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Chapter 686 Then Do It!

Chapter 686 Then Do It!
The new regiment.

Since there were not many people attending the meeting, the inner room of the regiment headquarters was used as a meeting room.

Sitting next to the kang table were regimental commander Li Yunlong, political commissar Zhao Gang, chief of staff Wang Dehou, deputy commander Xing Zhiguo, commander of the 1st Pao Battalion Wang Chengzhu, commander of the Lijian Squadron Duan Peng, and commander of the 1st Cavalry Battalion Cao Jiang.

Because the mountain artillery in Wujin Mountain was arranged by Wang Chengzhu, the 1st Battalion of the artillery is mainly responsible for this mission.

Among the battalion commanders of several artillery battalions, Li Yunlong is also planning to apply for a regiment deputy rank for one of the battalion commanders.

In the future, if there is a combat mission that needs to be combined into an artillery battalion, the artillery battalion commander at the deputy level of the regiment will be given unified command.

This time, if Wang Chengzhu performed well, then the artillery battalion commander at the deputy level of the regiment will be given to Wang Chengzhu.

In the future, when there are more artillery battalions, the battalion commander of the heavy artillery battalion, the heavy howitzer battalion, and the battalion commander of the 2nd artillery battalion will gradually be promoted to the rank of deputy regiment.

Looking at the serious expressions of Li Yunlong, Zhao Gang, Wang Dehou and Xing Zhiguo, Wang Chengzhu, Duan Peng and Cao Jiang all had burning eyes.

The regiment headquarters definitely didn't gather them for a feast. According to previous experience, there must be a combat mission to be issued.


For this combat mission, only their three battalion-level units can get meat to eat.

It's very comfortable.

The Sword Squadron is also a battalion-level unit, and Duan Peng often participates in combat meetings.

Li Yunlong looked at the crowd, without too much nonsense, and went straight to the point: "I think everyone has guessed it, that's right, there is a combat mission to be assigned when you are called together."

Hearing this, Wang Chengzhu, Duan Peng, and Cao Jiang were all shocked, and the burning in their eyes became brighter.

"Captain, is this combat mission related to Boss Chen's business?"

Duan Peng, the leader of the Sword Squadron, had sharp eyes, and the corners of his mouth seemed to be raised, as he asked tentatively.

The combat tasks in the regiment are basically related to business.

Li Yunlong glanced at Duan Peng, without denying it: "That's right!"

Hearing this, Duan Peng had such an expression as expected, and the hotness in his eyes quickly returned to calm. He seemed to have guessed what the combat mission was.

But Wang Chengzhu and Cao Jiang's eyes were more curious and hot.

Is it related to Boss Chen's business?
This is even more exciting!

In the previous business, whichever order was completed would not make Xinyituan rich, as long as this order is completed, I am afraid it will be no exception.

And it can do great things.

Zhao Gang said: "Boss Chen sent information that at around 30 pm on the 3th of this month, 36 Devil planes will arrive at Wusu Airport in the south of Taiyuan City. , Kill all the devil's planes!"

"Kill one Devil plane, and we can get five 1mm mountain guns."

"Kill one devil pilot, and we can get three 1mm howitzers."

Li Yunlong glanced at everyone: "Do you have confidence?"

Hearing the business and price, the eyes of Wang Chengzhu, Duan Peng and Cao Jiang lit up.

Immediately they shouted in unison: "Yes!"


Especially Wang Chengzhu, who bombarded the Devils airport, he is very familiar with it.

He participated in the two previous artillery bombardments by the Xinyi Regiment on the airport where the devils were bombed, and directly bombed the devils at Xincheng Airport, 10 kilometers north of Taiyuan City, so that they dare not rebuild.

"very good!"

Li Yunlong was very satisfied with the reaction of the three of them.

Afterwards, Li Yunlong looked at Duan Peng: "Duan Peng, let me introduce you to the defense situation of Wusu Airport."


Duan Peng took out a self-drawn map from his close-fitting clothes pocket.

The next morning after Chen Feng arrived in Dagu Town, Li Yunlong sent the Sword Squadron to Wusu Airport for reconnaissance, and went to Wuji Mountain to see if the mountain cannons hidden in the artillery battalion were still there, and whether they had been captured. traces found.

Therefore, when Li Yunlong said that the combat mission was related to Boss Chen's business, Duan Peng immediately guessed what the business was this time.

After the airport was shelled twice, the devils of the First Army have already learned how to master it. They turned the ammunition depot into an underground ammunition depot and set up the oil depot in Taiyuan City.

Moreover, around the runway of the airport, the devils also built a lot of aircraft nests, that is, hangars.

These hangars are made of reinforced concrete and can withstand the bombing of 75mm shells.

Shelling and blowing up the runway at the devil's airport was of no use. The devil would be able to repair it in a short time, and it would also expose the mountain artillery and shells that had been transported to Wujin Mountain with great difficulty.

Therefore, Duan Peng guessed that the combat mission this time was not to destroy Wusu Airport, but to destroy the devil's plane.

The map was spread out on the kang table, and everyone leaned over, staring at the map.

Duan Peng exuded the strong confidence of a special soldier, his eyes were still sharp, and he pointed to the map and said:

"This is the devil's Wusu Airport. Within three kilometers of the airport, all the original masonry bunkers and gun towers have been pushed down."

