Daming: Let you do your best to manage, do you go to health?

Chapter 175 Don't underestimate our sister-in-law.

Chapter 175 Don't underestimate our sister-in-law.

Such a lively event, the princess who has been playing crazy in recent days naturally does not want to miss it.

Especially when I learned that my kid Zhu Zhanji didn't go to any competition these days, and the venue of the competition is very large, and they can hide in the corner to watch after simply dressing up, the prince Zhu Gaochi After discussing with the old man, they believed that under the cover of Dongchang spies, they could guarantee that their identities would not be revealed.

These few people who are "no official and a light body" have also begun to let themselves go.

Of course, the main reason why this matter was possible was because the old man Zhu Di was also a lively person in essence.

Can not rest.

It's enough to stay in this farmyard these days.

If he really endured loneliness like his son Zhu Gaochi, he wouldn't talk about fighting Mobei several times.

So after hearing that the boss came to discuss this matter in person, the old man Zhu Di, as in the past, was full of demands on his daughter-in-law.

Several people also began to prepare for returning to the capital to watch the finals of this opera competition.

Of course, it was said that they prepared it, but in the final analysis it was the spies from the East Factory who prepared it.

Whether it's the arrangement of tickets or other things to hide their identities, they need to solve them.

As time passed day by day, the time to start the finals was getting closer and closer.

The preparations that the East Factory spies had to do were basically ready.

But there was only one thing that happened that they never expected.

Can't buy tickets!
After Zhu Zhanji's warm-up publicity for this competition in the early stage, plus the vigorous promotion of this competition by Na Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu and Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui.

The holding of the finals this time has attracted the attention of almost all the people in the capital.

Such a matter that has attracted so much attention is naturally favored by countless nobles and nobles.

Especially the ladies and wives in their mansions.

They even regard having a ticket to the finals as a symbol of their identity.

The preciousness of this ticket has been raised to a higher level.

The price of tickets has also been fired up to sky-high prices among the people.

But if it's just that the ticket price is high, it's not a big deal for Dongchang.

After all, they can still handle a little yellow and white things.

The problem is that tickets to the finals can no longer be bought with money.

Those who sell these tickets just bought them directly from the Han King Zhu Gaoxu, and the price has already reached the price of two hundred taels of silver.

Ordinary people will definitely not buy it.

They don't have the strength to buy it either.

Therefore, most of the tickets are almost taken by the dignitaries in the capital.

But when these tickets flow into their hands, it is difficult to get out again.

No matter how expensive the ticket is, cherish it.

For them, it's just a tool.

A tool for networking.

They don't care how much the ticket is worth.

In other words, those who own these tickets are not short of money.

In this way, it will be difficult for the spies in the East Factory.

Because of their special identities, and now they want to hide the fake death of the old man Zhu Di and the prince Zhu Gaochi, they are more cautious in doing things.

At this moment, when all eyes are on it, where are they going to get tickets?
It is definitely impossible to buy it.

It's not a big deal to let them use their relationship to make some comebacks.

After all, they still have this ability and power.

But the problem is, because of their special status, representing the royal family, once they show up, people with a discerning eye can see the problem at a glance.

First of all.

Who did the people from Dongchang buy these tickets for?
As we all know, Dongchang is a private power of the royal family.

Their appearance often represents the will of the emperor.

It is an extension of the emperor's will.

Who is the current emperor?
Although he has not yet ascended the throne, everyone knows that it is Zhu Zhanji.

This competition is exactly what he advocated.

However, if Zhu Zhanji wants to watch this competition, does he need to buy tickets?

Absolutely not.

So who did the people from Dongchang buy them for?
Director of the East Factory?

Although the position of East Factory Superintendent is very powerful, everyone knows that because of his great power and high official position, there are more things that need to be taboo.

As the factory supervisor of the East Factory, it is impossible for Huang Yan to participate in such an obvious matter.

Unless authorized by Zhu Zhanji.

Moreover, the venue for this competition is still in the palace.

Demonstrate your power as the governor of the East Factory in front of the emperor's eyes?
Look at the hedonistic life of your East Factory Superintendent?
Isn't it all right?

