Chapter 136 The emperor is dead!
Then he turned around and started his daily exercise.

While exercising, his father kept questioning the memorials he had read yesterday, including the contents of those memorials he had read in front of his father yesterday.

See what he thinks, how he responds.

Every detail, from top to bottom, took the trouble to tell him the truth and key points.

Until the final questioning, when the two of them went to have breakfast, Zhu Zhanji couldn't help asking: "Father, did the hospital ask you to say something recently?"

Zhu Gaochi, the father who was eating, was taken aback for a moment, and said, "It's too hospital? What did they ask me for?"

But as soon as he finished speaking, seeing his son's expression, Zhu Gaochi suddenly understood.

"Why, now you wish your father would die quickly and no one cares about you, right?"

In this regard, Zhu Zhanji naturally could only smile awkwardly, and continued to bury his head in cooking.

Just like yesterday, standing behind his father Zhu Gaochi, like an accompanying maid, watching his father Zhu Gaochi carry out daily government affairs.

Including discussing government affairs with those ministers every day, Zhu Zhanji also stood aside and listened quietly, unable to express any opinions.

And with this kind of life passing by day by day.

Zhu Zhanji seems to have gradually gotten used to this kind of life. When reading those memorials every day, he doesn't need to be urged anymore. He will take the initiative to read the memorials over the years in the study for an hour every day.

And the content of these memorials, also under his careful review, gradually saw the way.

Combined with the time when these memorials appeared at that time and the specific events and backgrounds, I began to understand the information revealed in these memorials little by little, as well as my father Zhu Gaochi, grandfather Zhu Di, and even Emperor Jianwen and Emperor Taizu who were reviewing these memorials Attention.

Especially what happened during the reign of great grandfather Hongwu.

Many secrets, confidential memorials that should not be disclosed to the outside world, are also being carefully examined and thought by Zhu Zhanji, and the truth of many historical doubts in the previous life has gradually surfaced.

Especially the Hongwu Four Cases, which have attracted the most attention of the world in later generations.

In fact, most of the events during the entire Hongwu period revolved around these four major cases.

It can be said that these four major cases can almost be said to be the epitome of the entire Hongwu period.

The case of Hu Weiyong in the 13 years of Hongwu (1380), judging from the memorials of the court traveling to and from various places every year, since the first year of Hongwu, great-grandfather Zhu Yuanzhang, with the success of the uprising, was seated in Nanjing City, which was then Jinling City.

From the past, he did everything by himself, directly controlled the army, and began to be restrained by the emperor in Jinling City.

Since then, although the initial stage has not changed much from the past, after a few years, civil and military personnel in the army began to be granted titles.

Problems keep popping up.

The method of commanding the army and the city under his command has changed from the reckless way of accepting adopted sons and nephews to a serious court style.

Many generals under his command support their own self-respect.

Among the civil servants, Li Shanchang made a decisive decision.

Even if Yang Xian, who was loyal to him, was appointed as Prime Minister Zuo of Zhongshu Province, he was still defeated in the struggle with Li Shanchang and Hu Weiyong.

And that Wang Guangyang, still the same.

In addition, because Li Shanchang followed Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang very early, he had a very good relationship with the generals in that army.

It can be said that the forces above the entire imperial court are basically composed of Huaixi nobles.

Civil and military collusion, no restraint.

And the grandfather Zhu Yuanzhang sitting in the imperial palace of Jinling City is like a mascot that has been shelved.

He didn't know what the generals and civil servants under his command were doing, how they oppressed the people, how they made money, and how they practiced cronyism and formed gangs.

He still doesn't know.

If it wasn't for the fact that he had cultivated a group of righteous sons and nephews in the army, plus his own nephews, and their old Zhu family, plus he had a very deep affection for those coaches in the army, especially Xu Da.

Otherwise, there is hardly any direct control power.

Under such circumstances, it is natural not to sit back and watch one's own power be emptied.

Among the civil servants, he began to cultivate the Eastern Zhejiang Party.

In the army, he put several people from his old Zhu's family in key positions.

Even through some means, Li Shanchang, who had become the leader of Huaixi nobles, was forced to resign automatically and return home.

But after Li Shanchang left, he suffered from the lack of suitable people to lead the entire Zhongshu Province. After all, in these years, the power of the entire Huaixi Party in the court has become stronger and stronger.

