Daming: Let you do your best to manage, do you go to health?

Chapter 123 Big things can be determined!

Chapter 123 Big things can be determined!

The camp of the Tatar Ministry.

The leaders of the prairie people gathered together, eating mutton and drinking wine, laughing and laughing.

During the First World War, more than [-] Ming soldiers were killed and more than [-] were injured.

Such a harvest can be said to be a feat that their grassland tribes have not done for many years.

"Is there any movement from the Ming army?"

Mahamu, who took a sip of wine, suddenly asked with a smile.

Hearing this, the subordinates at the side hurriedly replied: "The Ming army camp has not moved for more than ten days."

Hearing this, Mahamu smiled again and said, "That old man Zhu is really stubborn."

"Tomorrow, Tatar and Wuliangha will continue to challenge, but we can't let them be quiet."

"Now the Ming Army's Shenji Battalion can't move when it rains, it's time to consume them!"

Just when everyone present was drinking happily.

Ye Xian, who was at the side, asked suspiciously: "Grandpa, when we were fighting the Ming army, my grandson always wanted to ask a question."

"Did Grandpa already count the evil wind and heavy rain?"

Hearing what his grandson said, the smile on Mahamu's face gradually calmed down. After thinking for a while, he said: "The battle that day was originally just to hinder the speed of that old man Zhu. You were there at the time, so you should know .”

"As for the wind and rain"

"First of all, have you observed everything on the prairie? Especially the mice on the prairie, their senses are the most sensitive. Whenever there is heavy rain on the prairie, they will definitely come out of the hole, otherwise the rain will It will flood their burrows in the ground, and the rats in it will die, of course."

"There are also those frogs by the river. When the weather changes, they will jump to the trees."

"And ants and so on."

"First of all, you are still young, relying on the Han military art that grandpa taught you, you will be invincible in fighting people on this grassland. But, you have to remember, it's just that you haven't met a real opponent. Zhu Zhu in the Ming army The old man is a formidable opponent, he will not make mistakes in every step. On the contrary, as long as we make a little mistake, we will be caught by him."

"If it was just fighting with the art of war, grandpa would be ashamed to compare with that old man Zhu. However, this is our hometown, we have lived here for decades, and our tribe has lived here for hundreds of years."

"We are familiar with everything here, every river, every mountain."

"If we fight the Ming army head-on, even if our strength is comparable to that of the Ming army, grandpa will not be able to defeat that old man Zhu. In the previous battle, grandpa won by luck. Although grandpa has already seen from the animals on the grassland in advance It’s going to rain soon, but Grandpa doesn’t know when it will rain, how much it will rain, and whether there will be wind.”

"However, heavy rain on the grassland is usually accompanied by strong winds. It has not rained on the grassland for more than a month. When the strong wind blows, the sand and rocks on the ground will be blown up. At that time, nothing can be seen."

"Without the care of Changshengtian, all the elite cavalry of the Tatar tribe would have been left there in the previous battle."

As he said that, Mahamu patted Yexian on the shoulder with concern, and said: "On the grassland, with your ability, you can be fearless of anyone, but if it is inside the Great Wall, we are not familiar with it. You must be sure that you will not cross the Great Wall to fight in the future."

Hearing his grandfather's teachings, he nodded solemnly.

Ming army camp.


"His Royal Highness has returned to the camp!"

At this time, the old man Zhu Di, who was discussing with many generals in the camp what to do next, was taken aback for a moment when he heard the shout of the messenger outside the camp, and then smiled.

But just after the smile surfaced for a while, the old man's face darkened again.

Accompanying Zhu Zhanji and the fifty riders to the outside of the camp, when Zhu Zhanji walked in alone, the old man Zhu Di suddenly looked at the grandson who knelt on the ground and saluted him with a sullen face, and said, "You still come back to do it!" what?"

"Look at your grandfather who lost the battle and came back to show off his might?"

Hearing what the old man said, Zhu Zhanji immediately smiled and said: "Grandpa, what are you talking about, my Ming Dynasty is united in the same spirit, and if I want to lose, it will also be the defeat of my three armies of the Ming Dynasty, how can there be any difference between you and me. "

"Besides, when it comes to war, there are winners and losers."