Because of Dongchang's own particularity, any behavior of them will be associated with the emperor.

So at this time, they are the most difficult people to deal with.

Of course, through some obscure means, such as asking others to buy for them, such means are naturally feasible.

It is not easy to be known by outsiders.

But this matter is very important, if one fails, if something goes wrong and the news that the old emperor Zhu Di is not dead is leaked, Huang Yan will be hacked to death by Zhu Di with a sword.

Therefore, Huang Yan, who has always been 'non-stick pan', did not let people act recklessly, but found the old emperor Zhu Di and reported the matter to him.

I want to ask Zhu Di whether to use Dongchang's ability to obtain tickets.

In the past few days, Zhu Di, who had already made preparations for returning to the capital to watch the finals of the opera competition, suddenly widened his eyes when he heard Huang Yan tell him that he hadn't bought a ticket.

Just dealing with this matter, Zhu Di thought of many possible problems.

But I didn't expect that the last problem was that the tickets could not be bought.

But it wasn't until he heard from Huang Yan the value and scarcity of tickets to the finals that Zhu Di really understood how popular the finals were.

At the same time, after hearing Huang Yan's consideration, Zhu Di thought it over carefully, and said, "You are right in thinking, so that you don't have to buy the ticket through Dongchang, and you secretly follow me in my name. The third child should get in touch, he and the second child are in charge of this drama competition, he can handle this matter well, and he doesn’t have to worry about being found out.”

At this time, the old man Zhu Di also knew that this is not the past.

Now the Ming emperor who is openly and secretly is his grandson. Although Dongchang does things secretly, it is not the time for his old man to be the emperor after all. Let alone the other things, Jinyiwei alone is no longer under his control. In the middle.

In case Jin Yiwei finds out about this secret matter, it will not end well for him.

Therefore, he could only think of this method.

After all, whether Zhu Di is dead or not, the third child in his family knows it well.

This matter is entrusted to him, and there is no need to consider whether it will be exposed.

Even if it is exposed, the third child can withstand the pressure and take this matter on himself.

After Huang Yan heard the emperor Zhu Di's arrangement, he also had a bottom line in his heart.

No matter whether Prince Zhao can handle this matter well, it has nothing to do with Huang Yan.

He's just an errand.

"The minister obeys."

After saluting, Huang Yan also began to act according to the emperor Zhu Di's wishes.

at the same time.

At the gate of King Zhao's Mansion in the capital, King Zhao Zhu Gaosui didn't know what happened, so he left his King Zhao's Mansion in a hurry and rushed towards King Han's Mansion.

After Zhao Wang Zhu Gaoxuan hurried to Han Wang's mansion, he hurried to the study where Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu was without anyone notifying him.


Before the door was reached, the voice of the youngest Zhu Gaosui had already rang out.

Then he pushed the door straight in.

inside the house.

Zhu Gaoxu, king of Han, looked at Zhu Gaosui, the youngest who rushed in, but also ignored him.

It's not the first time I've seen something as unruly as him.

"What's the matter, tell me."

Zhu Gaoxu who was sitting on the chair said casually.

At this time, the servants behind Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui hurried over with a look of fear.

Seeing this, Zhu Gaoxu just casually raised his hand to signal him to leave.

Zhu Gaoxu also understood that the youngest was like this, and these servants could not stop him at all.

After the servant left, facing Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu's inquiry, Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui carefully looked outside the door, and after seeing that there was no one else, he carefully closed the door of the study again.

Zhu Gaoxu, who was sitting on the chair, looked at the cautious appearance of the third child, and couldn't help feeling a little puzzled in his heart.

Although the third child often has no rules with him on weekdays, it is rare for him to break in like today.

At the same time, judging by his cautious appearance, it seems that there is really something important.

Just when the second child Zhu Gaoxu wondered what the third child had something important to tell him, the third child Zhu Gaosui stared straight at the second child the moment he turned his head, and said, "Daddy has some news." !"

Accompanied by the words spoken by the third child, the pupils of the eyes of the second child looking at the third child also enlarged at this moment.

"Is there any news about my father?!"


Although the second child and the third child knew in their hearts that the old man was not dead, since they left in Mobei, they never saw their old man again.

