Daming: Let you do your best to manage, do you go to health?

Chapter 157 Do you think this military power can be handed over if you want?

Chapter 157 Do you think this military power can be handed over if you want?

The second Zhu Gaoxu's words, the third Zhu Gaosui really didn't think about it.

In his mind, he only thought that he was the person his father arranged next to his second child, who could play some role at critical times.

But if you think about it carefully, it really is.

If the old man really only arranged for him to be in the army alone, if all the generals in the army were bought by the second child, wouldn't the Ming Dynasty really be in chaos?

The test is the test, and it must be ensured that the overall situation is not chaotic.

Once the 500,000 army really surrendered to his second child, this would not be a temptation, but a real subjugation of the country.

Thinking of this, the youngest Zhu Gaosui finally came to his senses.

Feelings, while my father confessed to his third child, he also confessed to other people!
However, there are so many generals in this army, big and small, how could my father keep this news from leaking out?
Once the news is known by the second child, is there any point in this temptation?
Thinking of this, the third brother Zhu Gaosui couldn't help but wondered: "No way, the second child, if Dad has confessed to so many people, will your generals secretly inform you?"

However, Zhu Gaoxu, king of the Han Dynasty, just asked indifferently: "Didn't you realize that there have been people following those generals in the army recently? Not to mention those generals, the third son has been following his ass all the time." , didn’t you discover it yourself?”

Listening to the second child's suggestion, Zhu Gaosui recalled his recent whereabouts.

After thinking about it, a personal guard beside him was really abnormal.

In some places before, the guards would be very sensible and didn't follow them, but since they came outside Shanhaiguan, I accidentally discovered them a few times.

He even made a personal mention to the other party once.

After that, although the personal guard no longer followed closely behind him, it seemed that no matter where he went, that person would follow him from afar.

These personal guards are all his guards who have followed him for many years, so Zhu Gaosui never doubted in this direction at all.

After all, in his third child's opinion, he was in the same camp as the old man in this matter.

The old man had no reason to send someone to follow him.

Besides the old man, who else in this world has the ability to arrange people to be beside him, King Zhao.

Therefore, he never had the slightest doubt about his personal guards, even if he found out his abnormal behavior, he didn't take it seriously.

But now that the second child said that in person, the third child really murmured in his heart.

No way.
When the third Zhu Gaosui still couldn't believe it, the second Zhu Gaoxu just sneered, and then said: "Don't believe it? If you don't believe it, you will now follow my name and say that the army will turn around tonight and fight with the troops under the nephew in the north." , look how many people support us."

Seeing that the second child was so swearing, the third child was really moved by his persuasion.

"You mean, this army has been in the hands of the old man from the beginning to the end? The reason why our military orders work is because the old man wants them to accompany us in acting? In fact, we can't mobilize a single soldier?"

Hearing this, the second child, Zhu Gaoxu, shook his head and said, "It's not that the old man can't be mobilized. It's not that the old man can't do it, but he really did it. Then it's absolutely impossible to hide this news until now. But What I can be sure of is that at least half of the powerful generals in this army are all the old man's people, or have been ordered by the old man."

"Also, beside these people, there must be people like you listening to information, and even the existence of these people, those generals are well aware, but they dare not go beyond the slightest, because they know that, Once they are suspected by the old man, even if they didn't do anything, they did."

"So from the very beginning, they were very clear about what they should do and what they should not do, and they must not be suspected by the old man in the slightest. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the reason why the old man did this is for the next succession. In this At the critical point, no one is immovable, and no one cannot be killed."

"The matter of succession is very important, and it must be prudent and prudent. Once the generals show the slightest disloyalty, the old man will never show any mercy."

"That is to say, of the 500,000 army, you and I can mobilize at most about 200,000 troops, and the rest are from our elder nephew from the beginning. And you and I have been in the army for many years, and the old man knows it well, so It can’t be overdone.”

Listening to the second child's words, although the third child Zhu Gaosui gradually chose to believe the second child's words, but thinking about it the other way around, he was even more incomprehensible.

"Second brother, since you have guessed the current situation pretty well, why don't you hurry up and hand over the military power, what are you waiting for?"

Facing the inquiry from the third child, the second child Zhu Gaoxu said disdainfully: "Do you think this is so simple? Since the old man has made up his mind to practice, if you and my brothers don't give the old man a good performance, do you think it will be so simple?" Will the old man let our two brothers go?"

