Daming: Let you do your best to manage, do you go to health?

Chapter 159 What?Did you really send it? ? ? ?

Chapter 159 What?Did you really send it? ? ? ?
But since the old man asked himself, Zhu Gaochi had to say something, so he smiled and said, "Father, you have guessed yourself, so why ask my son?"

Hearing what the boss said, the old man Zhu Di immediately glanced at him.

"You're just a display, and sooner or later you won't be able to tell a fart."

After I finished speaking, I thought about it carefully, and felt that all the things that should be tested were almost tested.

What's more, now my grandson has stabilized the situation, and the rebellions in various places have almost been put down.Although it was unexpected that the kid could solve all this by himself, isn't that what he expected?
Now that the kid has already established himself, don't make trouble for him at this time.

But how to make the second and third child surrender?
Apparently, Zhu Di also realized that the reason why the second and third child hadn't surrendered yet and didn't start the fight was nothing more than seeing that the situation was unfavorable and they couldn't win.

At the same time, it cannot surrender.

Once surrendered, the name of this rebellion will be confirmed.

Now it's procrastinating like this, it's nothing more than forcing Zhu Di to show up, so as to give them an explanation.

Thinking of this, Zhu Di was silent for a moment, and then murmured in a low voice: "If you come back to life, you will definitely not be able to come back to life again, or you will be making trouble for that kid. But the second and third"

Every time he thought of this, Zhu Di frowned involuntarily.

It's really difficult for me to handle the matter of the second and third children.

At the beginning, he had personally confessed to the third child. If he sent a letter asking them to surrender at this time, the third child would definitely bargain with him.

By then, the emperor will be dead, so what can he do for the third child?
On the contrary, if he doesn't do anything, then the third child can't say anything because he confessed his request at the beginning.

Having said that, he was telling Zhu Di that his third child did not keep a secret and told his second child.

At this time, the old man Zhu Di was also a little bit big-headed because of this messy thing.

It's really hard to handle this shitty thing.

It would be better to give him [-] soldiers and let him lead the soldiers to fight a battle.

Especially when he, Zhu Di, saw the leisurely appearance of his boss, he was even more angry.

In the end, the ink blots made the boss take advantage of it.

Everything has to be resolved by him as a father, and he doesn't worry about anything.

But his son is also very reassuring.

This kid's life is really good
Just when all parties are worrying about how to solve the current situation.

At this time, Yang Shiqi, who was originally calming down the Japanese invasion in the southeast coastal area, also handed over all the command power here to Ma Bao after the situation was stabilized.

It's not that Yang Shiqi himself has this power, but that he received an order from his grandson Zhu Zhanji three days ago.

He was required to rush to the outside of Shanhaiguan in the shortest possible time.

Yang Shiqi didn't know why His Royal Highness called him over in such a hurry.

Although when he saw that he was asked to go outside Shanhaiguan, he couldn't help linking this incident with the previous Hanwang's letter saying that he would hand them over.

But he still thought Taisun would not do such a foolish thing.

What's more, as a minister, does he have the right to choose?


The only choice he had was to follow Taisun's advice and rush to Shanhaiguan.

If His Royal Highness Taisun really wanted to send them to the King of Han to die, he, Yang Shiqi, was unwilling and had no ability to resist.

So, instead of guessing these things, it's better to show a loyal attitude.

He will do whatever His Royal Highness asks him to do.

At this time, instead of disobeying Taisun's orders, he must resolutely follow Taisun's orders.

Regarding this point, Yang Shiqi could still understand it.

But what Yang Shiqi didn't know at this time was.

This time he was not the only one who went outside Shanhaiguan.

Now, Yang Rong Yang Pu, who was supposed to assist the third grandson Zhu Zhanyong in the imperial court to sit in the center and stabilize the overall situation, is now on the way to the outside of Shanhaiguan under Zhu Zhanji's order.

The capital is not far from Shanhaiguan, it can even be said to be very close, otherwise future generations would not say anything about the emperor guarding the gate of the country.

It is precisely because the capital is very close to the border, and with the speed of those cavalry in the north, they can reach it very quickly, which is basically at the front line of wartime.