It is even less clear where the other party is and what he is doing.

Even when they were about to rebel outside the Shanhai Pass, they never heard of the old man.

Until now, it was the first time they heard about the old man.

And the second child was naturally extremely shocked and asked: "Where is the old man now?"

Facing the question from the second child, the third child shook his head, and then said in a low voice: "I don't know about this, but there is indeed news about the old man. Dad ordered people from Dongchang to come over, saying that he wants tickets for this opera competition." Didn't say anything else, just let me prepare a few tickets for the competition, and then he will personally order someone to pick up the tickets."

Hearing what the third child said, the second child also frowned immediately.

This old man has disappeared since his victory in Mobei, but this is the first time I hear about him, and he wants a ticket to an opera competition
Zhu Gaoxu really didn't expect this.

After all, in Zhu Gaoxu's opinion, the old man's news is much more important than any opera contest.

As for why the old man wanted tickets for this opera competition, it's not difficult to understand.

Tickets for this competition are hard to come by now, it's really because the two brothers have more here.

In the other place, regardless of status, there really isn't one.

"I haven't heard of the old man's good mouth either?"

The second child Zhu Gaoxu looked at the third child Zhu Gaosui suspiciously.

After hearing this, Zhu Gaosui, the third child, also said with a puzzled expression: "That's right, I couldn't figure it out when I heard this letter. You said this old man is fine, what kind of show are you listening to?"

"Don't say it's the old man, it's the boss. I haven't heard that he has a hobby of listening to operas."

Although the words of the youngest Zhu Gaosui were unintentional, they reminded him of Zhu Gaoxu.

This old man doesn't like listening to operas, and the boss has never heard of such a hobby of listening to operas.

Then they did not hesitate to risk exposure this time, what does it mean to ask them for a ticket?
Rebelling with 500,000 troops, the old man can hold back his face.

Now, just for a ticket to the opera competition, you took the initiative to find him?

Thinking of this, the second child also began to put himself in the old man's shoes and think about the problem.

Just when he was puzzled, something suddenly came to his mind, and he immediately looked at the youngest Zhu Gaosui and asked, "Did the princess go to Nanjing recently?"

The third child, Zhu Gaosui, frowned, and said doubtfully, "I heard that there was such a thing."

Hearing this, the second child Zhu Gaoxu immediately clapped his hands and said, "Okay, I understand."

Seeing what the second child said, the third child hurriedly asked, "What do you understand? Tell me quickly."

The second child, Zhu Gaoxu, smiled and said: "Based on what I know about the old man and the boss, if they were together, they would definitely not watch any operas, and at most they would go hunting in the mountains. But you didn't find out, the concubine Taisun recently She is pregnant, but instead of staying in the capital to take care of her, the Crown Princess went to Nanjing, what did she do in Nanjing?"

"Just to burn incense sticks for the boss who faked his death? When can this matter not be done? Must it be done when the concubine is pregnant? Everyone is dead, can burning sticks of incense make it possible?"

"Our sister-in-law, don't look at the noisy people on weekdays, but she really doesn't know how to mess around in front of such a big event. If you want me to say, she didn't go to burn incense for the boss, it was clearly an excuse to go Looking for the boss."

Listening to the analysis of the second child Zhu Gaoxu, the third child Zhu Gaosui gradually came to his senses.

"Oh, what you mean is that the opera competition is actually not for the old man and the boss, but for our sister-in-law?"

Hearing this, the second child nodded firmly and said, "Haven't you found out yet? In our family, who dares to mess around in front of the old man? Except Zhu Zhanji, who is his mother."

"Don't look at our sister-in-law in recent years, but as long as she begs for something in front of the old man, the old man will not be wrong. You have forgotten what happened when we were in Beiping. up?"

"So I'm sure, apart from Zhu Zhanji, the only one who can make the old man do such a nonsense thing is our sister-in-law."

Listening to the second child's narration and explanation, the third child also gradually believed in the second child's words.

"Oh, that's what happened."

"That is to say, the old man came out this time just for the excitement?"

Hearing this, the second child, Zhu Gaoxu, also nodded, without much interest, and said, "Eight or nine is not far from ten."

(End of this chapter)

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