Chapter 103 Banned?True circle ban
Anyone who continues, not only alive, but also heirs, will definitely have a little bit of aristocrats and clan relatives.

So generation after generation, filter down layer by layer, and trace back, it's their own family beating their own family.

Whoever rides a horse has no royal blood.

Noble, bloody
Now standing at the prosperous banquet where all nations came to court, Zhu Zhanji, as the eldest grandson of the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, naturally felt a sense of pride in his heart.

This is what later generations say, the military is not good, the economy is not good, the territory is not big, and the culture is not good, only the hard-boned Ming Dynasty!

Just when Zhu Zhanji was in the banquet, he suddenly thought further and further.

A group of people have already arrived at the Dragon Terrace.

The old man Zhu Di looked around at the absent-minded faces of the crowd, and immediately smiled and said, "Okay, let's all go, the eldest, the second, the third, and the eldest grandson, you take Zheng He and go together to serve those envoys." Let's toast."

Hearing the old man's words, the second and third uncles bid farewell to the old man and left.

As the prince, Zhu Gaochi naturally cannot escape.

Only Zhu Zhanji happily ran to his old lady's side, found Hu Shanxiang and walked with him to watch the performance.

Sitting on the dragon chair, Zhu Di smiled and watched the lively scene below while eating the fruit prepared by the maid beside him.

During the period, he also received several envoys.

Some state affairs were discussed.

But when there was a peaceful and lively scene in the entire imperial garden, the sound of music and singing rang out everywhere.


The sound of an explosion suddenly sounded at the banquet.

The moment they heard the sound, the old Zhu's family members who were toasting and drinking with people at the banquet all looked in the direction of the explosion.

At this moment, Zhu Di who was on the dragon chair on the dragon platform suddenly shouted: "Guard!"

As soon as the old man shouted, Zhu Zhanji, who was hanging out with Hu Shanxiang, Zhu Gaoxu, king of Han, Zhu Gaosui, king of Zhao, who was toasting and laughing with the envoys, and the prince Zhu Gaochi who was walking with Zheng He, all of them stared wide at the same time. The eyeballs looked at the dragon platform.

I saw a pillar on the dragon platform, which has been punched through many holes at this moment.

When all the envoys and maikos in the scene were still singing and dancing happily, the men of the old Zhu's family gritted their teeth one by one, and rushed towards the Longtai where the old man was.

His face was full of murderous intent!
The king of Han, dressed in a brocade robe, was rampant and pushed the surrounding crowd away.

Zhu Zhanji, who is dressed in a white robe dotted with landscape painting patterns, has lost all of his gentle and elegant demeanor at this moment.

Even the prince Zhu Gaochi, who is full of fat and smiles naively when he sees people, fully reveals the ferocity hidden in the dark.

And at the same time that Zhu Zhanji rushed towards the old man on the dragon platform, out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught sight of the Mongolian man holding a musket. Seeing that they were still changing ammunition, Zhu Zhanji turned around and turned towards the two men. rushed up.

But at the same time that Zhu Zhanji passed countless people and rushed towards the two people in the crowd, the two people almost changed their ammunition.

At this extremely urgent time, Zhu Zhanji leaped up, flew towards the two of them in the air.

With his right hand clenched into a fist, the clenched middle knuckles were slightly raised, and a straight punch hit the neck of the man holding the gun.

This time, Zhu Zhanji didn't have any leeway like when he fought against his second uncle and third uncle.

Do your best.

In the punch, Zhu Zhanji seemed to be able to clearly feel the soft tissue of the man's neck break under the punch.

The man was also suffocated instantly when he received the punch.

Seeing this scene, the helper beside the man stepped forward.

Zhu Zhanji didn't hold back his hand at all, and punched the man in the face with the back of his fist.

Following the inertia of turning around, the right fist aimed at the man's neck again.

In the punch, both of them lay on the ground without breathing, only staring at a pair of eyes, as if they were dying.

Seeing that the thief was dead, Zhu Zhanji was suddenly relieved.

