Shanxi region is not very conspicuous on the military situation map of the second theater.

Li Yunlong's New First Regiment, Kong Jie's Independent Regiment, and Ding Wei's New Second Regiment did not have a formal establishment on the military establishment table of the Nationalist Government's Military Commission.

They don't even have a serial number. In theory, these three regiments are armed forces outside the battle order of the national army.

Who would have thought that Li Yunlong, Ding Wei and Kong Jie were holding back a big move?
Northwest Shanxi.

The headquarters of the new regiment is also the general headquarters of this campaign.

As soon as the telegrapher received a telegram, Chief of Staff Wang Dehou quickly took the telegram from the telegrapher.

"Is it a telegram from Sword Squadron?"

Li Yunlong asked.

And last night, at least hundreds of soldiers were frostbitten. The soldiers ate, drank and lazed in the ambush position, eating a mouthful of snow and a mouthful of canned food. The conditions were extremely difficult.

If the devils from the First Division don't come within three days, then the Eighth Route Army will suffer at least thousands of soldiers from frostbite.

The difficulty of this super-large ambush was somewhat beyond Li Yunlong's imagination.

There are advantages and disadvantages to ambush in heavy snow weather. The advantage is that the soldiers can hide better and avoid the detection of the Japanese reconnaissance plane in the sky.

The disadvantage is that the cold weather is also a great test for the soldiers.

Moreover, the terrain Li Yunlong chose for the ambush was not the condescending terrain of Pingxingguan, and of course it was not the terrain of Yimapingchuan, but the rolling hills.

There are mostly open fields on both sides of the road, and the ambush troops of each battalion are ambushing two kilometers away from the road.

This section is not the area where the devil scouts focus on reconnaissance, so it is easy to escape the reconnaissance of the scouts of the first division.

As for the devil's reconnaissance plane, it is even more difficult to detect the ambush on the ground.

The concealment of our army started from the time of the Red Army, and reached its peak when the Volunteer Army developed.

The Volunteer Army can even make 30 troops escape the US military's reconnaissance and suddenly appear on the battlefield, giving the US military a big surprise.

Now, Li Yunlong is also preparing to give the Japanese army of the First Division a big surprise.

"It's not a telegram from the Sword Squadron." Xing Zhiguo shook his head, "It's a telegram from the head of the headquarters, asking if the First Division departs from Datong."

The Sword Squadron was deployed near Datong, carrying radio stations.

Once the First Division departs from Datong, the Sword Squadron will immediately send a telegram.

Now there are two divisions of the Japanese army stationed in Datong, with a total strength of more than 4, and the defense is extremely tight. Only the masters of the Sword Squadron can complete the infiltration mission, and ordinary scouts can't do it.

Li Yunlong narrowed his eyes, stared at the map, and said:

"Call back to the headquarters, the First Division has not departed from Datong for the time being."

Although Li Yunlong was a little disappointed, his expression and eyes were still calm. As the commander-in-chief of the [-] army, he must not panic at this time.

"Yes!" Wang Dehou quickly drew up a telegram, and after Li Yunlong signed it, he asked the telegrapher to send it out.

"Captain, it's time for breakfast."

Guard Huang Erhu walked to Li Yunlong with a box of canned beef.

Since cooking with a fire will smoke, and the smoke will attract the attention of the devils' reconnaissance planes, so all combatants eat canned food.

Li Yun stared at the map without raising his head, and said, "Put it aside."

At this moment, the codecs translated a telegram, turned around and gave Wang Dehou a military salute, and handed the telegram to Wang Dehou.

Wang Dehou picked up the telegram and looked at it, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Regimental Commander, Duan Peng, Captain of the Sword Squadron, has sent a telegram, and the First Division is dispatched!"

"Oh?" Li Yunlong's eyes flashed brightly: "The son of a bitch finally came out."

Ding Wei, Kong Jie and Zhao Gang on the side also raised their mouths slightly and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

As long as the devils from the first division come out and enter the ambush circle, half of the battle will be won.

Wang Dehou: "But..."

Li Yunlong narrowed his eyes slightly: "But what?"

Wang Dehou said: "According to the reconnaissance of the Sword Squadron, the devils who set off from Datong this time are not all the troops of the First Division. The heavy artillery unit of the First Division is still in Datong."

"There is another infantry regiment that has not yet set off. It is estimated that the division headquarters of the First Division is still in Datong."

"The Sword Squadron only saw 3 infantry regiments, 2 artillery regiments, 1 cavalry regiment, 1 engineering regiment and a logistics regiment starting from Datong."

Kong Jie smiled coldly: "Sanfu Zhongze is quite cautious."

"Only part of the first division came out." Ding Wei asked, "Should we still fight this battle?"

"Let's prepare all the dishes." Li Yunlong's tone was firm, "If you come to two tables, you will eat, and if you come to one table, you will eat too. Damn it!"

"I also agree to fight this battle." Zhao Gang agreed, "Although the Division Headquarters and the Heavy Artillery Regiment did not come, how to say, this is also the main force of the First Division, and the opportunity is only this time."

