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Chapter 774 The firepower of the 8th Route Army in Northwest Shanxi is very powerful!

Chapter 774 The firepower of the Eighth Route Army in Northwest Shanxi is very powerful!
After deciding to fight the main force of the Japanese army stationed in Mongolia in Datong.

Ding Wei, Kong Jie, and a group of combat staff members began to discuss the battle plan at the headquarters.

Ding Wei carefully studied the current battle situation and the map and said.

"Currently, the division commander is leading his troops to attack the defense line of Xiaodian Town, Taiyuan."

"Then, the Japanese army stationed in Mongolia passed through Datong, and the strategic goal is already obvious."

"It must be forcing us to retreat to the northwest of Shanxi, and then go south along the Beitongpu Highway with the main force of the 1st Division to reinforce the [-]st Army in Taiyuan."

The main force of the Mongolian army, going to reinforce the 33rd Division in Shouyang, or the 37th Division in Yangquan, is no longer in a hurry.

At present, the street fighting in Yangquan City and Shouyang County has begun, and there are not many remaining Japanese troops.

In a maximum of two days, the 33rd Division and the 37th Division will be completely wiped out.

Therefore, Okamura Ningji ordered Lieutenant General Amakasu Shigetaro to lead the main force of the Mongolian army to Datong first, and after the siege of the 1st Division was relieved.

The 1st Division and the main force of the Mongolian Army joined forces and went south to reinforce Taiyuan.

Neiji Okamura did not dare to gamble. Once Taiyuan was captured by the Eighth Route Army, the consequences would be disastrous for the Japanese army.

At the same time, Neiji Okamura has applied to the base camp, requesting to mobilize troops to reinforce the North China Front Army as soon as possible.

"Old Ding." Kong Jie's eyes moved from the map to Ding Wei, "Do you have any thoughts about this battle?"

Ding Wei narrowed his eyes slightly, studied the map carefully and said.

"Look, old Kong."

"The surrounding area of ​​Datong City is mainly a plain terrain, and about 20 kilometers to the north is a mountainous area."

"According to common sense, mountainous areas are more suitable for fighting, relying on firepower to fight steadily."

"And fighting in the mountains is our Eighth Route Army's forte."

"But this battle is a decisive battle between us and the Mongolian army, not a stop."

"So my suggestion is that we build a fortification line in Gudian and Huayuantun, north of Datong, to attract the main force of the Mongolian army to attack."

"Then, we concentrate all our superior artillery firepower to counterattack the enemy."

"Finally, cavalry and tanks were used to clear the way, defeated the main force of the Mongolian army in one fell swoop, and drove the main force of the Mongolian army back to Mongolia."

Kong Jie nodded when he heard the words, and said in a harsh tone:

"Old Ding, you and I thought about it together. In this battle, we will fight head-on with the main force of the Mongolian Army!"

"The main force of the Mongolian army will have at least one more day to arrive in Datong, so there is plenty of time."

"The battlefield is set in the area of ​​Gudian and Huayuantun. Let's improve the battle plan now."

The chiefs of staff, political commissars and deputy heads of the two regiments all came together.

With everyone's words and my words, the battle plan was gradually perfected.

The main force of the Independent Regiment and the New Second Regiment was to deal with the main force of the Mongolian Army.

On the Datong City side, Kong Jie and Ding Wei deployed a large number of heavy machine gun firepower points on the city wall, and deployed a large number of 20mm machine guns outside the city wall.

The devils of the 1st Division wanted to break out of the encirclement and join the Mongolian army, they had to break through two heavy fire defenses first.

As for the defense lines of ancient stores and gardens stationed on the side of the Mongolian army, the firepower of the Eighth Route Army was even more brutal.

After formulating the corresponding combat plan and emergency plan, Kong Jie immediately issued a combat order.

The main infantry of the Independence Regiment and the New Second Regiment immediately went to the Gudian and Huayuantun areas, and began to build fortifications on the designated line of defense.

Because the devils of the 1st Division were suppressed in Datong City.

