Daming: Let you do your best to manage, do you go to health?

Chapter 115 If you join, you won't be able to, and if you break up, you will lose!

Chapter 115 If you join, you won't be able to, and if you break up, you will lose!
It's just that there are some things that he has to do for the sake of this country.

Seeing now that his second child understands why he, as a father, did this, Zhu Di also sighed in his heart.

However, since Zhu Di has been emperor for so many years, suspicion has long been an unchangeable nature.

His son was very happy to say that.

But whether the second child said this to let his guard down, or if he really knew his mistake, he didn't know.

He wanted to believe it, but he couldn't believe it.

Believe it, if there is even the slightest problem, what happens in the future will cause their own people to kill their own people again in their old Zhu family.

The Ming Dynasty will also experience another catastrophe.

It is still unknown whether this catastrophe can be successfully taken down like he did.

This is the start of the chaos
However, I thought so in my heart, but what the second child Zhu Gaoxu said just now was quite right.

They still have to be here for this Northern Expedition.

For so many years, Zhu Di has fought wars, and the second and third children have always been right-hand men, and they are really indispensable.

At the same time, the second child continued to say: "After being imprisoned for a period of time last time, I have also tasted the taste. I really can't do the job of the big housekeeper, or I should leave it to the boss." Right. We two brothers will fight with father, and when the battle is over, we will go back to our respective domains."

Saying that, the second brother Zhu Gaoxu also led the third brother Zhu Gaosui to kneel on the ground, kowtowed, and said: "Father, the third child and I are not often in Beijing, you should pay more attention to your body."

Hearing this, the old man Zhu Di also sighed for a long time, and said: "Every time I hear you say this, I think, if Jianwen didn't push you so hard, wouldn't our lords still ride horses and hunt in Yanshan Mountain?" Is it? What a joy it would be."

Speaking of this, Zhao Quan, the eunuch outside the door, hurriedly approached and said, "Your Majesty, the Crown Princess is here to worship."

Hearing this, Zhu Di smiled and said, "Call me in."


After a while.

Zhu Zhanji's old mother, Crown Princess Zhang Yan came to the old man, bowed her head to Zhu Di, and said, "Your Majesty."

Looking at his eldest daughter-in-law, Zhu Di couldn't help but think about it every time he saw her.

It's also interesting that my boss is such a serious person, yet he finds such a wife.

No matter when, I can't lose my temper with her.

"Get up."

Hearing this, the princess got up slowly.

Seeing this, King Han and Prince Zhao at the side also respectfully shouted in front of the old man, "Sister-in-law."

The princess nodded.

Then he said to the old man, "Your Majesty, I'm here today to ask for an order from the Emperor. Since Zhanji's child is going to get married, the Emperor must fix a date."

Hearing this, Zhu Di was taken aback.

He didn't expect that kid Zhu Zhanji to raise money so quickly.

Then I thought about it, and said: "Since it's a big wedding, then we have to do it carefully, and it's not good if it gets longer. I'm afraid that you, a mother, are impatient. If it's too short, you can't do it properly. The date is set at In a month."

Although what the old man said was serious, the princess still heard the meaning of teasing herself.

But it's still inappropriate to joke with the old man. The old man can say it, but he can't.

Immediately, he replied: "Okay, let's do it according to the emperor's wishes."

"I came here to ask about this matter, so that the emperor can make up his mind. Since the emperor is discussing important matters with King Han and King Zhao, the concubines will not bother them."

Seeing the old man nodded, the princess turned and left.

In the inner hall of Qianqing Palace.

Zhu Di glanced at his two sons, thought for a while, and said, "Since the second son wakes up so fast, you don't need to say anything more as a father. After the eldest grandson's wedding, the army will set off. "

"The two of you, the third, you think of a way, send someone to find out the contacts of Tatar, Wala, and Wuliangha. The second, lead the [-] battalion, the [-]th army battalion, and the Shenji battalion to Xiaogu Mountain , according to the plan of the Ministry of War, the military exercise will be held, and I will go to see it in person."

"If it's a little sloppy."