That's why the phrase "the son of heaven guards the gate of the country" came into being.

Although Yang Shiqi was not in the capital, but because he received the news early, when he rushed outside Shanhaiguan, Yang Rong and Yang Pu in the capital had just arrived.

Inside the Ming army camp north of Shanhaiguan.

Yang Shiqi, Yang Rong, and Yang Pu, the three of them gathered here, stood in the hall, looked at Zhu Zhanji who was sitting on the throne, and after seeing the ceremony, they all agreed and said nothing.

This time, it was His Highness the Grandson who summoned them. If they were eager to ask, they would seem to disbelieve His Highness.

Therefore, they chose not to speak, and waited for His Royal Highness to give orders.

At this time, Zhu Zhanji, who was sitting on the head of the tent, knew the small things in their hearts, but he didn't care about it.

I just sat alone in that chair thinking about how to speak.

After careful consideration, he opened his mouth and said, "You three, do you know what the reason for telling the three of you to put down what you are doing this time and come here?"

Hearing this, the three people below looked at each other, but still insisted: "I don't know."

Regarding their deliberately confused attitude, Zhu Zhanji glanced at them and said directly: "This time I called you over because of the 500,000 troops outside Shanhaiguan at this time."

"You are all ministers in my court, and I think you are well aware of the current situation of the court. The uprisings in Mobei, Nuer Gandusi, the southeast coast, and even Jiaozhi and the territory should be quelled." It's all settled down."

"The only thing that can't be solved now is the 500,000 army outside Shanhaiguan. Our old Zhu's family has been tossing around for a long time, and it's time to solve this matter thoroughly, and we can't keep procrastinating."

"According to the current situation of the imperial court, if my second uncle and third uncle are really determined to fight, although we are not afraid, we may even win. But the 500,000 soldiers are all from my Ming Dynasty. Soldiers. This battle can’t be fought.”

"Even if one person dies, it is a crime for me, Zhu Zhanji."

"Besides, from the correspondence between me and King Zhao of Han, I can see that they don't want to fight back. Otherwise, they wouldn't have waited until this time to send even one soldier. But at this time, they Why don't you surrender?"

Listening to the question Zhu Zhanji asked, Yang Shiqi, Yang Rong, and Yang Pu had actually thought about it, but they just couldn't come up with a result.

And after seeing that none of the three answered, Zhu Zhanji stopped being a joke, but said directly: "According to my guess, King Han and King Zhao are now riding a tiger."

"If they vote, their rebellion will be put down. If they don't vote, they will still be on the side of the Qing emperor."

"So, as a nephew, I have to step down a step for my uncle."

"Now my two uncles have said that you, San Yang, are traitors in the court. You say, what should I do?"

Listening to Zhu Zhanji's words, after Yang Shiqi and others thought for a while, they immediately said to Zhu Zhanji who was sitting on the chair: "Your Highness, I am loyal to Your Highness, and have never done anything against His Highness." thing."

Facing the explanations of these three people, Zhu Zhanji just smiled, and then said: "I know, I know that the three of you are not traitors, but there is no way, my two uncles have recognized it now, saying that you are The traitors in the court, you say, what should I do?"

Seeing the expressions of the three people who didn't know what to say, Zhu Zhanji chuckled again, and then said: "But don't worry, my two uncles are not stupid people. Since they have made up their minds, they won't do anything. It’s nothing more than trying to make a good name.”

"Since this is the case, they won't really have any intention of killing you. After I send you there, maybe they will treat you with good food and drink."

"After sending you to my second uncle and third uncle, they will naturally have no reason to continue to rebel. When the military power of the army is handed over, I will personally welcome you back, but now, you will be wronged , so that the imperial army will not kill each other, everyone, are you willing?"

Listening to Zhu Zhanji's words, although the three of them were unwilling to send themselves as hostages to King Han and King Zhao in their hearts, they also knew that what their Highness Grandson said was reasonable.

Nor did he intentionally fool King Han and King Zhao in order to satisfy their wishes.

Judging from the current situation, the attitudes shown by King Han and King Zhao are very ambiguous.

It doesn't look like you're going to do it for real.