So I don't know the big moves of the Eighth Route Army outside the city.

In addition, the Japanese army had long known the strength and firepower of the Eighth Route Army's attack on Datong. Although there were some mountainous terrain to the north, it was impossible to ambush the devils.

After all, devils are not fools. After fighting the Eighth Route Army for so many years, it is not so easy to ambush.

In the evening, the 203mm heavy howitzer battalion and the 105mm howitzer battalion arrived in Datong.

At the same time, the automobile battalion of the new regiment also brought a large number of shells.

Looking at the exquisite 203mm heavy howitzer in front of them, both Ding Wei and Kong Jie looked excited.

Ding Wei and Kong Jie have already seen the power of the 203mm heavy howitzer with their own eyes.

As for the thickened reinforced concrete bunkers and gun towers built by the Japanese army in Northwest Shanxi, this thing can be shot one by one.

Strictly speaking, it is a bit of a waste of shells to use it to deal with the devil's infantry, because it is most suitable for attacking fortifications, and it is a strategic-level weapon in any country.

According to Boss Chen, even the front army of the Soviet Union didn't have many B4 heavy howitzers.

Although its size and caliber are not comparable to the "Gustav Cannon" and "Carl Mortar Cannon" equipped by Germany during World War II, it should not be underestimated.


Kong Jie issued a combat order to the battalion commander of the 203mm heavy howitzer and the battalion commander of the 1st Artillery Battalion, ordering him to lead the troops to the designated location to arrange artillery positions and hide and stand by.

Seeing the fierce artillery firepower, Ding Wei and Kong Jie were immediately confident.

the next day.

The main force of the Mongolian army did not arrive.

The battles in Taiyuan, Yangquan and Shouyang were in full swing.

The division commander led the main force of the Eighth Route Army to storm the defense line of Xiaodian Town in Taiyuan, and at the same time bombarded Wusu Airport remotely, paralyzing the airport.

Due to the defense line of Xiaodian Town, there are thickened reinforced concrete bunkers and gun towers built by the Japanese army.

However, the artillery of the Eighth Route Army could not destroy Xiaodian Town's defense line, which was much more difficult to fight than Taigu's defense line.

However, the real strategic purpose of the division commander is to test the defense of Xiaodian Town, prepare for the next attack on Taiyuan, and scare the devils in Taiyuan, especially Yoshio Iwamatsu.

The devils couldn't figure out whether the Eighth Route Army would fight Taiyuan or not, which completely muddied the water.

There is nothing to say about the battle between Yangquan and Shouyang.

The Eighth Route Army and the Japanese army fought street-by-street and house-to-house in Yangquan and Shouyang counties. The fighting was extremely fierce and cruel.

However, with the passage of time and the continuation of the battle, there are fewer and fewer devils left in the 33rd Division and the 37th Division, and it is only a matter of time before they are wiped out.

After the 14th and 18th Brigades were defeated.

There were not many Japanese troops in Taiyuan, only the 41st Division, the Yamada Regiment directly under the Headquarters of the First Army, some gendarmerie units and a division of the puppet army.

Although the 1st Cavalry Brigade rushed back to Taiyuan, the Eighth Route Army had already gained a firm foothold.

Letting the cavalry brigade attack the Eighth Route Army is simply courting death.

The total strength of the Japanese army in Taiyuan was less than 3, while the main force of the Eighth Route Army attacking Taiyuan was more than 6.

Yoshio Iwamatsu continuously asked Okamura Ningji for emergency tactical guidance.

Okamura Ningji ordered the main force of the Mongolian army to speed up and go south to Taiyuan to reinforce the First Army.

The morning of the third day.

The 26th Division of the Japanese Army finally arrived at Yanggao County and joined the main force of the Mongolian Army led by the commander of the Mongolian Army, Amakasu Shigetaro.

The headquarters of the Mongolian Army is located in Zhangjiakou, while the 26th Division is mainly stationed in Wuyuan and Baotou.

Five or six hundred kilometers away, so the main force of the Mongolian army was assembled before heading to Datong together.