It seems that this kind of personnel transfer can no longer change the current situation, so Emperor Taizu began to think about how to change the current situation.

Finally, through continuous reference to historical materials, the answer was found in the history books and development process of the past dynasties.The root cause of all this is found to have nothing to do with the official position of any person.

The root of all this is caused by class solidification and decentralization.

The current court structure and system will inevitably lead to such a situation.

Even if you change any emperor and appoint any courtiers, the outcome will be the same.

Therefore, in the following years, they began to plan for this root cause.

Although there is no explanation in these memorials, Zhu Zhanji keenly found the answer from these memorials and the seven-year personnel adjustment list after Hu Weiyong took office as Prime Minister Zuo of Zhongshu Province.

For seven full years, the entire Ming Dynasty began a series of adjustments in important official positions from the frontier to the court, from the army to logistics supplies.

It is an official position that has almost all the real power, or in other words, any power, any army, must be restricted by the people in its hands.

For example, the commander-in-chief of an army may not be his own, but the supply and logistics of this army must be controlled by him.

Military forces around the capital, Jingzhao Mansion, etc.
After waiting for seven years and planning for seven years.

Finally began to attack Zhongshu Sheng, the chief culprit who, in the eyes of Emperor Taizu, divided power and led to class solidification and reduction of monarchy power.

Moreover, during Hu Weiyong's seven years in power, he was domineering, and he seemed to regard the entire court as his own.

In this process, the imperial power has almost become a state of neglect.

Emperor Taizu almost reached the point where he couldn't bear it.

Finally, after planning everything, it started.

As for whether the names of those convicted of crimes are real or fictitious, it is actually not very meaningful.

Because of the abolition of the Ministry of Education, there must be a bomb detonated, so that it can be bright and normal, and it can be justified.

Under the background of the abolition of Zhongshu Province and the concentration of imperial power, whether a courtier has the heart of rebellion is meaningless.

This is like the end of the Yuan Dynasty, when the world was in chaos and the Yuan court was overthrown, it didn't make any sense at all whether the Yuan court had famous ministers and generals like Tuotuo Timur and Wang Baobao.

If you change to another era, it is the era of Genghis Khan, these two people will definitely build a great career.


This is the general trend.

And what is the general trend of the feudal dynasty?

In fact, there are only two words, people's hearts!
It's as if the world has suffered from a harsh government for a long time, this is the people's hearts in the world, and it is the manifestation of the general trend.

Under the general trend, the Ming Dynasty took advantage of the trend.

It can be abolished in Zhongshu Province, what is the general trend, the world has been suffering for a long time in Huaixi.

Scholars in the world have no way to advance.

Everywhere was oppressed by Huaixi nobles.

Coupled with the eternal trend of centralization of power in the feudal dynasty.


The behemoth headed by Hu Weiyong in the Ming court fell instantly.

If it weren't for all these things, how could an emperor who lived deep in the palace, without three heads and six arms, and without the ability to clone himself, control the world?
What is the force behind all this?
It is the power of the world that is borrowed.

Just imagine, any gentry outside the power of Huaixi nobles, who would not work harder when seeing this situation?
It is said that cutting off one's wealth is like killing one's parents.

But the nobles of Huaixi above the imperial court are almost equivalent to sealing off the way of scholars in the world.

And as Zhu Zhanji continued to consult and think about these memorials over the years, he learned a lot from them, and he seemed to be crossing the ages, experiencing his great-grandfather who had never been masked.

So, gradually, Zhu Zhanji not only didn't have the slightest resistance to checking the memorial every day, but also fell in love with the process.

Not only these, but the habit of reading was cultivated along with him.

Many classic books of this era have begun to actively try to read them.

This process is the hardest at the beginning.

But gradually when he experienced the happiness of not being known to outsiders in the process, this task itself was no longer an irresistible task.

And after this experience, his once impetuous heart for the world gradually sank.

Start reading slowly and try to understand everything.

Understand the meaning of a court, understand the meaning of a country, and understand the meaning of life and life of the people in each era throughout the evolution of China.

Whether it's the scriptures of those saints, the laws of the court, or the military regulations of the army.

In fact, if you look carefully, you will find that any industry, any existence, any life in this world, and anything they do after living, cannot escape the two words, survival!

Monkeys descend from trees to survive, small groups form to survive, tribes form to survive.

Great tribes, ethnic groups, city-states, nations.
All for survival.

