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Chapter 688 The Eighth Route Army Must Have Its Own Oil Fields!

Chapter 688 The Eighth Route Army must have its own oil fields!
After everyone greeted each other for a while, Li Yunlong and Wang Dehou followed the leaders to the headquarters.

Li Yunlong rode in a jeep with the division commander and brigade commander, while Wang Dehou rode in a jeep with the combat staff officers.

After several business trips to Northwest Shanxi, Li Yunlong handed over dozens of jeeps to the headquarters, with sufficient fuel.

Now the heads of the headquarters take jeeps when they go out, and the soldiers of the guard battalion take trucks.

Now the entire southeast of Shanxi is under the control of the Eighth Route Army, and the devils of the First Army do not dare to invade, and even seldom raid.

The people in the base areas mobilized by the Eighth Route Army have demonstrated strong construction and infrastructure capabilities. In just over half a year, the roads in the base areas in southeast Shanxi are already well-connected.

The jeep was driving smoothly on the road, and Li Yunlong was in a good mood.

Li Yunlong, the division commander and the brigade commander all sat in the back row, which seemed a bit crowded.

Originally, Li Yunlong wanted to sit in the co-pilot of the jeep, but he was dragged into the back row by the brigade commander and division commander, and Li Yunlong was sandwiched between the brigade commander and division commander.

"Li Yunlong, you kid made such a fortune in Northwest Shanxi, so you came to the headquarters empty-handed?"

"I picked and searched, and didn't bring any good things?"

The brigade commander looked Li Yunlong up and down, with a touch of appreciation in his eyes and expression.

How to put it, Li Yunlong was also brought out by his brigade commander Chen, from the 386th brigade, Li Yunlong has the current record, and the brigade commander's face is also bright.

"Didn't I give it to you?" Li Yunlong pretended to be taken aback, and said, "Why, Brigadier, you didn't receive it?"

"Give it to me?" The brigade commander was slightly taken aback, "Why didn't I know when it happened?"

The teacher on the side also showed a curious look on his face.

Li Yunlong gave something to the brigade commander, but not me, the commander?

Li Yunlong said:

"Oh, the last time I ambushed the 1st Division, I deliberately gave Ding Wei and Kong Jie 5000 more infantry equipment each. Didn't they hand it in?"

"This is not three to five hundred guns, but the weapons and equipment of 1 people, and it is enough to equip an elite division."


"Do you still like this gift from our old Li?"

The weapons and equipment of these 1 people can equip 8 infantry regiments, and they are the main force regiments.

This batch of weapons is not a small amount even if it is placed in the national army, let alone the Eighth Route Army.

"Haha, you still have a bit of conscience, I didn't protect you in vain back then."

The brigade commander put his arms around Li Yunlong's shoulders and laughed out loud, feeling happy.

As expected by the brigade commander, Li Yunlong deliberately gave the equipment to Ding Wei and Kong Jie, and then Ding Wei and Kong Jie handed it over to the brigade headquarters.

The brigade commander received weapons and equipment, and Ding Wei and Kong Jie also received grassroots officers. The expansion can be completed as soon as possible, and everyone is happy.

Moreover, Li Yunlong also gave the brigade commander two 2mm howitzers in the previous business.

"Li Yunlong, the brigade commander has a meeting ceremony, so what about me, the division commander?"

"Your boy's wings are stiff now, can't it be that you don't recognize me as a teacher?"

The teacher on the side pushed his glasses, pretended to be displeased, and said in a sour tone.

This kid Li Yunlong is simply too rich now, and a gift is a division's weapons and equipment. The head of the headquarters is not as generous as Li Yunlong.

Simply rich.

Li Yunlong's regiment headquarters warehouse is probably much richer than the division headquarters warehouse of the 129th Division!
"That's impossible, sir, you are always my teacher."

Li Yunlong first made a statement, and then asked in a surprised tone:
"Why, didn't the division commander beat the brigade commander's autumn wind this time?"

The teacher suddenly smiled and said, "I don't care about the three melons and two dates."

That's all he said, he didn't really want Li Yunlong to give him any gift.

Almost half of the weapons and equipment that Li Yunlong handed over to the headquarters in the past six months were used by the headquarters to equip the troops of the 129th Division.

No way, who let the headquarters be with the 129th division headquarters?

Today's teacher is also very rich.

The main force of a division is more than 20. Which division in China can match it?
The teacher asked in a low voice: "Li Yunlong, tell me, how much wealth does your Xinyituan really have?"

"Teacher, don't make fun of me. Our Xinyituan has no family background." Li Yunlong denied it flatly, "I'm so poor that I'm almost begging for food."

"You're dishonest, boy." The brigade commander also smiled, "If your new regiment is so poor that it's about to beg for food, then our 129th division and the 386th brigade will starve to death long ago, and there are no outsiders here. Don't worry, the teacher and I will never reveal a word to the head of the headquarters."

Li Yunlong looked at the commander, then at the brigade commander, and then said: "It's really not many, there are only about 3 million rounds of bullets, and I haven't counted the others carefully, so I guess there are not many."


Hearing this, the division commander and the brigade commander couldn't help but gasped together.