Before Zhu Di could finish speaking, the second child, Zhu Gaoxu, said, "Father, my son hasn't thrown away the coffin you rewarded me. If I'm a little sloppy, my son will lie in it and bury it myself!"

Hearing this, Zhu Di nodded, and with a glance, the King of Han and King Zhao immediately bowed their hands and retreated.

After the two left, Zhu Di looked at the place where the two left, and muttered to himself: Military power. Military power
Immediately thinking of something, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

Inside the palace.

Zhu Zhanji and Yu Qian walked towards the outside of the palace together.

When he came to the gate of the palace, Zhu Zhanji said: "Go to the army to raise horses, can this job be done?"

Yu Qian said expressionlessly: "I'm not afraid of losing my head. There's nothing terrible about raising a horse."

Zhu Zhanji couldn't talk nonsense with him, but after looking at his thin body, he said: "This man, no matter how many books he has read, it is right to learn wherever he goes. Look at your velvet policy. It seems that I am quite interested in military affairs, so I should go to the army to study hard, just reading military books will not make you successful."

Although at the banquet yesterday, Yu Qian was reprimanded by the eldest grandson in front of him.

But at that time, it was also because Yu Qian was drunk and his mind was not working. Yu Qian was obviously not convinced by Zhu Zhanji, who was not much younger than him.

His expression was not so respectful.

Zhu Zhanji didn't care about this, he waved his hand, and said to the guard in charge of the palace ban: "This is the number one scholar of the imperial court this time, and he was sent to the barracks for good luck, you know?"

Hearing Zhu Zhanji's words, the guard also felt tense, and hurriedly said respectfully: "Don't worry, Your Highness, this subordinate will definitely take care of it."

But Yu Qian, who was on the side, heard that Zhu Zhanji deliberately explained his origin clearly in front of the guard, and immediately pointed at Zhu Zhanji angrily: "You!"

But Zhu Zhanji just smiled, got up and left directly.

And after Zhu Zhanji left, the guard looked at Yu Qian, seeing his actions just now, he couldn't help frowning and said: "Zhuangyuan Lang, no matter what your status is, how much talent you have, it is disrespectful to His Royal Highness the eldest grandson. "

"Don't blame me for not reminding you. In the entire Ming Dynasty, even if you offended the emperor, you may still be alive. If you offend His Highness, the eldest grandson, if His Highness doesn't speak, the Emperor will pluck your skin first!"

Hearing the guard's reminder and threat to him, Yu Qian wanted to say something, but thinking of the identity of this person, he waved his sleeves and said nothing.

Under the escort of the guards, Yu Qian was soon sent to the barracks.

And the guard obviously understood Zhu Zhanji's meaning very well. The news that Yu Qian was the champion of this year's new division spread throughout the barracks.

The people in this barracks were all high-ranking and rough-looking military men, seeing this Yu Qian who was goofing around, he didn't like it at all.Now that they heard his identity and knew that he dared to contradict the emperor, they didn't have a good eye to look at him.

After all, the current emperor was also born in the army, but he was a figure admired by those in the army.

Although there is no such thing as an idol in this era, the meaning is quite different.

Because even if they have no relationship with the emperor, but because they are both from the army, they can't help feeling close.

I feel like I'm one of a kind.

He was already indignant at those literati's slander of the emperor, but now that he heard that the number one scholar dared to slander their emperor, how could he have a good look at him.

Basically, wherever Yu Qian went in the army, although he would not do anything, he was still looked down upon.

Fortunately, Yu Qian is stubborn by nature. If you ignore me, I'm too lazy to talk to you rough guys.

Just thinking about what the eldest grandson Zhu Zhanji said to the guard, I still can't help feeling a little resentful.

It was precisely because of his words that Yu Qian had so many troubles for nothing.

However, how did he know that Zhu Zhanji's actions were not done on a whim.

As a ruler, to control talents, the first thing is to subdue their hearts.

Whether it makes them fearful or greedy, no matter what, the first thing is to make them willing to bow their heads.

This Yu Qian is frivolous, even though he is the champion, he is also frivolous beyond borders.

He thought he had some talent, so he acted recklessly.

Such a person, if he does not toss hard, he will not repent.

