Daming: Let you do your best to manage, do you go to health?

Chapter 179 You gave birth to a good son!

After these words fell, there was a long silence.

The child who had lost a loved one looked at everything in the yard behind him reluctantly, as if saying goodbye to all of them.

For this child, the emperor seems to be a high and illusory title.

But for him, he didn't understand what it meant.

In his eyes, the general standing at the door is just the leader of his next revenge.

With the end of this scene.

This drama also came to an end.

But those people in the field at this time couldn't come back to their senses for a long time.

Most of those present were dignitaries in the capital.

But because of the particularity of Beijing, although the dignitaries here can be said to be the top existence of the entire Ming Dynasty.

But they are not like Nanjing.

It's not like the original Beijing city, that is, most of the rich and powerful in the Yuan Dynasty.

They belonged to an emerging elite class.

So a large part of them, or their parents, have experienced the war-torn era, lived in it, and experienced the feeling of dire straits.

So when such a group of people saw this scene, the feeling became more and more suitable.

Although the opera in this section is quite different from the opera about Emperor Taizu before, and the content is not as intuitive and expectant as in the previous section.

But that is only compared with Taizu's period.

If you only talk about the quality of this section, it can be compared with all the operas circulating in the world, and it is even stronger than all operas in terms of creating a sense of expectation.

Of course, this is not to say that opera has no value.

It must be of value that opera can be handed down to this day.

But the operas performed on the stage are actually different from traditional operas in essence.

The meaning of the two is different.

Today's performance is not so much a drama as a stage play.

Between the two, it is natural that the on-site expression and content delivery of stage plays are more intuitive.

This is also the reason why Zhu Zhanji chose this way of performance and formulated the content for it.

Although Zhu Zhanji doesn't know much about opera, he is not qualified to judge anything.

However, without any direct interference from external factors, opera has been confirmed by time and facts in later generations as its disadvantage in mass communication.

This is reality.

At the same time, in this performance, compared with the previous stories of Taizu, the content of his performance requires more thinking.

The truth contained in it needs to be savored.

It needs to be understood according to some national policies of this dynasty.

On the contrary, the story of Taizu's time is more in line with reality, and it is pushed by the times and world events.

So it's easier to understand.

After all, such things are not uncommon among the people.

It happened right next to the common people.

So in the end, after the performance, the audience present were not as before. After a short period of stupefaction, they were full of expectations and excitement.

It is continuous silence, continuous thinking.

For a long time, there was no movement in the whole scene.

These dignitaries are witnesses and even participants in the national policy of this dynasty.

Many times they cannot understand the decrees and measures of the emperor and the court.

Although they can say a few words on the surface, in fact they have no intuitive experience.

For example, this war.

Everyone knows that the frontier was harassed and the people were displaced.

But how many people know what kind of purgatory lies behind this simple sentence?
they do not know.

Especially those who read.

They know and they don't know.

Clear and not so clear.

But now.

All of this was vividly and nakedly expressed by those actors on the stage.

You haven't seen it.

can not go.

OK, let me show you.

Show it to many of you who come from the south to see the court officials.

Look at this frontier, and see what kind of life the people in this frontier are experiencing.

They all work hard.

In fact, there is no difference with you people.

They are also working hard to develop in a good direction, they are not lazy, they are also very diligent.

But what they have to face is not just a diligent request.

If they want to survive, they have to face the harassment of foreign enemies all the time.

They all want to recuperate and have a good life.

But who wouldn't?
The people on the frontier also think about it.

They are also like those of you who were born in the Jiangnan region of the Central Plains, they all want to.

They are also paying the court's taxes.

But why, you can live a good life.

But they can't?

Peace and stability, everyone is willing.

But the enemy is unwilling!

Therefore, if you want peace and stability, you can only pick up a knife.

Use the blood of soldiers to defend their peace and stability.

After watching this passage, the audience present felt very great and had a lot of feelings.

But the one with the most was the seemingly ordinary old man Zhu Di sitting in the corner of the venue.

He is the mastermind of all this.

He is the 'designer' of the dynasty in this era.

No one knew better than him why he wanted to fight Mobei.

Why is he 'militaristic'.

He would not hesitate to spend hundreds of millions to lead an army to conquer Mobei himself.

He is not for himself, but for millions of people in this world.