That being the case, they have no reason to really kill San Yang.

They are still at ease about their own safety.

Moreover, His Royal Highness Taisun also said that this matter was done for the Ming court, and for the troops of the Ming Dynasty not to kill each other.

In this case, what else can they say?
Dayi is already on the top of their heads, can they still refuse?
After all, the characters they showed in the past were all loyal courtiers of the Ming Dynasty.

You used to be so fearless, but now when you encounter something, you just step aside?
All in all, as long as they still want to hang out with His Highness the Grandson, this time, they have no choice but to go.

Of course, they are not completely forced and helpless.

It's safe not to go, but there are benefits to going.

This time they went, but it was tantamount to giving their lives for the future emperor.

This experience is not ordinary.

Thinking of this, Yang Shiqi, Yang Rong, and Yang Pu all looked at each other, and then they all cupped their hands and said solemnly to Zhu Zhanji who was sitting on the chair: "For Your Highness, for the court, for Ming Dynasty, my humble minister, It is incumbent!"

After the three agreed, Zhu Zhanji finally showed a smile on his face.

Employ people, employ people, everyone is talking about employing people.

Who can be used?
I want my subordinates to be loyal to you like in Qiong Yao's drama, and love you to the death.

It seems that people were born to exist for you.

This is obviously impossible.

And the people who really need to be used are useful people, just like the three in front of them, at critical times, whether it is for the benefit or really for the court.

Someone who can stand up.

Therefore, Zhu Zhanji is very satisfied with the choice of the three.

Although this result he had already expected.

After explaining some things with the three of them, Zhu Zhanji didn't delay, and directly ordered people to take the three of them to the 500,000 army camp outside Shanhaiguan.

At this time, in the tent of the commander of the army outside Shanhaiguan.

Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu was crossing his legs, closing his eyes and resting his mind, when a shout suddenly sounded from outside the handsome tent.

"Second! It's not good!"

Hearing the startled and frightened voice at the door of the tent, Zhu Gaoxu, who was leisurely thinking about something, suddenly frowned.

He could tell from the voice that it was his own younger brother, the third child.

I don't know what happened to this kid again, so he was so surprised.

But on the surface, Zhu Gaoxu didn't move at all, he was still leaning on it, his expression still.

But when Zhu Gaosui, the third child who ran in in one breath, saw the second child in the main seat who was still resting with his eyes closed, he became even more anxious.

"Second, what time is it, what kind of old man are you still learning from?"

"Something is bad!"

Just as the third child Zhu Gaosui said, the second child Zhu Gaoxu was sitting in the seat of his father Zhu Di at this time, recalling the old man's previous demeanor and movements while imitating his appearance.

After hearing the panicked words of the third child, the second child imitated his father again, frowned slightly, and said, "Why panic, the sky won't fall."

This sentence is what his father Zhu Di often said.

The third child, Zhu Gaosui, naturally knew about it, so he couldn't help feeling a little anxious, and said, "This time, my innocence has fallen!"

Seeing the appearance of the third child Zhu Gaosui, the second child Zhu Gaoxu really murmured in his heart.

"What the hell is it? It's not good to just talk about big things here. What's the matter, you should talk about it!"

Seeing the strength of the ink marks of the third child, the second child also became anxious.

Hearing this, the third child realized the nonsense he had been talking since he entered the door.

Dang even said to the second child Zhu Gaoxu: "Didn't you say that we have to procrastinate now so that we can live better in the future? Now, that kid Zhu Zhanji really sent someone to send Yang Shiqi, Yang Rong, and Yang Pu away." coming!"

"People also said that if the second uncle and the third uncle think that these three people are traitors in the court, then my nephew will hand over the three people to the two uncles, and the two uncles will decide the life and death of the three people!"

Listening to the third child's words, the second child Zhu Gaoxu was also dumbfounded.

"That kid, did you really send someone here?"

Zhu Gaoxu never imagined that they said that there were traitors in the court, and they wanted to clear the king's side.

But luckily now, my eldest nephew, who didn't know whether he was stupid or clever, actually sent the three traitors they said in front of them directly!
(End of this chapter)

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