Daming: Let you do your best to manage, do you go to health?

Chapter 101 Xia Yuanji: Old man, I have never been bullied by elementary school students in my life.

Chapter 101 Xia Yuanji: Old man, I have never been bullied by elementary school students in my life.

"Fall it! The old man still doesn't believe it!"

As he said that, Xia Yuanji really rolled up his sleeves, took off his shoes, and walked towards the pool with the bucket under the watchful eyes of the surrounding officials.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Gaochi hurriedly said: "Master Xia, why do you do this, come back quickly!"

However, Xia Yuanji turned around and said to Zhu Gaochi, the crown prince, "Your Highness, don't persuade me, I still want to see if this pool is 479 barrels today!"

Prince Zhu Gaochi wanted to say something more, but he saw that Xia Yuanji had already stepped into the pool.

Seeing this, Zhu Gaochi could only shake his head helplessly.

At the same time, the children on the side couldn't help but said, "Hard mouth."

The other child scratched his head and said, "Head iron."

The smallest one also continued: "It's easy to get beaten when you go out."

The words of these three children immediately caused Zhu Gaochi and others on the side to look at each other, but after a while, the prince Zhu Gaochi suddenly remembered something, frowned and looked at Zhu Zhanyong on the other side, and said: "What are the words in the mouth of these children? So like what your elder brother always says?"

Seeing that his father finally came to his senses, Zhu Zhanyong had nothing he could not say, after all, everything had come in.

"These children have all studied with the eldest brother for a period of time, and the eldest brother taught them himself."

But after hearing this, Zhu Gaochi asked again: "This is not your child, but the boss's?"

Hearing his father Zhu Gaochi's words, Zhu Zhanyong was stunned.

"Father, what are you talking about? My children, elder brother's children? These children are orphans without father and mother. Eldest brother wants me to take them all back and raise them myself."

After knowing the inside story, Zhu Gaochi suddenly realized.

When he just entered the door, he saw that this kid was prevaricating on purpose, and after entering the door, he bumped into these dolls again, thinking that this kid didn't want to see these dolls himself.

Thinking of this, Zhu Gaochi couldn't help scolding the third child: "It's not your illegitimate child born outside, what were you procrastinating about when we came in just now?"

Listening to his father's words, Zhu Zhanyong simply shrugged and shut up.

He found out that he was the only doormat in his family.

Everything is wrong.

While Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Zhanyong were talking here, Xia Yuanji in the pool really poured buckets of water out.

One barrel, two barrels, three barrels.
For the sake of fairness, every time Xia Yuanji poured water outside, he let the three boys outside take a look.

I don't know how many buckets of water were poured in the middle, Xia Yuanji's whole body was drenched, but I don't know whether it was sweat soaking the clothes, or the water was accidentally spilled on the clothes when pouring.

Seeing Xia Yuanji's appearance as the Minister of the Household Department of the imperial court, Zhu Gaochi really couldn't stand it any longer, and hurriedly said to Zhu Zhanyong beside him, "Is that how you see it? Go quickly and call some servants to come and replace it." Master Xia."

Zhu Zhanyong, who was watching the play at the side, could only do what his father said helplessly.

After a while, four or five servants from the mansion came over.

Each has a bucket, the same size as Xia Yuanji's.

"Master Xia, you'd better come out and tell these people to pour water."

Hearing the words of the crown prince Zhu Gaochi, Xia Yuanji did not refuse this time, there was no way, he was too tired.

How could Xia Yuanji, who looked like a frail scholar, do such a thing.

While walking out of the pool, he did not forget to thank the prince Zhu Gaochi.

Then he rested on the chair Zhu Zhanyong handed over.

But even if Xia Yuanji stopped pouring water, his eyes were still staring at the servants in the pool.

He, Xia Yuanji, doesn't believe in this evil anymore. If you look at such a pool of water and draw two incomprehensible symbols, you will know how many buckets of water can be used to empty it?
For so many years, Xia Yuanji has never been so despised in terms of his own talents.

What's more, these are just a few half-grown children.

If he loses face today, let alone what others say about him, even he himself will feel ashamed, and he has read most of his life's books into the dog's stomach.

Seeing Xia Yuanji's seriousness, the six ministers and the cabinet's academicians, including the crown prince, could only stand here and wait staring blankly.