So proud.

Even in front of the old man, he was so frivolous and rebellious, and he didn't take himself, the eldest grandson of the emperor, seriously.

If you use power to oppress people, you can only get them to succumb for a while.

This is not what Zhu Zhanji wants, besides, he is not in a hurry, he will live to be 89 years old, take his time.

Therefore, first let him see with his own eyes who Zhu Zhanji's grandfather Zhu Di is.Is it what he said, what is spread in the world.

Don't just listen to those rotten scholars, go to the army and listen for yourself.

Yu Qian was not from a poor family as most people think.

The ancestors were originally from Henan, and they have been court officials for generations since the Jin and Yuan Dynasties.Gaozu Yu Kui served as the governor of Henan Jiangbei Xingzhongshu Province in the Yuan Dynasty, and was granted the title of Duke of Henan County.The great-grandfather Yu Jiusi finally became the supervisor of Hangzhou Road and died in Hangzhou.

Grandfather Yu Wen served as the head of the Ministry of War in the Ming Dynasty.

Only his father, Yu Yanzhao, had a low position and was almost reclusive.

Such an experience will inevitably lead to what he hears and hears is not the judgment of the world.

He also developed an out-and-out style of a scholar.

This is not what Zhu Zhanji wants.

What Zhu Zhanji wants is a great talent who can govern the world.

Dealing with these people in the army can also make them dispel their rotten spirit.

Can get down in a down-to-earth manner.

In the case of fame and fame, free time to think about it.

Day two.

Summoned by Zhu Di, King Han, King Zhao, and Yang Shiqi from the Ministry of War all came to the Qianqing Palace of the old man Zhu Di.

Right now, in front of them was a huge sand table.

The northern terrain is marked in detail above,
They were summoned this time to discuss the best way to send troops.

Then Yang Shiqi pointed to a position on the sand table and said: "Our army is stationed in the middle of the two rivers. The road is not wide, which is not conducive to the battle of the large army. If the enemy seals the road, wouldn't it be encirclement and suppression?"

"They can choose to encircle rather than fight, and cut off the supply. The result is unimaginable."

Upon hearing this, the King of Han immediately said, "There are cannons and guns, can he surround them?"

Seeing this, Yang Shiqi patiently explained: "There are the most cannons and guns, and the food is running out. The morale of the army will be in chaos within ten days! This battle is not so easy! The officials of the Ministry of War discussed it, and they still find it difficult."

Listening to Yang Shiqi's words, before the old man Zhu Di could speak, the King of Han had already said: "Your Ministry of War always exaggerates the difficulty, so according to what you say, this battle cannot be fought? Is it safe to hide at home? "

Regarding Han Wang's statement, Yang Shiqi was also speechless: "The Ministry of War and the imperial court are together, how could you have such a statement from the Ministry of War."

Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui also took the opportunity to say: "How many battles have you fought? As a civil servant, you can manage the logistics well. If you can't manage it, find someone who can manage it. The emperor asked you to come, not to ask you to come and listen to the difficulties." of!"

"You!" Yang Shiqi pointed at King Zhao and was speechless.

It's not easy to talk about things, just play around!

But what Yang Shiqi didn't know was that these two princes were doing more than just messing around.

For so many years, they have accompanied the old man Zhu Di, fighting south and north.

The two of them knew exactly what the old man was thinking.

As for how to fight this battle, the old man already had an idea in mind when he said this.

In addition, when it comes to the battlefield, how will the battle be fought and what will be relied on?
It was the coach's impromptu response.

It really depends on the court's negotiation, and it can be negotiated.

It is to be able to come up with a perfect idea, and when it is sent to the battlefield, the day lily will be cold.

Fighters on the battlefield are fleeting.

It is often such a small mistake made by the opposing coach that must be caught.

One hit kill.

So what the youngest Zhao Wang said was actually not wrong.

The Ministry of War prepared the logistics honestly, and prepared food and expenses for the soldiers on the front line. This is the most important thing.

Others, those are things that the old man should consider after he arrives on the battlefield.

But now that the Ministry of War said so, it was nothing more than not wanting to fight this battle.