"Besides, how can the military power be handed over like this? What is the situation now? If it was the beginning, the military power would be handed over as soon as it was handed over. We brothers have not committed any crimes, but now? We have rebelled and rebelled. He also rebelled. The elder nephew even put down the rebellion of Mobei and Nuer Gandusi."

"Seeing that people are about to quell all the rebellions, and turn around to deal with you, you have handed over the military power now? Do you know what this means? It means that the rebellion between you and my brothers is a certainty. We must remember in the genealogy."

"It's just because I saw that the situation was not good, so I surrendered. Remember, it's a surrender!"

"Even if that kid Zhu Zhanji doesn't care, and the old man doesn't care about it, the two of us will be guilty of this crime!"

"At that time, how will you let the old man and Zhu Zhanji explain to the world? In order to appease the opinions of the world, we will have to torment us again. It is likely that our brother and the prince will be cut off! Then just find a horn Throw it over in the corner and become a fan. None of your descendants and my grandchildren will be able to enter the official career, understand?"

Zhu Gaosui, the third child, listened to what the second child said, obviously he never thought that this matter was so serious.

It doesn't matter if it's just that the prince himself is cut off, as long as the old man and eldest nephew don't care, no one can shake their position in the court.

But it's a little disgusting that it will affect future generations.

Maybe his own kid will grow up in the future, and he will complain that they have no brains as a father.

But after thinking about it, the third child Zhu Gaosui still said: "Second child, it shouldn't be so serious, you are overthinking."

The reason why the third brother Zhu Gaosui said this is not because he thinks this matter is not so serious, but because he thinks that his third child is on the old man's side in this matter, even if the second child is dealt with like this, it should be his turn. Less than his third child.

However, how could the second Zhu Gaoxu not see the careful thinking of the third brother Zhu Gaosui? Looking at the third child who is still playing tricks with his second brother, Zhu Gaoxu couldn't help but sarcastically said: "The third brother, you Could it be that you are still thinking that you are on the old man's side, so the old man won't deal with you like this?"

Hearing this, the youngest Zhu Gaosui was taken aback, but hurriedly said, "Second, what do you mean by that?"

But before he could refute anything, the second brother Zhu Gaoxu directly shattered his illusions and said, "Third brother, you have thought it through clearly, this is the opposite, but you and my brother made it together."

"The imperial edict on the Qing emperor's side is signed by you and my brother."

"You think that if the old man knows your identity, nothing will happen? Use your brain to think about it. The old man died. This is something that everyone in the world knows. Who will prove your identity to you? Zhu That boy Zhanji? Or the old man? Or the boss?"

"That kid Zhu Zhanji didn't know about it at all. The old man passed away, and the prince passed away. This is something everyone in the world knows. How can they prove it to you? Dig it out? Or does your third child have the ability to bring the dead back to life?"

As soon as the second child's voice fell, the third child couldn't help but said at that time: "Second child, what do you mean by this, don't you know whether dad is dead or not? Dad, he just has to wait"

When the third child's words came to this point, his heartbeat accelerated instantly.

What the hell!

The third child, Zhu Gaosui, finally came to his senses at this time.

Seeing this, the second child, Zhu Gaoxu, couldn't help but sneered and said, "Say it, don't you make sense? Just wait for Dad? Tell me?"

Facing the ridicule of the second child, the third child was not calm.

"Second brother, what do you mean, dad... can't survive?"

The second child smiled disdainfully again, and said: "You are stupid, you are really stupid, what kind of virtue is the old man, you have been his son for so many years, don't you understand? After so many years, you still haven't been tricked to understand ?He only thinks about what he wants to do, as long as he thinks about what to do, no one can stop him."

"Anything can only make way for what he wants to do. You can't stop it, I can't stop it, and the boss has stopped him for a lifetime, but he hasn't stopped it."

"Now the old man has made it clear that he wants to pass on the throne to our eldest nephew. Before, I always thought that the old man would not be so eager for quick success. At the very least, the boss should sit down for a while before talking. But now, the boss has passed away. The only one who can succeed is That kid."

"If faced with this sudden situation, it's okay if Zhu Zhanji can't stabilize the situation. At that time, the old man or the boss will have to come back to life, and then stabilize the situation. But now, this chaos, Zhu That kid Zhanji has really stabilized abruptly."

"Now that the rebellions in various places are about to subside, the next step is to clean up our brothers. Do you think the old man and the boss will survive at this time? They can't survive! They endured the chaos at the beginning. If you don’t come back alive, you won’t come back to life in this life.”