Fortunately, with the help of these four or five servants, the speed of pouring water has increased a lot.

There were more than 400 barrels of water, and more than 300 barrels were poured in a blink of an eye.

Seeing that the number calculated by those children is about to be reached, and the water in the pool is gradually bottoming out.

The hearts of all the people present couldn't help but tugged.

If these children were to calculate the number today correctly, Xia Yuanji would certainly lose face, but even the group of people who were traveling with him would definitely not look good.

The six ministers of the imperial court and the cabinet scholars gathered here, but they were taught a lesson by a few children.

This is a good thing to say or not.
But compared to them, the three children standing by the pond looked relaxed, without any nervousness.

Not only that, but after seeing this group of adults spend a lot of time pouring buckets of water out for such a simple and simple truth, just to prove whether this matter is true or not.

It always feels like they have nowhere to use their energy.

Just plain stupid.

There is no need to say more about the look in the eyes.

Helpless mixed with a trace of love.

And the only one who stays out of it is naturally Zhu Zhanyong, who has been in this place for a long time, and has been with his elder brother for a long time, he has already gotten used to this feeling.

To put it simply, don't use your cognition to measure this group of perverts.
For example, the little train that can move by itself, if someone told him that before he saw it with his own eyes, he would definitely slap it.

But after seeing it with his own eyes, he wanted to slap himself on the face.

Even including the reservoirs and canals, whether it is the old man or the civil and military men of the Manchu Dynasty, all they can see is the role that these reservoirs and canals can play, but these are only a small manifestation of their own value.

When you have a detailed understanding of its own hardness and construction time, you will suddenly find that the saying that man can conquer nature is really not empty talk.

But how could others understand his own personal feelings?
Looking at Xia Yuanji at this moment, isn't he just like himself back then?

You can't help it even if you don't believe in evil.

Sure enough, as the water in the pond became less and less, Xia Yuanji was sweating on his forehead while counting down the numbers.

And the eyes of the father Zhu Gaochi, the six ministers and the cabinet scholars on the side are also staring bigger and bigger.

six barrels
four barrels
three barrels
two barrels
a barrel.
The speed of pouring water is constantly slowing down, until the water in the pond is too low to be filled with buckets.

Xia Yuanji stood there in a daze.

He stared blankly at everything in front of him.

how is this possible
How could it be so accurate!
Say 479 barrels, is it really not bad for one barrel?
But how would he know that there must be errors. For example, the ratio of pi is an indivisible number, which can only be replaced by approximately equal to.

However, when figuring out how much water can fit in that bucket, they measure it in centimeters, which also end up in cubic centimeters.

The error still exists, but one cubic meter is equal to 1000000 cubic centimeters.

When converted to cubic meters, this error is almost negligible.

What's more, it is calculated in the form of buckets.

Looking at Xia Yuanji's distraught appearance, the six ministers and cabinet scholars at the side seemed to feel the same as him.

He also looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

It's not that they can't accept such strange things appearing in front of their eyes, breaking their cognition.What they really couldn't accept was that such a strange thing happened to these children. What broke their cognition was a few half-grown children who didn't look as old as their own grandchildren.

This made a group of them proud for most of their lives, how could they accept that they were the first-class talents and scholars of the Ming Dynasty.

Looking at the scene in front of him, even the crown prince Zhu Gaochi didn't know what to do at the moment.

After all, the beginning of this incident was also caused by their insistence on being serious and competing with these children.

Now it turns out that they lost, what should we do?
When the scene gradually quieted down and the embarrassment subsided, Zhu Zhanyong saw that it was almost done, and was about to open his mouth to end the matter.

But Xia Yuanji suddenly came in front of those children, saluted them respectfully, and said: "Xia Yuanji is arrogant, I was wrong."

I have to say that Xia Yuanji's demeanor is really high.

Not only Zhu Zhanyong, but also the other ministers on the side were also quite emotional.

Also quite respectful.

Confucian scholars, there is a word at the beginning, which is called not being ashamed to ask, and calling the master to be a teacher.

Although it is simple, there are very few things that can be done in this world.

When those children saw Xia Yuanji bowing to them so calmly and humbly, and admitting defeat.

They were also a little surprised in their hearts, but facing Xia Yuanji's salute, they all responded with the same courtesy.