Turning his head to look at the dragon platform, he saw that the old man was protected by his father, second uncle, and third uncle.

He was able to get up by himself, and he didn't seem to be injured.

In this way, Zhu Zhanji's heart finally fell.

As the surrounding guards rushed over and surrounded the corpse, Zhu Zhanji was about to get up and walk towards the old man, but his eyes suddenly caught sight of the muskets beside the two corpses.

With just one glance, Zhu Zhanji's heart that had just fallen was instantly raised again.

Looking at the eyes of the pistol, the pupils also dilated instantly.

How can it be!

Zhu Zhanji's eyes were full of disbelief.

Just when Zhu Zhanji was about to bend down to pick up the pistol, Fan Zhong suddenly came here and picked up the pistol.

After looking carefully, he looked at Zhu Zhanji again: "Do you want to see, Your Highness?"

However, Zhu Zhanji, who was full of shock at the moment, waved his hand.

Qianqing Palace.

After such a big incident, the banquet couldn't go on, and everyone was dismissed and returned to the place where they should go.

The gate of Qianqing Palace.

Zhu Zhanji, his second and third uncles, and his father Zhu Gaochi waited obediently outside the door.

Regarding what happened just now, everyone looked solemn.

Such a incident happened at the banquet where the Ming Dynasty received envoys from various countries. Although no one was hurt, it was definitely not a small matter.

The following turmoil will never stop.

When his father Zhu Gaochi was talking about this with his second and third uncles, Zhu Zhanji stood silently in the corner, thinking carefully about all the possibilities.

How could he not believe what he saw at that banquet before.

That gun was exactly the same as his own!
That flintlock pistol was rewarded to him by the system. Not to mention that there is no such technology in this era, even if there is, it is impossible to be exactly the same.

Could it be that the pistol was stolen by the assassin?
But why do you want to steal a pistol and then assassinate him?

Other weapons, aren't they the same?

For a while, Zhu Zhanji suddenly regretted killing the two of them with one blow.

At that time, the situation was urgent, and it was the first time for Zhu Zhanji to encounter such a situation. He didn't think so much, and he only wanted to solve the two as soon as possible, so as to avoid the danger of the old man's life.

Just when Zhu Zhanji couldn't figure it out.

Zhao Quan, the eunuch in the palace, bowed and walked out slowly.

When they came in front of everyone, their father Zhu Gaochi and his second and third uncles hurriedly looked over, waiting eagerly.

After Zhao Quan bowed to salute, he said slowly: "The emperor said, all four highnesses, please go back. The emperor said that he wants to stay alone for a while and be quiet."

After hearing this, the father Zhu Gaochi, the second uncle Zhu Gaoxu and the third uncle Zhu Gaosui looked at each other, and the father Zhu Gaochi was the first to ask: "Has the imperial doctor been passed on? Is the emperor frightened?"

Listening to what the boss said, the second and third children also tasted it.

It's fine if it's just an ordinary assassination, but what if the old man implicates them in this matter?

He quickly showed his concern for the old man.

The second child, Zhu Gaoxu, said: "We were toasting with Zheng He and the others at night, and we just listened."

The third child, Zhu Gaosui, said: "This garden party can't be dismissed! We need to investigate!"

The three of you said a word to each other, and no one would let anyone else.

"When the emperor is in a good mood, we can go in and accompany him"

"Yeah, we need to make a charter."

"Or we'll just wait outside"

The nonsense words of these three people made Zhao feel stupid.

You say a word to me, and you don't know who to listen to, but in the end you don't hear who it is.

Just when there was a commotion outside the hall, the voices of the three people suddenly stopped, not only stopped talking, but also hid one by one, the second child hid behind the boss, the third child hid behind the second child, the boss had nowhere to go hide.

At the entrance of the hall, the old man Zhu Di was wearing the black nightgown he used to wear, and he came out slowly with a book in his hand.

While silent, there was no expression on his face.

Seeing the old man walking towards them, the second child hid behind the eldest child, and the third child hid behind the second child, and they lined up for a while.

