Daming: Let you do your best to manage, do you go to health?

Chapter 126 First, your great enemy in this life has appeared!

Chapter 126 First, your great enemy in this life has appeared!
Mahamu, who understood his identity and responsibility now, gradually regained his strength all over his body.

After he stood up, he patted the arm of his grandson Yexian beside him, indicating that he could let go.

Although everything he saw now made him very desperate.

But there is no way.

The matter has come to this point, there is only one thing he can do, and that is to face it.

Just now, because he was too shocked at the first moment, he fell into that desperate thought and couldn't extricate himself.

Fortunately, his grandson also called out first.

This place was near the camp of the Ming army, and it was too dangerous. After seeing this city with his own eyes, Mahamu immediately returned to their camp with the people around him.

After returning to the camp.

Mahamu stood in front of the site in the big camp, carefully checking the surrounding environment.

At the same time, I kept thinking about what to do next in my mind.

Everything he had prepared for the Ming army before had no effect because of the appearance of this city.

If it was said that the Ming army was eager to fight them head-on before, then the postures of the two sides have changed each other now.

It should be that they are eager to fight the Ming army
The appearance of this city will lead to the actual control area of ​​the Ming army within dozens of miles around the city.

But now that the Ming army has a city, how should they fight against the Ming army?
Just when Na Mahamu kept thinking about these things.

The tribal leaders of the entire grassland coalition army also came to Mahamu's main tent.

"Mahamu! Is what they said true? Did the Ming army really build a city?!"


Before entering the door, the leaders of the grassland tribes hurriedly asked the Mahamu inside.

They elected Mahamu as the co-owner of the grassland coalition forces, but now that something like this happened, they naturally want to question Mahamu, who is the temporary co-owner of the grassland coalition forces.

However, when he heard these people's questioning, Na Mahamu was also annoyed.

I haven't asked them yet, but they are still questioning themselves.

"The city built by the Ming army is in the hinterland of your Tatar tribe. Judging from the size of the city, it is absolutely impossible to build it in a short period of time. You don't think you should give everyone a explain!"

Mahamu immediately countered.

At this time, Mahamu obviously regarded that city as the Ming army started to build it a long time ago, but because of the stupidity of the Tatar tribe, it was not discovered.

But after hearing Mahamu's words, Na Tuotuobuhua immediately stared, and said in disbelief: "Impossible! There is a city on the grassland, how could I not know!"

Seeing that Tuotuobuhua still didn't believe it, Mahamu immediately waved his hand and called in the two scouts from outside the camp.

These two were the scouts who followed him to the Ming army garrison to check the city.

As the two entered, under the questioning of Mahamu and the people around him, he finally recounted everything he had seen today.

When Tuotuobuhua heard that there really was a city in the hinterland of his Tatar tribe, he couldn't believe it at all.

Just when he was about to say something, Mahamu immediately interrupted him and said: "Needless to say! Now that the city has appeared, we don't want to hear your explanation. What we have to do now is Think of a way, how to face the Ming army next!"

After Mahamu said this, everyone present fell silent.

A moment later, a leader of a grassland tribe immediately said: "The Ming Dynasty's city must not be allowed to exist on the grassland! We must destroy that city!"

As the person spoke, others followed suit.

After all, this matter is related to the essential interests of the nobles of the grassland tribes, and they absolutely will not allow their interests to be meddled by others!

However, when he heard these people's words, Mahamu smiled disdainfully: "Now the 500,000 Ming army is stationed there, destroy it? How to destroy it?!"

After Mahamu said this, everyone present fell silent again.

Looking at their appearance, Mahamu didn't want to talk nonsense with them, after thinking about it carefully, he still said: "The Ming army composed of Han people has a lot of experience in city battles, we must not be opponents. "

"Originally in the case of a frontal battle, our army on the grassland could not defeat the Ming army, so it was absolutely invincible."

Speaking of this, Mahamu thought for a while in silence, and then said: "According to some military books and tactics I saw in Daming, the most important thing in the battle of the city is food and grass."

"Of the destruction of ten cities, nine of them were caused by the shortage of food and grass."