Standing aside, looking at the two parties who were at war before, but now the polite Prince Zhu Gaochi couldn't help but smile at this moment.

This is the true meaning of Confucianism.

But at the same time, he never thought that this incident was not caused by Xia Yuanji, but by his prince Zhu Gaochi himself.

Now he is happy on the sidelines.

At this moment, Xia Yuanji also turned to the children in front of him again and asked, "Dare to ask, from which sage did you learn the talents? To have such a disciple, Xia Want to visit."

Hearing Xia Yuanji's words, the children couldn't help but look at Zhu Zhanyong who was at the side.

Seeing this, Xia Yuanji was no longer silent.

"Master Xia, these children studied with my elder brother for a while, but later they studied with those teachers in the academy in this mansion."

Hearing this, everyone looked at Zhu Zhanyong in surprise, and said, "Oh? Can you introduce me?"

Seeing Xia Yuanji's still quite excited expression, Zhu Zhanyong thought for a while and said, "It's not a big deal, you all come with me."

A moment later, in a hall in the mansion.

Zhu Zhanyong called all the teachers in the mansion here.

36 people in total.

There were so many people, which greatly exceeded their expectations.

And after seeing Prince Zhu Gaochi and others, these people are not as ignorant as those children.

Just from the clothes they wear, we can know their approximate identities.

They all shouted in unison: "Caomin, I greet His Royal Highness the Prince, and I greet all the ministers and great scholars!"

Hearing what they said, Zhu Gaochi raised his hand casually and said, "Get up quickly."

After everyone stood up, Zhu Gaochi looked at them with a pleasing expression and said, "Just now I met a few of your disciples outside, and during the conversation with them, I found that all of them are extraordinary. Hidden dragon and crouching tiger."

Listening to Zhu Gaochi's praise, although the teachers present were happy, they were still reserved.

"Don't dare not dare, His Royal Highness is absurd."

However, Zhu Gaochi said disapprovingly: "Don't be modest, everyone. I know whether it is admirable or not. This king knows it well. How could his teacher be wrong if he can teach such students."

"It's just that there is one thing in my heart that I don't understand. Since you have such amazing talents, why don't you take part in the imperial examination and serve the country after you become an official?"

Seeing Zhu Gaochi's puzzled face, everyone present was embarrassed.

Just when Zhu Gaochi was puzzled, the leader immediately explained: "His Royal Highness has misunderstood. These people like me are actually candidates who failed the exam. They used to teach or do other jobs in various places. The reason why they can gather here now is all because of He was promoted by His Royal Highness the eldest grandson."

Hearing these words, Zhu Gaochi was also shocked: "How can you fail the ranking with your talents?"

As he said that, he frowned: "This king never thought that the imperial court's imperial examination system would miss so many talented people. This time when I return to the palace, I will discuss this matter with my father."

However, the more polite and respectful Zhu Gaochi was, the more embarrassed the faces of the teachers present were.

Just when the prince Zhu Gaochi was about to say something, he hurriedly took the lead in explaining: "His Royal Highness really misunderstood."

"The Imperial Court's imperial examination system has been implemented for hundreds of years. How dare we rely on the imperial court's imperial examination system. In fact, we people are not talented enough to meet the requirements of the imperial court to select scholars, so we failed."

"As for what His Highness the Crown Prince said, the knowledge to teach students is not what we people would know. What we teachers teach our students every day comes from the teaching materials provided by His Highness Changsun. To put it bluntly, we people are just teachers who look at books and teach."

"I really can't afford the crown prince's praise, please don't let me wait any longer, Your Highness the crown prince."

Listening to this person's words, the prince Zhu Gaochi, who originally intended to take all these people away, heard that all the things that shocked them all came from his son Zhu Zhanji.

For a while, there was really no reaction.

"You mean that my son Zhu Zhanji provides all the things to teach students?"

Facing Zhu Gaochi's questioning again, the leader hurriedly nodded and said, "That's right. If you talk about talent and learning, His Highness Changsun is the real great talent in the world, with the ability to master the world."

After the person finished speaking, the other teachers on the side also showed approval and admiration.

Seeing these people's sincere admiration for his kid, not only Zhu Gaochi, but even the ministers beside him who already knew Zhu Zhanji couldn't believe it.