With arms folded in front of him, he waited respectfully.

And the old man walked all the way, keeping his head down all the time, with his hands in the cuff of the other hand, and the book under his arm.

Lifting his eyelids slightly, he looked at the three sons in front of him and Zhu Zhanji who was standing at the end, and remained silent.

Just when the three couldn't bear the doubts in their hearts and looked at the old man anxiously, the old man Zhu Di suddenly pulled out the book from under his arm and threw it at the three of them.

The three of them seemed to have long been used to the old man's sudden strikes, and their movements were very consistent and quick to avoid the book that the old man threw at them.

And the old man Zhu Di still had a gloomy face after he hit him, walked back and forth a few times in the corridor outside the Palace of Qianqing, and then said: "Okay!"

"Since you don't want to have a good time, let's not live together!"

Then he came to lean against the wall of the palace, squinted at the four people in front of him, and said: "You four just want to kick the nest?"


Listening to the old man's words, everyone's heart sank.

Sure enough, with the old man's suspicious character, he really involved the few of them again.

However, what puzzled the three people in the front line was that when encountering such things in the past, they usually blamed them, but this time, they changed from three to four.
But before they could think about anything, the old man Zhu Di looked at Zhu Gaochi who was in the first row and said, "Prince!"

Hearing this, Zhu Gaochi hurriedly pulled his head together, and came to the old man Zhu Di to listen to the training.


The old man Zhu Di sneered, looked at him and asked, "Aren't you planning a strategy and supervising the country well? Go back and write a note, and tell me what's going on."

Hearing the old man's words, the crown prince Zhu Gaochi immediately put on a bitter face: "Huh?"

As the saying goes, be obedient and listen to the sound. While thinking about the meaning of the old man's words, Zhu Gaochi had to look at his father's face.

Just when Zhu Gaochi didn't know how to reply, the old man scolded angrily: "I haven't stopped for a day since I came back from my own conquest!"

Hearing this, the crown prince Zhu Gaochi hurriedly lowered his head and listened respectfully to the training.

After the old man finished training the prince, he said without rolling his eyes: "Lord Han."

When he heard calling himself, the Prince of Han, who was careless and arrogant on weekdays, looked like a little daughter-in-law, lowered his head, looked at his father Zhu Di timidly, and then hurried to his elder brother Zhu Gaochi's side. Keep your head down, waiting for training.

"My son is here."

Looking at him, Zhu Di immediately said, "You don't have to accompany me outside this hall."

Hearing this, Zhu Gaoxu was taken aback for a moment, not understanding what it meant.

"You stand outside, I'm scared!"

"Can't sleep!"

Although he was yelled at by the old man, Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu still frowned, and couldn't help saying: "Father"

But obviously the old man didn't give him any chance to speak, and continued: "Don't you tell people every day, like me?"

"Let me correct you a little."

"Where does it look like?"

"You are much stronger than me!"

After finishing speaking, he continued: "Lord Zhao!"

Zhu Gaosui hastily said, "Here it is, Dad."

Even the voice has changed.

Then the old man Zhu Di continued: "I heard that your Imperial Forest Army is going to attack?"

"That's great, hurry up!"

After finishing speaking, he finally turned to Zhu Zhanji and said, "Zhu Zhanji!"

Hearing the old man's words, Zhu Zhanji didn't have much fear, and slowly came to the old man.

And the old man also looked at him and said: "Fan Zhong said, the pistols used by those two assassins today are exactly the same as the one you used back then?"

Zhu Zhanji said with a sullen face: "Yes, my grandson has seen it, and it is exactly the same."

"Why, Neikuyun was just given to you today, and the firearms research and development office was also approved to you, and you are also in charge of the State Supervisor and Jinyiwei. The power is in your hands? Can't wait?! Can't even wait for your father to succeed? "

Hearing the old man's voice, Zhu Zhanji was not surprised.

The previous three have asked this question before, and it's not too bad for him.

However, Zhu Zhanji was also wondering about this matter at this time, and then he said: "Grandpa, grandson is also wondering, because there is only one pistol in the world. Grandpa, can you send someone to check? The grandson's Is the pistol still there?"