"This is our hometown. No matter how powerful the Emperor Zhu of the Ming Dynasty is, he will never be able to conjure up inexhaustible food and grass out of thin air. Therefore, we will not confront the Ming army head-on, but Specially concentrate our forces on their supply lines, and we must intercept the food and grass of the Ming army!"

"As long as their food is in short supply, the morale of the army will be in turmoil!"

"At that time, without us taking action, they will leave the city by themselves!"

"However, we have to prepare for this battle, it may take a long time."

Listening to that Mahamu's words, although everyone present did not want to listen to this Mahamu's order, there was nothing they could do. Now the only person who could stand up and take care of the overall situation was Mahamu.

Thinking of this, everyone had no choice but to go down and prepare according to what Mahamu said.

After those people left, Mahamu stared at the map on the wall and thought carefully.

Seeing Mahamu's slightly haggard appearance, the people on the side hurriedly said: "Grandpa, although the Ming army now has a city, it doesn't really have much impact on us. At worst, we will follow them." It’s enough to circle around on this grassland.”

Listening to his grandson Yexian's words, Mahamu understood that he wanted to comfort himself.

But he still sighed and said, "First of all, have you ever thought about it, if we just sit back and watch the Ming army do whatever they want here, can our current alliance still exist?"

"Our alliance exists because of the threat of the Ming army, but if the threat of the Ming army disappears, then there is no need for this alliance to exist."

"Besides, it's not that simple for this city to appear in this location. Come over and take a good look at this map."

"Bohaier Lake is the source of water for the entire land in the east of our grassland. The entire Tatar tribe relies on it. This is the starting point for the Golden Family to conquer the world. Erhu's influence."

"Bohaier Lake is called Xiaohai and Beihai by the Han people. The water source in it nourishes most of the land in our hometown. However, the city of the Ming army is built here now, and troops are sent out from them. You can reach Bohaier Lake in less than two days, do you know what this means?"

"This means that our herdsmen cannot survive in the entire area around Bohaier Lake! This is the most fertile land in the entire grassland. Without it, all that remains of the entire Tatar region is the desolate Gobi .”

"In the previous conquests by the Ming army, if there hadn't been a powerful Tatar tribe in front of us to attract the attention of the Ming army, perhaps our Oala tribe would have been wiped out long ago."

"The fact that the Ming army controlled the area around Bohaier Lake meant that they controlled the lifeblood of the entire Tatar tribe."

"This may have nothing to do with our Oala tribe, but without the Tatar tribe, in a Chinese saying, this is called dead lips and cold teeth!"

"Therefore, Bohaier Lake must not fall into the hands of the Ming army. Otherwise, within ten years, the entire grassland will become the land of the Ming army!"

Listening to his grandfather Mahamu's words, Ye Xian finally knew the impact of this Bohaier Lake on them, and also understood the indirect impact of the appearance of that city.

And after Na Mahamu finished speaking, he also said worriedly: "Recently, a person appeared in the Ming army. He is the grandson of the Ming emperor Zhu old man, and his name is Zhu Zhanji. From the news in the previous rumors, Look, the appearance of this city is inseparable from Zhu Zhanji."

"If all of this is true, it was Zhu Zhanji who decided to build the city in this place. The grandson of the emperor of the Ming Dynasty has a very vicious vision. Just one move can be worth thousands of troops Wanma. Even if our Grassland Alliance disintegrates, the Tatars will have to confront the Ming army head-on, once the Tatars are wiped out."

"Also first. He is about the same age as you, and your enemy appeared."

Hearing his grandfather's words, Na Yexian's heart sank.

Among the younger generation among the tribes in the entire grassland, he was also the first to dominate.

Among his peers, he has not really encountered any powerful characters.

But now, when he heard his grandfather's words, the sense of urgency that he hadn't felt for a long time reappeared.

"Grandpa, don't worry, grandson won't lose."

Hearing this, Mahamu also nodded.

In fact, today's Mahamu is so similar to that Zhu Di. They are both mobilizing troops to demand peace for the development of future generations.

Give the juniors some time to grow up.

For Yexian, he Mahamu gave great expectations.