If it is said that the talents shown by their eldest grandson, Zhu Zhanji, including the new policies proposed such as sharing the income of the people into the mu, were all due to extraordinary talents.

So at this moment, after listening to these people's heartfelt admiration, they couldn't help but refresh their understanding of the eldest grandson.

Originally, they were only amazed and moved by His Royal Highness Changsun's extraordinary talent in handling politics.

But now, when they understand that all the talents displayed by His Royal Highness the eldest grandson are not due to extraordinary talents, but are supported by his profound talents and learning, their amazement and emotion have already turned into endless admiration.

At a young age, he not only has his unique insights and talents in handling politics, but also put forward many new policies to reform the court's ills.

It also showed its sophisticated methods when implementing the New Deal.

What they saw in the place of the reservoir and canal today also made them discover that His Royal Highness, the eldest grandson, still has extremely high vision and courage.

Change hundreds of thousands of acres of land.

Such an idea, not to mention the successful implementation, these ministers have never even thought about it.

What they saw and heard in the mining area allowed them to see all kinds of whimsical ideas of His Highness the eldest grandson and his ability to implement them.

Whether it is the buildings, or the later gunpowder, steam trains and so on.

It all shocked them.

But even so, they still regarded His Highness the eldest grandson as a talent of young people because of his young age.

But it wasn't until this moment that they realized that it wasn't because His Royal Highness Changsun was too talented, but because they were self-righteous.

His Royal Highness Changsun's various actions are based on a solid foundation of talent and learning.

And after figuring this out, they were finally able to understand why their eldest grandson could do so many shocking things.

It is like a tree bearing fruit without soil, manure, or water.

When people see it, they are only shocked and secretly amazed.

But when they saw that this fruit-filled tree actually had enough soil, fertilizer, and water to nourish it, all this became a matter of course.

The original emotion of surprise naturally turned into respect and admiration for the masters and sages.

If it is said that the reason why these ministers were very respectful to the eldest grandson before, it was entirely because of his prince father and emperor grandfather.

So at this moment, from now on, they have willingly surrendered to His Highness the eldest grandson.

It is the kind of natural surrender to the strong.

"Everyone, can you take out some books that the child of the king gave you?"

Hearing Zhu Gaochi's inquiry, the ministers on the side also immediately cheered up.

They are really curious about what kind of books can make these failed teachers in front of them teach such students.

What is the content in it.

Facing Prince Zhu Gaochi's request, if someone else came, even if it was the six ministers and the cabinet's academicians, teachers like them would never agree.But now the person who asked the question was the father of His Highness the eldest grandson, the current crown prince.

That's another story.

Thinking of this, everyone nodded.

Then they turned around one by one and headed towards their respective residences to get the textbooks.

A moment later, as the more than [-] teachers walked out with a few books in their hands.

Zhu Gaochi and others present were completely dumbfounded.

It is extremely difficult for an ordinary person to compile his talents and learning into a book in a lifetime.

But now, among the more than [-] teachers, each of them holds a few books in their hands.

Summing up, how much content, how much knowledge, and how much talent and learning should there be to support him to write so many books?

Just when the prince Zhu Gaochi and others stared at all this with wide-eyed eyes.

These more than [-] teachers also put the books in their hands in stacks in front of them. Looking at the books like a hill, Prince Zhu Gaochi, the six ministries and the cabinet officials were unable to start for a while.

But before they recovered from the shock, the teachers on the side said again: "These are only a small part. If the others are all brought here, there are too many. Please read it first, His Royal Highness. If you feel that it is not enough for us Just move in again."

As soon as these words came out, Zhu Gaochi and others looked even more bewildered.

Look at the pile of books in front of you.
That's it
Still a small portion? ? ? ?

If all of these are moved here, how many should there be?
Prince Zhu Gaochi looked at everything in front of him in a daze, and thought to himself: "These books, you said, were all written by my bastard?"

"Just that big lazy bastard??"

Zhu Gaochi felt that what happened today had completely overturned his perception of his own boy.

Tian Tian looked lazy on the surface, didn't want to do anything, wished to lie on that bed and sleep with him all day.

But who would have thought that such a person would compile so many books in private.

More importantly, this kid really has so many things to write.

It is hard for Zhu Gaochi to imagine what this kid has experienced during these years in the palace under the supervision of the old man.
But it is useless to think too much. Looking at the books in front of them, everyone started to do it.