Sage scriptures, laws, military rules, family rules, morality, etiquette.
It's all about survival.

The sage's scriptures teach the world to tell everyone how to survive in this group.

The law is to allow individuals in this group to survive.

Military regulations are constraints, and they are also necessary for the survival of the military system.

Family rules are telling the people in the family how to survive.

Even the establishment of the imperial court is for the survival of the country.

And the process of the centralization of power by the grandfather Zhu Yuanzhang and all the emperors of the past dynasties is also constantly changing for the survival of the country as an institution.

In other words, call ***.

It's like a sentence that I couldn't understand in the previous life, that is, a sentence said by the teacher. Only by practicing can you walk on the right path.

Look through history and see the warning history has given to the world.

Think again about the entire historical process of the demise of the Ming Dynasty.

In the final analysis where is the root?

Some people say that the Ming Dynasty died in Wanli.

Some people say that the Ming Dynasty fell to the Donglin Party.

In his previous life, he once firmly believed that Ming's death in the Donglin Party was a certainty.

But if you think about it carefully, think about what happened to your grandfather Zhu Yuanzhang, how similar it is.

But can you explain that the problems caused by the nobles in Huaixi in the early days to the Ming Dynasty were because of Li Shanchang?Is it because of Hu Weiyong?Is it because of the Huaixi Xungui group?

Actually not.

For any one of them, the choice is the same.

The dragon slayer will eventually become a dragon.

But why?
Looking through history, which dynasty is different.

But where does the real problem lie?
It is a matter of the system, the system, and the rules, not the individual, and not the existence of a certain force within the entire Ming Dynasty.

Replace the Donglin Party with Yu Qian, and Ming will not perish?
It may be able to continue, but the result cannot be changed.

This is caused by the solidification of classes and the division of power in the era of feudal dynasties.

Therefore, Zhu Zhanji's great-grandfather Zhu Yuanzhang saw this, and the method he adopted was to abolish the Zhongshu Province!

The imperial power was further concentrated.

After looking at the entire history of China, it can be clearly seen that this is the process of centralizing power in a country.

However, in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, things went against the grain, and the things done by the ancestors reappeared in another form.

The result is obvious.

What is the difference between the Donglin Party and the Huaixi nobles?

In essence, the power class is solidified.

The only way to solve these problems is to base ourselves on the masses, base on the people of the world, and continue to carry out massacres.

Because you don't fuck, someone will kill you.

Almost a whole year.

Under the constant oppression of his father Zhu Gaochi, Zhu Zhanji was able to completely calm down, get rid of impetuousness, and began to immerse himself in his studies.

And at the same time.

For more than a year, the Ming army in the northern part of the Great Wall was also invincible, regaining countless lands.

Countless battle reports and good news began to spread back to the court.

With the arrival of court officials, the fifth Zhu Zhanqin continued to be built.

The entire land under Saibei's control has also begun to develop continuously.

Saibei, the camp of the Ming army.

Inside the dark main tent of the Chinese army.

General Chen Mao knelt down in front of Emperor Zhu Di with an extremely solemn expression, beside him was the British Duke Zhang Fu.

In the past year, it can be said that the entire Ming army has hardly encountered any major obstacles.

Under the command of their army, the whole of Northern Saibei was incorporated into the territory of the Ming Dynasty.

These generals did not encounter any difficulties at all.

But now, in the emperor Zhu Di's narration, both of them felt the murderous intent in the emperor's words.

It seems that as long as they have a word of disobedience, or reveal the slightest disagreement, they will not be able to get out of this tent today.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, Chen Mao will act according to your Majesty's words."

The British official Zhang Fu on the side also made his own promise.

After hearing the two expressed their opinions, Zhu Di nodded and waved his hand to signal that he could go down.

After the two left, the entire tent became extremely silent.

It wasn't until Zhu Di on the dragon chair came back to his senses and got up slowly that he let out a long sigh.

In recent days, he has personally summoned many generals in the army.

While expanding the territory on the front line and making noises to attract everyone's attention, he was in the rear, and he was not idle in the camp of the Chinese army.

Zhu Di walked out of the camp tent slowly, stood in the empty place in the camp, looked at the moon above his head, and said slowly: "Stinky boy, don't let your grandfather down."

half a month later.

In Shang's study.

Prince Zhu Gaochi suddenly handed a memorial to Zhu Zhanji behind him, and said, "Look."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanji didn't think much about it, and took it over to read.