Kong Jie, Wang Dehou, Xing Zhiguo and the others all nodded their heads with stern eyes.

The trousers are all taken off, isn't it plausible to have a shot?

Xing Zhiguo asked: "Commander, do you want to order the artillery unit to set up all the cannons?"

In this battle, the New First Regiment, the Independent Regiment and the New Second Regiment used almost all the cannons.

According to incomplete statistics, including 60mm and 82mm mortars, there are more than 800 artillery pieces, of course most of them are 60mm and 82mm mortars.

The last anti-sweeping operation was successful, killing more than 100 thickened bunkers and gun towers, earning more than 1000 cannons, half of which were handed in, and at least half of the three brothers used them for artillery, and the artillery firepower of the three regiments was greatly enhanced.

However, all the cannons are in a dormant state, so as not to be detected by the devil's reconnaissance plane.

"Don't worry." Li Yunlong looked at his watch, "The devils from the First Division will arrive here at least in the afternoon. We set up the cannon so early, it is easy to be exposed."

Xing Zhiguo nodded.

Not surprisingly, the devil's plane will come to conduct reconnaissance today.

Li Yunlong's tone was somewhat regrettable: "Since the devil's heavy artillery unit did not come, then our heavy howitzer battalion will not show up either."

Pulling heavy howitzers out of base, just in case.

Not surprisingly, as long as the Devil's heavy artillery unit entered the Eighth Route Army's ambush position, the Devil's artillery would not even have a chance to set up artillery.


In the morning and at noon, the devil's reconnaissance plane reconnaissance along the road three times.

After confirming that there were no abnormalities, the devil's reconnaissance plane left Shanxi Northwest.

At about three o'clock in the afternoon, the 1st Division appeared, and the first to appear was the 1st Cavalry Regiment of the [-]st Division.

The ghost cavalry of the 1st Cavalry Regiment wore yellow duffel fur coats and furs, carried [-]-style infantry rifles on their backs, and [-]-style cavalry knives on their waists and hips.

The devil's cavalry walked very slowly, advancing carelessly.

Although the 1st Cavalry Regiment was responsible for searching and advancing, the Devil Cavalry behaved leisurely.

Scouts and reconnaissance planes have repeatedly reconnaissance several times, what can happen?
What's more, in this snowy weather, who would dare to come to the locust army to ambush the first division?

The singing of the Japanese cavalry came along with the wind: "Looking into the distance under the morning glow, the ups and downs of mountains and rivers are incomparable. Our elite army is majestic, and all the allies are well-off. It is full of glory, the Kwantung Army."

Although the First Division is now part of the North China Front Army, the Devil Cavalry still sang the military song of the Kwantung Army.

Some devils even sang while drinking wine there.

Following the cavalry regiment was the 1th Infantry Regiment of the 49st Infantry Brigade.

Except for the regiment leader who rides in an armored vehicle, and the battalion leader and squadron leader who ride on horseback, most of the devil's infantry are on foot.

Compared with the devils in the second-tier division, the devils in the first division seemed to be very casual when they were walking, and they didn't keep that consistent stepping sound all the time.

But the combat power of the Devils United of the first division is definitely several times that of the Devils of the second-line division.

Not only in terms of weapons and equipment, but also in the individual quality of personnel, tactical coordination and other aspects, the devils of the first-class division crushed the devils of the second-line division in all aspects.

After that came the 1st Regiment of the Supplies. 72 75mm mountain guns and field guns were dragged forward by [-] trucks. Each truck was fully loaded with weapons, ammunition and various combat supplies.

The devil's marching team stretched out a long dragon of six to seven kilometers on the road, like a thousand troops marching.


Eighth Route Army frontline headquarters.

The lookout posts on the small hills used walkie-talkies to transmit news, and the devils of the First Division did not realize the danger at all.

Instead of being aware of the danger, the devils seemed to feel very comfortable.

"Report to the head, the devil's vanguard cavalry has entered the ambush circle."

After Wang Dehou summarized the situation from the lookout post, he reported to Li Yunlonghui:

"At this position, there is about one cavalry regiment, which should be the 1st Cavalry Regiment of the Japanese 1st Division."

"it's here."

After speaking, Wang Dehou pointed out the location of the 1st Japanese Cavalry Regiment on the map.

Li Yunlong, Zhao Gang and others looked at the map.

The position of the 1st Japanese Cavalry Regiment is at the opening of the ambush circle, and on both sides are the ambush sections in charge of the first battalion and the second battalion of the new regiment.

Once all the devils have entered the ambush circle, the two battalions in this division will seal the openings tightly, and then close the door and beat the dogs.

With a satisfied expression, Li Yunlong ordered: "You can order the heavy artillery battalion, the 1st artillery battalion and the 2nd artillery battalion to start shooting!"

The devil's cavalry had just entered the ambush circle, and there were 7 devil regiments behind. At this time, there was no time to set up the artillery.

(End of this chapter)

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