Chapter 167 is really not authentic.

While Zhu Gaochi was also having doubts about his son, the old man beside him thought of something after the initial surprise.

It's true that my eldest grandson likes to have fun, but he never delays in business.

Did this kid enjoy himself when he was in Mobei?

Did you enjoy yourself when you quelled the Quartet Rebellion?

Obviously not.

What about this time?

Zhu Di didn't know exactly what it would look like, but he had to keep watching anyway.

Thinking of this, Zhu Didang said to Huang Yan in front of him: "Continue to investigate, if there is any trouble in the court, report it as soon as possible."

Hearing Zhu Di's order, Huang Yan hastily complied.

After Huang Yan left, the old man Zhu Di frowned, looked back at the boss Zhu Gaochi beside him, and said, "Boss, you are that kid's father, tell me, what the hell is this kid doing?"

Zhu Gaochi listened to his father's question, but this time he didn't say anything nonsense to his father. After careful consideration, he said: "No matter what that kid wants to do, even if you want to come out and teach me a lesson, then We have to wait for that kid to finish his work before teaching him a lesson."

"Wait and see, and see what kind of medicine is sold in this kid's gourd."

It has to be said that although Zhu Gaochi's remarks did not directly answer the old man Zhu Di's question, they gave him the only choice.

Regardless of whether the kid was messing around for fun or not, the only thing they could do now was wait and see.

The capital, inside the Palace of the King of Han.

Compared with the current rumors in the capital, the palace of the King of Han is full of singing and dancing.

It's really like that paradise, ignoring worldly affairs and only caring about enjoying oneself.

Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu and Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui, who were arrested from outside the Shanhai Pass, seemed to accept their fate, and they didn't make trouble with Zhu Zhanji's eldest nephew, so they hid in the Han Palace every day to live their own lives.

And the third child didn't stay in his own mansion, and went to the Hanwang's mansion every day to get drunk with the second child Zhu Gaoxu.

Of course, these are just appearances.

It was also the words that Jin Yiwei and Dongchang passed into the palace.

At this time, in the palace of the King of Han, although the appearance of singing and dancing was the same as those spies passed back, the Han King Zhu Gaoxu and Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui sitting in the banquet were obviously not as drunk and dreamy as those spies said.

Although the two brothers kept pushing and changing cups, they were far from reaching the point of being drunk and dreaming of death, and the two brothers still had some restraint.

For the two of them, these small drinks are just to moisten their mouths, just like drinking water when they are thirsty.

"Second brother, tell me, our two brothers have been back for so many days, why hasn't that kid Zhu Zhanji seen any movement? He didn't say how to punish us."

Hearing the words of the third brother Zhu Gaosui, the second child seemed very calm. While drinking, he looked at the dancing prostitutes in the middle of the room, and said without turning his head, "Why, why are you so anxious to be punished?"

Hearing this, the youngest Zhu Gaosui shook his head, but he still said in doubt: "That's not true, but this kid is always hanging around, and I've never been at ease in my heart. It's better to kill or cut to pieces than just say it." Waiting every day."

While talking, the youngest Zhu Gaosui drank a glass of anger.

But it's true, now that I and the second child have been arrested, there is no room for resistance, but no matter how you want to punish, just say something.

Staying at home every day, always talking about this matter in my heart, maybe someday I will be punished one by one.

Seeing the appearance of the third child Zhu Gaosui, the second child Zhu Gaoxu suddenly smiled, then put his arm around the shoulder of the third child, and said, "Put your heart in your stomach, that kid doesn't know when I learned from the boss, who is benevolent and righteous, and the reason why everyone helped him this time is because of this kid."

"Now that the matter is over, even if that kid is acting, then he has to perform the whole play. He can't play the trick of benevolence and righteousness, and at the same time, turn around and kill us brothers, right?"

"Even if that kid wants to do something to our brothers, we'll have to find another chance in the future. Now... rest assured to drink your bar. Even if our brothers are really targeted by that kid in the future, as long as it's nothing serious, it doesn't matter. But if that kid really dares to be cruel, don't worry, the old man will take care of it."

Listening to the second child's words, although the third child also understood this truth in his heart, he was still a little worried.

However, when I saw the indifferent expression of my second child, who seemed to really enjoy this kind of life, I couldn't help asking curiously: "Second child, I find that I can't understand you more and more now, according to your past temperament , can you be wronged? What's wrong with you now? Have you really accepted your fate?"

The third child said this not to mean that he still wanted to fool the second child into doing something stupid, but felt that the second child's reaction was too abnormal.