Hearing this, the old man Zhu Di said: "Then what did you do when you came back?"

Facing the old man's question, the smirk on Zhu Zhanji's face gradually disappeared, and he said solemnly: "Now that grandpa is employing people, how can grandson run away secretly by himself, grandson is coming back this time to accompany grandpa You fought."

Seeing this, Zhu Di said, "Don't you persuade me not to divide the troops?"

Zhu Zhanji shook his head: "No more persuasion."

Hearing this, the old man smiled again.

However, Zhu Zhanji still took the initiative to say: "However, Grandpa, our army has just suffered more than [-] casualties, and the supply speed of the court's logistics cannot keep up, and the home of the grassland tribe is here, and it can be replenished at any time." , if we continue to stay like this, wouldn’t it be a waste of time?”

"Besides, it's the rainy season on the grassland now, and it's a common thing to rain. Not to mention the treatment of the wounded, the roads on the grassland are very difficult now. Our army's cannons, the heaviest several Qianjin, under such circumstances, it is really difficult to go."

"It's going to get cold here in September. Most of our soldiers wear heavy armor, but they don't protect themselves from the cold."

"When my grandfather was fighting last year, it was already snowing in September, and now we don't have much time left for the Ming army."

"So, when grandson comes back this time, not only does he not want to persuade grandpa to join forces, but he also wants to ask grandpa to divide his troops!"

"The main battalion of the Chinese army is stationed here. The imperial court's supply line has just been changed. If it is changed frequently, the supplies will not be delivered, and the medicines will also be in short supply. Those wounded, I don't know how many people will die!"

Listening to my eldest grandson say so many things in one breath.

The old man Zhu Di was stunned for a moment.

Then he smiled and looked at the British Duke Zhang Fu, Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu, Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui and others.

He smiled and said, "This kid is really anxious."

With a burst of laughter from the crowd.

The old man Zhu Di still took the initiative to ask: "Now we are discussing exactly this matter. The entire army is delayed here, which is not conducive to this battle, so we are discussing whether to divide the troops."

"However, even we are still discussing whether to divide the army. Where did you get the news?"

Faced with the old man's doubts, Zhu Zhanji immediately said: "The grandson deduced it from the battle report reported by the army to the court."

"Now there are only two roads before our army. In the previous battle, a gust of evil wind appeared, which has cut off the possibility of our army's rapid advance and victory in the first battle, unless Grandpa ignores the lives of those wounded. However, That's a total of more than [-] people, and grandpa would never do such a thing."

"Plus these days, the supply problem within the army has become increasingly serious."

"It is an inevitable choice to station a large army."

"Either the Ming army should immediately return to the city, retreat to the bank of the Onan River, and continue attacking in the spring after this winter."

"Either, it is to divide the troops!"

"Divide a part of the troops and continue to advance rapidly, forcing the various ministries on the grassland to fight our Ming army."

"The old battalion is stationed in place, and while receiving supplies from the imperial court, it can also give some support to the frontline troops."

Listening to his grandson's words, although many people present were surprised by Zhu Zhanji's military vision.

But the old man Zhu Di was not surprised at all.

In terms of military vision, this kid is still very reliable.

This kid can see the current situation of the Ming army, Zhu Di is not surprised at all.

However, the old man still said: "It's useless to just talk about it. Just now your second uncle and the British Lord have raised a few problems with the division of troops. After the division of troops, the number of our troops will inevitably be greatly reduced. Facing the alliance of various tribes in the grassland, What method should we use to defeat? In addition, after the division of troops, the lone army has penetrated deep into the grassland, the distance from the old battalion is too far, and it is on someone else's territory, how to solve the problem of supplies?"

"The hidden overlord behind the various tribes in the grassland, in order to prevent our army from advancing, did not hesitate to fight our Ming army here, in order to let us have a decisive battle at the time and place set by him. If we divide our forces now, it will Didn't you just fall into their trap?"

"In addition, your kid himself said just now that it is the rainy season, and the artillery of the Shenji Battalion is difficult to display its power. Once it is over, in September, the weather will be cold and even snow. What should our army do?"

