Chapter 162 The world is peaceful!

"Okay, let's go down."

After hearing Zhu Di's words, Huang Yan hurriedly bowed and left.

And Zhu Di also turned to look at the boss Zhu Gaochi beside him, and said, "It's all over this time, no one will disturb our sleep."

After finishing speaking, the old man Zhu Di happily turned around and walked towards his room.

Originally, according to the plan, it was his old man who would come back to life to turn the tide, and solve all the hidden dangers of the Ming Dynasty together.

It's all right now, my grandson has the ability to solve everything directly, and he does better than his old man.

With an army of 500,000, this kid really solved it without bloodshed.

Mobei, Nuer Gandusi, plus the 500,000 rebels outside Shanhaiguan, this kid only killed more than a thousand people and took them all.

Don't say that the old man can't do such a thing, how many people in the whole history can do it?

For a while, the old man Zhu Di was even more proud of his method of feigning death this time.

That stinky boy in my family really forced him.

No matter how hard he tried to force him in the palace before, it didn't work, but now it's all right, these tricks don't need to be forced by himself, he has come out of it all by himself.

I really don't know if I don't see it, I was shocked when I saw it.

Thinking of this, Zhu Di unconsciously straightened his back.

And at the moment in the yard.

Prince Zhu Gaochi also had a smile on his face after watching the old man leave.

"Stinky boy, it's really good!"

After a moment of secret joy, he also threw his hands behind his back, and walked back to the house with his stomach straightened out.

In Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi's view, after the affairs of Mobei, Nuergandusi and Shanhaiguan were resolved, the remaining matters were nothing at all.

The Jiaozhi rebellion was originally a disturbance caused by some local people. As long as the imperial court coordinates it, it will not be difficult to solve the disaster.This is especially true of the Japanese pirates in the southeast coast. The Japanese pirates have been there for so many years. As long as the overall situation of the court is stable, this is not a big deal.

As for the rebellion of the people in various places, there are countless such incidents in history, not to mention that with the help of the princes of various places, according to the news from the court, it is almost about to subside.

The only thing that worried them was the Mobei, Nuer Gandusi and the rebels outside Shanhaiguan.

Because the north was taken back from the hands of the thieves, especially the Mobei, if one is not careful, it may be lost from the hands of the court again.

But now, it was all solved by that kid Zhu Zhanji.

Coupled with the bloodless recovery of foreign soldiers in Shanhaiguan this time, even the second and third children have fallen into Zhu Zhanji's hands, and the matter is basically settled.

Without these disasters, the overall situation of the court will be considered stable.

The most important thing is that Zhu Zhanji solved all these by himself.

After this series of actions, the military power is in his own hands, and the whole court almost respects him.

Both inside and outside are equal, this kid's throne can be regarded as secure.

And as an elder who was paying attention to all this secretly, he was completely relieved at this time.

It was not until this moment that these two people really came out of the state of carrying the world's heavy responsibilities in the past.

Even if they all feigned death and escaped before, this is a matter of their own family, so how can they really let it go.

Only in the current situation, when I see that my younger generation can fully take care of everything, can I completely let go.

This night, don't look at all the smiles on their faces when they came back from the courtyard, but at this time, neither of the two kings who used to be the best in the Ming Dynasty were asleep.

Looking back on my own experience along the way, I also have mixed feelings.

And in the barracks of the Ming army, Zhu Zhanji also stayed up all night.

Compared with Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi in the farmyard, Zhu Zhanji didn't fall asleep not because he was restless, but because there were too many things to do that night.

A full army of 500,000, although more than half of the troops have always surrendered to him.

But there is another half.

The control of the army does not mean that it can be achieved by capturing their generals and coaches.

There is still a lot of work to be done.

However, with the help of Zhang Fu, Chen Mao, Fan Zhong and other generals by his side, Zhu Zhanji still relieved a lot of pressure.

Otherwise, if one is bad and the news leaks, it is likely to trigger a real mutiny.

It's okay when the second and third uncles are around, and everything can be done directly after discussing with them.