He believes that when Ye Ye grows up first, the whole grassland will tremble for it.

However, judging from the information he has so far, Zhu Zhanji, the grandson of the Ming Dynasty, seems to be very strong.

When these two meet in the future, I don't know who will win in the end

This is the name chosen by the old man Zhu Di himself for the newly built city.

This name represents the old man Zhu Di's expectations for this city.

He believed that the emergence of this city would be the cornerstone for their Great Ming Dynasty to lay down the entire northern border!

At this time, Zhu Zhanji, because of the addition of 500,000 troops from the Ming army, the construction speed of the entire city has been greatly improved.

In less than five days, the construction of the last part of the entire city was completed.

But Zhu Zhanji was not idle.

For the construction of this city, he didn't just want to provide a place for the entire Ming army to recuperate.

More importantly, he wants to use this city to expand the territory in the entire northern border!
Taking each city as the starting point, radiate the power of the Ming army to the entire Saibei!

All the land of Genghis Khan was included in the territory of his Ming Dynasty.

As long as the weapons and equipment of the various tribes on the prairie do not carry out epoch-making innovations and upgrades, then his method will suppress the entire prairie for more than a century!

Even the weapons and equipment of the various tribes in the grassland can be developed and upgraded to the level of the Ming army today, reaching the level of gunpowder 0.5.

Still can't open the gates of his cities!

The front wall is as wide as four or five meters thick, and it is completely made of concrete and steel. It relies on the artillery of the Ming army that looks like fireworks, and it will not be able to blow through it.

Unless it reaches the explosive shells that he made before and delivered to the Ming army, it may cause some damage to the city walls.

But also very limited.

Because although those explosive shells fall into the crowd and do great harm to people, they are different for city walls.

Unless these grassland tribes have their own technology and innovate to upgrade the power of those shells.

However, with this level of weapons, it was only in modern times that the countries in the surrounding regions of China reached this level due to the influx of Western weapons.

If they rely on their grassland tribes to develop naturally.

Boldly give them two hundred years.

There is still a huge gap between their national power and materials compared with the Ming Dynasty.

Things like iron stirrups are rare objects on this grassland, which shows the lack of materials.

Otherwise, they would not have been forced to go south to plunder the people on the frontiers of the Ming Dynasty.

Although this is a characteristic of the nomadic people, it also reflects the conditions of their living environment and cultural formation.

People are all the same at the beginning, if they can also own this piece of fertile land cultivated by the Chinese ancestors for generations, and have so much arable land reclaimed by the Chinese ancestors for generations.

Only ghosts are willing to risk their lives to burn, kill and plunder.

So, what Zhu Zhanji has to do now is to build a straight road!
A straight road for easy transportation in any situation!
And the destination reached by this straight road is Bohaier Lake, which nourishes most herdsmen and land in this land!

He wants to build a larger city beside the Bohaier Lake!

In this way, with the existence of two cities, the entire area around Bohaier Lake will completely become the land of their Great Ming Dynasty!
At that time, not to mention these tribes on the grassland, even the country to the north will come out in full force, and he will not be afraid of the Ming Dynasty at all!

After Zhu Zhanji talked about this method with the old man, the old man Zhu Di naturally raised his hands in approval.

In the process of building this city before, Zhu Di did not participate in it. Although it was very shocking to hear it now, he obviously did not have the intuition of witnessing it with his own eyes.

Hearing his eldest grandson say that within three months, another city can be built beside the Bohaier Lake, Zhu Di almost laughed like crazy.

If the construction continues at this pace, the battle will be a waste of time.

Give him five years, and the entire northern part of Saibei is their family's territory, and they still need to chase the herdsmen of those grassland tribes on this endless grassland?

At that time, only part of the people in the Ming Dynasty will need to be relocated. What is the difference between this place and the interior of the Ming Dynasty?
Regarding Zhu Zhanji's plan, the old man Zhu Di still put forward a few things that need to be vigilant.

After all, they are now building the city on the land of Saibei. Will the tribes of the grassland come to attack and obstruct it?

Apart from that.

Of course, what Mahamu noticed, he, Zhu Di, would not fail to see.