"The hardest time is over."

"As long as that kid Zhu Zhanji solves our two brothers logically, he will be firmly seated on the throne, and no one can shake his position. Even if the old man suddenly popped up and wanted to grab the kid's throne at that time, he would do everything." It's not here."

"Because in this world, it was that kid who brought down the chaotic situation with one blow! He sits on the throne, and his name is justified."

"Think about our father back then, is there no one in this world who can compete with him for the throne anymore? Yes, but they didn't do it. Why, it's because this matter has changed from inheriting the family property to conquering the world! "

"What the old man gave you is completely different from what you made yourself."

"The boy in this world has already been defeated, and he will definitely sit still. Oh, at this time, the old man will appear again stupidly? What do you think he planned? At that time, no one in the world will recognize him, and the court will not recognize him. Lose face? Do you think the old man would do such a stupid thing?"

"Or do you think the old man will take such a big risk and lose such a big person for the sake of your innocence?"

After the second brother Zhu Gaoxu explained all the interests of this matter, the third brother Zhu Gaosui finally figured out everything at this time.

He has always thought of himself as an old man, so he never worried about his problems at all.

But now, he was really dumbfounded by what the second child said.


Just like the second child said.

Who will prove his identity as his own?

In this world, besides the old man himself, who can prove it to him?
Who knows about this?
If the old man just 'died', he wouldn't be able to survive.

What should he do?
Doesn't he, King Zhao, want to bear the name of a rebel for the rest of his life?
Thinking of this, the third child really panicked.

But after thinking about it carefully, in the end, he could only look at the second child Zhu Gaoxu beside him, and said solemnly: "Second child, since you see it so clearly, you have already guessed this, you must have Did you have an idea?"

"If you have any ideas, you can quickly say, you can't just watch my brother and I get such a bad name, can you? The descendants of future generations are not allowed to point at my grave and scold me? At this time, you can't leave my brother and me! "

At this moment, the youngest Zhu Gaosui finally came to his senses.

He also knew that at this time the only one who could save the reputation of his third child was himself, the second brother.

Seeing the virtue of his third child, the second child Zhu Gaoxu finally felt at ease.

From the very beginning when he knew that this matter was dug for him by the old man and the third child beside him, his second child kept holding his breath in his heart.

Even if he punched this kid twice that day, he didn't let out such a breath at all.

Until now, seeing this kid's flustered character, his second child, Zhu Gaoxu, is finally happy.

But he still said: "Don't, what are you begging me for? Go and beg the old man. Haven't you always been in the same camp as the old man? Just let the old man come back to life and prove it to you."

Hearing what his second brother said, the youngest Zhu Gaosui felt extremely aggrieved.

He has calculated thousands of times, but he never imagined that he will have such a day.

Immediately, with a face that was uglier than crying, he said: "Second brother, brother, I made a mistake in this matter, and I admit my mistake to you. I never thought that I would end up in a situation where I was not a human being inside and out. .We are two brothers, even if my brother and I have done something wrong, you can't just ignore it, right?"

Seeing the aggrieved look on the third child's face, the second child immediately burst out laughing.

After laughing heartily twice, he still couldn't do such a desperate thing.

After all, they are all brothers, and this kid didn't really want to harm him in this matter, after all, the other end is his father.

Thinking of this, the second brother Zhu Gaoxu asked: "Then let's talk about it now. From now on, can you boy stand with your second brother and me? Do you still do this treachery and disregard for brotherhood?" gone?"

Listening to what the second child said, the third child now has no other choice at all. He can only bite the bullet and recite the name of treachery, and said, "Don't worry, the second child. From today on, the third child, me, My life is yours, second child, if you let me go east, I will never go west, if you let me go to the mountain of swords, I will never go to the sea of ​​fire!"

Seeing this kid's swearing appearance, the second child got angry and stopped holding on to this matter, saying: "Since the matter has come to an end, then as a brother, I don't care so much about you." But if you want to get out, you have to listen to me honestly. If you secretly communicate with the old man again, you will be tricked by the old man again. Don't talk about being a brother. I'm desperate."

It was said that even if the third child wanted to swear some other oath, the second child obviously didn't want to hear any more nonsense from him. This kid didn't know how much such an oath he said in front of him.

If there were any gods and Buddhas in the sky, this kid would have been chopped into ashes long ago, how could he still live to this day?

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(End of this chapter)

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