Looking at the unbelievable expressions on the faces of Yu Qian and the fifth Zhu Zhanyi, Zhu Zhanji didn't say anything more, but said: "Okay, you don't have to worry about it so much, and arrange it for these soldiers quickly." The lodging, food, and food supplies brought along were all thrown away on the road. By the way, at dawn tomorrow, I will send some people from the city to pick up the things from the place where the supplies were thrown away. I think they were thrown away at that time. Things should be picked up by no one.”

Hearing Zhu Zhanji's words, Yu Qian hurriedly took orders.

But before leaving, I still couldn't help the shock in my heart. I wanted to confirm again whether it was true, but I still held it back abruptly, and just changed my way and asked: "Your Highness, the two men who annihilated the Wala tribe?" Do you want to inform the imperial court about the matter of the Wan cavalry? Now that His Highness is coming to Mobei in person, the capital still needs to be safe for the ministers and the hearts of the people of the world."

Listening to Yu Qian's question, Zhu Zhanji did not refuse.

After all, what he said made sense.

Before leaving, the ministers in the DPRK and China were very worried about whether his business would be successful.

Although he forcibly suppressed everyone's opinions, people's hearts are not something that can be suppressed.

If you want them to be safe, you have to tell them the truth.

In this way, the courtiers in various places, including the court, can feel at ease, and the pressure on the third child can also be relieved.

Thinking of this, Zhu Zhanji said directly: "It's good to tell them. You can go to the army to collect the battle reports yourself, and then compile them into a book and send them back to the court."

Hearing Zhu Zhanji's words, Yu Qian was taken aback.


His Royal Highness Taisun really defeated the [-] cavalry of the Nawala tribe by relying on these [-] cavalry.

If this is not true, but just to reassure their Mobei, they will definitely not pass this matter back to the imperial capital.

Thinking of this, Yu Qian didn't dare to delay, so he hurriedly replied: "My minister takes orders!"

After Yu Qian left, Zhu Zhanqian, the fifth brother who was by his side, still hadn't recovered from the shock of hearing the news just now.

He is different from Yu Qian.

He has always trusted his elder brother very much.

As long as his elder brother said something, he would never have the slightest doubt.

But it was precisely because he believed it that he was even more shocked by it.

Cavalry against cavalry.

It was Taizu, and his grandfather Zhu Di, who became famous for defeating the cavalry of the Mongolian tribe one-on-one with cavalry.

Not to mention the contemporary era, even in the long river of history, there are only a handful of people who can do this.

Most of the time, it was defeated by relying on the national strength of the Central Plains.

But what about my elder brother?

But relying on just 5000 people, they defeated the [-] cavalry of the Nawala tribe along the way!

Not only that, but also killed more than 7000 people on the spot, including Choros Tuhuan, the leader of the opposing tribe, leaving less than [-] people scattered and fled.

But look at those soldiers who just entered the city.

I dare not say that they were all unscathed, but at least they didn't see too many wounded.

Although it is not known how many people have returned, judging from the fact that there are not many wounded, this battle is at least a big victory.

It can't be said that all those wounded were discarded, right?
For a moment, Zhu Zhanqian felt even more respect for the elder brother in front of him who had done many amazing things.

It feels like there are countless secrets in this big brother.

Every seemingly random move in his hands can often produce effects that no one else can achieve in a lifetime.

While the old fifth Zhu Zhanqian was still in shock, Zhu Zhanji, who had already walked a few steps aside, frowned and turned his head to look over, and said, "What are you doing in a daze? Let's go?"

Hearing Zhu Zhanji's words, the fifth brother Zhu Zhanqian came back to his senses and hurried to catch up.

Yu Qian didn't dare to ask some questions, but Zhu Zhanji, the fifth brother, didn't have so many taboos, and kept asking Zhu Zhanji the whole process of the war along the way.

Inside the General's Mansion in Dingbei City.

This is the place where the old man used to live. The entire General's Mansion is very large. The main house has been kept because the emperor lived in it. The fifth brother Zhu Zhanqian and Yu Qian both lived in the side room.

