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Chapter 734: North strikes south!

Chapter 734: North strikes south!

Today's Xinyi group food is very good, even ordinary soldiers have at least one meal of meat every day.

For the other two meals, the oil and water are also very sufficient.

The soldiers of the Xinyi Regiment for more than half a year are basically strong and strong. Even in hand-to-hand combat with the Japanese army, they are not inferior in strength at all, and even have advantages in height, arm length and weight.

Although with the current firepower of the new regiment, it will not engage in hand-to-hand combat with the Japanese army until necessary.

Of course, hand-to-hand combat is still one of the important training subjects for soldiers.

This is also one of the reasons why Qian Bojun wanted to vote for the Communist Party. The food in Xinyituan is so good.

Only with good food can the soldiers be strong and strong.

Half a year after the recruits enlisted in the army, the recruits' originally thin and thin bodies almost all changed to become strong and muscular.

Especially after killing the devils on the battlefield, the eyes of the soldiers are almost like torches, their eyes are firm and murderous.


The new regiment.


Xing Zhiguo and Zhao Gang, who were out, returned to the regiment headquarters and had already had dinner.

Li Yunlong called everyone to the regiment headquarters for a meeting.

Li Yunlong, Zhao Gang, Xing Zhiguo, Wang Dehou, and Zhang Dabiao sat on the bench, while several combat staff officers from the regiment headquarters watched and took minutes of the meeting.

"I decided not to fight the 1st Division!"

Li Yunlong looked at the crowd, and the first sentence came out astonishingly.

Before that, Li Yunlong had already decided to fight the 1st Division.

There is no other reason, because the strength of the 1st Division is not strong now, far lower than that of the Xinyi Regiment.

And most importantly, killing the 1st Division will definitely make a lot of money in doing business with Boss Chen.

and also.

If the 1st Division can be eaten as a whole, it will be a huge morale blow to the entire Japanese Army.

After all, the 1st Division is the oldest division of the Japanese Army.

"Stop fighting the 1st Division? Why?" Zhao Gang asked.

As Li Yunlong's partner, Zhao Gang knows that Li Yunlong is not someone who just wants to get out, and he must have his plan.

"To be precise, our Xinyi Regiment will no longer fight the 1st Division." Li Yunlong said.

Hearing what Li Yunlong said, Zhao Gang, Xing Zhiguo, Wang Dehou, and Zhang Dabiao were immediately confused, and several combat staff officers were even more confused.

After glancing at everyone, Li Yunlong calmly pointed to the map and said, "Our previous battle plan was that our new regiment went north to attack the 1st Division stationed in Datong, and then the independent regiment and the new second regiment, Going out of the North Tongpu Road to block the reinforcements of the Japanese First Army in the south, at the same time the main force of the 129th Division went north to the Zhengtai Railway and approached the First Army, so that the First Army did not dare to send troops to increase its strength and cooperate with us to attack the First Division."

"That's right!" Chief of Staff Wang Dehou nodded, "Our previous battle plan was like this."

However, this combat plan is only a general direction proposed by Li Yunlong. The specific detailed combat plan and contingency plan have not yet been worked out by the staff.

Xing Zhiguo asked: "Commander, what about the current battle plan?"

As Li Yunlong's old comrade-in-arms, Xing Zhiguo knew Li Yunlong quite well.

There is only one reason for Li Yunlong to give up such a large piece of fat from the 1st Division, and that is that there is a bigger and fatter piece of meat next to Li Yunlong's mouth.

"The current battle plan..."

Li Yunlong glanced at Xing Zhiguo, continued to point at the map, and smiled:
"Let the Independent Regiment and the New Second Regiment go north, pretending to be our New First Regiment, and attack the Japanese 1st Division in Datong."

"At this time, the main force of our 129th Division in Southeast Shanxi is already heading north to attack the Zhengtai Railway."

"The Zhengtai Railway's 37th Division stationed in Yangquan and the 33rd Division stationed in Shouyang must not dare to reinforce, and will form a defensive posture against the main force of our 129th Division."

"Our new regiment quietly went south to stab the 37th and 33rd divisions in the back."

When everyone heard this, their eyes could not help but light up slightly.

"Isn't the 33rd Division in Zhongtiao Mountain? Why did it come to the Zhengtai Railway?"

Xing Zhiguo asked in a puzzled tone, Zhao Gang and Zhang Dabiao were also a little confused.

Wang Dehou said: "This is the information just received at noon. The Japanese army has abandoned Zhongtiao Mountain. The 33rd Division has just withdrawn from the Zhengtai Railway. The division headquarters are stationed in Shouyang County."

Xing Zhiguo and the others suddenly showed stunned expressions.

Given the current situation, it was obviously a wise decision for the Japanese army to abandon Zhongtiao Mountain.

The reason why the Japanese army attacked Zhongtiao Mountain in the first place was to use Zhongtiao Mountain as a springboard. They could cross the south, visit the Longhai Sea, and invade the Central Plains. Law and order situation.

During the period when the 33rd Division was stationed at Zhongtiao Mountain, under the order of Neiji Okamura, they crossed the Yellow River south in three ways to attack Zhengzhou.

Due to the emptiness of Zhengzhou's defense, it was occupied by the Japanese army.

However, General Wei Lihuang believed that Zhengzhou was an important town in the Central Plains, so he mobilized troops to carry out a comprehensive counterattack, and went to the front to command in person, regained Zhengzhou in one fell swoop, and drove the Japanese army back to the north of the Yellow River.