But now that they have been arrested, they can't directly control the army. Once something unexpected happens, they really can't control it.

After all, this is an army of hundreds of thousands. Even if the other party is willing to listen to you, it will take a long time to convey each one.

And with a busy night.

Through communicating with the captured generals, Zhu Zhanji gradually gained their submission.

In addition, he also had a large group of generals who had surrendered to him, and the entire army was gradually under his control.

It wasn't until dawn that Zhu Zhanji was really relieved.

However, he didn't stop at all. If the army has been outside this pass, the night will be full of dreams.

Therefore, after Zhu Zhanji had preliminary control over the army, he directly ordered the army to enter the customs.

At the beginning, these troops were dispatched to different garrisons in different categories.

Commanded by different generals.

Of course, this is just the beginning of Zhu Zhanji's adjustment to the army.

When something like this happens, no matter whether Zhu Zhanji trusts these soldiers or not, a major adjustment needs to be made.

At least the grassroots officers in the entire army are going to make a comprehensive change.

However, all of these require him to return to the capital, and with the help of the imperial military department, he can complete them completely.

Although what happened last night was premeditated by Zhu Zhanji, it happened suddenly, and there was no communication with the court.

So the court did not have any preparations.

Two days later.

When Zhu Zhanji led the five thousand Musketeers around him back to the capital again, looking at the gate tower of the capital from a distance, Zhu Zhanji still felt a little touched in his heart.

When he first came out from here, he only had 5000 people around him, but he had to solve the problems of several 100,000 people.

What the future holds, no one knows, only that passion.

But now after returning again, although there are still [-] Musketeers around, they have already gained control of hundreds of thousands of troops.

What happened outside Shanhaiguan, after these two days, is nothing new in the capital.

Therefore, the ministers in that court still have a general understanding of Zhu Zhanji's whereabouts.

When Zhu Zhanji led people into the gate of the capital, two rows of court officials greeted him.

The leader is Zhu Zhanyong, Zhu Zhanji's third brother.

"Big brother!"

Seeing Zhu Zhanji who had just entered the city, the third child shouted happily.

Hearing this, seeing the smile on the third child's face, Zhu Zhanji also turned over and got off the horse.

After ordering the generals around him to lead the people back, Zhu Zhanji came among the officials.

Seeing their excited expressions and their chattering voices, Zhu Zhanji stopped everyone with a smile and said: "Everyone, let's talk about it when we go back. What does it look like to say this here?" .”

Listening to Zhu Zhanji's words, the courtiers around him also laughed.


Although the person in front of them was the grandson of the dynasty, everyone knew that His Highness the grandson would be the emperor in the near future.

The emperor and his courtiers were chatting and laughing happily in front of so many people at the gate of the city. It was really not the case, so they all bowed to accept orders, and returned to the palace together behind Zhu Zhanji and Zhu Zhanyong.

When they approached the gate of the palace, Zhu Zhanji, the fifth old man who was ordered by Zhu Zhanji to settle the Musketeers, also rushed back.

As soon as he got close, the fifth child immediately shouted to the third child Zhu Zhanyong, "Third brother!"

Hearing the voice of the fifth child, Zhu Zhanyong, the third child, also showed a smile on his face, patted the fifth child on the shoulder and said, "Old five, we two brothers haven't seen each other for some time."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanyong, the fifth brother, immediately looked at Zhu Zhanji, and said, "Who can blame? My elder brother didn't tell me to go back when he got married."

Seeing that the fifth child mentioned this matter again, Zhu Zhanji immediately shook his head and smiled.

Then he came to the middle of the two, put his left and right arms around the shoulders of the two brothers, and said: "Recently, the court has been in chaos these days, and with the death of the old man and father, if it weren't for the two of you to accompany the elder brother, I would One person really can't handle it."

"Let's go, since the fifth brother has started to complain about me as the eldest brother, let's go home after the elder brother has explained to the officials of the court! Have a good time? After you go back, pay homage to dad, and we three brothers will have a good meal when we're done!"