"In addition to these, how should the troops be divided? How much? If too many troops are allocated, the old battalion's combat power will drop. If those grassland tribes join forces to attack, the old battalion will be in danger. If too few troops are allocated, there will be no troops. How can we defeat the enemy if the firearms of the Shenji Battalion cannot be used?"

Zhu Di seems to be asking Zhu Zhanji these questions, but he is actually testing and teaching.

After all, as soon as Zhu Zhanji arrived, he began to participate in the next decision-making of the army.

As the coach and emperor, Zhu Di naturally wanted to sharpen the spirit of his grandson first.

However, if it was before, Zhu Zhanji really didn't know how to answer these questions.

But at this moment, after hearing these questions raised by the old man, Zhu Zhanji did not reply one by one, but said directly: "Grandpa and grandson thought that the [-] troops were all cavalry! In order to prevent the old camp from being attacked , The old battalion was withdrawn to the Onan River. Only a lone army went deep."

Hearing Zhu Zhanji's reply, everyone present burst into laughter.

After all, what Zhu Zhanji said was like a child, and it was useless.

Dividing [-] troops, how can it pose a threat to the troops of the various tribes in the grassland?
It's fine if it's not eaten by the other party in one go.

As for the words that asked the old battalion to withdraw to the Onan River, there was no reason at all.

If the old battalion retreats and there is no longer the existence of deterring the tribes in the grassland, how will the supplies be delivered?
When winter comes, those prairie tribes will ask you to send them, but you won't be able to send them.

The old camp is not afraid of being attacked.

But what effect can it have on this war?

Don't say whether you can beat the opponent, just say you can.

The other party ran away and withdrew, what can you do?
Even Yu Qian, who had been with the old man Zhu Di for a while and had worn off a lot of impetuousness, shook his head involuntarily.

In his opinion, the grandfather and grandson are after all a grandfather and grandson, and the gap is not insignificant.

However, in the face of everyone's laughter, Zhu Zhanji didn't care at all, and said: "Grandpa, this time the division of troops, grandson is willing to be the coach, as short as three months, and as long as the spring of next year, grandpa can directly win the class and return home." toward."

Zhu Zhanji's words once again aroused the laughter of the people present.

However, the old man Zhu Di, who was the first to laugh before, became a little puzzled when he saw that his eldest grandson was still serious and solemn.

"You say this, but is there any way to defeat the enemy?"

Zhu Zhanji nodded firmly, and said: "If there is no other way, how dare grandson speak so wildly."

But even if Zhu Zhanji said so, the generals present still looked distrustful, thinking it was the grandson who was messing around.

Only people from their old Zhu's family will realize something when they see Zhu Zhanji, the grandson, so solemn.

After all, in the eyes of others, Zhu Zhanji is just a young man. Zhu Gaoxu, Zhu Di, and Zhu Gaosui have all seen how capable they are.

Since he dared to say so firmly, there must be some way.

Before that, there were new policies such as land-reduction order, five insurances and one housing fund, and reservoir ditches.
At that time, they didn't take these things as a joke.

But the result.

This kid really did these things that sounded completely impossible.

These things are not clear to others, but their family is clear.

Seeing this, the old man Zhu Di was the first to ask: "There is no room for joking about military affairs, how sure are you?"

Hearing that the emperor Zhu Di really took Zhu Zhanji's words seriously, the generals present and Yu Qian all showed surprised expressions.

They never imagined that the Emperor Zhu Di, who is so cautious, would believe the grandson's words?
However, at this time, the old man Zhu Di obviously didn't care about these people's opinions and ideas, but looked straight at his grandson.

Zhu Zhanji, who heard the old man's words, also said unceremoniously: "Ten percent!"

As soon as these words came out, the old man Zhu Di immediately looked at Han Wang Zhao Wang at the side.

This kid has never said such a firm word before.

Ten percent!

How can he be confident that leading [-] soldiers and horses can destroy all the tribes in the grassland?

Involuntarily, the old man Zhu Di asked, "What can you do, kid, just say it!"

At this time, the old man Zhu Di faintly felt that his eldest grandson was definitely not aimless, and he was also a little anxious.

But Zhu Zhanji immediately shook his head and said, "Grandpa, this method can't be said now, if it is said, it won't work."

