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Chapter 718 New 1 regiment organization and future combat power!

Chapter 718 New Regiment Organization and Future Combat Strength!
"Yes, for the ammunition depot and hangar, I will organize manual work as soon as possible." Xing Zhiguo responded crisply.

Today's new regiment is developing better and better, and Xing Zhiguo, as the deputy head of the regiment, is becoming more and more energetic.

Although Xing Zhiguo was only the deputy head of the Xinyi Regiment, he wouldn't change Xing Zhiguo if he was given a division commander.

Now that the new regiment has taken out a main battalion, it can easily defeat a division of the national army, and even gain the upper hand in a head-on firefight with an elite devil's unit.

A synthetic battalion coupled with an artillery battalion can fight head-on with a devil's second-line division.

The whole new regiment is dispatched, which can defeat the entire Jinsui Army now, and it will be equipped on the plane soon. Xing Zhiguo is naturally very comfortable being the deputy head of such a regiment.

He was a little fortunate that when the head of the headquarters asked him if he would like to be the deputy head of the new regiment, he agreed without hesitation.

At that time, Xing Zhiguo was already a head of the main regiment of the 386 brigade.

When the new regiment is equipped with aircraft and wins air supremacy in battle, the combat effectiveness of the new regiment and even the Eighth Route Army will have a qualitative improvement.

Therefore, Xing Zhiguo was very active in repairing the oil depot and ammunition depot at the airport.

Of course, Xing Zhiguo is also very capable.

Not only can he organize and dispatch manpower for infrastructure construction, but he can also make airports, highways, oil depots and ammunition depots work in an orderly manner, and he can also assist Li Yunlong in the military by providing suggestions and ideas.

This is also related to the positive learning atmosphere of Xinyituan. Li Yunlong's attitude is very clear. If he can't do the job well, he will leave and let the headquarters send more capable people.

Xing Zhiguo is Li Yunlong's old comrade-in-arms. His tactical command ability and work ability are outstanding, and he has won Li Yunlong's trust.

However, Xing Zhiguo is also very active in his studies and has been making progress.

Hearing this, Li Yunlong nodded with great satisfaction, and then said: "While everyone is here, let's discuss the formation of the troops."

"The current total strength of our regiment is about 4, of which 8 are still recruits and are training at the teaching camp."

"Before, our infantry battalion consisted of about 2000 people. Each infantry battalion had 10 companies, including 9 infantry companies and 1 artillery company."

"Each infantry company has three infantry platoons and one firepower platoon."

"However, after several battles, the number of troops has been reduced a lot. Each infantry battalion actually only has more than 1000 people."

"So, I plan to not expand the new infantry battalions for the time being with the recruits of more than 8 people. They will be used to supplement the infantry battalions and expand the mountain artillery company and transportation support company."

Xing Zhiguo said: "In this way, each infantry battalion has 12 companies under its jurisdiction."

Wang Dehou suggested: "Should we also form a joint company between the battalion and the company? Like the joint battalion, the treatment of some company commanders with strong tactical command capabilities will be promoted to the level of battalion deputy, and then in wartime, Let these battalion commanders command the battle."

Li Yunlong shook his head and said, "There is no need for that."

Zhao Gang thought for a while, and said: "Although the organizational system of the infantry battalion is a bit bloated, it is within the acceptable range. The infantry battalion commander of our regiment either followed Lao Li and fought with one knife and one gun, or came to the Anti-Japanese University. An excellent officer who has graduated from school is more than enough to be a regiment commander, and there is no problem for a battalion commander to command 12 companies."

There is no way to do this. Li Yunlong will not be promoted, but the army must develop and grow.

The army can only adopt this organizational system.

In fact, in the original play, at the end of the Anti-Japanese War, Li Yunlong's regiment had thousands of people, a total of eight battalions.

Calculated in terms of numbers, the average strength of each battalion is around 1000.

Wang Dehou thought about it carefully, and found no problem at present. The infantry battalion has one more mountain artillery company and one transportation support company, which is not much different from before.

So Wang Dehou chose to reserve his opinion.

"In this way, the strength of each infantry battalion must be at least 2500 people."

Xing Zhiguo said:

"Then our recruits are far from enough, at least 1 more recruits are needed."

Zhao Gang nodded and said: "That's right, we have to expand a rocket launcher battalion and select excellent artillery and soldiers from the whole regiment to form a rocket launcher battalion. The artillery and logistics personnel of this rocket launcher battalion must be at least 1 people."

The headquarters has already called back and agreed to Li Yunlong's request to keep the rockets in the new regiment.

Wait for the next batch of rocket launchers to be handed over to the headquarters.

Li Yunlong looked pensive.

Originally, he wanted to expand a few more infantry battalions, but now it seems that this wave can only be expanded to 15 infantry battalions.

When the expansion is completed, the total strength of the 15 infantry battalions will have to be 3 men.


Someday I will brag to Kong Jie and Ding Wei, and I will scare them when I tell them that there are a total of 31 battalion-level units.

