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Chapter 764: The Artillery Bombards the Infantry and Charges!

Chapter 764: The Artillery Bombards the Infantry and Charges!
Chapter 767 The artillery bombards the infantry and rushes!


Iron Lion Alley.

North China Front Army Command.

"The commanders of the 33rd Division and the 37th Division sent telegrams requesting emergency tactical guidance at the same time?"

Neiji Okamura stood in the middle of the operation hall, looking at the communication staff officer Chio Kiya who came to report, his tone was full of disbelief.

He had ordered the 33rd Division and the 37th Division to immediately transfer to Taiyuan, but the two division heads still sent telegrams requesting tactical guidance.

An extremely strong and bad feeling suddenly rose in Okamura's heart.


Chio Kitani reported: "Yangquan City and Shouyang City have been surrounded by heavy troops of the Eighth Route Army. In addition, the main infantry of the Eighth Route Army and the troops of the 129th Division of the Eighth Route Army have formed a situation of encircling the 33rd Division and the 37th Division."


Okamura Ningji's pupils shrank suddenly, his face turned pale instantly, his body shook for a while, and he almost couldn't stand steadily.

On the left and right, Moritake Tanabe and Seizo Arisue quickly supported Neiji Okamura.

Originally Okamura Neiji was going to sleep, and tonight's wartime duty was Arisue Seizo.

However, he was going to wait for the news that the main force of the 33rd Division and the 37th Division had departed from Shouyang and Yangquan before going back to sleep.

The news arrived, but it was the news that the main forces of the 33rd Division and the 37th Division were surrounded by the main force of the Eighth Route Army.

The 33rd and 37th Divisions are in danger!

"Your Excellency, are you alright?" Tanabe Moritake asked with concern.

With Sue Seizo beside him, he also looked concerned, and several combat staff officers were about to step forward.

Neiji Okamura waved his hand: "I'm fine."

Arisue Seizo stared at the map: "According to the telegrams from the 33rd Division and the 37th Division, the Eighth Route Army that suddenly appeared has at least [-] main forces, and its combat effectiveness and firepower are very strong. Where did the Eighth Route Army get so many troops?"

Previously, Okamura and the staff guessed that the main force of the New Second Regiment and the Independent Regiment of the Eighth Route Army was about 2 people.

It is likely to surround one of the 37th and 33rd Divisions.

However, the General Staff and Okamura did not know which division the Eighth Route Army's strategic target was, so Okamura ordered the 37th Division and the 33rd Division to immediately transfer to Taiyuan.

Still too late.

Moreover, the real strategic goals of the Eighth Route Army are the 33rd Division and the 37th Division.

Moritake Tanabe narrowed his eyes, and followed Seizo Arisue's analysis: "Perhaps the main force of the Eighth Route Army who went north to attack the 1st Division was not the Xinyi Regiment at all. Li Yunlong handed over the heavy firepower of the Xinyi Regiment to the Independent Regiment and The command of the new second regiment created the illusion that the new first regiment went north to attack the first division, while he himself led the main force of the new first regiment around Tongpu Road and went south along Mount Wutai and North Taihang.”

Arisue Seizan had an expression of having solved the case: "It must be so."

However, Okamura Neiji was full of self-blame and regret, muttering to himself: "I should have thought of it, I should have thought of it..."

Neji Okamura carefully recalled the entire battle process. From the very beginning, the New First Regiment of the Eighth Route Army used pangolins to release information about attacking Taiyuan.

The Japanese army fell into the rhythm of the Eighth Route Army step by step, followed the rhythm of the Eighth Route Army to passively defend, and was led by the nose.

Neiji Okamura reacted when the Eighth Route Army attacked four important strategic targets almost simultaneously.

The strategic goal of the Eighth Route Army must be one of them.

Okamura Ningci never guessed that the Eighth Route Army actually wanted to wipe out the 33rd and 37th Divisions.

Needless to say, Niangziguan must have also been attacked by the Eighth Route Army.

Okamura suddenly realized that there are masters in the Eighth Route Army!

Such a meticulous and clever battle plan is unlikely to be conceived by the people at the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army.

Could it be the one who wrote "On Protracted War" made the move?
If he was defeated by that person, it would be no shame to lose this battle.

"Your Excellency, what should we do now?" Seeing Neiji Okamura deep in thought, Moritake Tanabe asked in a deep voice.

Now the 33rd Division and the 37th Division must be under the most ferocious attack of the Eighth Route Army and are in danger.

If no countermeasures are taken, the 33rd Division and the 37th Division will be over.

Neji Okamura came back to his senses: "Since the strategic goal of the Eighth Route Army is to eliminate the 33rd Division and the 37th Division, and the Eighth Route Army going north to Datong is also covering and assisting, then it will definitely not fight the 1st Division to the end. There is no need to go to Datong to reinforce the reinforcements of the 1st Division."


Neiji Okamura stared at the map for a while, then shouted out loud.

Tanabe Moritake and Arisue Seizo hurriedly stood up to attention.


Although there is still a 41st Division stationed in Taiyuan, Neji Okamura dare not send the 41st Division to reinforce the 33rd Division.

Because the Eighth Route Army attacking Taigu's defense line had a full [-] main force elite.

Once the 41st Division is transferred from Taiyuan, the elite main force of the Eighth Route Army will most likely make a fake show and really attack Taiyuan.


Moritake Tanabe closed the folder and suddenly lowered his head.



First Army Command.