But the second child just raised the corner of his mouth, and said: "Accept your fate? What can you do if you don't accept your fate? Now the army is in his hands, and the court is also full of his people. I don't accept my fate. What can I do? Go to the palace and bite me to death." he?"

Listening to the second child talking about the army, the third child also came to his spirits and said: "By the way, I heard recently that Zhu Zhanji's kid is using a rotation system in the army. My original subordinates are now They all ran away too, and I don't know what this rotation system is, but I heard that in this way, those people our brothers trained in the army will all be transferred."

"Let's not say it's rebellion now, it's just that we two brothers want to see those old brothers. We don't know where we have been transferred. Have you heard about this?"

Hearing this, the second child also sighed at this, and said: "Do you think I am better than you? Look at my Hanwang Mansion recently, where there is no such thing as the past. It has been so many days since I came back, do you see Has anyone ever been here? Apart from the servants in front of you, your second brother and I are also blind."

However, after saying this, the second child sneered again, and said, "But don't worry, that kid won't have a good life for a few days."

Hearing the second child's words, the third child Zhu Gaosui's heart tightened immediately, and he said, "Second brother, it's fine for us brothers to talk about each other, but don't be so stupid. Before, our two brothers could not fight with hundreds of thousands of people. This kid, you and I are both trapped in this mansion now, although there is no document of detention, but this is no different from detention."

"Second brother, you probably don't even have fifty strong men in your hand, right? According to the big commotion our two brothers have made, it's good that the kid didn't try to kill us. Don't really give that kid away. In a hurry."

Before, I was curious about how the second child had stopped recently, but now listening to the third child who wanted to toss about what the second child said, I was really a little scared in my heart.

Although the old man is not dead now, no one knows where he is.

Besides, the old man is so old, if one day he is really gone, and the second child foolishly bumps into the muzzle of the gun again, he is looking for death.

When the time comes, the second child will be courting death, and his brothers have been wearing a pair of trousers all the time. It would be bad if his third child is also involved.

The second child wanted to die, but he didn't want to die.

Seeing the scared look of the third child, the second child looked indifferent and said, "Don't worry, as long as the old man is alive, nothing will happen to us brothers. Don't tell me, now I really want to Seeing that kid can make a decree, we brothers will be dealt with."

"The old man won't be able to come out if he doesn't want to."

Hearing what the second child said, the third child hastily tried to persuade him, "Second child!"

But before his third brother could say anything, the second child directly interrupted him and said, "I know it myself, but if the old man really jumped out and said that he would give the world to this man when he was outside Shanhaiguan Boy, I really have this heart."

"But how did our two brothers come back now? We were kidnapped! After fighting for a lifetime, we were blinded by that little eagle cub in the end. I just can't swallow it."

"Isn't that kid crazy? I'll just see how long he can be complacent. When the old man and boss come back to life, I'll see if that kid can still laugh!"

Seeing that the second child was talking more and more vigorously, the third child was really a little scared in his heart.

This guy is a stickler, saying that he knows what he knows, and he has a fart.

Now that the world belongs to others, you still have to fight with them. At that time, you had never fought against them. Now you want to win the fight, what do you think!

He also said that he knew it well.

This old boy wants to die by himself, so he can make troubles by himself, so don't get his third son involved.

Thinking of this, the youngest Zhu Gaosui hurriedly wanted to persuade him to say something.

But before he could say anything, a servant suddenly ran in from the door of the main hall, hurriedly ran to the side of the second child Zhu Gaoxu and the third child Zhu Gaosui, and said eagerly to the second child Zhu Gaoxu: "My lord, His Royal Highness is here."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhu Zhanji's figure appeared on the hall.

Zhu Zhanji, who walked all the way in from the outside, was immediately happy when he saw the lively scene in the hall.

Then he looked at the second uncle Zhu Gaoxu and the third uncle Zhu Gaosui who were sitting in the first place and shouted: "Second uncle and third uncle, I'm so excited, why haven't I heard that you two like this before?"

While talking, those maikos also found Zhu Zhanji who walked in from the door.

Although these maikos didn't know who the person in front of them was, they could tell from what the other party had just yelled that they were the nephews of King Han and King Zhao.

But in the whole world, there is only one who can talk to the King of Han and the King of Zhao like this
Thinking of this, the maikos were horrified.

Hastily retreated obediently to the sides.

At the same time, he secretly raised his head from time to time, wanting to take a closer look at what the future emperor would look like.

But before they took a closer look, Zhu Zhanji waved his hand and said, "Okay, you all go down first, I want to talk to my second uncle and third uncle."