But what the old man meant couldn't be more clear.

This battle must be fought.

The second and third children also knew this clearly, so they took the initiative to play the role of pawns, and said what the old man Zhu Di could not say, from their mouths.

After the quarrel between the two sides, Yang Shiqi lowered his voice, held the wooden stick, and continued to point to the sand table and said: "Our army started from the Great Wall, went to Duolun, and then to the Onan River. The supply route exceeds [-] miles. , People who deliver and protect military supplies along the way also need to be fed by horses, and the enemy's small army is disturbed from time to time, and in winter, the carts can't move fast, and the horseshoes slip."

"For the past few days, I have lost all my thoughts about the supply, and I have no good plan."

Zhu Di knew all about Yang Shiqi's problems.

He slowly picked up a cup of tea, took a steady sip, and said, "We want peace, but they won't allow it. This battle must be fought."

After the old man Zhu Di said this, Yang Shiqi and an official beside him immediately looked at each other, and they both understood what the old emperor Zhu Di was thinking this time.

However, Zhu Di still persuaded him with kind words: "Back then, Zhao State and Qin State were sworn enemies. When chasing the Xiongnu, Qin State was able to open the city gate, give way to the road, and pursue thousands of miles away together. At that time, the military supplies were far inferior to ours. At that time Li Mu, the general who commands the army, is only in his twenties, not as good as us. If the ancients could do it, so can we!"

As soon as Zhu Di's words came out, it set the tone for this war.

Seeing this, everyone on the side quickly bowed and saluted.

At this moment, Zhu Zhanji, who came here early but didn't want to participate in their nonsense and noise, finally turned around and walked into the inner hall.

Seeing Zhu Zhanji's arrival, the corners of Zhu Di's mouth curled up slightly, and then he deliberately asked, "It's really time for you to come."

Seeing that the old man guessed his thoughts, Zhu Zhanji was also a little embarrassed, and hurriedly explained: "Didn't you run around in and out for the wedding recently? Grandpa happened to be outside when he delivered the order."

Zhu Di knew it well in his heart, but he didn't point it out. He just said curiously: "Just leave the errands to the people in the palace. You grandson, what are you busy with? When your father, your second uncle and third uncle got married, they didn't See what they are up to."

Seeing that the old man was embarrassed to ask, Zhu Zhanji immediately said: "That's not true. When my father, my second uncle and third uncle got married, they were all arranged by the court. Not only did I not worry about it, but I guess I got a lot of money in the end." gift money?"

With that said, Zhu Zhanji looked at his second and third uncles.

And the old man who heard this was a little embarrassed because there were too many people present.

After all, it's a bit unattractive to hold a big wedding for the eldest grandson, but ask him to pay for the money himself.

Then he hurriedly said: "Okay, there is no need to talk about this matter, you can think about it yourself."

As he said that, he pointed to the sand table and asked Zhu Zhanji, "Since you are here, let's talk about it. How do you think this battle should be fought?"

Hearing this, Zhu Zhan basically didn't want to participate in their nonsense discussion.

But since the old man asked, he could only say evasively: "If grandson can have any opinions, this matter is decided by the Ministry of War and you, grandpa, and grandson can just listen to his errands."

Zhu Di didn't intend to let him go like this, and continued to ask: "That's not okay. After your boy canonize the grandson, he will be the successor of our Ming Dynasty in the future. If you don't even know how to fight, how can you fight?" Can you do it? Say, it doesn’t matter if you make a mistake, here are all old people on the battlefield, if you make a mistake, listen to the teaching, and you will understand in the future.”

Zhu Di asked Zhu Zhanji to talk about this strategy, in fact, he wanted him to act as a mediator for the tense negotiation situation just now.

Zhu Zhanji has never been on the battlefield anyway, so it's not shameful to talk about it casually.

Of course, in addition to this, I also want Zhu Zhanji to learn more about military affairs. After all, he is Zhu Di's grandson, and this glorious lineage must be inherited well.

Everyone is waiting for their answer.

After Zhu Zhanji thought for a while, he still said: "Actually, when you were discussing with grandpa, my grandson also heard something. According to my grandson's thinking, I am afraid that this Northern Expedition will return in vain."