After reading the content, Zhu Zhanji said in surprise: "The old man is finally willing to come back."

Father Zhu Gaochi nodded and said: "Well, you should prepare for these two days, go there in advance, and meet you on the way."

Zhu Zhanji naturally didn't think much about what his father said, and said, "OK."

Three days later.

Zhu Zhanji set off from the capital of Shuntian Prefecture with a guard of 200 people, heading towards the army led by the old man Zhu Di.

Not surprisingly, they will meet in a city in the Ming Dynasty two days later.

Two nights later.

Just when Zhu Zhanji checked into a post station along the way according to the itinerary he had planned in advance, he had just walked into the house and hadn't had time to sit down.

A messenger from the capital hurried into Zhu Zhanji's room.

When he came in front of Zhu Zhanji, he immediately knelt on the ground and said solemnly: "His Royal Highness, the imperial court sent an urgent report six hundred miles away, and the battle report from the front line of the army said."

Hearing this person's words and his hesitant look, Zhu Zhanji's face also became serious. He knew that something serious must have happened.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the imperial court to send a letter six hundred miles away not long after he left.

"What happened, tell me!"

Hearing Zhu Zhanji's scolding, the messenger didn't dare to talk nonsense, and while handing over the letter in his hand, he also bowed to the ground and said: "The emperor led the army on the way back. The wind and cold are dead!"

Zhu Zhanji, who hadn't had time to open the letter, widened his eyes instantly when he heard this person's words, and froze in place.

Then he opened the letter in his hand in disbelief.

Zhu Zhanji finally believed this man's words when he saw the content stamped with the imperial jade seal.

The whole person froze in place, feeling dizzy for a moment.

Seeing Zhu Zhanji's appearance, the messenger hurriedly looked at His Highness Taisun in front of him, and said worriedly: "Your Highness Taisun, you must take care of yourself!"

"In addition, the prince said that you should return to Beijing immediately, and you must not stay for a while!"

Hearing the words of the messenger, Zhu Zhanji gradually recovered from the news of the old man's death.

He really didn't expect that when he left the army, he would have met the old man for the last time in his life.

But he couldn't figure out why.

In history, it is clearly recorded that the old man died of trauma.

Even if the historical records are untrue, nothing I have done has changed the occurrence of the old man's death, but it should be half a year later!

How could it be at this time!
No matter how he thought about it, he couldn't figure out why.

But the matter has come to this point, now that the reality is in front of him, what else can he say?
What can he do? !

thought here.

Zhu Zhanji gritted his teeth and said to the messenger in front of him: "Go and prepare the carriage, let's go back."


Zhu Zhanji is very clear.

Now that the old man passed away, the entire Ming Dynasty would be shaken up and down, and people would be panicked.

When the Ming Dynasty is going to be specific in the future, he, the grandson, will naturally sit in the capital with his father Zhu Gaochi, the prince.

all the way.

Zhu Zhanji was a little dazed.

He knew that he should calm down at this time, but in the face of this sudden change, he really couldn't calm down.

That's his grandfather!

The grandfather who accommodated, tolerated, pampered and spoiled him everywhere.

But now, before they are about to meet, the two of them are separated by yin and yang.

Didn't even see each other for the last time.

After a whole night and a day on the road, they were exhausted and had no choice but to stop at a post along the way.

Zhu Zhanji lay on the bed in the station, looking at the ceiling above his head.

Even though a day and a night have passed since this incident, the whole person is still immersed in pain.

Until the next day and another day on the road.

The group of them finally came to the capital of Shuntian Prefecture.

After arriving at the city gate, Zhu Zhanji was surprised to find that the city defense of the entire capital seemed to have increased a lot. Judging from the deployment of troops on the gate tower, it was two or three times more than normal.

Even after Zhu Zhanji handed over his grandson's identity token to the defender, he didn't let him pass immediately.

It wasn't until a while later that Guo Ji, who was qualified to be the Governor of Shuntian, came outside the city gate in person, and the group of them entered the city smoothly.

Although it is late at night, according to the usual rules, as long as he sees his grandson's token, no one dares to stop him.

After entering the city.

Zhu Zhanji's face was also a little ugly, and he asked Guo Ji beside him: "Can't even my token be released directly now?"