Now that Zhu Zhanji came, he lived in directly.

In the room of the main house.

Zhu Zhanji, who had been fighting for a day, did not go to rest first, but directly ordered the fifth Zhu Zhanqian to give a detailed account of the current situation in Mobei, and asked him to count all the people and soldiers in Mobei now over again.

According to their words, the number of soldiers in various cities in Mobei has reached [-].

The reason why it exceeded the previous [-] was because of the addition of the more than [-] artisan soldiers in the hands of the fifth Zhu Zhanqian.

After Zhu Zhanji brought them here, he never gave them any titles, so these people still maintain the same organizational system as when they were in the old man's army.

However, these people's actual combat effectiveness on the battlefield is not sufficient, so Zhu Zhanji didn't count them at all.

Even now, he is reluctant to fight with such an army on the battlefield.

After thinking about it, Zhu Zhanji also knew that it was not the same thing to let them follow the army without any name to fight everywhere. They were also forgotten when they were canonized.

Now that I heard Lao Wu mentioning it again, Zhu Zhanji immediately said: "From now on, Lao Wu, you will lead more than [-] craftsmen and soldiers under your command to be included in the military camp construction department. .”

"The rest of the department's internal system will be finalized by you, the fifth, and will be submitted to the imperial court for approval after finalization."

"Directly follow the orders of the Governor's Mansion of the Five Armies, and build camps with the army during wartime, and recuperate around the capital when there is no war."

"I can specially approve the number of people under your command to be [-], and you can find a way to collect the remaining [-], and the salary will be borne by the imperial court in the future."

After hearing Zhu Zhanji's words, joy appeared on the face of the fifth brother Zhu Zhanqian.

After the end of the war, those under his command often mentioned this matter.

Although the salaries given to them were quite a lot, the places they came to now were all places where wars took place.

Although they hold far more money than ordinary craftsmen, the things they do are not what ordinary craftsmen would do. Now that they have won, the imperial court always wants to give some rewards and titles.

But after waiting and waiting, I didn't get any news.

Although he, Zhu Zhanqian, has been saying that they are the direct descendants of the grandson, and his elder brother will consider them.

They will definitely not be treated badly.

But he couldn't wait for any news, and he was anxious, not for himself, after all, as long as he was willing, his elder brother would give him whatever he could.

He is for the craftsmen and soldiers in the army.

Although I wanted to mention it to my elder brother several times, I didn't say it.

Now, after hearing his elder brother take the initiative to say these words, Zhu Zhanqian couldn't be unhappy in his heart.

This shows that my elder brother has not forgotten the achievements they have made.

At the same time, this reward is definitely not thin.

Department of Construction. .

Not to mention the issues of closeness and power, this is at the same level as the Beizhen Fusi of Jinyiwei in the capital.

As a commander, he is still a third grade.

The establishments below will definitely not be small.

From an ordinary craftsman to an official position with access to the third and fourth ranks of the court, this reward
The key point is that my elder brother also said that he needs to finalize the issue of the establishment by himself.

This gives him too much room for free operation.

Although the final approval of the imperial court is still required, it is inevitable. The establishment of any yamen or department must be approved by the imperial court.

If you don't go through the imperial court, even the imperial court doesn't know your existence, what will it be like.

Only after passing the imperial court, they are essentially a regular army that conforms to the rules.

Of course, from this, his fifth brother Zhu Zhanqian can also see that his elder brother trusts him.

But his fifth child would not say it, he would only keep all these in his heart.

After all, they are brothers, some words are too straightforward, but they seem unfamiliar.

As long as one is willing to do it and one is well remembered, it is enough.

And after that, for an hour, Zhu Zhanji was discussing with the old fifth about the transfer of troops from Mobei to Nuer Gandusi.

Although Zhu Zhanqian, the fifth elder, does not have jurisdiction over these matters, it is still possible to negotiate.

After all, his fifth child is much more familiar with this place than Zhu Zhanji.