You must know that they have a full 500,000 troops stationed here.

The food that needs to be consumed every day is an astronomical figure, so the old man's suggestion is not to rush to build the city, it will be a matter of time.

The first problem that needs to be solved now is the road from their city to the territory of the Ming Dynasty.

Since a straight road can be built, it is better to build a straight road leading to the territory first. In this case, it will be much more convenient to transport food or supplies.

However, Zhu Zhanji naturally has his own ideas about this.

According to Zhu Zhanji, the materials needed to build the city can be found on this prairie.

It is no longer necessary to transport from Nuer Kandus.

If you take the lead in building a straight road leading to the interior of the Ming Dynasty, it will not have much effect at all except for transporting some food and supplies.

On the contrary, Zhu Zhanji is very clear.

Now he is Namahamu, and now the only solution to the crisis of the Ming army is food!
Otherwise, with their strength and combat methods, it would be a joke to try to break through the city guarded by the Ming army from the front.

Let them have half of their troops, and they dare not come.

In fact, not to mention the siege of the city, even if they were to face the Ming army in a frontal battle and fight a good fight, they would not dare.

And want to solve this situation.

The fastest and most direct way is naturally to cut off the Ming army's food road leading to this city.

Without food, their Ming army would naturally fall into panic.

Unstable morale is a trivial matter.

If you really insist on guarding here, you will only starve to death.

Since Na Mahamu put all his energy on cutting off the Ming army's food road, then building a straight road leading to the territory at this time will encounter great obstruction and pressure.

Such a straight road is built very quickly on weekdays.

There is no need to go head-to-head with Namahamu at this critical point in time.

Even if they defeated Namahamu and completed the construction of this straight road, it would not have much impact on their entire Ming army.

The obstacles that should be encountered when transporting grain and grass will still be encountered, and it will not be the slightest difference because the construction of the straight road is completed.

In this way, it makes almost no difference whether the straight road exists or not.

Why not take advantage of this time to build a straight road leading to Bohaier Lake.

First, the energy of those grassland tribes was put on cutting off the supply line, and second, the completion of this straight road did not have any impact on those grassland tribes.

Even they couldn't think of what the straight road was for after it was built.

Is it just to hurry up when going to Baihaier Lake?
Therefore, Zhu Zhanji discussed it with the old man.

The old man went to fight with Na Mahamo, since cutting off the grain road was Na Mahamo's only choice, then around this point, he used the advantage of the Ming army's strength to consume Namahamo's combat power.

In a word, take advantage!

If you want to stop the delivery of food, you have to pay some price, right?

And Zhu Zhanji is responsible for building the straight road.

Two people do their own thing.

After the matter of building the city this time, the old man Zhu Di has a lot more trust in his grandson Zhu Zhanji, and he is assured that he will do it according to his own ideas.


Isn't it just building a straight road?

If it fails, the big deal is to lose some people and time.

As long as he can guarantee the life of his grandson, it will be fine.

While Zhu Zhanji and the old man Zhu Di were doing their own things, on the other side, Mahamu in the camp of the grassland coalition army soon received information about the Ming army from the spies of the scout team. information.

When he saw the latest movements of the Ming army in the information, Mahamu frowned involuntarily.

Under the watchful eyes of the tribal leaders around, Mahamu asked suspiciously: "What is the Ming army trying to do by building the straight road at this time?"

While Mahamu was thinking, he also handed over the information in his hands to the tribal leaders present so that they could see it for themselves.

After all, a person's thoughts often have limitations.

Let everyone see it, maybe there will be different views and angles.

However, after the people present read all the contents of the information, no one spoke.

They were all silent, not understanding why the Ming army would do this.

If they were the leaders of the Ming army themselves, the things to do at this time were very simple. The first thing was to ensure the supply line of the Ming army and ensure that the army had enough food to eat.

The second thing is to rely on this city and fight the tribes of the grassland around here!
But now they have done neither of these things.

It can even be learned from the spies in the army that recently the Ming army has lessened the number of things that the Ming army has been investigating the movements of the troops of various tribes in their grasslands.

As if he really didn't want to deal with them.