Listening to Zhu Zhanji's words, the old man Zhu Di said: "There is only one gun in the world? You can make the first one, but you can't make the second one? You still have that gun. I ask you, the one in the assassin's hand Where did the gun come from!"

Zhu Zhanji is not afraid or surprised by the old man's questioning and doubts. The old man's own three sons are suspicious. It's big.What's more, there is such a thing as muskets now.

But he couldn't figure it out even more.

Since the gun is still there, where did the musket in the assassin's hand come from?

"The last time Jin Yiwei was in your hands, didn't you check the assassin very quickly?"

"Check it out! Who did it!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Zhu Zhanji to say anything else, the old man shouted at them: "Get out!"

Hearing this sound, the three on the side were suddenly startled.

He quickly turned around and ran outside.

And although Zhu Zhanji wanted to say something more, it can be seen that he had no choice but to follow him out.

As everyone turned to leave, the old man Zhu Di also turned his head and looked at the eldest grandson Zhu Zhanji who was walking at the end.

Seeing his performance just now, his tense face suddenly burst into laughter.

When he turned around and walked towards the inner hall, he said to Zhao Quan who was beside him: "His father and two uncles were frightened, but this kid is not afraid, young is good, he is not afraid of heaven and earth."

Outside the Qing Palace.

The four people who left together were preparing to return to their respective homes.

The second child, Zhu Gaoxu, always felt that something was wrong, so he hurriedly stopped the third child, Zhu Gaosui, who left first, and said, "The third child."

When the youngest Zhu Gaosui turned back, Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu frowned, thinking, and said: "You can't just go back like this."

"What do you mean? Dad said that."

Hearing this, Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui immediately said: "Didn't you understand? Dad told you to go home and not go out. The boss wrote a booklet, and the eldest nephew Jin Yiwei arrested people!"

Hearing this, Zhu Gaoxu was stunned for a moment, and said in a panic, "Have you been confined?"

Seeing that the two younger brothers started talking nonsense again, he hurriedly said, "Hey, what are you talking about? Dad doesn't mean that. Don't ask me any more, just stop for two days, ah!"

Afterwards, the father Zhu Gaochi immediately looked at his son beside him, and said, "Son, your father, me and your two uncles are all dependent on you this time. We don't even know what happened tonight." .”

The third uncle Zhu Gaosui on the side also said: "Yes, yes, nephew, this time, it's all about you."

The second uncle on the side also hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, it's up to you, nephew."

Listening to what they said, no matter how stupid Zhu Zhanji was, he knew that they were going to throw the blame one by one.

Just as I was thinking about something, I didn't have time to talk nonsense with them, so I rolled my eyes and said, "I know? Which eye of you three saw me and knew?"

After he finished speaking, he left without looking back.

Only the three brothers were left standing there, looking at each other.

"In the past, I could rely on my nephew to save my life when something happened, but now it's all right, my nephew has also been killed, what should I do?" Zhu Gaosui said.

Seeing that the crowd didn't know what to say, Zhu Gaosui ignored them and got up and left by himself.

Seeing that one and two had left, the prince Zhu Gaochi was about to get up and leave, but the second child Zhu Gaoxu who was thinking about his affairs held him by the arm.

I saw that the second child Zhu Gaoxu had a bitter face and said, "Is it really banned?"

Hearing this, Zhu Gaochi didn't know what to say, thought for a while, pointed to the Qianqing Palace behind him, and said, "You,, you can ask Dad."

After he finished speaking, he left.

Only Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu was left alone, frowning, not knowing what to do.

This has been going on for a long time, and it's fine if everyone scolds and scolds. Why did they get banned when they came to me?
As everyone left the palace one by one, they returned to their respective mansions.

But this time I'm going back, where can I sleep.

In the study room of the prince's mansion, the prince Zhu Gaochi was walking back and forth with his hands in his sleeves.

While walking, he was still muttering: "Or, it was the second child who did it?"

