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Chapter 676 Distribution of weapons and ammunition!

Chapter 676 Distribution of weapons and ammunition!

"Oh, blood loss!"

Kong Jie seemed to have thought of something, suddenly slapped his thigh and yelled.

The sudden yelling almost startled several people.

Ding Wei immediately asked: "Old Kong, what blood loss?"

"Don't the devils of the 1st Division also have a heavy artillery regiment?"

Kong Jie's eyes widened, with a bloody expression:

"The business of artillery above 75 mm has doubled. If one heavy artillery regiment is killed, our Eighth Route Army can expand two heavy artillery regiments."

"Kill one heavy artillery brigade, and our Eighth Route Army can expand two heavy artillery brigades."

"Isn't this a blood loss?"

For this, Li Yunlong also felt a little pity, but it was not a big problem.

Although the 1st Division only brought one heavy artillery brigade to Datong, the double business that Boss Chen gave was similar to the previous business that killed a heavy artillery brigade.

In other words, if you kill the 6th Japanese Heavy Artillery Regiment, you can still get a business for two heavy artillery regiments.

However, the old devil Zhongze Sanfu is a bit of a chicken thief. Although he said he was fooled by Li Yunlong, he was not completely fooled.

Originally, Li Yunlong wanted to kill even the 6th Regiment of the Devils, including Lieutenant General Mitsuo Nakazawa, the head of the 1st Division.

However, only the main force of the 1st Division was eaten, but this was within the acceptable range of Li Yunlong. The capture and business of this battle were basically among the best in the previous business.

Still bloody?
It would be nice if Li Yunlong didn't take pleasure in it.

"Hey, what am I thinking?"

Ding Wei saw it very openly, and said: "Killing the two artillery regiments is not bad, we can't let us share all the good things, can we?"

This battle was not complicated, and the battle ended in a few hours.

However, in the combat history of the Eighth Route Army, the entire scale of battles involving more than 800 artillery pieces is also unprecedented.

Kong Jie took two sharp puffs of dry cigarettes, calmed down and asked, "Then how much is the business for the killed infantry?"

"Infantry is triple!"

Li Yunlong said: "We killed nearly 2 infantry in this battle. Even if it is 2, Boss Chen should pay us the weapons and equipment of 6 infantry."

"The weapons and equipment of 6 infantry?!"

Kong Jie and Ding Wei suddenly opened their eyes wide, Kong Jie took two puffs of cigarettes, and suddenly felt that the dry tobacco in his hand was tasteless.

Xing Zhiguo, Zhao Gang and Wang Dehou, who knew the price a long time ago, also had the joy of harvest on their faces.

With the price in front of you, who can not be confused?
Even the head of the headquarters was confused when he came.

Half of the weapons and equipment of the 6 infantry were handed over to the headquarters, and the remaining 3 infantry were left with weapons and equipment. Even if the bulk was given to the New First Regiment, the Independent Regiment and the New Second Regiment could make a fortune.

Hehe smiled, and Li Yunlong said again: "This is only infantry equipment, and the business of cavalry is three times as much."

"This time, our cavalry almost completely wiped out the 1st Cavalry Regiment of the 1st Division. Boss Chen will give us more than 3 sets of cavalry equipment, which is enough to make a cavalry division."

The equipment of the cavalry is mainly carbines and Yunlong swords, as well as saddles and other equipment.

During the War of Liberation, the PLA had a total of 14 cavalry divisions, some with nearly 1 cavalry divisions, and some with only 5 cavalry divisions.

But at present, more than 600 cavalry can form a cavalry regiment, and more than 1 cavalry can form a cavalry brigade, so more than 3 sets of cavalry equipment can form a cavalry division.

"More than 3 sets of cavalry equipment? Will Boss Chen give the army horse?"

Kong Jie asked happily, the equipment of this cavalry must have been shared by their independent regiment, and he has long wanted to expand the cavalry battalion.

"You only want good things, kid." Li Yunlong said, "Give it back to the army horse, why don't you say that Boss Chen will even match you with the cavalry?"

"Boss Chen has a good military horse." Zhao Gang said, "But in a secret overseas military base, it's not lucky, unless it is to open up the port, but now the coastal ports are occupied by the Japanese army."

Xing Zhiguo added: "And it's a well-trained military horse, a military horse that can be used immediately."

Kong Jie's tone was pity: "That's a pity..."

As for military horses, even if they use transport planes, they are really not lucky to come in.

However, this time the main force of the 1st Division was eliminated, and nearly 1 military horses were captured, and some of the Independent Regiment and the New Second Regiment could also be allocated.

Ding Wei said with emotion: "Boss Chen has given a very generous price recently!"

Although Boss Chen gave a very generous price in the past, it is far from this time.

Three times the business of infantry and cavalry, double business of artillery, tank and auto soldiers, this price is simply too sweet!