But when he wanted to mobilize troops, the prince disagreed, and the courtiers were unwilling.

Even those generals who are used to having fun are unwilling.

People all over the world are telling him that he must start farming with the people, let the world rest and rest, and recuperate.

But even though he was under such great financial pressure, so many people opposed him, and countless people all over the world protested.

He still has to do it.

He has lived in Yandi for a long time.

He knows the frontier, and he knows better about the lives of the people in the frontier.

If you can't beat the wolves, how can there be peace and stability?

The wolf cubs in the north are at a time when they are weak, if you don't move them at this time, don't take them at this time.

Do we have to wait ten years later, a hundred years later, when they become stronger, cross the Great Wall and rush into their homes?
Compared with the world, what Zhu Di sees is what will happen in the next ten, twenty, or fifty years.

Therefore, when the old man Zhu Di saw this paragraph and saw that there were still people in this world who understood his actions in decades of emperor career, one can imagine the feeling in the old man's heart.

Although there are not too many words in the content of this performance, and there are not many things expressed in words.

Didn't even show much content.

But when the young general on the stage said, 'I am Zhu Di!Zhu Di who killed the enemy and took revenge with you! ', the old man's eye sockets were wet.

He seems to have seen the young general who once fought for his country.

It seems to have seen the heart of a child when he was young.

I saw the bloody picture that happened so naked before my eyes.

There are not many scenes in the performance in that border.

It is even said that this is a drop in the ocean.

Why did Zhu Di hate Mobei's wolf cub so much? It was because he had seen too many such scenes.

He didn't know what kind of words he was going to use to deceive himself into being a Taiping monarch.

He knows that many people in the world don't understand him, and even resent him.

There is no way to stand in his situation to think about the problem.

Just imagine, if he is willing, he stands on these mountains and rivers brought down by his old man, why can't he be a wise king in the eyes of the world?

he can.

He can.

Say two good words, say two nice words.

Do something literary and create a scene of prosperity.

Share the world with the scholar-bureaucrats.

In the history books in the future, he will be the Mingjun and the Holy Lord.

But he can deceive the world, but he cannot deceive himself.

So, when Zhu Di saw all this now, his eyes were moist, and his heart that seemed to have been covered with dust was burning hot at this moment.

He knew that his brat was one of the rare people in this world who could understand him.

He knew this from the time when the kid was unwilling to follow the path arranged by his old man to become a Holy Master.

That brat in my family is actually the same as him, Zhu Di, and his father, Zhu Yuanzhang.

But now, after Zhu Di's death, when his eldest grandson is about to ascend the throne, and seeing these things made by that kid, this feeling is completely different.

Just when Zhu Di was feeling all kinds of emotions because of the drama just now.

The prince Zhu Gaochi beside him also couldn't calm down for a long time.


Perhaps according to Zhu Gaochi's approach, once he ascends the throne, in the eyes of those courtiers, he is an existence comparable to his father or even his ancestors.

But just like the performance on this stage, his "shoulder to shoulder" is based on being cruel to this group of people.

this is the truth.

Either choose stability, or you can only use force.

Perhaps he has a good reputation and is the most suitable person to be an emperor.

But compared to an emperor like his father, he lacked something.

There is less truth, less blood, and less innocence.

Just a cold monarch sitting on that cold dragon chair.

Compared to the emperor, the emperor may be closer to someone like his father.

For a while, Zhu Gaochi felt a little ashamed.

Some even dared not go to see their father.

Perhaps it was precisely for this reason that my father chose Zhu Zhanji as the successor instead of himself.

Just when the father and son sitting side by side felt a little mixed in their hearts.

The Crown Princess Zhang Yan at the side was obviously not as deep as they thought.

At this time, the Crown Princess Zhang Yan, just like an ordinary audience, said with some emotion: "It would be great if everyone in the world could see such a good show."

As a person of the royal family.

No matter how ignorant the Crown Princess Zhang Yan is, she knows these things well.

It is difficult for ordinary people to understand the court and the emperor's intentions.

That's why I suddenly had such a feeling.

If people all over the world can see such dramas, maybe their thoughts will change.

For Crown Princess Zhang Yan, what she said was just a simple sentence of emotion.

But for the old man Zhu Di and the prince Zhu Gaochi on the side.

But it was like thunder ringing in my ears.