Just like the assassination before, who could have the ability to enter the palace with firearms in this wonderful Ouchi Imperial Palace.

What a great skill this is, to make those search guards have the courage to do such a thing.

The key is the Gentiles.

For a while, Zhu Gaochi really couldn't figure it out.

Thinking about it, Zhu Gaochi muttered again: "Or the third child is in charge of the Imperial Forest Army, and it makes sense if he has this ability."

But after thinking about the third child's daily behavior and personality, he felt that it was impossible.

While the prince couldn't sleep thinking about this matter, King Zhao and King Han, who had left the palace, came together again in the secret room of King Han's mansion.

As the King of Han came slowly, Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui, who had his back to the King of Han, suddenly turned around and punched the second child hard in the abdomen.

When the second child was suddenly punched firmly and suffered pain, the third child Zhu Gaosui pointed at the second child viciously and shouted: "Why don't you say anything!"

"You want to kill me! You clearly know that I am in charge of the Imperial Forest Army!"

As he said that, he came to the second child, bent down and hated iron and steel, and said: "Why did you choose to do it at this time?! You pig-headed!"


But as soon as the third child turned around, the second child Zhu Gaoxu, who bent over and hugged his belly, suddenly fell on his back, throwing the third child to the ground: "My grandma is also your grandma!"

Just as he was about to punch him, he finally stopped, facing the gritted teeth of the third child, pushed him, and then sat on the ground.

And the third child also got up and sat on the ground. The two brothers were angry, and neither of them spoke.

Until the second child Zhu Gaoxu slowed down a little, and said: "If I tell you, I didn't do this, would you believe it or not?"

But the youngest Zhu Gaosui said flatly: "Tell the old man, I don't believe it!"

Hearing this, Zhu Gaoxu immediately shouted: "If you don't believe it, he won't believe it!"

"I'm so close to having the word rebellion engraved on my forehead right now."

Hearing this, the third child Zhu Gaosui turned around slowly, stared at the second child and said solemnly: "Please tell me, is it you!"

The second brother Zhu Gaoxu frowned suddenly, looked at the third Zhu Gaosui and said, "Do you think I'm so stupid? I have to choose this time to do it?"

"If I want to kill someone, wouldn't it be more convenient for me to kill the boss? If I do this, won't I help him ascend to the throne? Not to mention that the old man is not dead, even if he is really dead, that is also the successor of his crown prince. Is there any benefit?!"

After listening to the second child's words, Zhu Gaosui calmed down and thought about it, and he also felt that this was the truth.

He stood up straight away and said, "It's best like this!"

After speaking, he left Hanwang Mansion.

On the other side of the Prince's Mansion, Zhu Zhanji, who had never been so worried since he came to this world, was also lying on the bed tossing and turning.

"What's the matter?"

"The guns are the same, there's nothing wrong with that."

"But why not mine?"

Even if someone imitates it, if the flintlock firing method is so easy to imitate, there will be no such guns in this era, and I will not let the people in the arsenal study any matchlock guns.

If we don't talk about the particularly outrageous possibility, there is only one possibility, the musket used by the assassin is the one that was taken away by the old man.

But why did the old man say no, or why didn't the old man admit it?
If it is said that the old man lied on purpose, it is not impossible.

After all, the old man didn't know that the musket could not be made at present.

He probably thought that if he made the first one, he would be able to make the second one, but he didn't know that the musket was rewarded by the system.

If so, it makes sense.

However, the key point is that he really can't figure out why the old man deliberately lied to him.

Just to pour dirty water on his grandson?

Isn't this nothing to worry about?
Also, if the musket was his own, why would the old man help those assassins lie?
And those assassins, if they have nothing to do, they will be assassinated, so why do they have to bring his musket?
If the aim is to assassinate successfully, which one will not work?

He had to take the risk and steal his musket before the assassination was successful. Wouldn't this increase the risk?

If someone finds out, even if they are not caught, they will be vigilant, and this opportunity will be gone.

Thinking about these messy things, Zhu Zhanji has two big heads.