After the final negotiation was completed, it was decided to mobilize 40,000 people from Mobei, together with the 5000 people cavalry under his command, go to Nuergandusi, send people to various cities overnight to transfer troops, and set off early tomorrow morning.

As for the final result, it is natural to inform Yu Qian.

But this is just a matter of etiquette, after all, Yu Qian is the direct person in charge of Mobei now.

But Zhu Zhanji is the grandson after all, and now the only monarch in the court, he still has this power.

After agreeing on these, Zhu Zhanji was finally able to take a rest.

A night's rest.

Although it was a day of battle, it was more just riding and shooting.

There wasn't much damage to himself, and the most was just a little too nervous because of the war.

But after a night of recuperation, most of the soldiers recovered.

At the same time, most of the troops mobilized from various cities in Mobei were ready.

According to calculations, all of them can arrive at noon and go straight to the road.

In this Dingbei City, after a good sleep and a good meal, both Zhu Zhanji and the soldiers under his command also recovered a lot.

The wind, food, and camp these days have made them miserable enough.

At noon, after lunch, and after all the soldiers arrived as planned, they embarked on the journey again.

Although the Nuer Gandusi has always been guarded by troops, there will definitely be no problems for a while, but such a mess must be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise the situation that my grandfather finally created will be a mess again.

Every day you get faster, you can reduce your losses by one day.

This time, although Zhu Zhanji didn't bring the construction department with him, he still brought the fifth child with him.

There is not much use for Lao Wu in this Mobei except to supervise the progress of the craftsmen under him. These things can be handed over to one or two trustworthy people under his command, so as to train them.

It can't be said that the fifth child must be there to do anything in the future.

These things of building a city are no longer once or twice, and the people under him also have their own experience.

In addition, now that Mobei is free of the threat of the Nawara tribe, the next thing to do is to recuperate and develop.

There is no need for the fifth child to stay here.

The reason why they were kept here at the beginning was also to learn from Yu Qian more experience in dealing with the enemy.

But now obviously there is no such opportunity.

That being the case, you might as well bring it with you.

For my younger brother, the fifth Zhu Zhanqian, no matter from what I have seen or from history, this person is a very trustworthy person.

And can be extraordinary.

Being able to pass the throne five times without sitting on the throne is not something ordinary people can have.

Therefore, for his expectations, Zhu Zhanji is not limited to a mere commander of the construction department.

In the future, his upper limit will be higher than that of Yu Qian in Zhu Zhanji's opinion.

In history, it was only because his elder brother was Zhu Zhanji that his talents in many aspects could not be brought into play.

Too many taboos.

But today's Zhu Zhanji is not the Zhu Zhanji in history. Such a big man is his own brother. If he doesn't use it, then he will be blind for nothing.

Moreover, in Zhu Zhanji's ambition, what he wants to do is not just a qualified feudal monarch.

Under such circumstances, the key is to be inclusive of all rivers, make the best use of everything and make the best use of people.

You can't just do nothing just because you're afraid of trouble.

On the contrary, compared to this, what Zhu Zhanji is more willing to do is to firmly follow this path even if something goes wrong.

Therefore, this fifth child, he definitely has to spend a lot of money to 'appraise' it.

Moreover, in the entire Ming Dynasty today, most of the officials and ministers of the court are the descendants of his father's disciples. Although it still needs to be adjusted slowly, it is not urgently needed now.

As for the newly established internal treasury, which is a money-making business, he doesn't have to worry about Zhu Zhanyong, the third son of his family.

Although the third child is far inferior to the fifth child in terms of talent and ability, as far as the current Ming Dynasty is concerned, the most suitable candidate for him is the third child.

And besides these, what else?
Naturally, it is in the army.

If you want to control the world, power, money, and soldiers are things that cannot be taken lightly at any time.

Money and power are there.

Only that soldier is what Zhu Zhanji lacks most now.

It can be seen from the rebellion of his second and third uncles this time.

If he, Zhu Zhanji, had the same power in the army as the court and the inner treasury, would such a thing happen?

Certainly not possible.

Even if it happened, it wouldn't be in such a critical situation now.

