Chapter 187 The age of sailing begins!
After the enthronement ceremony is over.

As the most important matter of the imperial court in the near future, the construction of sea-going ships is also regarded as the top priority by the imperial court and Zhu Zhanji.

In addition to the fact that the imperial court was concentrating on building sea-going ships.

Zhu Zhanji also issued the first decree in the Xuande period after he ascended the throne.

Encourage the private sector to open shipyards.

Within three years, the shipyard will be exempted from all taxes, including the taxation of personnel inside the shipyard.

At the same time, Hong Kong Offices were opened in several large sea ports in the Ming Dynasty.

All fleets going to sea need to pass the registration status here before they can leave the port to trade in various places.

It also requires the newly opened Hong Kong Office to open projects for attracting investment.

Publicize to the outside world about the imperial court's preferential policies for the opening of private sea routes.

And promised to open the straight roads inside the Ming Dynasty at these ports.

These straight roads will connect to the surrounding large cities.

Help the goods shipped back from the sea to be distributed to various places in the fastest time.

In short, according to the actual situation, Zhu Zhanji thought of almost all the practical issues that need to be considered for those private businessmen engaged in sea trade.

And based on these practical problems, concentrate the power of the court to solve them for them.

Of course, if it is just these, it is not enough for the imperial court to revitalize maritime trade and strengthen the domestic shipbuilding industry.

After all, whether they are businessmen or contractors, the most important thing for them is to see profits.

Maritime trade is still a relatively novel business for them, even for this era.

They don't know how much profit, how much profit, and what risks there are.

After all, not everyone has the experience and insight of that horse treasure.

Therefore, if it is only these discounts, it is doomed that Zhu Zhanji's expectations cannot be met.

After all, what Zhu Zhanji wants is not just a show.

According to his idea, maritime trade and related industries should be established as backbone industries like real estate in later generations.

It is an industry that will be poured countless financial and material resources by the imperial court, and it will become an industry that will serve as a reservoir for the economy of the Ming Dynasty in the next ten years, or even twenty years.

These alone are absolutely not enough to achieve this goal.

Therefore, in addition to these decrees, Zhu Zhanji still has a trump card that he has not played.

That is to allow those private fleets to open mines outside in the future!
It's like Dongyingshi seeing the silver mines in this place. Once the imperial court really agrees to such conditions, then those private private fleet merchants in the Ming Dynasty can organize their own fleets to open silver mines outside, or Buy silver mining in the hands of those natives.

How big is the profit in the middle?
When you go, you load a boat full of air, and when you come back, it's full of gold and silver.

Needless to say, just one trip is enough for countless people to eat and drink for a lifetime.

Under such circumstances, does Zhu Zhanji need to insist on the development of industries related to maritime trade?

When the fleet belonging to the imperial court of the Ming Dynasty came back, and countless people saw the gold and silver on the ship, what would they think?
It will definitely be jealous.

At such a time, Zhu Zhanji told them, you don't need to be jealous, there is something good, let's do it together.

But it is impossible for the imperial court to provide them with sea ships.

At that time, if you want to go to sea to hold money, you must first have tools.

It can't be said that the court has prepared a sack for you to pick up money, right?

In fact, it's not just the dignitaries inside the Ming Dynasty.

Even ordinary people can do it.

Zhu Zhanji also thought of this point.

If there is such a good thing, how can someone like Zhu Zhanji be willing to let the rich and powerful with vested interests occupy it all.

Of course, the rich and powerful themselves are not at fault.

It is also certain to let them take advantage.

As long as the imperial court relaxes this condition, the dignitaries will definitely be the first to eat crabs.

But while the powerful class is eating meat, Zhu Zhanji will not just watch them sit big.

It even formed the gentry family that existed in previous dynasties.

The existence of this level is almost equivalent to the capital of later generations.

Although the emergence of capital is inevitable on this road.

After all, if you want to develop and develop rapidly, your interests cannot be held in your hands alone.