Zhu Zhanji's words came out of his mouth.

Everyone present was stunned.

Especially that Yang Shiqi, now he can be regarded as a princeling on the surface, but in essence he is a hardcore eldest grandson.

Even if others don't know this, he knows it himself.

Whether it was the emperor's hint before, or being promoted in that prison, he directly became the Minister of the Ministry of War and the cabinet bachelor, and became the first-class official with real power in the Ming Dynasty, all of which depended on the eldest grandson Zhu Zhanji.

They can talk about the objections raised by the Ministry of War just now, because that's what they do.

It would be wrong not to mention it.

In addition, they are all old people around the emperor, and it is acceptable to say a few unpleasant words.

But His Royal Highness Changsun can't do it.

It's not that the emperor is not loving, but the emperor just said it this time, and the tone has been set.

This expedition is a must.

Now that you haven't set out yet, you say you will return without success. What does this mean?
Isn't it obvious that you want to sing a different tune?
Even the second uncle Zhu Gaoxu, who has a good relationship with Zhu Zhanji, couldn't help frowning at this moment and said: "Nephew, don't talk nonsense."

Hearing what everyone said, Zhu Zhanji looked at the expressions of these people around, then smiled, and asked the old man: "Grandpa, can the grandson say this? The grandson's words are not pleasant."

Facing Zhu Zhanji's question, although Zhu Di frowned, he still insisted, "Go on."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanji nodded.

The second uncle Zhu Gaoxu on the side pouted.

It's really depressing.
But Zhu Zhanji thought about it carefully and said: "Do you still remember the results of the four previous emperor's personal conquests in this dynasty?"

For these, the second and third children are naturally the most familiar.

Dang even said: "Naturally, I remember that during the four emperor's personal conquests, both of us brothers accompanied the old man, and the results were all victorious, and those people in Saibei fled everywhere."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanji smiled and said: "What the second uncle and the third uncle said is generally good, but it shouldn't be as simple as what they said, right? Before the first personal expedition, first of all, Qi State Duke Qiu Fu led a hundred thousand The entire army was beaten and wiped out. Afterwards, Grandpa led the army himself, and indeed won a complete victory, pushing the entire Tatar to the ground and beating it once."

"But in this war, I sent 500,000 troops to the court. Apart from solving the scourge that harassed the border, what else did I get? The tribute from the Tatar Ministry to our court? How much is that worth?"

"What about the second war against Oirats? Although Nawara surrendered in the end, it sent a total of 500,000 troops, but our dynasty had [-]! Although it killed hundreds of enemies, it was a bit painless."

"For the third expedition, the ugly captive Arutai was frightened by the news, and fled for his life by abandoning his belongings, cattle, sheep, horses and camels. It seemed like a great victory. Will we gain anything?"

"This is even more so in the fourth time. The leader of the Tatar tribe, Alutai, has long since avoided it. Although the army of the Ming Dynasty is "like entering a land without people", it has no real gains."

"Thus, in detail, under these four major battles, although our Ming army's momentum has been strengthened, so that the northern enemies dare not invade the frontier, the actual gains are not directly proportional to the price we paid."

"Although standing on the strategy of the entire Ming Dynasty, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, and some gains cannot be measured only by substantive things, such as peace. Without these few major battles, there would be no peace in the Ming Dynasty over the years. Regarding Grandpa's decision , Grandson doesn't have any opinions, this battle must be fought, there is nothing wrong with that."

"However, based on past experience, can we also draw some truths?"

After Zhu Zhanji counted these several times of pro-government, the original old man's face was a little uneasy.

Because what Zhu Zhanji said was not wrong, except for the first expedition to Tatar, the last few times basically returned without success.

Even in the war with Wala, the two sides were invincible, but the Ming Dynasty had an army of 500,000, and the opponent had only [-].

Speaking of it, if you use your emotions, you will lose.

Although Nawala wanted to develop, he was afraid that he would lose face, so he voluntarily surrendered.

He Zhu Di didn't know it at the time.

I was very angry when I found out later.

All he wanted was revenge.