"This is the business of Type A divisions." Li Yunlong explained, "The business of second-line divisions is still a double business. For ordinary Type A divisions, the business of infantry and heavy weapons is double."

"So that's it." Ding Wei nodded suddenly, "We have beaten both the 10th Division and the 1st Division. If we beat up all the devil's Type A divisions, then wouldn't our Eighth Route Army have more people?" Million elite soldiers?!"

"It's easy to say." Kong Jie said, "This time we succeeded in the ambush. If we fight head-on, it will definitely not be so easy to defeat the devils."

"The fifth army won the Kunlun Pass victory the year before last, but the casualties of the fifth army were three times those of the fifth division of the Japanese army."

"Although our current weapons and equipment are good, the fighting power of the little devil's A-type division is not weak. It is not bad to have a battle loss ratio of one to two with the A-type division's devils!"

"Commander Kong is right." Zhao Gang said, "Although we have defeated the 10th Division and the 1st Division, we still cannot underestimate the enemy. The overall strength of the Japanese army is not something that our Eighth Route Army can confront head-on."

Hearing what Kong Jie and Zhao Gang said, everyone put away their contempt for the Japanese army and carelessness.

Ever since Boss Chen started helping the Xinyi Regiment, the Eighth Route Army has fought more and more smoothly, with better weapons and stronger troops.

From officers to soldiers, it is inevitable that there will be contempt for the Japanese army.

After all, the more victorious battles are fought, the stronger the morale of the troops, and if the morale is too strong, it will become a proud soldier.

Of course, Li Yunlong, Ding Wei, and Kong Jie have fought for more than ten years, and they have never underestimated the devils.

But the commanders and soldiers below are hard to say, especially those who have just joined the army. They have not experienced the days of being suppressed and beaten by the Japanese army. After winning consecutive battles, they feel that the devils are weak in combat.

Zhao Gang has been educating the commanders and fighters of the Xinyi Regiment in this regard. Whether it is an officer or a soldier, the Xinyi Regiment must not have the idea of ​​underestimating the enemy.

Ding Wei and Kong Jie felt awe-inspiring, and they must strengthen ideological education in this area when they go back.

Li Yunlong said: "During the battle, the infantry's weapons and ammunition are reimbursed on a one-to-one basis, but for tanks, armored vehicles, cars and artillery, Boss Chen's reimbursement is double."

"Double reimbursement?"

The eyes of Kong Jie and Ding Wei suddenly lit up again.

"So..." Ding Wei said, "If you deliberately let the devils blow up the artillery of your regiment, then it will be doubled. Equip the doubled artillery and let the devils blow it up, it will be quadruple. That's eight times..."

"Nonsense!" Li Yunlong glanced at Ding Wei angrily: "If we want to do this, isn't it obvious that we are cheating people? Boss Chen is not a fool, so he won't be able to see it? If he goes back to find Chu Yunfei for business, then what to do?"

After a pause, Li Yunlong said again: "Besides, you will only be reimbursed twice if you fight against the devil's Class A division. If you fight ordinary devils, you will still be reimbursed twice."

"That's true..." Ding Wei nodded, "The most important thing in doing business is honesty. If you are not honest, who would want to do business with you?"

That's all he said, as a joke, without really intending to do it.

Just kidding, let alone a private arsenal like Boss Chen, even Germany, the United States and the Soviet Union cannot afford such reimbursement.

In the Iron Triangle, Li Yunlong is the most picky, and it is difficult to spit out what is in his mouth.

Ding Wei has the most messy intestines and always wants to start a side job. In the original play, during the War of Liberation, Uncle Ding brewed wine privately while fighting.

Kong Jie is the most honest, disciplined, and orders from his superiors are always prohibited.

Afterwards, Ding Wei looked at Zhao Gang: "Commissioner Zhao, how are the casualties of our three regiments?"

"Casualties are okay, much smaller than expected casualties."

Zhao Gang continued: "Our three regiments had a total casualty of more than 3 people. Our regiment had more casualties, with more than 1 casualties. Your two regiments had a total of more than 5 casualties."

"The devils of the 1st Division are quite powerful."

"Surrounded by our nearly 5 people, under the continuous bombardment of 800 artillery pieces, we can still organize a counterattack and break through."

"These devils react quickly, their marksmanship is accurate, and their fighting will is very tenacious. If it weren't for our infantry's strong firepower and the use of the iron rolling mopping tactic invented by Neiji Okamura."

"The casualties of our three regiments have to be doubled."

What Zhao Gang said was not an exaggeration at all.

The casualties of the Eighth Route Army were mainly caused by the Japanese army to the Eighth Route Army soldiers during the counterattack and breakout.

The devil's combat effectiveness and fighting will of the Type A Division are really powerful. On the frontal battlefield, the National Army faces the Type A Division. Generally, it has to dispatch more than five times its troops to block the Type A Division's attack.