"Such a good show, it would be great if everyone in the world could see it"

"Such a good show, it would be great if everyone in the world could see it"


At this time, the old man Zhu Di and the prince Zhu Gaochi repeated this sentence repeatedly in their hearts.

Such a good show, it would be great if everyone in the world could see it.


Such a good play, if only everyone in the world could see it! !
For an instant.

The hearts of the old man Zhu Di and the prince Zhu Gaochi seemed to have been severely hammered.

If everyone in the world can see the content of this opera, what will they think?
For an emperor sitting on the dragon chair, for a monarch who controls the world, if everyone in the world can see such a good opera, they will think the same as the emperor in their minds.

How important is that to a country, a dynasty, and the king of a dynasty?
The old man Zhu Di understood.

Prince Zhu Gaochi also understood.

From a long time ago, when they heard that this kid was going to do these things, they had been thinking about what this kid was going to do.

What exactly is he for.

Why spend so much energy doing this.

And why he couldn't wait to do such a thing when he just took control of the world.

Even before they came this time, they were thinking about why.

After sitting down and watching the first scene, I was still thinking about it.

But now.

They got it.

They understood what this kid was planning behind his back.

This kid is playing chess!

The next game of chess!
The next big game is enough to bring about earth-shaking changes to the Ming Dynasty!

In military affairs, it is said that it is better to use the sword as the Great Wall than to use the support of the people of the world as the Great Wall.

But when it comes to governing the country, why not?

Use so many armies in the world to control the people in the world, and use the governments in various places to control the people in the world.

It is better to control the people of the world with the support of the people of the world.

As members of the royal family, they often hear a truth from people.

As long as what you do is beneficial to the people, the people in the world will know it.

As long as what you do is beneficial to the people of the world, the people of the world will appreciate you.

But the reality is that people don't know.

No matter how many people you struggle with in this imperial court, no matter how many difficulties you encounter, the common people in this world are not clear about it.

But now.

If you continue according to what Zhu Zhanji has come up with.

What will happen?
Opera is such a straightforward opera that is easily accepted by the common people.

Its spread and its effect far exceed the teachings of any saint.

Even if you all convey the same kind of things and ideas.

During the Han Dynasty, hundreds of schools were dismissed, and Confucianism was the only one.

Why is there no such deep meaning?
The strength and development of Confucianism are not fueled by the imperial power behind it.

But now, this kid has further enhanced this method.

And through this method, you can freely spread what you want to spread, without needing to rely on a genre.

This is of far-reaching significance to the imperial power and to the rule of a dynasty, which is unimaginable and even terrifying.

Although they don't have any evidence to prove that Zhu Zhanji's plan is up to now.

But since this kid is so inspiring, he doesn't hesitate to use the power of the entire imperial court to hold a folk competition. If you say that he is just for fun, who will believe it?

Whoever believes that is a fool!

At this time, the old man Zhu Di and the prince Zhu Gaochi were almost sure that the reason why Zhu Zhanji made such a big commotion was precisely for this purpose.

Although it's just an opera competition now, what's next?



What is the significance of these trades to the emperor?
Almost exactly the same as this drama.

They are all means that the emperor can use.

You can use these methods to achieve your own means of unifying the thoughts of the people in the world!
This was the first big thing that Zhu Zhanji did after he took power.

Unity of thought!

This is the first priority of being a king!
Thinking of the beauty, the faces of the old man Zhu Di and the prince Zhu Gaochi were full of ecstasy.

"This kid is born to be an emperor! I'm not mistaken, old man!"

Zhu Di said with ecstasy in his heart.

And the prince Zhu Gaochi on the side can naturally understand what his father is thinking.

Although the two didn't say anything during this process, they both realized the key point.

But compared to them, the Crown Princess Zhang Yan, who just made the truth clear, is staring blankly at the two people who are talking strange things.

I don't understand what the father and son are doing.

Speaking of this opera, why did he still talk about his own son.

What does this have to do with whether his son is expected to be emperor?
What's more, an opera competition was held. Is this what it takes to be an emperor?
Even if the performance is good, the old man is good, and he wants to praise him, but this praise is too far-fetched.

Seeing the dazed face of the princess, the prince Zhu Gaochi who was beside him immediately smiled and said, "You gave birth to a good son."

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