But what my grandson said was not wrong.

However, in other people's mouths, it is said that the Ming Dynasty is majestic and the army is as powerful as a bamboo, but there is nothing to gain from this kid's mouth.

It seems that his grandpa's achievements over the years have been erased.

Can his grandfather feel at ease?
But fortunately, this kid finally got to the point.

Although these few battles did not seem to have gained much, they were also helpless. What gains could the Ming army gain in the north, and bring back some cattle and sheep?

What was finally obtained was the strategic victory of the Ming Dynasty, allowing all directions to see the strength of the Ming Dynasty and ensuring that the frontiers of the Ming Dynasty would not be bullied.

As the saying goes, if you hit with one punch, you will avoid a hundred punches.

This is not only the north, neighbors in all directions are watching.

This is also a big reason why Zhu Di insisted on going out this time.

Once Zhu Di is dead, the Ming Dynasty will not even be able to produce a coach who can truly guarantee victory.

Yongle Dynasty is far inferior to Hongwu.

During the Hongwu period, let alone a great man like General Xu Da.

Even just any sapphire can coax a battle of Yuerhai in Niucha in the north, smashing Beiyuan, basically destroying its official system, and thus becoming famous all over the world.

This point can be seen from the fact that he sent Qiu Fu, Duke of Qi, before Zhu Di's first personal expedition.

One hundred thousand troops were wiped out.

He was forced by Zhu Di to drive himself to conquer.

Although there are still generals who can fight, there is no one who can really command the three armies.

As for Qiu Fu, he is also known as Jing Nan's number one hero.

During the Yongle period, handsome talents withered, it's really not nonsense.

Is really not.

After all, Zhu Di is the emperor, he just likes to fight, if his subordinates can win a battle, and win a battle, who really wants to continue to fight by himself?
Zhu Yuanzhang was also born in war, right?

Did he go to war afterwards?

What kind of big war can be dealt with by sending a young general casually, and the emperor is still needed?

That is to say, Zhu Di became a talent after being trained by Zhu Yuanzhang.

Otherwise, the force of the Yongle period is really over.

Although, Zhu Di is afraid that his children and grandchildren will be bullied.

This is also a very important measure that Zhu Di has been struggling with whether to make the second child as the successor or Zhu Gaochi as the successor.

If you only talk about governing the country, a hundred Zhu Gaoxu is not worth a crown prince Zhu Gaochi.

However, in this case, you may be the prince Zhu Gaochi in front of the emperor, and you let the old second-hand hold the heavy soldiers to fight outside?

Isn't this a fool's dream?

Therefore, Zhu Di has been hesitating.

And now that he has considered the candidates for the future successor, the more he is inclined to the boss and the grandson Zhu Zhanji, he must fight this battle!
Before he died, he wanted to give the Ming Dynasty army another prestigious name!

At least guarantee the peace of his Ming Dynasty within ten years!

Give the grandson Zhu Zhanji some time to grow up.

This time, not only to fight, but also to completely wipe out some enemy bandits, otherwise they won't have a long memory!
But these are all things that Zhu Di himself thinks about. Now that his grandson said this, Zhu Di still frowned and continued to ask: "What's the problem? Keep talking!"

Seeing that the old man did not lose his temper, Zhu Zhanji was also relieved.

After all, when a grandson questions his grandpa's achievements, it's good enough to take pictures without slippers.

That's why he refused to say it.

Although he wants to keep in good health, keeping in good health also depends on the situation.

In matters of military affairs, we must not be sloppy.


The other people who heard the conversation between the grandfather and grandson felt even more depressed.

Especially the second and third child.

This is not chopped with a knife?
After Zhu Zhanji replied, he continued to say in front of everyone: "In my grandson's opinion, the reason why the first personal expedition has achieved something is because of the self-confidence and arrogance of the Tatar Ministry!"

"After thinking that the [-] troops of our dynasty were easily eliminated, they underestimated our dynasty, thinking that our dynasty was far inferior to Taizu's time."

"So, they dare to confront Grandpa's army head-on."