After hearing the message from the system in his mind reminding him to sleep, he simply stopped thinking about it and went to sleep.

Early the next morning.

It is still in the study of the Prince's Mansion.

Zhu Zhanji's old lady, the princess, came to the prince Zhu Gaochi who hadn't slept all night with a smile, and looked at his husband who was just like a child, while fiddled with the paper on the table, thinking The look of the problem.

Pushing his arm, he said, "Hey, did you hear that?"

Facing Zhu Gaochi's puzzled eyes, the princess immediately said happily and excitedly like a child: "The second child is not allowed to go out!"

"I also heard that the second child is complaining at home, saying that the old man will face forward when he is employed, and face backward when he is finished."

Hearing his wife's words, Zhu Gaochi smiled and said, "Your ears should be on the top of your head, you can hear everything."

But facing her husband's words, the princess was not angry this time, she pouted, quite happy.

The prince Zhu Gaochi also sighed helplessly at this time, and said: "The second child still has the energy to scold the street at home? I can't even scold the street."

As he said that, he showed the lady next to him the notebook that hadn't written a word, then threw it on the table and said, "No, the old man asked me to write the notebook for him, and said to analyze who it is. What did you do, how did you implement it?"

"You said, isn't this a problem for people?"

"If I write well, the old man will ask, how do you know about this?" After speaking, she looked at the princess beside her and spread her hands.

Then he continued: "If I don't write well, the old man will still say, aren't you making trouble? Tell me, aren't you embarrassing me?"

After speaking, he sighed helplessly again.

After hearing this, the princess on the side also felt the same way.

But then he changed his mind and said: "Then tell me, analyze and analyze carefully, who did this?"

Seeing that his wife hadn't understood what he meant after talking for a long time, Zhu Gaochi pouted, pointed at his wife's face and said, "You did it!"

After speaking, ignore her.

But at this moment, the maid outside the door rushed in, and said to the prince Zhu Gaochi and the princess inside: "Your servant has seen the prince, the princess, there are people in the palace."

Hearing these words, the faces of Prince Zhu Gaochi and Princess Concubine suddenly changed.

Although he still didn't know what the decree was, the prince Zhu Gaochi said directly: "Look, look, you just laughed at the second child, now it's our turn."

As he spoke, he pointed at the princess.

Listening to the words of the crown prince Zhu Gaochi, the face of the crown princess was filled with grievance and panic.

As the two of them walked out, they saw that Eunuch Zhao came to the courtyard with a group of Jinyi guards.

Before Zhu Gaochi took the initiative to ask anything, Eunuch Zhao took the lead and said, "Prince, where is His Highness the eldest grandson?"

Hearing this, Zhu Gaochi didn't expect that there was something about his own boy, so he turned his head to look at the princess.

Upon hearing the words, the Crown Princess hurriedly said, "I guess I haven't woken up yet."

Seeing this, Zhao Quan could only say: "Your Majesty has an imperial decree here, may I ask His Highness Changsun to get up first to receive the decree?"

After being reminded by Zhao Quan, the Crown Princess suddenly realized this, and hurriedly said, "I'll call, I'll call."

While speaking, he ran towards his son.

In Zhu Zhanji's small courtyard, Zhu Zhanji, who was fast asleep, was suddenly pushed out of bed.

Just when he was about to say something, he saw that it was his old lady, and he couldn't help being a little surprised. My old lady never objected to her sleeping. In the eyes of my old lady, there is nothing more important in this world than her son's sleeping.

Unable to help, Zhu Zhanji hurriedly asked: "Mother, you are in a panic, what happened?"

Listening to her son Zhu Zhanji's inquiry, the old lady became more and more flustered, and said anxiously: "There are people coming from the palace, and people from Jinyiwei are here. There are a lot of people here, and I don't know what to do. My mother just heard It is said that King Han was banned by the old man, do you think our family will also be banned?"

I forgot that I came here to call Zhu Zhanji to receive the order.