In the past, the Ming army had always been on the prairie looking for their prairie tribe's army, chasing and fighting.

The confusion in these people's hearts was obviously also the confusion in Na Mahamu's heart.

But when Mahamu looked at the expressions of everyone present and couldn't help shaking his head helplessly, the grandson Yexian who was standing beside him suddenly said at this moment: "Grandpa."

Hearing Yexian's words, Mahamu was taken aback for a moment, but he still turned his head to look at him and asked, "What's wrong?"

After thinking for a while, he still said: "Grandpa, didn't you say that the existence of this city affected Bohaier Lake? Since Zhu Zhanji, the grandson of the Ming Dynasty who chose this place to build this city, has such vicious eyes, The grandson thought that they chose to build the straight road at this place, and the plan must be quite big."

"Grandpa, do you think they want to build another city around Bohaier Lake?"

"After all, the straight road didn't mean much to the Ming army, but why did they build this straight road at this time? After thinking about it, my grandson seems to be only transporting construction materials. A straight can make all the difference."

Hearing Yexian's words, Mahamu's eyes suddenly brightened!
He turned his head to look at the map behind him, and after examining it carefully, he believed more and more in what his grandson said.

If the Ming army built another city around the Bohaier Lake, then the entire Bohaier Lake area, with the mutual support of these two cities, would completely control this area.

Within a hundred miles around the entire Bohaier Lake, it will completely become their control area.

Thinking of this, Mahamu immediately glanced at his grandson Yexian approvingly, and then continued: "Now it seems that the Ming army really looks like what Yexian said first, it was for the purpose of fighting against the Bohaier Lake. Build another city!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was shocked.

Building a city will allow them to switch roles with the Ming army.

Give them too many threats.

If they were allowed to build another one, how would these grassland tribes survive here?
Isn't this killing them!

Especially the sweat from the Tatar tribe, who was sweating profusely, said anxiously: "They must not be allowed to build another city here! Otherwise, my entire Tatar tribe will be ruined!"

No matter how stupid Tuotuo didn't spend sweating, he could see the harm these cities did to their Tatar tribe.

However, after hearing his words, Mahamu raised his hand to signal him not to be impatient, and after thinking about it carefully, he said: "Don't worry, everyone, the construction of this city is not so simple. Say how long it will take them to transport materials, even if you give them enough materials, it will never be built without a year or two."

"Besides, the place where the straight road is built is still close to the city of the Ming army. We don't have the ability to fight them here."

"Since this is the case, my idea is to devote all my energy to cutting off the supply line of the Ming army."

"Only by cutting off the supply line of the Ming army, can we completely solve the scourge of the Ming army. At that time, no matter what they want to build, we don't need to worry anymore."

Tutuo, who was originally anxious, didn't sweat profusely, but when he heard what Na Mahamu said, he felt a little more at ease.

Although he was still very anxious about this, he also understood that what Mahamu said was right.

How could it be so easy to build a city.

They still have plenty of time to stop this.

At the very least, they had to wait for the straight road to be built further, giving them enough distance to start a war and raid before they could do anything.

Otherwise, doing it at this time will undoubtedly give the Ming army a chance to encircle and annihilate them.

At the same time, if they can really cut off the supply line of the entire Ming army, they will not be able to build anything without food and supplies.

Gradually, the opinions of the leaders of the various tribes in the entire field reached a consensus. As Zhu Zhanji expected, they will do their best to use all their forces to cut off the supply line of the Ming army!

They dare not fight the Ming army head-on.

They dare not attack the city.

But if it is in the wild, on the long supply line, the cavalry under them can do a lot.

Just when everyone present gradually followed Na Mahamu's train of thought to think about how to cut off the Ming army's supply line.

Ye Xian, who stood aside and said nothing, frowned at this moment, and lowered his head to think.

Grandson Zhu Zhanji, whom his grandfather called his greatest enemy before and after, could he be a person who can't even understand these simple truths?

Being able to stand at the height of the entire war between the two sides, accurately hit the fate of the Tatars, and accurately see that the Tatars are the key to their grassland coalition forces today. As long as the Tatars are eliminated, the entire Will people from all sides of the grassland be a person who doesn't understand the importance of supply lines?