Listening to Zhu Zhanji's words, drinking should have been a happy thing, but after hearing the elder brother mention the death of the old man and father, the two couldn't laugh anymore.

Seeing the appearance of these two brothers, Zhu Zhanji couldn't feel better.

But there is no way, he understands that many things in this world cannot be done as you want.

Especially when it's a matter of life and death.

What can be done?There is no other way but to accept it.

What's more, Zhu Zhanji is the eldest brother and the pillar of their old Zhu family. If there is a retreat behind others, then there can only be a cliff behind him, and a step back will lead to an abyss.

It's like the civil and military officials of the imperial court who are following them at this moment.

This means that Zhu Zhanji has carried everything and withstood the pressure.

If not, it is still unknown what the smiling civil and military officials behind them look like.

Accompanied by a group of people all the way to the back of the Fengtian Hall.

Zhu Zhanji did his part and sat directly on the dragon chair in the court hall.

In this regard, the civil and military officials below were still surprised.

Although nominally the great-grandson should sit on the throne, after all, the enthronement ceremony has not yet been held, so it is somewhat inappropriate to sit on it in such a grand manner.

But for Zhu Zhanji, as early as the night he heard the news of the death of the old man and the old man, he had already made all preparations.

He understood that from that time on, he was the emperor of the Ming Dynasty.

Whether it is facing the officials or the etiquette and majesty of the emperor, Zhu Zhanji is very good at it.

For so many years, I have followed the old man, not to mention that the old man himself often taught him these things.

Even if you don't teach it, you can still see it after watching it for so many years.

Including when Zhu Zhanji was in charge of the country in the Shang's study, Zhu Zhanji was also sitting on the dragon chair to govern.

It might be nervous to change someone else, but for Zhu Zhanji, it's just commonplace.

And Zhu Zhanji's posture performance also successfully won the conviction of all the courtiers present.

Although most things in this world need to be tempered to get.

But some things are just natural.

Don't look at how much the old grandson played around when the old emperor and the prince were alive, but now when he sits on the throne, he doesn't give everyone the feeling of being humble like a prince who has not yet ascended the throne , On the contrary, it is a look of an emperor who dominates the world and who else but me.

For a whole hour, Zhu Zhanji pointed out a general direction to the courtiers in the court regarding the recent events and the next issues to be resolved.

And those courtiers also made a detailed arrangement according to these directions proposed by Zhu Zhanji.

After getting Zhu Zhanji's approval, everyone began to complete their own things according to Zhu Zhanji's will.

During the whole process, Zhu Zhanji only mentioned the real affairs, and there were no such things as vain and meritorious.

If this was in the past, there would still be a process in which the officials praised the emperor for his achievements more or less.

But whenever these courtiers wanted to say these things, Zhu Zhanji stopped them directly.

And Zhu Zhanji's move is also a signal to everyone.

Zhu Zhanji doesn't care what happened in the past.

But in the future, when Zhu Zhanji sits on the throne, what he has to do is the real thing!

Of course, the officials below are all human beings, and anyone who can stand in the court is an idiot.

Regarding Zhu Zhanji's performance today, they also had some speculations in their hearts.

After finishing the affairs of the court, Zhu Zhanji didn't stay any longer, and only told San Yang and other cabinet scholars to lead the officials and supervise them according to the things agreed in the court today.

And he himself followed what he said to the old three and the fifth, and the three brothers headed towards the prince's mansion together.

In fact, after Zhu Zhanji just returned to the capital, he wanted to go back to the house as soon as possible. After all, his father passed away, and he was still very worried about his mother being alone.

But he also knew that the children of Lao Zhu's family were different from those of ordinary families.

Therefore, he can only do his filial piety after dealing with the government affairs first.

The news of Zhu Zhanji's return to the capital has already spread throughout the capital after they spent more than an hour in the court.

As the princess, Zhu Zhanji's mother, the princess naturally also received the news.

So when Zhu Zhanji and his three brothers returned to the mansion together, as soon as they entered the door, they ran into the old lady and grandson concubine Hu Shanxiang who came towards them.

(End of this chapter)

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