He casually took out one of the books on the table and read it carefully.

Although at the first reading, they all looked at the content of these books with a skeptical and scrutinizing attitude.However, as their reading progress deepened, they were also attracted by the contents of the book bit by bit, especially those officials who had obtained relatively new subjects such as science, geography, mathematics, etc. .

These books seemed to open a whole different door for them.

Of course, the reason why they can read these books so smoothly and without hindrance is that the books brought to them by the teachers are basically books of relatively simple knowledge.

It is an introduction to these subjects.

Therefore, after these contents have been replaced by Zhu Zhanji in advance with words that can be understood by this era, these officials who are still somewhat knowledgeable after all, still have no major problems after reading them.

Just when Zhu Gaochi and those officials in this scene were gradually attracted by the content of the book and immersed in the sea of ​​books.

Inside the Fengtian Hall of the Imperial Palace in Beijing.

The old man Zhu Di looked at Zheng He who entered from the gate, laughed and walked down from the dragon chair, and stood in front of Zheng He.

In the current court, Zheng He is the first person who can make the old man Zhu Di behave like this.

Zheng He, who used to be close to Zhu Di, didn't know this. He deeply understood the closeness and kindness expressed by Zhu Di's move.

In addition to being moved in my heart, I also raised my hands above my head with emotion, bowed my head to Zhu Di, and said, "Your Majesty!"

Standing in front of Zheng He, Zhu Di put his hands on his waist, looked kindly at Zheng He on the ground, and said, "Get up."

After Zheng He got up, Zhu Di looked around at the civil and military officials in the entire court, and said: "Ma Bao, you followed me in Yunnan since childhood, and when I was king of Yan, I led the horse for me. During the battle of Jingnan, it was The striker of my right army is capable of conquering and fighting, and he is definitely not inferior to a generation of famous generals!"

As soon as these words came out, Zheng He's talent was completely set.

Then he continued: "In the past few years, I have led the fleet of treasure ships to sail across the oceans, overcome obstacles, and make a name for myself overseas."

"This is my Da Ming's genius!"

However, after hearing Zhu Di's praise, Zheng He didn't dare to restrain himself at all. He cupped his hands and said, "Relying on the emperor's heavenly power, Ming's national fortune is prosperous and prosperous. Zheng He, how dare he cherish himself."

Hearing Zheng He's words, Zhu Di suddenly laughed.

"Others say that, I've been flattering since then, and you say that. I believe it."

When it came to the end, Zhu Di's face was extremely serious.

It can be seen that the old man Zhu Di trusted and favored Zheng He.

And after hearing what Zhu Di said, Zheng He, who was originally respectful, inevitably showed a smile that he only showed when he was by Zhu Di's side in the past.

Thinking of the close relationship between Zheng He and those youngsters in the past, Zhu Di couldn't help saying: "Second and third."

Speaking of this, he found that his boss was not there, so he couldn't help frowning: "Where is the boss? Has he not come back yet?"

Hearing this, Zhu Gaoxu hurriedly said, "Not yet."

After talking about Zhu Gaoxu, King of Han and Zhu Gaosui, King of Zhao, they came to Zheng He and said kindly: "Brother Ma Bao, we haven't seen each other for a while. Eat our brother's."

As he spoke, he slapped Zheng He on the shoulder twice.

Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui on the side also said at this time: "The second child has been nagging you a few days ago. If you don't come back again, as soon as the river freezes, we will see you again in the spring of the next year. I will call our old brother from the Youjun Call them all!"

When the Han King Zhao Wang and Zheng He were talking, Zheng He saw Zhu Zhanji standing under the old man's dragon platform, who looked like a servant boy, and couldn't help saying to the two princes beside him: "You two princes, don't worry about it." , let me take a step."

After finishing speaking, he got up and came to Zhu Zhanji.

Looking at Zheng He, Zhu Zhanji also had a smile on his face.

And Zheng He also respectfully bowed to Zhu Zhanji, and then said: "His Royal Highness, what you want me to bring back, I found it and brought it back."

Hearing Zheng He's words, Zhu Zhanji's expression changed immediately.

Seeing this, Zheng He also looked puzzled, not knowing why Zhu Zhanji had such an expression.