In 1940, Wei Lihuang concurrently served as the commander-in-chief of the Hebei-Chahar Theater.He deployed defenses carefully and set up a backwater formation in Zhongtiao Mountain to defend the Yellow River and North China.

The Japanese army attacked Zhongtiao Mountain three times, but failed to take it down.

If it weren't for the fact that General Wei Lihuang was placed under house arrest by Chiang Kai-shek on Mount Emei before the Battle of Zhongtiao Mountain, causing the 20 Central Army in Zhongtiao Mountain to fall into a leaderless situation, the Battle of Zhongtiao Mountain would not have been so miserable.

"It's an unconventional way to seek far away." Zhang Dabiao took the lead in agreeing with Li Yunlong's decision, saying, "But if you do the opposite, you may get unexpected results."

The rest of the people also nodded, obviously they all thought Li Yunlong's idea was good.

"Actually, we're not looking for distance, we're going from north to south." Li Yunlong said: "At present, the total strength of the Japanese First Division is about 1, and the combined strength of the New Second Regiment and the Independent Regiment is 1." There are many, all beautiful weapons, enough to deal with the 5st Division."

"The battle against the 1st Division was to allow the New Second Regiment and the Independent Regiment to obtain airdrop supplies during the war and the opportunity to get ammunition reimbursed after the war."

"I will apply to the headquarters to let the new second regiment and the independent regiment be temporarily assigned to my command."

"So, although the independent regiment and the new second regiment fought the attack on the 1st division, I am actually in command. If the new second regiment and the independent regiment won the battle, we can still have a business income."

Although the Independent Regiment and the New Second Regiment did business with the New First Regiment, Li Yunlong each earned 4500 recruits.

Since the second half of last year, the New Second Regiment and the Independent Regiment have been recruiting troops.

The new second regiment and the independent regiment originally planned to expand to 2 people, but after being recruited by Li Yunlong, they have now expanded to 1 people.

Hearing Li Yunlong's analysis, everyone's eyes became brighter.

If the Shanxi Northwest Military Region and the Shanxi Southeast Military Region launched a big battle at the same time, then the brother troops of the other military regions of the Eighth Route Army would most likely be involved.

This is another major battle since the Hundred Regiments War.

Xing Zhiguo pointed to the map and asked two questions: "The key to the attack on the 1st Division lies in two points. The first point is how the New Second Regiment and the Independent Regiment quietly raided the 1st Division stationed in Datong. Division, now the 1st Division is afraid of our new regiment, but just like mice are afraid of cats, on the roads and trails leading to Datong, there will inevitably be many Japanese sentries and secret sentries, and even strongholds."

"The current 1st Division is a frightened bird. If there is a slight disturbance, it may slip away from Datong."

Li Yunlong nodded. He discussed these issues with Wang Dehou at noon.

And the Sword Squadron has been dispatched.

"The second point, even if the New Second Regiment and the Independent Regiment succeed in raiding and block the First Division in Datong, how can we convince the First Division that our New First Regiment is attacking the First Division?"

"After all, the firepower of the Independent Regiment and the New Second Regiment is far behind that of our New First Regiment."

In terms of strength, the previous strength of the new regiment was almost 3.

It's just that it was 3 months ago. When the main force of the 1st Division was ambushed more than a month ago, the main force of the Eighth Route Army in Northwest Shanxi was dispatched, with a total of more than 5 people.

The Japanese army never imagined that in just over three months, the strength of the new regiment had reached 5.

Although Li Yunlong had revealed the total strength of the new regiment to Chu Yunfei today.

But Li Yunlong knew that the people around Chu Yunfei should be reliable, otherwise Chu Yunfei's head would have been taken off by the Japanese, and Chu Yunfei would not have informed the Japanese.

Li Yunlong said: "I have already considered these two points clearly."

"About the first point, at noon, I had discussed it with the chief of staff, and now I have sent the Sword Squadron to find out the details of the 1st Division."

"Regarding the second point, at present, the New Second Regiment and the Independent Regiment together have four artillery battalions. I will transfer the 4mm howitzer battalion and the second artillery battalion of our regiment to the command of Ding Wei and Kong Jie."

"In this way, there will be six artillery battalions attacking the troops of the 1st Division."

"Hey, although our artillery division is organized at the battalion level, the scale is at the regiment level. There are 6 artillery regiments, and they can easily suppress the heavy artillery wing of the 1st division."

"The infantry's weapons, the New Second Regiment and the Independent Regiment, are similar to our New First Regiment."

"If Ding Wei and Kong Jie are given command of the tank battalion, the little devil will definitely think that our new regiment is heading north to attack the 1st Division."

As for the cavalry battalion, this time Li Yunlong did not intend to give it to the Independent Regiment and the New Second Regiment.

The last time Li Yunlong killed the cavalry regiment of the 1st Division, all the horses he captured were given to the Independent Regiment and the New Second Regiment, and the cavalry battalions of Ding Wei and Kong Jie had reached the regiment level.

And in terms of equipment, the cavalry battalion of the regiment and the cavalry battalion of the new second regiment are the same as the new regiment, equipped with all Yunlong swords and system-improved carbines.

The two cavalry battalions rushed to Datong first with a large force to block the devils of the 1st Division, and when the large force arrived, the 1st Division could not escape.

"That's fine, just follow this battle plan!" Zhao Gang nodded.

"Specific combat plan and emergency plan." Li Yunlong looked at Wang Dehou and said, "Your staff should make it as soon as possible."

"Yes!" Wang Dehou responded in response.

Afterwards, Li Yunlong looked at Zhao Gang: "Old Zhao, is there any progress in the investigation of senior secret agents?"

(End of this chapter)

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