Seeing the anxious look of his old lady, Zhu Zhanji hurriedly hugged and comforted him, and said: "Okay, okay, it's okay, we are all one family, the old man is just venting his anger at most, can he really do anything to us? Don't worry , It's okay, let's go, let's go and have a look."

As he said that, Zhu Zhanji got up quickly, not caring about washing his face, he just picked up a piece of clothing on the hanger, put it on, and went out.

While walking, Zhu Zhanji tied his clothes.

When he came to the compound, he saw Eunuch Zhao and said, "Eunuch Zhao, what's going on?"

Hearing this, Zhao Quan hurriedly replied: "If you go back to His Highness, the Emperor has a will."

Seeing this, Zhu Zhanji stopped talking nonsense and knelt on the ground with his father and mother, waiting for the order.

"The emperor has a decree. From now on, the emperor's eldest grandson Zhu Zhanji will be removed from the position of supervising the country. I hope that the eldest grandson will think about his past. The prince is weak and rests in the mansion. The prince's mansion will take people away for investigation."

After finishing speaking, before Zhu Zhanji and Zhu Gaochi received the order, Eunuch Zhao waved his hand.

The Jinyi guards behind them walked into the Prince's Mansion one after another, and took away all the officials of the Prince's Mansion.

Seeing this scene as if copying a house, Zhu Zhanji, who slowly stood up on the ground to receive the order, frowned involuntarily.

This movement is a bit big. . . .

Now it's not just limited to making noise at home.

All the officials of the Prince's Mansion were taken away.

What the hell is the old man trying to do?

Even if it is suspicion, you can't just play like this without any evidence and clues.

Of course, he could understand that he was relieved of the responsibility of supervising the country.

After all, the gun belonged to him. Although he went to the old man's place later, who knows if he has a second one.

So it's normal to be suspicious.

But there was something wrong with doubting his father.

Just when Zhao Quan took all the officials of the Prince's Mansion away with the people of Jin Yiwei, he faced Zhu Zhanji and the prince Zhu Gaochi, bowed his hands, and left.

After Zhao Quan left, Zhu Zhanji's old mother was about to cry when she saw the current appearance of the Prince's Mansion.

But Zhu Gaochi, the old man at the side, was still saying: "Why are you crying? It's this time, and I still have the heart to cry."

Listening to the words of his father Zhu Gaochi, the old woman said with tears in her eyes: "This house was almost stolen, I can't let me cry."

Hearing this, his father Zhu Gaochi immediately said: "I'm afraid the old man has really taken it seriously this time, you all should be careful, don't let you catch something, and I will deal with you all."

After finishing speaking, while walking towards the house, he also said: "It's really sitting at home behind closed doors, and the disaster comes from the sky."

Watching Zhu Gaochi leave, the old lady could only look at her son helplessly in the end.

Seeing this, although Zhu Zhanji was also very confused, he still said to his mother with a smile on his face: "Mother, don't worry, although grandpa has exempted his son from the power to supervise the country, but think about it, if the old man really wants to If you do it, will you still keep your son's right to command Jinyiwei? Also, mother, you don't know, recently my son has received a new job, the supervisor of the inner treasury, from the rank of first-rank official."

Hearing what her son Zhu Zhanji said, the old lady's complexion improved.

He also asked suspiciously: "Neiku? What kind of government office is Neiku? Why have you never heard of it?"

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanji immediately laughed and said: "This inner treasury is a newly established yamen, but mother, don't look at it as a new yamen, but this yamen is different from ordinary yamen. The official positions in it are not only according to the six departments. The standard is established, and the son's first-rank official title is also a head higher than those six ministers."

"The most important thing is that the inner treasury is in charge of the royal wealth! It can be said that it is incomparably rich!"

Hearing this, the tears in my mother's eyes disappeared instantly.

"Really! Rich as a country?!"

Zhu Zhanji nodded seriously.

Although the internal treasury is just an empty shelf now, it will be rich in the future, not to mention that all these things are said now to make my mother happy.

Naturally, she said what she liked to hear.

"Then son, will there be no shortage of money in our house in the future?"