Once the benefits are apportioned, existence similar to the nature of capital will inevitably appear.

But still the same sentence, if there is a reward, there must be a restraint.

If Zhu Zhanji hadn't figured out how to treat and restrict them, he would never have opened this Pandora's box.

Giving to ordinary people and giving real folk benefits is one of his countermeasures.

Through the bank established by the imperial court, loans were given to private chambers of commerce that had no previous silver reserves.

Then help them form a fleet that meets the conditions for going to sea.

Of course, using the rise of private capital to give ordinary people a channel for class promotion to fight against the existing dignitaries and maintain the balance between the two is just one of them.

After that, Zhu Zhanji will use tariffs and other means to restrict.

The ultimate goal is that the industry has developed, and the interests of the big head are still in the hands of the court.

After all, tariffs are something that depends on how you set them.

And Zhu Zhanji, who was thinking about everything that would happen next, naturally pretended to be an unintentional move, and "inadvertently" revealed his idea of ​​relaxing the conditions of maritime trade and giving opportunities to the people to the officials of the court them.

Accompanied by Zhu Zhanji's "unintentional mistake", a storm of public opinion about maritime trade and opening of silver mines appeared in the entire capital instantly.

Almost everyone is discussing this matter.

After all, the interests behind this are too great.

It is so big that no family can turn a blind eye.

As early as when Zhu Zhanji was still the grandson, after he reformed the taxation system, farming, and land acquisition, he could no longer let those vested interests, that is, the powerful class of the Ming Dynasty, make money.

Their desire to make money has almost exploded.

Now, finally let them see a brand new path.

It was Zhu Zhanji who guided them to see the path.

So, after getting the exact news.

Countless people have already started planning for this event.

First of all, the first thing is where to get ships.

There is no need to think about the ships of the imperial court, and the folks do not have shipyards to build their own ships.

What should I do?
It can only be done at home.

Moreover, when everyone wants to go to sea, if you build a shipyard yourself, isn't that just lying down and making money?
The emergence of a large number of shipyards has brought about employment opportunities for countless ordinary people.

When the common people have money, the surrounding economy will be better.

It will also drive the development of other industries.

Just like the land sold by the court.

The construction of a shipyard must have a suitable location.

Almost everything that can be used has been clearly marked by the court.

A large amount of funds flowed into the imperial court, and the imperial court used this money to start the construction of infrastructure around the port terminal.

Driven employment, stimulating economic consumption.

The tax revenue of the imperial court increased again.

There is also money in the surrounding infrastructure.

Under Zhu Zhanji's planning, these changes have gradually formed a benign economic closed loop.

And every time these economies flow into a brand new industry and individual, it will bring benefits to the court.

So that the imperial court is always in a dominant position.

Of course, this is what Zhu Zhanji will do next, and it is also the main thing that the entire Ming Dynasty will do in the next ten years.

But all of this still needs an opportunity to be formally finalized.

That is the emergence of a new currency!

If the entire Ming Dynasty is still in an era when silver and gold are the main trading currency, then the inflow of a large amount of gold and silver will inevitably have a very serious impact on the entire Ming Dynasty.

The simplest is the soaring prices.

The most direct impact is that ordinary people can no longer afford food.

Although the specific impact will depend on the actual situation, no matter what the reaction and impact are, it is unacceptable to Zhu Zhanji.

Therefore, only the introduction of a new currency, after the national unified currency replacement.

Everything he planned before can be officially launched.

As time goes by day by day.

The public opinion that spread from the capital and began to spread on a large scale around the entire capital also began to intensify.

Even the king of Han and the king of Zhao have come to see Zhu Zhanji in person.

Ask if it's true.


For that huge profit, even the two princes couldn't sit still.

Not only them, but all the people in the court who have some relatives with Zhu Zhanji began to ask people to ask about the authenticity of this matter.

Everyone wants to eat a bite of meat in this regard.

For such a change, Zhu Zhanji naturally saw it.