At this time, Yoshio Iwamatsu panicked.

The main force of the Eighth Route Army came out from behind and surrounded the 33rd and 37th Divisions!

Will an Eighth Route Army suddenly appear from the north and surround Taiyuan?

Yoshio Iwamatsu was also a little thankful that he didn't fly to Yangquan two days ago.

A few days ago, the North China Front Army Command received information that the Eighth Route Army was going to gather heavy troops to attack Taiyuan.

At that time, Yoshio Iwamatsu was scared enough.

I almost wanted to move the headquarters of the First Army to Yangquan, and it was by plane.

Fortunately, I didn't go, otherwise the headquarters of the First Army would have been surrounded by the main force of the Eighth Route Army at this time.

But on second thought, Yoshio Iwamatsu raised his heart in his throat again.

The 33rd Division and the 37th Division were surrounded by the main force of the Eighth Route Army. Once the 33rd Division and the 37th Division were wiped out by the Eighth Route Army, he, the commander of the First Army, was absolutely to blame.

If you are lucky, you will be removed from the post of commander of the First Army.

If you're unlucky, you may even be treated as a scapegoat and be ordered to plead guilty.

It would be best to be removed from the position of commander of the First Army. He has long since wanted to be the commander of the First Army.

Worrying all day long, not eating well, not sleeping well, whoever wants to be the commander, anyway, I, Yoshio Iwamatsu, don't want to be.

At this time, Yoshio Iwamatsu regretted it very much.

If I had known this earlier, I would have pretended to be sick and resigned as the commander of the First Army.

"Your Excellency, Commander!"

The communications staff hurried in and reported to Yoshio Yansonghui:

"The North China Front Army Command sent an urgent message that the 21st Division, the 35th Division, the 110th Division, the 1st Cavalry Brigade, the 4th Cavalry Brigade, and the garrison troops stationed in Hebei Province are reinforcing the 33rd Division and the 37rd Division at full speed. [-]th Division!"

A look of hope suddenly lit up in Yoshio Iwamatsu's eyes.

"Immediately forward this telegram to the 33rd Division and the 37th Division, ordering to stick to Shouyang and Yangquan!"


The communications staff officer lowered his head, then turned and left.


A trace of fish-belly white appeared on the horizon.

Five kilometers south of Yangquan.

On a hidden hill, Zheng Yu, the commander of the 2nd Battalion of Xinyi Regiment, held up his binoculars and looked towards a village opposite.

A combat staff officer reported from the side: "This village is called Xiaohe Village. It is a well-known large village with hundreds of households. The enemy who fled into this village is an infantry battalion from the 227th Regiment of the Japanese Army."

In the field of vision of the telescope, the Japanese army is stepping up to build a position.

Trying to hold out in this village and wait for reinforcements to arrive.

"Are there any ordinary people in the village?" Zheng Yu asked calmly.

Led by Zheng Yu and Xu Yonghai, the Xinyi Regiment's 2nd Battalion and 3rd Battalion, the main force of nearly [-] people quietly bypassed Yangquan City and headed south in the middle of the night last night.

Not long after, at a position 5 kilometers away from Yangquan, they encountered the 227th Japanese Army Regiment and the 37th Mountain Artillery Regiment that had withdrawn from their positions.

The two sides immediately exchanged fire. The 37th Artillery Regiment of the Japanese Army started an artillery battle with the artillery of the two synthetic battalions of the Xinyi Regiment.

After that, the 82mm mortars and 60mm mortars of the new regiment joined in, and hundreds of cannons fired at the 227th Regiment of the Japanese Army and the 37th Regiment of the Mountain Artillery.

In addition, the 386th Brigade also attacked from behind, and the 227th Wing of the Japanese Army and the 37th Wing of the Mountain Artillery were directly broken up.

One of them, more than 1000 devils, sneaked into Xiaohe Village.

At this time, Xiaohe Village was completely besieged by the Eighth Route Army.

The combat staff's tone was affirmative: "There are no ordinary people. During the war last night, all the ordinary people in Xiaohe Village ran away."

"Since there are no common people." Zheng Yu raised the corners of his mouth and narrowed his eyes, "Then we can do it freely."

"Give me an order to concentrate all the artillery fire of the 2nd Battalion and fire half a base of shells at Xiaohe Village."

"Eliminate this devil and have breakfast!"

"Yes!" The combat staff officer responded, immediately grabbed the walkie-talkie, and shouted, "Concentrate all the artillery fire, hit half the base number of shells, kill the devils and have breakfast!"

Not long after the voice fell.

In all directions, more than 200 artillery pieces of the Second Battalion of Synthesis fired together, and the shells smashed towards Xiaohe Village with a sharp whistling sound.

The Second Synthetic Battalion includes the Second Main Battalion, the Seventh Battalion of the Division and the Eighth Battalion of the Division, with a total strength of nearly 8000 people.


In terms of artillery firepower, it is extremely abnormal.

boom boom boom…

Accompanied by the deafening roar of the explosion, Xiaohe Village was suddenly plunged into a sea of ​​gunpowder smoke, mud fog and flames.

The devils hiding in Xiaohe Village were blown up and fled in all directions, but they couldn't avoid it.

After half an hour of shelling, the Synthetic Second Battalion fired more than 1 shells at Xiaohe Village.

"Infantry press up!"

Looking at Xiaohe Village, which was reduced to ruins in the field of vision of the telescope, Zheng Yu gave the order with a satisfied expression.

(End of this chapter)

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