Hearing this, without waiting for others to speak, the servant who came to report immediately urged the surrounding maikos to leave quickly from both sides.

And after those left, Zhu Gaoxu, the King of Han, who was sitting on the main seat, pretended to be casual and said: "I said, why did I hear this magpie barking non-stop when I got up early this morning? I thought it was something good. , it turns out that our future Emperor His Majesty came here in person, look at me, I don't even understand the etiquette of a monarch and minister."

"If I had known earlier, I would have knelt at the door and waited early in the morning."

As he said that, he looked at Zhu Gaosui, the youngest beside him, and said, "Third, what are you doing so stupidly, go and bring a chair to our Emperor."

Seeing the appearance of the second uncle deliberately running on him, Zhu Zhanji couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, and then said to the second and third uncles: "Come on, second and third uncles, there are no outsiders here, you say you What's the point of running on my nephew?"

After speaking, he came to the table of the second uncle Zhu Gaoxu on his own, sat down cross-legged, and then took a sip from the wine glass.

After drinking it, he felt the taste and said with a smile: "Second uncle, nephew, I remember that I sent some white wine to your respective houses before? Why do you drink these again now?"

However, the second child still refused to give up and said: "What are our identities, how dare we drink that white wine, let's sell those wines when we, the younger generations in the family, are down, maybe we can exchange them for some money Use it for the price."

Hearing that his second uncle still refused to let go like a child, Zhu Zhanji couldn't help laughing.

"Okay, okay, just say a few words to vent your anger, and it's not over. You are down and out, second uncle, don't feel sorry for my nephew. I know what second and third uncles are thinking about in your hearts, don't worry Well, I should use those children in Hanwang Mansion and Zhao Wang Mansion."

"The reason why I haven't mentioned this matter since I came back this time, don't you understand what my nephew is thinking?"

As he said that, Zhu Zhanji picked up a glass of wine, and then said to the second and third uncles: "Come on, my nephew toasts you. From now on, our family will still be a family. Don't give up yours and mine, what else?" The emperor doesn’t belong to the emperor. If the two uncles drink liquor well, I’ll ask someone to bring some over.”

Hearing Zhu Zhanji's words, although the second child was messing around, he knew how to measure it. The other party said so, what else could he say, and then, like the third child, he raised his wine glass and clinked together. .

After drinking, Zhu Zhanji spoke again.

"Since I came back these days, my nephew, I have also heard that the palace of the second uncle and the third uncle is quite deserted. But don't worry, this is only temporary. It's like this in the officialdom, and it's not like you don't know it."

"Recently, my nephew has two errands here. It was not worth the two uncles to come forward, but since the two uncles are so dissatisfied with my nephew, it can only be that you are tired. There are some competitions, such as opera competitions, painters' novel competitions."

"These things require one or two people to sit in the town. I just saw that the second uncle and the third uncle like to have a lot of fun, so that's just right. Let this matter be left to the two uncles, so that the officials in the capital can see it, but don't Let’s talk about the discord between our uncle and nephew, how about it?”

"Oh, by the way, this is just the beginning. After such a big incident happened before, I can't give you the soldiers and horses all at once. After two days, after the limelight has passed, the two uncles will I still like to lead troops to fight, don’t worry, my nephew will let you fight as much as you want!”

I have to say that Zhu Zhanji's words really surprised the King of Han and King Zhao.

The third child was surprised, but although the second child always knew that Zhu Zhanji couldn't really kill their two uncles, he never thought that the boy was really so relieved.

To be able to survive the current situation is already considered pretty good for his second child.

But this kid, in front of them, promised to allow them to lead troops in the future, and the descendants of the two palaces can also be appointed normally.

Although Zhu Gaoxu didn't study much and never studied any knowledge, but from ancient times to the present, he really has never heard of any king who can treat his family like this.

For a moment, both of them couldn't react.

After all, they didn't say anything, and they didn't ask for anything.

These are all said by the kid Zhu Zhanji himself, and he can say these, accurately speaking of the thoughts in the hearts of the two of them, which shows that this kid has personally thought about their two uncles on weekdays.

Thinking of this, Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu and Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui didn't know what to say.

In contrast, some of the careful thoughts of the two brothers behind the scenes are really a little unreasonable, and some of them are judging the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

Seeing these two uncles like this, Zhu Zhanji immediately smiled and said: "Why, are you still not satisfied? If you are not at ease, nephew, I will make an order now?"

 Recommend a friend's new book, although the word count is not many, but the subject matter is quite interesting.

  Friends who like it can go and have a look.

  "I can identify everything"


(End of this chapter)

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