In addition, there is a logistics transport team directly under the regiment headquarters, which is not included in the main force.

In wartime, there were tens of thousands of militiamen and ordinary people, responsible for logistical support, transportation and helping to carry the wounded.

Although a few infantry battalions have been expanded, the overall strength of the troops has been greatly strengthened.

Once the reorganization of these infantry battalions is completed, each infantry battalion will be taken out individually, and its combat effectiveness will not be inferior to that of the infantry regiment under the Japanese Army's Type A Division, and its firepower will be stronger.

Li Yunlong calculated carefully that there were almost enough infantry and artillery, but the number of cavalry and tanks was relatively small.

Next, the new regiment has to vigorously develop cavalry and tank troops.


The cavalry of the new regiment must have at least 3000 cavalry.

There is also a new regiment of tanks, at least 200, otherwise what are we going to use for a blitzkrieg?
But the meal has to be eaten bite by bite, and Lu has to walk step by step. If you walk too fast, you will easily tear your eggs.

In the future, there will be large-scale cavalry, and there will also be large-scale tanks.

Li Yunlong tapped the table lightly with his fingers, and said, "Didn't we count last time? After all the 75mm mountain guns are equipped to 15 infantry battalions, we still have more than 75 50mm mountain guns left."

The new regiment bombarded Wusu Airport, destroyed 33 enemy planes, and earned a total of 219 guns.

Among them, 165 are 75mm mountain guns and 54 are 105mm howitzers.

The new regiment has a total of 15 infantry battalions, and each infantry battalion is equipped with 12 mountain cannons, requiring a total of 180 mountain cannons.


Then the total number of mountain cannons in the new regiment is more than 230, and if 180 are used to equip the infantry battalions, there are more than 50 left.


Then the 1st Battalion and the 2nd Battalion will also complete the refitting, each equipped with 36 uniform 105mm howitzers, and the artillery firepower will be greatly enhanced.

Originally, Li Yunlong wanted to use these more than 50 75mm mountain guns to build a mountain gun battalion.

But it is obvious that the number of recruits and artillery cadets in the new regiment is far from enough.

Although the headquarters also sent hundreds of artillerymen who had just graduated from the artillery school to the new regiment.

But Li Yunlong just handed over 354 cannons to the headquarters, which is the number of cannons of 10 artillery regiments, and the artillery at the headquarters is also in short supply.

Therefore, it is obviously not realistic for Li Yunlong to ask for artillery from the headquarters.

Zhao Gang said: "Then these more than 50 75mm mountain guns..."

"These more than 50 75mm mountain guns are given to Ding Wei and Kong Jie." Li Yunlong thought for a while and said, "Take the ready-made recruits from the two of them. I heard that they are recruiting soldiers recently, and they each recruited another 1. Recruits, and most recruits are about to leave the company."

When the Xinyi Regiment arrived in Northwest Shanxi, there were only more than 6 people. In just over half a year, the Xinyi Regiment has grown to nearly 5 people.

In Southeast Shanxi, even with the help of Boss Chen, Xinyituan grew from more than 1000 people to more than 6 in just over a year.

The army is still far away from the headquarters and develops fast, Li Yunlong secretly sighs.

And the territory of the New First Regiment is just that big. The territory of three or four counties has a total population of only 40. The New First Regiment has already recruited about 4 new recruits.

The source of young and middle-aged soldiers in the new regiment's defense area has basically been exhausted, and at most a few thousand more men can be recruited, and the remaining men will be militiamen at most, and production must be taken care of.

The combined defense area population of the Independent Regiment and the New Second Regiment is more than 80 people, with a sufficient source of troops, and they can recruit another [-] to [-] new recruits.

"This is a new recruit who has just been trained." Zhao Gang said, "Can Commander Ding and Commander Kong agree?"

"Don't worry." Li Yunlong said confidently: "Ding Wei and Kong Jie are both worthless guys. If we ask them for nothing, they will definitely not give it to them, but they will definitely not hesitate to exchange guns."

"Ok, deal."

Li Yunlong said: "Let's take 50 75mm mountain guns and give Ding Wei and Kong Jie 25 each, and let them each give our regiment 3000 trained recruits, and we will recruit 5000 recruits from the militia."

Ding Wei's New Second Regiment and Kong Jie's Independent Regiment are about to expand to 2 members.

The number of mortars in these two regiments is sufficient, but the number of 75mm mountain guns is too small. The number of 75mm mountain guns in each regiment is only about 40.

These 50 75mm mountain guns are added, and the independent regiment and the new second regiment can each expand another artillery battalion, each with two artillery regiment-sized mountain artillery battalions.

Seeing that Li Yunlong had made a decision, everyone nodded in agreement without any opinion.

After such a meeting, everyone has a clearer understanding of the new regiment's organization and future combat effectiveness, and has a clearer focus on the future work of the new regiment.

(End of this chapter)

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