"Your Excellency, Commander!"

"The reconnaissance cavalry reported that the Eighth Route Army has destroyed the railway traffic to Datong, and we cannot go there by train."

In the headquarters of the Mongolian Army, a combat staff officer bowed his head and reported to the commander of the Mongolian Army, Amakasu Shigetaro.

"As expected."

Amakasu Shigetaro's tone did not fluctuate at all.

On the way from Zhangjiakou, the main force of the garrisoned Mongolian army was blocked by the Eighth Route Army's Jichareliao army. The strongholds along the way were attacked, and large sections of railway tracks and sleepers were stolen.

Otherwise, the main force of the Mongolian army would have arrived in Datong long ago.

However, relying on the superior firepower and the fierce offensive of the tank troops, the Eighth Route Army Jicha Reliao was defeated not long after it marched.

Of course, being defeated is just an illusion.

The headquarters of the Eighth Route Army ordered the advanced troops to retreat voluntarily. If the brother troops hit the last person, they could hold back the main force of the Mongolian army for at least five days.

"Your Excellency, Commander!"

Shigetoku Kuroda, the commander of the 26th Division, walked over quickly with the lieutenant general commanding saber, and bowed his head to Shigetaro Amakasu.

"Kuroda-kun, you came just in time."

Amakasu Shigetaro looked at Shigetoku Kuroda, and said in a deep voice:

"Of our troops stationed in Mongolia, only your 26th Division has fought against the Eighth Route Army in Northwest Shanxi. Let me tell you, what is so special about the Eighth Route Army in Northwest Shanxi?"

Although he had just led his troops to defeat Jicha Reliao's advance, Amakasu Shigetaro was not complacent.

Amakasu Shigetaro is naturally capable of being the commander of the Mongolian Army.

He knew very well that the Eighth Route Army in Northwest Shanxi and the Eighth Route Army in Southeast Shanxi were the real enemies of the locust army.

If the Eighth Route Army in Shanxi was not strong, how could it beat the First Army to beg for help again and again?How could it be possible for General Ningji Okamura to be helpless?

Amakasu Shigetaro once served as the division commander of the 33rd Division, which is the 33rd Division that is about to be surrounded and eaten by the Eighth Route Army.

During his tenure as the head of the 33rd Division, Amakasu Shigetaro led the 33rd Division to participate in the Battle of Jiangxi and Hunan, during which he brutally killed the people of Jiangxi.

At the same time, Amakasu Shigetaro strongly advocated an aggressive policy towards China.

In 1931, he planned the September [-]th Incident together with Kenji Doihara, Seishiro Itagaki, Hideji Tojo and others.

And Lieutenant General Kuroda Shigetoku was the one who led his troops to reinforce the main force of the 1st Division a few months ago and called Okamura Neji that our division was unimpeded.

There are not many locust troops that have retreated from the Eighth Route Army in Northwest Shanxi. The 26th Division led by Shigetoku Kuroda is one of them.

"Reporting to the commander, the biggest difference between the Eighth Route Army in Northwest Shanxi and other Eighth Route Army lies in its firepower."

Shigetoku Kuroda glanced at everyone present and said.

All the people present were old acquaintances, Lieutenant General Issaku Nishihara, commander of the 3rd Tank Division, Kanji Tsuneoka, commander of the 2nd Brigade, and a group of combat staff officers.


Amakasu Shigetaro frowned slightly.

Amakasu Shigetaro knew a little about the firepower of the Eighth Route Army in Northwest Shanxi, but his knowledge was limited.

After all, the main combat enemies of the main force of the Mongolian Army are the Eighth Route Army guerrillas and the Sui Army stationed in the Hetao area.

"Yes, the Northwest Shanxi Eighth Route Army's firepower is very strong."

Kuroda said in a dignified tone:

"Whether it is artillery firepower or infantry firepower, under the same strength, the firepower of the Northwest Shanxi Eighth Route Army is at least five times that of the Locust Army!"



(End of this chapter)

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