"However, my grandson can assure my grandfather that if my grandson leads the army, I dare not say that all the tribes in the grassland can be wiped out, but it will be more than enough to protect myself. My grandson would not dare to mess around with my grandfather on this important military matter."

After Zhu Zhanji finished speaking, the old man Zhu Di couldn't sit still.

He got up and walked around in the tent with his hands behind his back.

Seeing that the emperor was really thinking about whether to let the grandson lead the army, everyone present was dumbfounded.

Especially Zhang Mao, who was the first to stand up and said to the emperor: "Your Majesty, you must not! Taisun is young and doesn't know the dangers of the battlefield. How can this battle be so easy? If something happens, This is all the cavalry in our army!"

Hearing this, although the British prince on the side also wanted to go forward to persuade him, it could be seen that Zhang Mao had already opened his mouth, so he thought about waiting.

However, facing General Zhang Mao's words, the old man Zhu Di just raised his hand and stopped him from speaking.

Finally looking at Zhu Zhanji, he asked again, "Are you serious?"

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanji smiled and nodded: "Of course it is true!"

"it is good!"

"Brat, Grandpa, I will trust you just once this time!"

"However, it's your first time going out with the army, and I don't worry about leaving it to you alone. If you have confidence, grandpa will go with you!"

As soon as Zhu Di said this, he said.

Everyone was shocked!

Not only those generals, but also Zhu Zhanji himself stared wide-eyed.

Before those generals spoke to persuade, they immediately said: "No!"

"Absolutely not!"

"Grandpa, how old are you? If you ride a horse, in case of an enemy attack, should we wait or not wait for you?"

"Aren't you making trouble?"

"If you want my grandson to tell you, Grandpa, you can bring the army back to the Onan River. If you want, you can go directly to Shuntian Mansion. Let me leave this place to my grandson."

Hearing the two men's bolder words, everyone present felt their hearts beating in their throats.

This one dares to brag, and the other dares to respond.

Really want to take the [-] cavalry to fight against the enemy!
After Zhu Zhanji finished speaking, the old man Zhu Di was taken aback for a moment, then pointed at Zhu Zhanji with a big smile and said, "You boy, now I despise your grandpa for his bad legs."

"However, this matter is too dangerous, you'd better think about it, Grandpa Rong."

With that said, the old man Zhu Di dispersed everyone present.

Even King Han and King Zhao were driven out.

Everyone knew that the emperor deliberately drove them away in order to keep a secret.He didn't stop there, and gave the space to the grandson Zhu Zhanji and the emperor.

And accompanied by the people present, they left one after another, and ordered Fan Zhong to clear all the queens within five steps of the main camp.

The old man Zhu Di stared at Zhu Zhanji in front of him and said: "Boy, there is no one now, can you tell me?"

Although the old man Zhu Di still trusts his eldest grandson, this kid has often done such amazing things in the past.

But in the past, if things went wrong, they would go wrong. After all, it was just a political matter, and it would be a big deal to change it again.

But now, it is the lives of 70,000 people, and the key is his grandson.

Once something goes wrong this time, those prairie people don't care if the eldest grandson is Zhu Di's grandson.

Is it the successor of the Ming Dynasty?

Not to mention that the Northern Expedition will fail completely, it is not a trivial matter to raise the [-] cavalry again.

Listening to the old man's words, Zhu Zhanji naturally had nothing bad to say about his grandfather, but he turned around cautiously and looked outside, and finally came to the old man's side slowly, and whispered something in his ear.

Accompanied by Zhu Zhanji's narration.

The old man's face changed instantly!

He looked at his grandson in disbelief, grabbed Zhu Zhanji's arm, and said cautiously, "Is what you said true?"

"Then the city can really be built within four months?"

However, when he was talking, the old man also knew that this matter must not be known to outsiders.

So the sound is also very low.

It is guaranteed that even if someone eavesdrops outside the account, they will never hear anything.

In the face of such a dignified question from the old man, Zhu Zhanji nodded firmly, and said: "Four months at the latest, if there is enough iron ore, under the condition of no one disturbing, three months, or even two It can be completed in just over a month.”

After getting the confirmation from Zhu Zhanji, the old man Zhu Di suddenly showed an expression of excitement on his face.

How long has it been.