Although Zhu Zhanji had gained a lot of reputation in the previous battle in Mobei, and no one dared to question his commanding ability, it was not enough.

For the control of an army, through what?
It is through the generals in the army, big and small!

Only by cultivating all these people into his direct descendants can he be regarded as true control.

But Zhu Zhanji, as the lord, couldn't be like his old man, who would end up with the title of General Conquering Peking University.

What he wants to do is to be like his great-grandfather.

Mounting a horse can command an army, but you must also learn how to employ people.

And this old fifth, Zhu Zhanqian, was the one he selected for the army of the Ming Dynasty.

At the same time, it is also a pawn he laid for the reform of the military system of the Ming Dynasty.

Going with him to Nuer Gandusi this time, he became familiar with the fighting methods of the musket cavalry, and slowly, he was able to directly command this team.

At the same time, with the successful development of various new technologies for this era, new types of weapons and equipment.

The new army formed will also be led by him.

A contrast to the old-fashioned military.

Of course, this is not to say that the old-fashioned army does not need to train people to lead.

As far as the present is concerned, the British public Zhang Fu is a suitable candidate.

But this is for now.

Compared to sitting in the Mansion of the Commander-in-Chief of the Five Armies, a more suitable place for Zhang Fu to stay is Jiaozhi!
Countless people in history have said that if Zhang Fu sits in Jiaozhi, maybe Jiaozhi will not be lost, so let time tell.

After Zhang Fu left, Chen Mao and Zhang Fu's son, Zhang Mao, were the next candidates.

Of course, these are all ideas in Zhu Zhanji's heart.

Everything has to wait for the actual situation later.

But people without foresight must have short-term worries, especially when they are emperors, the ability of the opponents to distribute these powers is often more important than the ability of the emperor himself.

all the way.

Zhu Zhanji, the fifth old man, did not meet Zhu Zhanji's expectations. Sure enough, when he discovered the muskets equipped by the soldiers that were different from the traditional muskets, he immediately became interested.

After really understanding the effects of these muskets, I became even more curious about Zhu Zhanji's defeat of the [-] troops of the Wara Department in the previous battle.

Either pester Zhu Zhanji to tell him, or ask the soldiers on the sidelines.

All in all, I want to really understand how effective these muskets can really be on the battlefield.

What are the effects and disadvantages.

This is exactly the same as his previous temperament that yearned for military life very much.

In the eyes of the fifth brother, Zhu Zhanqian, what he wants to do is to be like his grandfather, capable of fighting well.

Lay a vast land for the home country.

These performances of his have also strengthened Zhu Zhanji's expectations for him.

Therefore, along the way, he also took the trouble to tell him about the tactics and advantages and disadvantages of using new weapons.

I want his thinking to be the same as his own, to escape the form and method of conventional combat.

Of course, it cannot be completely divorced from reality, and innovation can only be based on traditional military innovation.

After all, the productivity of the Ming Dynasty is far from reaching the level of completely subverting conventional combat forms.

Even the peninsula war in later generations was as strong as a beautiful army. At that time, it was a conventional combat method that was not much different from the ancient war, but the weapons used were much more advanced.

There are more things that can be done.

In essence, it is still a form of warfare that focuses on land warfare and uses land and terrain as the goal of competition.

It was only when it came to the Gulf War that it was a truly subversive form of warfare.

Ground combat even reached the point where it can be ignored.

Just as Zhu Zhanji led the army, while constantly marching, while taking advantage of the slow pace of the infantry, and constantly guiding the old five Zhu Zhanqian, a piece of news from Dingbei City in Mobei was also heading towards the city quickly. Pass it to the capital.

At this time, the people who are most worried about the situation in Mobei are the imperial court in the capital and the small farmyard behind the Shanhaiguan.

All civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty were worried about whether His Royal Highness, the grandson, who had disappeared for so many days, would make it to Mobei, and whether he would encounter the army of the Oirats.

And in the small courtyard of the farmhouse.

Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi also cared about their grandson and son all the time.

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