"And the reason why they didn't gain much in the next few times is that after seeing the power of the Ming army in frontal combat, they didn't dare. They began to think of other ways, and they began to rely on the mobility of the cavalry. Started to fight against the big corps of my dynasty and played guerrilla warfare!"

"How about our army, if we unite, we will fail; if we separate, we will be defeated!"

"It's okay if you don't rush. If you rush to make meritorious service, you will fall into the opponent's trap! Didn't grandpa say that in the art of war, victory lies in the enemy's victory, not in oneself."

"But think about it carefully, the enemy and us, who is in a hurry and who is not? The enemy is on his own territory, he can fight or go, go, drive the cattle and sheep and go as he pleases. To fight, the tent is pitched, and the horse is ready to fight. But I The army, large-scale deployment of troops, does not need a strong supply capacity all the time, and consumes the country's court finances every moment. No matter how much money there is, there will always be a time when it will be exhausted."

"This kind of battle is destined to be invincible from the very beginning! Undefeated, it is a blessing! It is the result of grandpa's strategizing!"

"The only possibility of victory is to hope that they dare to confront the imperial army head-on, but after the previous few times of grandpa's personal conquests, the facts have proved that this is impossible! Thinking about these things is tantamount to nonsense! In the period of the ancestors, the Northern Expedition was able to win several times because it still continued the Northern Yuan system, and it was a war between countries! There are some places that they must not give up."

"This kind of battle is conducive to the large-scale army fighting method of our dynasty. But now it is different. They don't care about face at all, and they leave as soon as they say it. They are already in the form of tribes. On that vast land, how do we find out They, and want to defeat them? They are forcing us to use their fighting methods to fight them, but in that case, our Ming army's invincible magic weapon, firecrackers and artillery, will be useless."

"Thus, if you follow the previous battle methods, if you don't be greedy for merit, you can be guaranteed undefeated. Once you are greedy for merit, you will definitely lose!"

While saying these words, Zhu Zhanji kept looking at his grandfather Zhu Di's face.

Because he knew that the fifth personal conquest of the old man seemed to be in the past because of the division of troops and greed for merit. The final failure also caused the old man to die on the way back.

If the old man's ability is used to face those collapsing dogs, it is absolutely impossible to fail.

Because the weapons of the Ming army at this time were almost half an era ahead of those tribes in northern Serbia.

Fighting head-on, it is impossible to fail.

Facts have also proved that after the failure, even if the Ming army is gone, the tribes in the northern part of the country will not be able to gain more.

Because once they continue to be greedy for merit, the result will be the same as the Ming army's greed for merit.

Another situation in which the corps fought head-on was formed.

Once there is a battle, relying on the power of firearms in an instant, it is a transition from offense to defense.

In a frontal battle, the Northern Sector will be defeated!

And the reason why the old man did this was not that he didn't know the danger of dividing the troops, there was really no way.

Regardless of division of troops, the troops of those tribes would never dare to fight.

Only when the troops are divided, those people dare to step forward to test.

The truth is that simple.

The reason why Zhu Zhanji said this in front of the old man was to wake up the old man.

But that said, it is undoubtedly a question for the old man.

For a while, although the people in the field were very surprised that Zhu Zhanji could say these words.

But what they were more worried about was that old man Zhu Di's temper!


After Zhu Zhanji finished speaking, the old man Zhu Di was silent for a long time.

He knew that what his grandson said was right.

But what to do, what can he do.

Things are already in front of him, he has to do it!

However, the only thing that surprised him, Zhu Di, was that he originally thought that his eldest grandson was only extremely talented in governing the country.

But I never thought that this kid still has such insights into this military.

After all, what this kid said just now was not some general's insight on tactics, but his insight on the overall strategy.

This is the ability of a real coach.

The point is, this kid's analysis is not wrong at all.

Even these are the experiences he Zhu Di has summed up after fighting for many years.

But this kid made it clear!
Thinking of this, Zhu Di suddenly smiled.

As expected of Zhu Di's eldest grandson.

His old Zhu's family may not have any other skills, but this fighting skill must not be lost!

And after seeing Zhu Di's smile, everyone's hearts jumped in their throats and slowly dropped.