How long has it been since Zhu Di heard such great news.

He, Zhu Di, is very aware of the significance of having a medium-sized city on this grassland.

Even, when he met the Khan of the Tatar tribe, he couldn't help but say such words.

It is estimated that it is a dream, and I dare not dream of such a beautiful thing.

What is the biggest shortcoming of the Ming army fighting between the tribes of the grassland on the grassland?

Behind it, it represents time, space, supply, logistics, consumption and so on.
These things are restricting their Ming army.

But for those grassland tribes, it was different.

Now if you really give him a city.

What's the harm in beating him for two or three years? !

He, Zhu Di, still needs to be in such a hurry to complete his work?
So eager to eliminate the vital forces of those grassland tribes?
No need!
Thinking of these, old man Zhu Di could no longer restrain the ecstasy in his heart.

He is getting older.

The war in the north was now the last thing on his mind.

Even before he came to fight a war, he had already made up his mind to die here.

Immediately, the emperor died on the way to charge, no shame!
No matter how shameless the descendants of future generations are, they still have to pay three points of respect!

But now, the eldest grandson of his family gave him a chance to completely wipe out these grassland tribes!

Moreover, this opportunity was so real in front of Zhu Di.

How can he not like it, how can he calm down!

But this thing is too weird.

Incredible too.

Zhu Di couldn't help asking again after repeated questioning several times: "Grandpa will ask you one last time, is this serious?!"

Without hesitation, Zhu Zhanji said, "If the grandson tells half a lie, I'll leave the brain to grandpa!"

As soon as Zhu Zhanji's words fell.

The old man Zhu Di's laughter instantly resounded throughout the main camp.

"Good! Good! Wow!"

"With you here in the Ming Dynasty, Grandpa, even if I die, I will die in peace!"

However, after laughing, the old man Zhu Di did not agree to Zhu Zhanji's words so easily.

But in front of the sand table in the big camp, carefully inspect it.

After asking Zhu Zhanji about the location of the city, he began to plan carefully and cautiously.

Until the old man had a detailed plan in his mind, he said again: "Stinky boy, grandpa is naturally happy that you gave such a big gift to grandpa. But you are still lacking in this military matter. .”

Then he pointed to the sand table and said, "Look here."

"You lead [-] troops to this place, relying on the mobility of the cavalry, naturally you can easily break into the hinterland of the Tatar tribe."

"But have you ever thought that these [-] cavalry are as fast as possible, but there are still great restrictions when fighting."

"Even if you have a city, as long as you are discovered by the Tatar people, they will never sit back and watch the completion of this city."

"As long as there is a half accident in the middle, your boy's [-] cavalry will become the dinner of all the tribes in the grassland."

"In addition, how will the logistics supplies be sent there? Without supplies, you 70,000 people, how can you feed them?"

Listening to the words of the old man Zhu Di, Zhu Zhanji has solutions to these problems, but he didn't explain it at the first time, but continued to listen to the old man's narration.

"In this way, you are the one to bring the [-] cavalry this time. Grandpa ordered you to lead the [-] cavalry to roam the grassland. Each soldier will wander on the grassland with ten days' worth of food. Attract the attention of those grassland tribes."

"Grandpa led the army to retreat to the Onan River, pretending to retreat, and after entering the territory of our Ming Dynasty, he detoured here, and Nur Gandusi went to the place where your boy built the city again."

"These more than ten days are just enough for the army to march, and the wounded who accompanied the army can also be sent back to the territory. They can also get logistical supplies from the territory. Countless!"

"After the hundreds of thousands of our Ming army arrive here, the plan will be decided!"

"Either sit back and watch our city be built, or fight head-on with our Ming army!"

Having said that, the old man threw the baton in his hand, appearing full of confidence.

And after hearing the old man's method.

Zhu Zhanji's eyes also brightened.


The old man on the side also thought about it again with his hands behind his back, and after confirming that there was no problem with the plan, he immediately shouted to the outside of the camp: "Fan Zhong!"

After hearing the emperor's shout, Fan Zhong hurried in.

He cupped his hands and asked, "Your Majesty!"

Hearing this, Zhu Di immediately said: "Go, get everyone back, I have something important to say!"

 Ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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