But now he has given up guarding the supply line, instead he is distracted to build the straight road
What is he for?
Could it be that in his heart, the construction of this straight road is more important than the supply line of the Ming army?

After being reminded before he also had Mahamu, at this time, he had already regarded Zhu Zhanji, the emperor's grandson of the Ming Dynasty who had never been masked, as his greatest enemy in his life.

Therefore, when thinking about what he did, he couldn't help being more cautious.

But no matter how strange he felt, he just couldn't figure out why Zhu Zhanji did this.

Even personally responsible for the construction of these straights.

I can only put this idea in my heart temporarily, and then follow my grandfather's thinking, thinking about how to cut off the opponent's supply line when fighting against the Ming army.

at the same time.

Just when everyone on the grassland and all forces focused their eyes on the supply line of the Ming army.

At this time, within the Shuntian Palace.

Zhu Zhanji's father, Zhu Gaochi, as the current Prince Jian Guo, is naturally analyzing the situation on the front line with the officials of the entire court in the rear.

Although there is a delay in information between the frontline situation of the Ming army and the rear, this does not prevent them from deducing possible future problems based on the current intelligence.

And in fact it is.

At this time, the prince Zhu Gaochi was also discussing with the officials of the Ministry of War how to send the supplies to the Ming army camp.

Under their discussion, it has been deduced that the next battle between the Ming army and the tribes of the grassland will focus on the supply line, but under the current situation, all the officials can't think of what to do. Do.

After seeing this situation, Prince Zhu Gaochi, who has always been very good-natured, couldn't help feeling a little impatient at this time. He looked at the courtiers who were talking endlessly, and immediately slapped the booklet in his hand, saying: "War is a logistical task." Supplies, we know that the enemy is going to target our supply lines, but we can't come up with an effective and feasible solution!"

Hearing that the prince Zhu Gaochi lost his temper, although the prince was very friendly on weekdays, everyone present did not dare to be slighted.

They are very clear.

Their prince is not only so friendly on the surface.

When it really came to the critical moment, even compared with the old emperor Zhu Di, he was not much better.

When the whole scene gradually quieted down, Yang Shiqi, the current minister of the Ministry of War, suddenly said at this moment: "Prince, if we arrange a few more supply teams to act as bait to attract the attention of the tribes in the grassland, and then send real supply team to go"

Hearing Yang Shiqi's words, Prince Zhu Gaochi immediately interrupted him, saying: "This method of pretending to be fake is usually feasible, but now the tribes in the grassland have concentrated all their forces on cutting off our supply line. It can be fooled so easily."

"What's more, those sent out to serve as bait are all living soldiers, how could they give their lives so easily."

"No, this method won't work, think again!"


Such a situation is already the case, unless the Ming army sends a large army to escort these supplies, how can they not be found on that long supply line.

You know, hundreds of thousands of pairs of eyes are staring at the various tribes in the grassland.

It is still their hometown, and they know everything there best.

"Then, why don't you send someone to send a letter to ask the emperor to send troops to the border of Nuer Gandusi and send supplies to each other?"

The moment he heard this method, Prince Zhu Gaochi couldn't help but stepped forward to slap him twice.

To put it simply, it sounds like that.

But can this work?

Let's not talk about the food consumption after the army is divided out, just say how many troops do you want to divide out?

One hundred thousand? 200,000?

What kind of arms should these troops use.

Could it be possible to transport it with several thousand kilograms of artillery from the Shenji Battalion?

But if you don't bring these with you, if you come out with hundreds of thousands of troops, I'm afraid that the tribes in the grassland will fight a decisive battle immediately.


Still facing hundreds of thousands of troops.

There is no magic camp.

Isn't this a pie in the sky for the people of the various tribes in the grassland?

Is there such a good thing?

When the person who spoke just now felt the contemptuous gazes around him, he immediately stepped back and closed his mouth.

When the prince Zhu Gaochi was anxious about this, Yang Shiqi also said to the prince Zhu Gaochi: "Prince, don't worry, the emperor has already got enough supplies when he detoured in our court before. The grain is enough to support an army of 500,000 for more than a month."