Hearing what his mother said, Zhu Zhanji burst out laughing.

This old woman's brain circuit is really different from that of men.

Generally, when men hear this, they think about how much power they have, but what my mother thinks about is whether there will be no shortage of money.

"What are you laughing at, you little bastard, come on, don't you?"

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanji had no choice but to say to his old mother: "Mother, isn't the 50,000 taels of silver in the warehouse in the backyard of our mansion not enough for you? What do you say you spend all your time thinking about these silvers? Anyway, you are also a dignified princess. .”

But it’s good that the old lady didn’t listen to this, she said immediately after hearing this: “It’s a good thing to say, the princess, there is something in the palace that requires your mother to run errands. But I can’t get any benefits, so I will do my best.”

"Let's talk about the 50,000 taels of silver. There are so many people in this mansion, as well as the officials in the court, and the officials in the prince's mansion before. None of them should be rewarded. Your father didn't bring the silver to the mansion. Send it out at the end of the day, do you remember the Xie Jin who was taken away by you before?"

"Your father also secretly asked someone to give you 50 taels of silver. Tell me, it's 50 taels as soon as you make a move. How can such a big prince's mansion stand up to his spending so much?"

Zhu Zhanji really didn't know about the money his father gave to Xie Jin, but even if he knew, he wouldn't bother.

Isn't it just 50 taels of silver?

"Hello, son, you know how to give mother some money, otherwise we might not be able to uncover the pot in the prince's mansion someday."

Seeing the smile gradually revealed by his old mother when talking about money, Zhu Zhanji finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Okay, mother, you can raise your dog and play at home peacefully. If you have no money, tell your son, don't worry about things outside, and you can cry before you even write your horoscope." gone."

Hearing what her son said was funny, the Crown Princess couldn't help laughing.

After making his old lady happy, Zhu Zhanji frowned while sitting in his yard.

Although he didn't want to do the job of supervising the country, he was not only not angry, but also very happy to take it away.

But the assassination still made him extremely puzzled.

Vaguely, I always feel that the old man is doing something in the middle.

First of all, the musket was missing, and the old man didn't say anything, so there must be something wrong.

Because the old man didn't know that there was only one gun.

Now that there are problems with the old man, it is meaningless to think about other aspects.

But what is the old man for?

Just to take away his title of country supervisor?
Just kidding, don't take it away, if the old man wants it, he just opens his mouth and offers it with his hands up without even saying a word.

Just when Zhu Zhanji was thinking about what happened to these things.

On the other side, inside the palace.

The old man Zhu Di was talking to Yang Shiqi who had just returned from Nanzhili yesterday.

"I heard the news that the prince ambushed me!"

Listening to Emperor Zhu Di's words, Yang Shiqi, who was standing respectfully in front of him, smiled and shook his head with abnormal certainty.

Seeing this, the old man Zhu Didang immediately said: "I know, you were an official in the prince's mansion, but now you are the minister of the state, the chief assistant of the cabinet!"

Hearing this, Yang Shiqi also knew that he couldn't escape, so he couldn't help saying, "Where did I get this news from?"

"Is there any evidence?"

But Zhu Di ignored his questions at all, pointed at him and said, "You stand on the position of a minister of the country, think about it carefully."

After speaking, he came to sit down on the table in front of Yang Shiqi, stretched out his hand and counted his fingers in front of him: "If the second, third, and eldest are all the eldest sons, who shall I stand for?"

Yang Shiqi heard the words, smiled slightly, nodded, and said, "Prince."

"it is good!"

"If I don't establish a leader, I will establish a virtuous person, who shall I establish?"

Yang Shiqi cupped his hands again and said with a smile, "Prince."

"What if this person is honest on the outside but treacherous on the inside, and he is the one who assassinated me?"

Hearing the emperor's words, Yang Shiqi cupped his hands again, but said: "I don't believe it. I hope the emperor will not believe it either."

Hearing this, Zhu Di almost exploded with anger.

I've been telling you for a long time, old man, don't you know what it means?

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(End of this chapter)

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