"Now within three kilometers around the airport, everything is blocked by thickened reinforced concrete bunkers and gun towers, a total of 33."

"The airport is surrounded by barbed wire, trenches, and minefields..."

While Duan Peng was talking, everyone looked at the map and took a breath. The defense of Wusu Airport is so fucking tight.

On this map, not only the positions of the devil's thickened reinforced concrete bunkers and gun towers are drawn around the airport, but also the distribution of barbed wire, trenches and minefields are also drawn.

That is to say, the Sword Squadron took action, otherwise, it would have to rely on Boss Chen to obtain such detailed information about Wusu Airport.

"If you want to storm the airport, you can only use our B4 heavy howitzer." Xing Zhiguo sighed with emotion.

At first.

The Sword Squadron went to Taiyuan to carry out the task of assassinating the devil pilot. When returning after the mission was completed, the Sword Squadron went to Wusu Airport for a tour.

Using the tanks captured from the devils, he destroyed more than a dozen devil planes and earned a wave of mountain artillery.

But today is different from the past. The devil's defense against Wusu Airport is much stronger than it was then.

Later, Li Yunlong led the 3 Eighth Route Army to attack Taiyuan, and Kong Jie led the troops to capture Wusu Airport, destroying the runway and airport facilities, but the devils restored Wusu Airport again.

"Sooner or later." Li Yunlong showed a ruthless look on his face, "This blockhouse and gun tower are worth ten 10mm machine guns."

After a pause, Li Yunlong looked at Duan Peng and said, "Go on."

"Yes!" Duan Peng continued pointing to the sketch and said, "In the airport, there are quite a few hangars. These hangars can store planes and can withstand the shelling of 75mm mountain artillery."

Hangars, also called aircraft nests, are aircraft bunkers built by the Japanese army - "aircraft nests" are hangars made of concrete, each covering an area of ​​about 200 square meters.

The hangar is a vaulted building, shaped like a small dirt bag.

From a distance, these hangars look like a cauldron turned upside down on the ground, and the common people scornfully call them "aircraft nests".

These hangars were originally ordered by Yoshio Shinozuka.

Li Yunlong nodded: "So, if we want one guy to kill as many planes as possible, we must choose a good time to do it. It is best to wait for the devil's plane to arrive at the airport."

Then, Li Yunlong looked at Wang Chengzhu and asked, "Zhuzi, how many mountain cannons and shells do we hide in Wujin Mountain?"

"Reporting to the head of the regiment." Wang Chengzhu replied seriously, "We have eight 8mm mountain cannons hidden in Wujin Mountain, with 75 rounds of 75mm shells."

The number of these mountain cannons and shells was personally determined by Wang Chengzhu, so he remembered them clearly.

"8 mountain cannons, 320 shells..." Li Yunlong nodded, "enough to plow Wusu Airport."

Zhao Gang stared at the map, squinted his eyes and said: "The most difficult thing now is how our observers carry walkie-talkies and maps, lurk near the airport, guide the artillery shelling, and then retreat smoothly."

On the day the Devil's plane arrived, the Devil's defense around Wusu Airport must have been tighter than usual.

The devil's airport is not small. If you want the shells from the cannon to accurately bombard the devil's plane, you must have observers to guide the bombardment.

It is already difficult for observers to infiltrate the vicinity of the airport with walkie-talkies and sophisticated maps.

Even if the infiltration and guided bombardment is successful, it is basically difficult to retreat smoothly. Once the airport is bombarded and the surrounding area of ​​Taiyuan is under martial law, the observers will undoubtedly die.

Devils are not stupid, ghosts are ghosts.

Once the airport is bombarded with precision, the devils will definitely react, and there are artillery observers around the airport.

Li Yunlong believed that all the Swordsmen, as well as the artillery observers, were willing to complete this mission that they knew they must die.

But Li Yunlong still wants the observers to come back alive. Every artillery observer is a treasure, and they can only be learned with knowledge and culture.

Not to mention Li Jian's team members, Li Yunlong would not change every team member for a battalion commander.

The meeting room of the regiment headquarters suddenly fell silent.

"I have a way."

Duan Peng carefully looked at the sketch of the airport and the position of the big cover of Wujin Mountain, and came up with a solution:
"There is a fence around the runway of the Devil's Wusu Airport, but for the normal take-off of the plane, the fence is not high, and it is not as high as the watchtower around the airport."

"The devil's reinforced concrete gun tower is more than ten meters high. There is a watchtower on the top of the gun tower. Standing on the watchtower, you can see the complete airport, and you can definitely see the planes on the runway."

"Our Sword Squadron can pretend to be devils, infiltrate a gun tower on the outskirts, kill the devils in the gun tower with short knives, and guide the shelling."

Li Yunlong's eyes lit up:
"It's a good idea. Since it's far away from the airport and there are people to support it, it's easy to retreat smoothly."

"After finishing one vote, withdraw. After you catch up, everyone rides fast horses and retreats immediately. Even if all the devils in Taiyuan are dispatched, they will never catch up with you."

"That's a good idea." Zhao Gang thought for a while, and felt that Duan Peng's idea was highly feasible.

At least there is no need for observers to infiltrate the vicinity of the airport, and it is easy to retreat.

"Then do it!" Li Yunlong laughed, his tone was firm and his eyes were stern.

(End of this chapter)

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