Hearing Zhu Zhanji's question, Guo Ji looked around, hurriedly came to Zhu Zhanji's side, and explained in a low voice: "Your Highness's token is naturally free to pass. No matter it is anyone's token or password, no one is allowed to enter or leave the capital."

Zhu Zhanji narrowed his eyes: "Why?"

Hearing this, Guo Ji's face was full of embarrassment, and he seemed to have something to say, but he still said: "Your Highness, there are some things that are hard to say for a humble minister. Please go and see for yourself, Your Highness."

Seeing Guo Ji's expression, Zhu Zhanji didn't ask any more questions, and followed Guo Ji directly back to the Prince's Mansion.

At this time, the Prince's Mansion was also heavily guarded.

The usual maids and eunuchs also disappeared, replaced by a soldier in armor.

At the same time, in the lobby of the prince's mansion, the cabinet of the imperial court and the six ministers are all here, not a few of them.

Zhu Zhanji was not too surprised by this, but until Zhu Zhanji walked in, he saw the coffin in a room behind the lobby, and he was sitting on the ground with blank eyes, with Hu Shanxiang and the old man beside him. When the old lady accompanied by Zhu Zhanyong.

Zhu Zhanji stayed where he was, and didn't come back to his senses for a long time.

A guess that he couldn't accept at all came to mind.


Following Zhu Zhanji's voice, the crown princess who was sitting slumped next to the coffin with an expressionless face slowly raised her head.

The moment he saw Zhu Zhanji, tears welled up in his eyes.


Looking at his mother's appearance, Zhu Zhanji resisted the emotions in his heart, and slowly came to his mother's side, hugged her tightly, and said nothing, "Mother, you go back and lie down for a while, Let Shanxiang accompany you, and leave it to my son to deal with it."

Hearing her son's words, the originally dull-eyed Crown Princess seemed to have found her backbone.

Nodding slightly, with the support of Hu Shanxiang, they walked towards the backyard together.

After watching his old mother and Hu Shanxiang leave, Zhu Zhanji asked Zhu Zhanyong, the third child beside him: "What's going on."

Listening to his elder brother's questioning, the youngest Zhu Zhanyong said with a heavy face on his face: "I don't know what happened, but two days ago, there was a sudden news from the mansion that it was my father's death. Just run over quickly. When I come back, Dad is already dead."

Although Zhu Zhanji was also very sad in his heart, there was nothing he could do. He was the boss of the family, and he knew very well that the whole family and even the entire court were listening to his grandson.

"What about the imperial doctor? Haven't the people from the imperial hospital visited? Didn't they say why Dad died?"

The youngest Zhu Zhanyong replied: "I asked, but the Tai Hospital said it was a heart block. As for the specific reason, he is no longer there, so I can't ask at all."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanji also thought in his heart.

Cardiac block
Is this because of cardiovascular disease?

If this is the case, it will be exactly the same as in history, and it will also be a sudden death in a short period of time.

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhanji also sighed melancholy.

Some things, even if he is a time traveler, he seems powerless to change anything.

When Zhu Zhanji was in a low mood, Yang Shiqi, the Minister of War who was standing outside, also walked in slowly, and when he came to Zhu Zhanji's side, he bowed and saluted immediately: "His Royal Highness, please mourn. "

Zhu Zhanji was hit hard by the successive deaths of his grandfather and father.

But even if his heart feels like a needle prick now, he still has to carry it all.

If he also hides and hides aside to grieve, then who should face all this?
My own wife?

Hu Shanxiang?
Or the third and fifth?

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhanji raised his hand and said, "Okay, let's go out and talk."

When he saw that His Highness Taisun was still calm, Yang Shiqi was also relieved.

Now is the critical moment, and the future of the entire Ming Dynasty rests on the shoulders of His Highness Taisun. If His Highness misses important events because of some emotional ups and downs at this time, it will be bad.

Although they can understand His Royal Highness's current situation very well.

But there is no way, this is what you have to face as a descendant of the royal family.

As Zhu Zhanji walked into the lobby, everyone who was anxiously walking around in the lobby also rushed over and saluted Zhu Zhanji.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Zhanji also raised his hand casually, and said: "Okay, don't do this anymore, let me ask you, where is the emperor's army now? How long will it take to come back?"

Hearing this, Yang Shiqi, who is the minister of the Ministry of War, hurriedly said: "If you go back to His Royal Highness, according to the time set by the imperial court for the army, the emperor's army should arrive in the capital in three days. However."