In Taierzhuang, the Chinese army killed more than 5 Japanese soldiers at the cost of 1 casualties.

Right now, at the cost of more than 3 casualties, killing more than 2 devils is the greatest victory among great victories.

Li Yunlong said in a rather regretful tone: "In this battle, more than 5 people were escaped by the devils. It's really a fucking pity."

"Old Li, don't blame yourself, there is nothing you can do about it." Kong Jie comforted, "We don't have many troops in such a large ambush circle, so it's normal for us to have loopholes."

Ding Wei also said: "In addition, one-third of our fighters are recruits who have just entered the main force for more than two months. It is normal for all kinds of situations to arise during a battle.”

But Li Yunlong said: "This is American equipment for 1 infantrymen. Such a big piece of fat slipped away from my mouth. My old Li feels sorry for me."

1 American equipment, plus the equipment captured by the 5 devils, is enough for the Eighth Route Army to expand its main force by 5.

When Kong Jie and Ding Wei heard this, they were speechless and looked at Li Yunlong with small eyes.

They both thought that more than 5 people were slipped away by the devil, and Li Yunlong blamed himself there, feeling distressed because the fat slipped from his mouth.

Look, are you speaking human language?

If the ghost soldiers found out, they would probably die of anger on the spot.

Wang Dehou said with a smile: "After this big battle, our recruits have initially formed their combat effectiveness."

The main recruits of the three regiments have been in the army for almost three months. These recruits are all recruited from the militia, and they have a certain foundation.

Coupled with nearly three months of training in the new barracks, as well as the baptism of this big battle, the combat effectiveness has initially formed.

"That's right." Zhao Gang nodded, "Actual combat is the best training for soldiers!"

After a pause, Zhao Gang said again: "Then, it is the distribution of weapons and ammunition."

Ding Wei's eyes lit up, he sat up straight and pricked up his ears, as if listening carefully.

Kong Jie also knocked the pipe on the edge of the table twice to knock off the remaining cigarettes in the pipe. Although a lot of devil's cigarettes were seized, the smell of the cigarettes was not strong enough. Kong Jie still liked to smoke dry tobacco to refresh himself.

Although Kong Jie, Ding Wei, and Li Yunlong have a strong relationship, they still have to settle accounts with their brothers when it comes to the distribution of weapons and ammunition.

Zhao Gang continued:

"Our business earns weapons and ammunition, and we hand over half of it to the headquarters. There is nothing to say about it."

"After handing over half of it to the headquarters."


Kong Jie and Ding Wei's eyes immediately turned hot. Even the remaining weapons and equipment after handing them over to the headquarters can definitely create an ace army.

Moreover, it is also an ace army comparable to the big country-level units such as Germany, the United States, and the Soviet Union. This firepower is several times stronger than that of a Division A division of the Japanese army!
Zhao Gang continued: "For the 3 infantry equipment, Lao Li decided that our three regiments in Northwest Shanxi will share equally, and each regiment will have 1 American weapons and equipment."

"Equally divided?"

Ding Wei suddenly opened his eyes wide.

"American equipment for 1 people per regiment?"

The pipe in Kong Jie's hand fell to the ground with a snap, and then he looked at Li Yunlong:

"Lao Li, is what you said true? Do you really want to share the weapons and equipment of 3 people equally between me and Lao Ding?"

"Why, don't you want to? If you don't want to, forget it."

Li Yunlong had already guessed that Ding Wei and Kong Jie would have such a reaction, and said with the corners of his mouth slightly upturned.

"Yes, of course." Kong Jie quickly explained, "Lao Ding and I just didn't expect that this time, Lao Li, you are so generous that you are willing to give me and Lao Ding the American equipment worth 2 people."

"That's right." Ding Wei said, "Lao Kong and I thought that you would take out 1 equipment, and Lao Kong and I each had 5."

Hehe smiled, and Li Yunlong said: "You are lucky this time, I can hardly hold weapons and ammunition in my warehouse, and the speed of troop expansion is far behind the speed of earning weapons and ammunition. The weapons and ammunition earned before have not been expanded yet." , this has earned thousands of tons of weapons and ammunition, do you think the fuck is making trouble?"

Seeing Li Yunlong filling the cup, Ding Wei and Kong Jie really wanted to slap him a few times.

Is this what people say, the speed of troop expansion is not as fast as the speed of earning weapons and ammunition?

But just thinking about it like this, if the two of them really smoked, it would be a big joke.

"Old Kong, congratulations, you are going to be an army commander."

Ding Wei looked at Kong Jie, with a brighter smile on his face.

"Haha." Kong Jie's face had already turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile, "Old Ding, we are both happy and happy."

Although there are only more than [-] people in the Independent Regiment and the New Second Regiment at the moment, the expansion will be completed once these weapons and ammunition are in place.

Plus the militia, a proper army.

(End of this chapter)

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