But in the next second, the old man on the dragon chair immediately said: "Zheng He, what did this kid ask you to bring him? Tell me and let me hear."

Now Zhu Zhanji is a treasure chest in the eyes of the old man Zhu Di.

From time to time, I can get some good things from him, so I pay close attention to his every move.

Otherwise, if one doesn't pay attention, that good baby might slip through his fingers.

In fact, why doesn't Zhu Zhanji know what the old man is thinking?

So the moment Zheng He spoke, Zhu Zhanji realized it was not good.

But it was too late.

Hearing what the emperor Zhu Di said, Zheng He also hurriedly replied: "If you want to return to the emperor, His Royal Highness Changsun asked the minister to bring back some vegetation from the barbarian land during his travels."

Hearing this, the old man Zhu Di immediately looked at Zhu Zhanji below, and asked, "Smelly boy, tell me, what's the use of bringing these things?"

Looking at the smiling eyes of the old man, Zhu Zhanji understood that the old man was telling himself, don't lie to him, and you can't lie to him.
But in fact, what is the meaning of the old man's eyes? Zhu Zhanji is not the only one who can see clearly. None of the kings of Zhao and Han on the side, and the officials who accompanied him on the previous trip, don't know that the emperor of his family is here. The matter of grandson Qiufeng.

Facing the old man's questioning, Zhu Zhanji could only say helplessly: "Grandpa, aren't they just trees, what can they be useful for? You can just worry about them all day. My grandson has never seen those trees in barbarian lands." , I was curious, so I asked Uncle Zheng He to bring it back."

Seeing Zhu Zhanji's helpless expression, Zhu Di thought about it carefully, but he didn't think those plants and trees could be of any use.

Then he didn't ask any more questions.

Seeing this, Zhu Zhanji was also relieved.

If you tell the old man about the use of those plants and trees, the old man may arrange some errands for him overnight.

After explaining to each of the old Zhu's family members, Zheng He immediately returned to the center of the hall, and then respectfully shouted to Zhu Di who was sitting on the dragon chair: "Mr. In September of 7000, served as the chief envoy of Daming City Shipping Department, together with deputy envoys Wang Jinghong and Hou Xian, led 48 people and [-] treasure ships. La and other countries."

"The kings of all countries sent envoys to pay tribute to Beijing with the treasure fleet."

"My lord, I respectfully invite the emperor to summon you!"

Listening to the ancient names of these countries in Zheng He's mouth, Zhu Zhanji couldn't understand any of them.

Then, with the consent of the old man Zhu Di, envoys from various countries began to enter the court.

However, in such a boring scene, Zhu Zhanji was really in no mood to waste time here, and then even when everyone's eyes were focused on the envoys from various countries entering the palace gate at any time, Zhu Zhanji secretly walked in The side of Fengtian Temple slipped away.

Zhu Di, who was sitting on the dragon chair, naturally saw what Zhu Zhanji was doing, but Zhu Di just smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth and didn't care about him.

After all, when Zhu Di was young, wasn't he exactly the same as Zhu Zhanji today?

This kind of pretentious formality does not want to stay for a moment.

Even now, Zhu Di is unwilling to do such a thing.

There is really no way, the emperor is himself, and there is really no way to shirk it.

On the other side, Zhu Zhanji, who sneaked out from the side hall of Fengtian Temple, immediately ran towards the location of Zheng He's treasure ship in the suburbs of Beijing.

Although the goods and envoys on the treasure ship had already arrived in the capital, there was still a batch of unimportant goods still left on the treasure ship.After all, the manpower for transporting these goods is limited, and it is impossible to transport all of them to the capital in the first time, but it is obvious that Zhu Zhanji is impatient.

He can't wait for that time either. These things may be insignificant to others, but they are very important to Zhu Zhanji.

Not only that, but what he wanted had to be living plants, not dead plants.

Since Zheng He said to himself above the court that he brought these things back, it was obvious that he was still alive when the treasure ship arrived.But if there is no one to take care of this treasure ship, in case of any accident, Zhu Zhanji would want to cry without tears.

It is not easy for Zheng He to go out, especially the route to North America.

This trip can be as short as two or three years, or as long as five, six, seven or eight years.

If he wanted Zhu Zhanji to get these things seven or eight years later, he would have to die in a hurry.

The most important thing is that these things are only available in North America, and they don't exist in other places.

