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Chapter 722 Another deal!

Chapter 722 Another deal!
The four rocket launchers just fired a volley and directly blew up a medium-sized devil stronghold?
In the field of vision of the telescope, everyone looked at the waste of the Maguan stronghold in the distance, with burning eyes.

Everyone knows that this Katyusha rocket launcher must be powerful.

But I didn't expect this firepower to be so terrifying.

In addition to being powerful, more importantly, it has a fast rate of fire.

64 rockets fell into the enemy's stronghold and exploded within 10 seconds, and the devils and puppet troops couldn't react at all.

There are still defensive fortifications such as devil's masonry gun towers and masonry bunkers in this stronghold, with such powerful firepower.

It would be a lot of fun if a salvo of fire was fired at the devil's defensive position, or the devil's assembly point.

The soldiers of the guard battalion had already pressed up, and at this time they were almost approaching the Maguan stronghold.

Although most of the 64 rockets fell into the Shimonoseki stronghold, there were still people left alive if they were not kept together.

But what is certain is that most of the devils and puppet troops have died, and the entire Maguan stronghold was directly wiped off the map under a round of salvo.

The scene was quiet for a while.

They expected that the power of this cannon must be good, but the power and rate of fire are still far beyond everyone's expectations.

At this time, Li Yunlong's eyes were also full of light, and his tone was excited: "What a fucking good gun!"

"Good shot!"

Zhao Gang couldn't help but exclaim in his eyes.

Xing Zhiguo said with emotion: "Boss Chen really didn't lie to us, the power of the Katyusha rocket launcher is really powerful!"

"This bazooka will be a kid's nightmare!"

Kong Jie's eyes widened in amazement. Uncle Kong, who has experienced many battles, is extremely sensitive to weapons.

Ding Wei asked: "Old Li, how many rockets can a single salvo of your Katyusha rocket launcher fire? How long does it take to reload?"

Li Yunlong said: "A rocket launcher can fire 16 rockets at a time, and it can be fired in 10 seconds. The power of each rocket is similar to that of the 150mm high-explosive shells we are equipped with. It takes 10 minutes to reload. minute."

Li Yunlong knew that rockets were very expensive. Even though Boss Chen even reimbursed him for training bombs, he didn't waste rockets at will.

Even if it is a conventional live ammunition test firing, the rockets must be hit on the heads of devils and puppet soldiers.

Ding Wei said: "This thing is very suitable for artillery fire coverage. One artillery fire coverage will directly blow up the enemy. At this time, the infantry can take down the devil's position with a single effort."

"The reload time is a little longer, but it's acceptable."

"This thing is also relatively easy to expose and relies more on air dominance, but our Eighth Route Army will soon have aircraft, and this problem is not a big one."

In fact, it is not only Katyusha who is afraid of the devil's plane.

The reason why the current Eighth Route Army did not counterattack the Japanese army in Shanxi is because the devil's planes were too threatening to the Eighth Route Army's cannons and artillery.

Although the new regiment's anti-aircraft firepower is relatively strong, other brothers of the Eighth Route Army do not have such powerful anti-aircraft firepower.

Hitting low altitudes at high altitudes is gaining an advantage.

In fact, in another time and space, the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army was directly under the Artillery Regiment. After the Hundred Regiments War, the Artillery Regiment was afraid of being targeted and blown up by devil planes.

So the headquarters decided to transfer the artillery regiment to YA in northern Shaanxi, set up an artillery school, and send artillery talents to the units of the Eighth Route Army.

At present, Northern Shaanxi YA has indeed established an artillery school, which has the size of an artillery regiment. It is basically equipped with American 75mm mountain guns, 105mm howitzers, bazooka rockets, 60mm and 82mm mortars, and some Captured Japanese mortars and infantry guns and other equipment.

If it weren't for the heavy weight of the 150mm howitzer and 203mm howitzer, the head of the headquarters even wanted to transport these two cannons to YA in northern Shaanxi.

Many artillerymen in the New First Regiment graduated from the YA Eighth Route Army Artillery School.

Ding Wei then asked: "Old Li, how many Katyusha rocket launchers do you have?"

"What do you want, boy?"

When asked by Ding Wei, Captain Li's tone was full of vigilance.

This kid Ding Wei is not a fuel-efficient lamp, he is a guy who can't make money early. Li Yunlong knows that Ding Wei has taken a fancy to his Katyusha rocket launcher.

"Why not." Ding Wei's tone and expression didn't change at all, "You don't have any mountain cannons, so there must be quite a few of these bazookas. Give us 8 of the new second regiment, and I'll exchange 3000 recruits for you!"

Today's Boss Chen is getting more and more generous, and Ding Wei knows that Li Yunlong must have more than four Katyushas in his hands.

"Old Li." Seeing this, Kong Jie said hastily, "Give us 8 rocket launchers from the independent regiment, and I'll exchange 3200 recruits for you."

Kong Jie and Ding Wei are really keen on the Katyusha rocket launcher.

A volley of four rocket launchers actually produced the effect of an artillery regiment.

Eight rocket launchers fired a volley, so wouldn't that have the effect of an artillery brigade?
Who can't be jealous?

There are 25 mountain cannons, and according to the conventional establishment, there are at most two mountain cannon battalions, which can replace 3000 recruits.

Moreover, the power of this rocket is much greater than that of the mountain cannon, and it is absolutely worth it.

3000 recruits exchanged for 8 rocket launchers, absolutely no loss!
Not to mention Ding Wei and Kong Jie, if the head of the headquarters knew how powerful the Katyusha rockets were, he would definitely not agree to Li Yunlong's request to keep the 24 Katyushas in the new regiment.

Kong Jie also knew that Boss Chen had been generous recently, but rocket launchers, a new type of weapon of mass destruction, probably wouldn't be too many.