Zhu Di turned around slowly, looked at Zhu Zhanji and asked, "Where did you hear these words? Was it Yu Qian who said it?"

Hearing the old man's words, Zhu Zhanji was taken aback.

But after thinking about it, I understood, smiled, and said, "Grandpa, do you still need to listen to others? Look at the battle reports over the years, and if you think about it carefully, you should be able to see it."


Zhu Di was pleasantly surprised when he heard this.

Zhu Zhanji could have followed the old man's words and threw it on Yu Qian's head.

But he didn't want to.

The old man is getting old, and he can understand his desire to do something for his children and grandchildren.

But he also wants to tell the old man that the children and grandchildren of the old Zhu family are still capable!
Let them hand over Daming's country, and they can't stand being bullied!
At this moment, the old man Zhu Di slowly came to Zhu Zhanji's side, patted him on the shoulder with a face full of relief, and said, "That's right!"

"However, it's not enough to just talk about the problem. Tell me, in this situation, what should we do, how can we fight this battle in order to win?"

Zhu Zhanji guessed what the old man said.

"If you want to deal with the guerrilla tactics of those tribes in the north, there are two ways!"

As soon as Zhu Zhanji said this, the old man's eyes flashed.

I thought that if this kid could see the problem, he was already a genius.

Asking him the solution is just a casual question.

After all, if there is a way, Zhu Di wouldn't have maintained such a fighting style for so many years without changing it.

But I never thought that this kid not only has a way, but also said that he is two!

"One, break it down into parts! Break down my large-scale corps-style combat method fundamentally."

"Each time hundreds of thousands of troops go out, it consumes too much national power. Take two or 30,000 people as a group, and copy the tactics of using firearms to each group."

"This avoids the situation where those northern tribes flee at the first sight of the situation."

"Let them dare to fight the Ming army head-on, so that the Ming army can use the advantages of firearms to fight."

"It's like a shrunken version of the Ming military system."

"At the same time, the imperial court does not need to rely on a large number of people to win every time it sends troops and spend countless financial resources."

"Such an army stationed in the frontier all year round can fight head-on with those tribes in northern Serbia. Relying on the national strength of the Ming Dynasty, they can deal with them slowly."

"At the same time, it also solved the problem that the Ming Dynasty could not obtain too many substantial gains after several victories. Because the army was too large, it could not be maintained for a long time. Naturally, it was impossible to recover the land on the grassland little by little. But with a small army, the imperial court can support it, relying on the national strength of the Ming Dynasty, and nibble away at its land little by little."

"It won't be a situation where they don't care about anything and just run away when they see the Ming army dispatched. Because they know that the Ming army won't last long, and when we leave, the land will still be theirs!"

"When they see that the land is constantly being eroded, they will fight head-on with the Ming army, thus entering the superior range of our army, and fighting head-on, the same number of people is completely fearless. Besides, our dynasty can continue to fight Increase troops. Until they are completely defeated on the front, the purpose of killing the vital forces of these tribes is achieved."

With Zhu Zhanji's continuous narration, Zhu Di, who is very familiar with the battlefield, saw the essence of Zhu Zhanji's method at a glance.

He used the division of troops to the extreme!

Imagine the next expedition, the number of people is basically around 500,000.

If this kid's method is used, fifteen or six such small-scale armies can be separated!
500,000 troops act together, without knowing the final harvest, it is indeed too much loss.

It is possible to support one or two such armies and fight against the enemy on the border of Saibei all year round. With the national strength of the Ming Dynasty, it is still possible.

But those tribes in the north can't do it!

Do they dare to fight the Ming Dynasty for four or five consecutive years with the same number of people?

Dragging alone can drag them to death!

Because the death of a person is equivalent to the death of a common people, and the national power is reduced by one point.

But in the Ming Dynasty, there were countless people raising the army.

They can fight such a battle!
Moreover, it can continue to erode its land.

War has two purposes.

One, I want this piece of land.Second, eliminate its vitality.

Since you keep running, well, I want land.

But as long as you can't accept this situation and come to fight head-on, it's just right that you will be wiped out and all your vital forces will be wiped out!

(End of this chapter)

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