It also happens to be very important.

It really wouldn't work without these things.

Under Zhu Zhanji's fast horse whipping, he soon came to the pier on the tributary of the Yangtze River outside the capital.

After showing his identity token, he immediately arrived on the treasure ship where the items were placed under the leadership of the treasure ship sailor.

Walking into the cabin of the treasure ship, Zhu Zhanji saw the North American vegetation that he wanted Zheng He to bring back at first sight.

Look at the branches and leaves of these plants are still dense.

Zhu Zhanji also heaved a long sigh of relief.

Then he directed these sailors to take the lead in transporting the vegetation they needed to the carriage, and transported it back to the Prince's Mansion in the capital.

There is no way, the number of these plants is too small, and they are extremely important, so he, Zhu Zhanji, is not at ease to let other people take care of the planting.

And in the backyard of my house, there is also a large open space where these plants can be planted.Wait for these plants to take root and sprout in your own mansion, and then find a way to cultivate them.

In short, we must ensure the survival of these plants.

And the reason why Zhu Zhanji attaches so much importance to these plants is because these plants have a very important name, rubber tree and rubber grass!

The role of these plants can be reflected from his name, that is to make rubber!
Rubber is a raw material that must be used in many places in later generations, such as the most common one, tires.

Of course, in addition to tires, there are many key equipment that also need to use rubber as a raw material.

It can be said that without the material of rubber, it really cannot be done.

But this thing only exists in North America.

Even after the founding of the nation in later generations, the planting of this kind of material was regarded as the top priority of the country.

Included in the list of strategic materials.

Although the demand for rubber in the Ming Dynasty is not too great now, if Zhu Zhanji wants to change everything in the Ming Dynasty, then this rubber is really indispensable.

To put it bluntly, if there is these rubbers or even large-scale planting and mass production, I dare not say anything else, and there is no big problem in bringing the Ming Dynasty into the era of bicycles.

Of course, this is just one of them. It goes without saying how slow the traffic speed was in the Ming Dynasty.

what is the reason?


Just like the carriage, if you think about the wooden and iron wheels used for the wheels, you can think about its speed.

However, after Zhu Zhanji had a road made of concrete, it was equipped with tires made of rubber.

That's a lot of room for development.

It is even possible to build a steam car that is not too efficient and drive on that concrete.

In addition, when making the steam engine, this rubber can also improve efficiency in many places.

In short, you can do without rubber, but you must never do without.

Even to some extent, it is more significant than silver, a heavy metal.

Zhu Zhanji couldn't help but get excited when he thought that he would be able to ride a bicycle on the avenue of the capital in a short time.

And when Zhu Zhanji hurried back to the Prince's Mansion with his people.

The movement of transporting things quickly attracted the attention of the Crown Princess and Hu Shanxiang.

Seeing Zhu Zhanji bringing back several pots of plants for the first time, the princess couldn't help but said happily: "This son finally thinks of being a mother, and knows how to get some plants to please her."

However, after hearing the words of the princess, Zhu Zhanji was taken aback, and hurriedly told him cautiously: "Mother, these things are not for you to play with. This thing is expensive. Except for the son , you must never let others get close to it, this thing, I will raise my son myself, and no one will interfere. If someone is killed, no matter how much money you have, you can’t buy it.”

After hearing Zhu Zhanji's words, the princess was taken aback for a moment. Although she was more careful after hearing what Zhu Zhanji said, she still said a little unhappy: "It's been fun for a long time, so it's not I brought it back for my mother. Well, I was happy for nothing."

Listening to his old mother's words, Zhu Zhanji hurriedly said: "Mother, don't worry, aren't they just flowers and plants, Zheng He's treasure ship is back today, don't worry, my son will go to the palace for a while and see if I can Bring back something fun for your mother."

Hearing this, the old lady's face suddenly beamed again, looked at her son, and said with a happy smile: "Okay, no matter what, he is better than your father, this son is not in vain."

Seeing his mother spoiled by his father like an old child, Zhu Zhanji couldn't help crying for his father in his heart.

But when he called Qu Gui and called Qu Qu, the movements of his hands didn't stop for a moment.

Zhu Zhanji was relieved until all the rubber grass and rubber trees brought back this time were transplanted into the open space of his small courtyard.

(End of this chapter)

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