If Ding Wei were to be replaced, Kong Jie would be at a loss.

Ding Wei turned black and said, "Old Kong, you didn't do business like this. I offered 3000, but you actually offered 3200?"

"How to do business is my business." Kong Jie said, "Anyway, the higher the price of these eight rocket launchers, the better."

"Old Kong, if you want to talk like that, then I won't be polite." Ding Wei said, "Old Li, I will send recruit No. 3500 in exchange for 8 Katyusha rocket launchers."

The defense zones of the Independent Regiment and the New Second Regiment were not like that of the New First Regiment.

The young men suitable for serving as soldiers in the new regiment's defense area have basically been drained.

However, the independent regiment and the new second regiment's defense area still have ample supply of troops, and there is no problem in recruiting another [-] new recruits for the two defense areas.

As long as you don't exchange elite veterans, you are recruits. Ding Wei and Kong Jie have plenty of them.

In two or three months at most, the New Second Regiment and the Independent Regiment can recruit [-] recruits each, and complete training and go to the battlefield.

As for the ammunition of the Katyusha rocket launcher, there is no need to worry.

At that time, the Independent Regiment and the New Second Regiment will probably follow Li Yunlong's command again. Boss Chen will reimburse the ammunition, and will still drop supplies by air. Are you afraid that there will be no ammunition?
Kong Jie gritted his teeth: "I can send out up to 4000 recruits, Lao Ding, if you send out more than me, the eight Katyusha rocket launchers are yours."

"That's fine!" Ding Wei gritted his teeth and said, "I will send 4001 recruits, Lao Li, you prepare the 8 Katyusha rocket launchers, and I will take them away when I go back."

At this time, sporadic submachine guns fired from the direction of the Shimonoseki stronghold, and the soldiers of the guard battalion were cleaning up the remnants of the enemy.

Zhao Gang and others on the side watched Ding Wei and Kong Jie grab the 8-door Katyusha and felt a little amusing.

The three of Ding, Kongli and Li wore a pair of trousers when they were good, but they didn't know each other when they turned their faces, and after a while they got better and wore a pair of trousers.

This is a life-and-death comrade who came out of a class.

"What are you doing? What are you doing?"

Li Yunlong looked at Kong Jie, then at Ding Wei:
"Labor and management haven't agreed yet. Is this a plan to buy and sell by force? You don't go out to inquire. Who would dare to buy and sell by force on our old Li?"

"Old Li." Ding Wei asked in a deep voice, "I just want to ask you a question, 4001 recruits have 8 Katyusha rocket launchers, do you want to change them?"

Ding Wei knew that the source of soldiers in the new regiment's defense area was almost exhausted, but the new regiment still needed to grow.

Northwest Shanxi was originally barren, and a round of soldiers had been recruited by the 120th Division, so there were not many young and strong people suitable for joining the army.

Fortunately, the mass base in Northwest Shanxi is very good, and the people in Northwest Shanxi are very supportive of the Eighth Route Army in the war of resistance.

In addition, since Audio-Technica led troops to Northwest Shanxi, they won many great victories. Last fall, they solved the food problem for the common people in Northwest Shanxi. Therefore, the common people joined the army very enthusiastically.

It is only necessary to send propaganda cadres to the village to publicize, and almost all young people are willing to join the army.

Li Yunlong was pensive when he heard this.

Originally, he didn't want to use the Katyusha rocket launcher to exchange recruits with Ding Wei and Kong Jie.

It is simply to invite Ding Wei and Kong Jie to come over and observe the new weapons of mass destruction.

Unexpectedly, Ding Wei and Kong Jie fell in love with the Katyusha rocket launcher at a glance, and insisted on replacing it with recruits.

The Xinyi Regiment now has 8 recruits in the teaching battalion, and the training has basically been completed, and they replaced 50 recruits with Ding Wei and Kong Jie with 6 mountain cannons.

That's an increase of 1 recruits.

At present, the new regiment needs about 6 new recruits to complete the expansion plan planned by Li Yunlong and Zhao Gang.

In today's new regiment defense area, the supply of suitable-age soldiers is indeed about to dry up.

Li Yunlong rolled his eyes, looked at Ding Wei, then at Kong Jie.

"We are all old comrades in arms, and I won't hide it from you. Boss Chen gave me 24 Katyusha rocket launchers this time."

"If the two of you are willing, I will take out 8 rocket launchers, and you will each have 4. You will each give me 1500 recruits. Is this a fair price?"

"Okay!" Ding Wei and Kong Jie said in unison with slightly happy expressions.

The Katyusha rocket launcher, a weapon of mass destruction, is absolutely priceless.

1500 recruits were exchanged for 4 Katyushas, ​​and Boss Chen was responsible for reimbursement of ammunition, absolutely no loss!
Li Yunlong nodded: "Okay, I will give you two more regiments, each with an artillery consultant, to teach the artillerymen of your two regiments how to use it."

In this way, the new regiment only needs to recruit another 3 recruits from the militia to complete this round of expansion.

Not only did the new regiment quickly complete the expansion, but the troops formed combat effectiveness.

That is to say, a large number of excellent officers have been assigned to the headquarters. Otherwise, according to Li Yunlong's expansion method, the average combat effectiveness of the troops will not increase but decrease.

All three brothers are very happy with this wave of business.

As if they were wearing a pair of trousers, the three brothers led the convoy back to Zhaojiayu in Northwest Shanxi in a jeep.


(There are many brothers who say that it is water, which is also a helpless thing. If you want to write a long novel, you have to use a little water. According to the original outline, you have to write a dozen or 20 words at most to finish the book. In order to write as long as possible A little bit, so that everyone can see it more comfortably, I have been racking my brains recently.)
(End of this chapter)

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