Zhu Zhanji frowned: "But what? There are no outsiders here, just say it."

Seeing this, Yang Shiqi looked around at the people present, and said bluntly: "These words should not be said by an outsider, but the grandson is the grandson who was canonized by the emperor himself. He is the heir of the Ming Dynasty. Now the emperor After a series of misfortunes with the crown prince, the Ming Dynasty should be succeeded by the grandson. Although the bones of the emperor and the crown prince are not cold, these words should not have been said at this time, but this is a state matter, and this humble minister dares to speak out."

"Now the emperor's army has a total strength of 500,000 troops, which are all the elites of our Ming Dynasty. Now that the army is accompanied by the emperor's death, it is the king of Han and the king of Zhao who preside over the important affairs. Before the crown prince was alive, the king of Han and the king of Zhao had a dispute. Chu Zhixin, now that the emperor and the crown prince have both passed away, the king of Han and the king of Zhao have another 500,000 troops in their hands."

"Will they return to the capital willingly? Will they return to the capital according to the arrangement of the imperial military department? Even if they come back, is it for the funeral ceremony of the emperor and the prince, or is it like the battle of Jingnan?"

Speaking of this, Yang Shiqi was disrespectful.

The moment he finished speaking, he bowed and stood in front of Zhu Zhanji.

And after hearing Yang Shiqi finished speaking, everyone on the side also echoed with sad faces.

Obviously, according to the current situation, King Zhao of Han controls all the elites of the Ming Dynasty. Once there is a disagreement, the entire world of the Ming Dynasty will be overthrown in an instant.

The original battle of Jingnan will also appear again.

As princelings, or grandsons, there is no difference between them now.

Even Xia Yuanji, the Minister of the Household Department who was only loyal to the emperor, knew very well that the emperor had said more than once that he wanted to make his grandson emperor.

So, naturally, he also turned to the grandson Zhu Zhanji.

Coupled with what the grandson did in the past two years, they all believed that the grandson must be a wiser monarch than King Han and King Zhao after succeeding to the throne.

Therefore, they all fell in love with the grandson Zhu Zhanji.

But now, naturally, he is also considering Zhu Zhanji from the perspective of the grandson.

Facing everyone's words and Yang Shiqi's persuasion, Zhu Zhanji didn't blame anything.

He knew very well that these people were right.

According to history, in such a situation, my second uncle and third uncle would definitely rebel without the slightest hesitation.

Even now, when the relationship between him and his second and third uncles has eased, even under good circumstances, he can't guarantee whether his second and third uncles will take these things into consideration in this situation.

In their hands, there are elites from all over the country.

Once they make a move, the entire Ming Dynasty will not have any strength to fight against them.

Even if he and his second uncle had said that they could save each other's life, who knew if the second uncle would still admit it, and even if he did, would he change his mind over a long period of time.

And Zhu Zhanji himself.

Can he really accept such a life of imprisonment?
Are you willing to watch the great Ming Dynasty fall into the control of the second uncle after such a good start?

Zhu Zhanji didn't know, he didn't think about it himself.

But what he knew better was that he had to do something before all this happened.

Immediately, Zhu Zhanji signaled that Yang Shiqi was not too pretentious after he got up, and said bluntly: "According to your wishes, what should we do next."

Hearing Zhu Zhanji's words, everyone present was sure.

They understood that although the grandson in front of them didn't say anything substantive, they all knew that what the grandson said had already confirmed the possibility they said and approved the current situation.

Seeing that His Royal Highness Taisun can make a decision in such a short period of time, everyone also recognized the future king abnormally.

As the lord, if you don't be the backbone of everyone at such a time, you will cry or be overly sad, and you need others to persuade you
But from this point of view, it is not what a qualified king should do.

And after getting the approval of His Royal Highness, the people present were much more relaxed when they spoke again.

It was still Yang Shiqi, who even under the gaze of everyone, said, "According to the current situation, if King Han and King Zhao are really determined to rebel, and even approach the city with troops, there is no way to stop them with the current force in the city. It is so strong that it is not a problem to hold on for a few months, but the food in the city is limited, so it cannot hold on for a long time."

"So, what I mean is that when the army passes through Shanhaiguan, in the name of the prince supervising the country, he strictly ordered the king of Han and the king of Zhao to station the army outside the pass. Only the king of Han and the king of Zhao can enter the pass with less than a hundred guards. Now the prince is in trouble. The news has not been spread yet, and the entire capital is only allowed to enter but not to leave, so the news should not have spread yet."