Is it more than just being rich?
"What the hell do you call this poor enough to beg for food?"

With the brigade commander's composure, Rao couldn't help but widen his eyes and swear.

This forces you, Li Yunlong, to pretend...


The jeep drove on the road for about an hour and a half, and the convoy came to a village.

This is the latest foothold of the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army and the 129th Division. It is not too far from Yangcun, only about 30 kilometers away.

Although the southeast of Shanxi has been completely controlled by the Eighth Route Army, the headquarters and divisions still move frequently and will not work in a fixed location for a long time.

The convoy stopped at the entrance of the village, and everyone got out of the car.

"Taking a car is more comfortable than riding a horse." The chief looked satisfied.

For this jeep, the hood can be put away in summer, and an M2 heavy machine gun can be mounted on it.

In winter, the convertible can be installed to prevent the cold wind from blowing into the car.

The chief of staff nodded: "Unfortunately, we don't have much fuel. Although Boss Chen provided us with fuel, we still have to save it."

Right now, fuel is a strategic item.

This time, Li Yunlong handed in another 432 Jiefang brand vehicles, and the headquarters and the 129th Division owned more than 600 vehicles.

The head of the headquarters plans to gather most of these cars and organize them into a transportation support group, that is, a transportation group, which is directly under the headquarters.

However, there are not so many auto soldiers in the headquarters for the time being, and it will take some time to train auto soldiers.

Moreover, training auto soldiers requires a lot of fuel. 100 tons of fuel seems to be a lot, and it is distributed to each car, and each car can only travel about 300 kilometers.

Fortunately, this 100 tons of fuel is only the first batch, and the delivery of weapons and ammunition will be completed next.

There are 400 tons of fuel oil, which will be transported to Yangcun Airport one after another.

"Chief, Chief of Staff, I remember our Eighth Route Army has an oil field in YA, right?"

"How's the output?"

Li Yunlong stepped forward to ask the chief and the chief of staff.

Li Yunlong knew that YA had an oil field, but he didn't know the specific output. In the past, Xinyituan didn't have a car, so he didn't care about this issue.

Later, Xinyituan got a car, but the fuel was always provided by Boss Chen, so Li Yunlong didn't care about this issue.

However, Li Yunlong remembered that the Eighth Route Army also had an oil field after hearing the issue of fuel oil from the chief and the chief of staff.

"That's right, there is an oil field in YA, called Yanchang Oil Field."

The chief of staff nodded:
"The Yanchang Oilfield has abundant oil reserves, but due to the lack of exploration and production machines, well drilling and production are now done manually, so the output is not high."

Although the Eighth Route Army has a complete fractionation process chain, it can process the crude oil produced in the Yanchang Oilfield into kerosene, gasoline, lubricating oil, etc., and through the deep processing of oil, it can also produce various dyes and inks.

However, due to relatively backward exploration and mining technology, the output is relatively low.

Now the Eighth Route Army has more than 1000 vehicles, and the fuel produced by Yanchang Oilfield cannot supply the fuel needed by so many vehicles.

And not nearly enough.

What's more, the Eighth Route Army will have more cars in the future, with a base of 1.

Hearing what the chief of staff said, Li Yunlong nodded. He probably understood the situation in Yanchang Oilfield.

Isn't it just the lack of exploration and mining machines?
It's easy to say.

Earn money by doing business once or twice.

However, Li Yunlong didn't say anything about me in a big way, he just finished the matter first.

Although now the fuel for the Eighth Route Army is supplied by Boss Chen.

But if Boss Chen stopped supplying them one day, wouldn't the Eighth Route Army's cars, tanks, armored vehicles, and future aircraft become decorations?

This is also an important reason why Li Yunlong wants to develop industries such as steel, cement, and arsenal.

In order to effectively guarantee the needs of the war of resistance.

The Eighth Route Army must have its own oil fields, at least large oil fields with a daily output of hundreds or thousands of tons.

Li Yunlong kept this matter in his heart.

Afterwards, Li Yunlong followed the chief and the chief of staff into the conference hall of the headquarters.

The meeting hall of the headquarters is a large converted cave dwelling, which can accommodate dozens of people and can withstand the bombing of devil planes.

It was cold outside, but the conference hall at the headquarters was very warm.

Followed into the meeting hall, only a few heads such as division commanders and brigade commanders.

In the meeting hall, Li Yunlong made a detailed report on the ambush plan and battle process of the last ambush of the Devil's 1st Division.

Afterwards, Li Yunlong handed over the detailed information about the recent domestic and foreign wars that Boss Chen had given.

Including the main battles of the Soviet-German War, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the Japanese attack on Southeast Asia, and the third battle of Changsha.

Not long after, it was time for lunch. Li Yunlong, the brigade commander and the division commander went to the cafeteria for lunch.

Today when Li Yunlong arrived, the head of the headquarters specially ordered the cooking team to make some hard dishes.

The head of the headquarters and the chief of staff looked at the detailed battle information in their hands in the conference room, feeling like they had found a treasure.

"This information is simply too detailed."

After reading the details of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the chief of staff said with emotion.

"Worthy of careful study."

The chief nodded, looking very serious.

(End of this chapter)

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