"We can't think of this way now. If we think about it slowly, there is always a solution."

"Besides, the emperor must also know about this problem. Maybe the emperor has a plan?"

Listening to Yang Shiqi's words, Prince Zhu Gaochi also understood that he was getting impatient.

He nodded immediately.

And Yang Shiqi said again: "Prince, you came here before dawn, and you didn't even eat lunch, why don't you go back to rest first? It's not something you can figure out in a while, you Your body is important. There is a war ahead now, if you get tired again, I, Da Ming, will be in danger."

Listening to Yang Shiqi's words, other military officials on the side also greeted him loudly.

Seeing this, the prince Zhu Gaochi couldn't say anything more, so he nodded and said: "You have to discuss for a while, and you must come up with a solution. We can't just rely on the emperor to think about it. It's hard enough for them to fight the war ahead." .”

After everyone nodded and accepted the order, Prince Zhu Gaochi also turned around and left the Ministry of War, returning to his Prince's Mansion.

As he returned to his room, the princess saw him, and hurried over, and hurriedly asked: "How is it going? Is there any news about your son?"

Faced with the princess's inquiry, the prince Zhu Gaochi looked a little tired and didn't want to speak.

Hu Shanxiang, who had been with the princess all the time, obviously saw the prince's state, so he hurriedly said: "Princess, the prince has been busy all day, should you let the small kitchen get some food first?"

Hearing Hu Shanxiang's words, the princess also suddenly remembered, and hurriedly said: "If you don't tell me, I would have forgotten, the food is still hot on the stove in the small kitchen, and I am waiting to come back to eat, hurry up, order someone to bring it. "


Following that, Hu Shanxiang turned and left to prepare meals.

The princess also slowly came to sit down beside the prince Zhu Gaochi.

Seeing his exhausted appearance, she stretched out her hand to press him up.

Although he was very concerned about the prince, the concern in his heart turned into a blame, and he said: "Even if the situation on the front line is urgent, you can't just talk about handling official duties. Judging by your appearance, you probably haven't eaten lunch, right?"

Hearing his wife's words, Prince Zhu Gaochi also sighed helplessly, and said, "I don't have time to eat now."

"In our family, the old and the young are all on the battlefield. I'm at home by myself. Why don't I take care of their home? There's also the matter of supplies. We can eat at any time in the back, but they Well. Once this food is gone, the morale of the army will be in turmoil."

"The elites of the whole country are now in the hands of the old man. Not to mention that our family is in other people's territory. If something happens in front of us, it will not be a trivial matter."

For the words of the prince Zhu Gaochi, the princess can naturally understand, but looking at her man's tired appearance, she still feels a little distressed in her heart.

Speaking of this, the prince Zhu Gaochi couldn't help but said: "You gave birth to that boy, took your younger brother, and ran outside with his grandfather. It's been several months, and you didn't even say a letter to your family. The whole day is either official documents or official documents, hey”

Hearing this, the Crown Princess was also relieved: "Don't worry, the brat is with his grandfather, the old man can still harm him. Also, I heard that kid built a city in Saibei? He lives there There shouldn't be any danger in the city, right?"

Hearing this, Prince Zhu Gaochi was taken aback for a moment, looked up at his wife, and asked, "The court heard about this not long ago, how did you know?"

But the Crown Princess said nonchalantly: "What kind of secret is this? It has already been spread in the mansions of those generals in Beijing."

Seeing this, Prince Zhu Gaochi couldn't help frowning immediately and said: "The people in the Ministry of War, let them think of a way, but these gossips spread quickly all day long! It seems that after this battle is over, we must take care of them." Tidy up."

But the princess said: "He has someone in his family who is fighting outside. He asked some news about what happened. You thought they were all the same as you, so you refused to disclose any news!"

"Oh, it's fine, don't worry, Hu Shanxiang will deliver the meal in a while, eat a little and lie down, come back early after a long time, take a rest and catch up on sleep!"

But how could Prince Zhu Gaochi, who was worrying about delivering supplies, be able to sleep.

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(End of this chapter)

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