"In this case, with the name of the crown prince, the city defense and generals all over the country will listen to the imperial court."

"Although the garrison in Shanhaiguan is not too many, it is not impossible to resist the attack of 500,000 troops by relying on the geographical advantages of the pass. At the same time, we dispatched Japanese soldiers from Shandong to Shanhaiguan for reinforcements. Although the 500,000 troops outside the pass There are many, but after this year's expedition, the supplies and food are all relying on the supply in the pass."

"As long as you can hold out for half a month, I dare to predict that the army outside the pass will be in chaos due to the shortage of food and grass. At that time, His Royal Highness will persuade you with reason and secretly contact the British Duke, Chen Mao and other emperors in the army. I believe they will make a choice for the overall situation."

"At that time, we can slowly figure it out. In a word, we must keep the army outside the customs. Once they enter the customs, under the blades and iron hoofs of the 500,000 army, the court will have no possibility of resisting!"

Listening to Yang Shiqi's words and the expressions of the officials around him, Zhu Zhanji knew that they must have thought of this method before he came back.

Since they have all discussed it and think it is the best way now, Zhu Zhanji will naturally not have any opinions.

But he still said: "The method will be done according to what you said. However, the emperor's army should have almost reached Shanhaiguan by now, right? It may be too late to send a letter at this time, and there are still [-] Japanese soldiers in Shandong. , I guess it won’t be able to catch up now, right?”

Facing Zhu Zhanji's questioning, everyone present looked a little unnatural.

It wasn't until Yang Shiqi saw that the matter could not be concealed that he said: "The crown prince passed away suddenly. For the sake of the overall situation of the court and the Ming Dynasty, we had no choice but to keep the funeral secret and made these arrangements in advance. At this time, the court heard the news The order should have arrived at Shanhaiguan."

"Without the orders of the prince and grandson, no horse can enter the entire Great Wall defense line."

"This incident happened suddenly, and I hope His Highness will forgive me."

Seeing all the officials kneeling in front of him, although he was a little displeased that these officials dared to issue such an order instead of him and his father, Zhu Zhanji also understood that they had no choice but to do so.

If you don't do this, even if I come back by myself, it will be too late.

However, in order to prevent them from becoming addicted to this, Zhu Zhanji said with a calm face: "This time it happened suddenly, I will forgive you this time for the time being, but after a while, I will ask my family to prepare coffins. If there is another time , don’t come to see me, your family can send a funeral directly.”

"In addition, capital crimes can be avoided, but living crimes cannot be escaped. After this incident, each of them will go to receive fifty big boards!"

Hearing this, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief again.

They all shouted: "Thank you, Your Highness Taisun!"

Just when a group of them discussed the next major event in this lobby, Zhu Zhanji was about to write a letter to his second and third uncles in person.

A messenger suddenly came in front of Zhu Zhanji under the leadership of a forbidden soldier beside him.

The moment the messenger saw Zhu Zhanji, he directly took out a booklet from his arms, presented it to Zhu Zhanji, and said with a solemn expression: "His Royal Highness, this is the order of the emperor before his death." Send me the will!"

"In addition, there is a letter written by the emperor himself."

After hearing what the soldier said, Zhu Zhanji's expression also changed. Zhu Zhanji, who thought he would never have any contact with his grandfather in his life, did not expect that the old man would write such a letter and will before he died. .

After receiving these two documents, Zhu Zhanji immediately opened them and looked them up.

The content of the first posthumous edict is very simple. Apart from those cumbersome words, there is only one content expressed, that is, to appoint Zhu Zhanji, the grandson of the Ming Dynasty, as the successor.

The prince is the overlord.

Seeing this, Zhu Zhanji's heart became more and more heavy.

When the old man wrote this will, he probably didn't expect that his son was no longer alive.

And when he opened another letter, it contained all the words and entrustments that the old man said to Zhu Zhanji.

To govern the Ming Dynasty well, you can no longer take action against your own family.

At the same time, Zhu Zhanji was informed of some information about the army outside the pass.

The British Duke Zhang Fu and General Chen Mao, the Shenji Battalion led by them, and almost half of the troops of the Fifth Army Battalion can obey Zhu Zhanji's dispatch at any time.

 Ask for a monthly pass.

(End of this chapter)

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