But that's what he wanted.

He is not afraid of people wanting to eat meat.

In other words, this meat was originally for them to eat.

But compared to these, what Zhu Zhanji sees is not only these benefits.

What's more, he saw the booming maritime industry in the Ming Dynasty in the future.

Don't look at these people, they all went to those silver mines at the beginning.

All he wanted was to pull a boatload of gold and silver back.

However, with the future tariffs and the gradual change in the ratio of the new currency exchange with the imperial court.
The profits brought to them by these gold and silver will also continue to decline, and eventually tend to be stable.

From a profiteering industry to a normal income industry.

By that time, they, who have invested countless resources, will inevitably change due to changes in the imperial court's policy.

From the simplest porter at the beginning, gradually, like the later generations, a hundred flowers began to bloom.

transportation, trade, etc.
And this is also the first major change that Zhu Zhanji brought to the Ming Dynasty.

The age of sailing begins!
And with the specific means and channels of realization, the industrial revolution will soon begin to shine its light.

Let the bright sun and moon shine in the sky of the seven continents.

And the next control over the entire world, although it is still far away.

It should be regarded as the model of Ming Dynasty 2.0.

However, Zhu Zhanji is still confident about these.

After all, the various methods of the beautiful country in later generations are a standard answer.

Of course, this talent is also inherited from his father owl.

No one in this world understands the pros and cons of this better than an owl.

With so much practical experience, Zhu Zhanji dare not say that he will not encounter any difficulties, but at least the direction is clear.

There will be no problems with direction selection.

Under Zhu Zhanji's central command, the entire Ming Dynasty began intensive preparations from top to bottom.

Sea boats went into the sea one by one.

Sea shipyards started construction one by one.

Treasure ships full of gold and silver returned from Japan.

Government-run banks began to appear quietly all over the country.

A large number of rubber trees gradually grew up, and the scale continued to expand.

Watt's improved steam engine in the suburbs of Nanjing was transported to a secret house outside Beijing at some unknown time.

Countless craftsmen study and copy day and night.

For half a year.

From the day Zhu Zhanji ascended the throne, the entire Ming Dynasty has been in a state of rapid operation.

In this process.

Under Zhu Zhanji's deliberate promotion, no one in the entire court can be idle.

It is really giving play to the value of the court itself, rather than constant internal friction in the vortex of power and interests.

Countless officials even experienced this feeling for the first time in their lives.

Although the vast majority of people don't know what they are doing from the beginning to the end, they all have a vague feeling.

It seems that a great era is about to be born in their hands.

Because everything they experienced and everything they did was unprecedented in all dynasties.

Especially when they saw that ship of gold and silver with their own eyes, it was really like in a dream, being transported back to the country.

I saw mountains of gold and silver piled up in the port that only appeared in dreams.

It is conceivable how much this reality touched them.

Under Zhu Zhanji's command, many things that only existed in dreams are constantly becoming reality.

Under such circumstances, under the background of the great changes of the times, all people have chosen to shoulder their own responsibilities.

Begin to move forward continuously according to Zhu Zhanji's command.

These six months are unusual for ordinary officials.

The same is true for Zhu Zhanji himself.

Not only did he see a masterpiece being perfected in his own hands.

He also got a feeling that he had never experienced in two lifetimes.

His child was born.

is a daughter.

This is completely consistent with history.

And Zhu Zhanji was naturally ecstatic about the birth of his daughter.

After knowing that Hu Shanxiang did not have a son, but a daughter, as in history, Zhu Zhanji also felt the wonder of all this.

Therefore, as in history, he named his first daughter, the eldest princess of the Ming Dynasty, Shunde.

At the same time, the first warship of the new navy of the Ming Dynasty was named Shunde.

The establishment of the new navy also took place within the past six months.

Civilian sea-going ships naturally need to develop rapidly.

But the military cannot lag behind, and it is even right to be ahead of the civilian use.

So after everything was on the right track, and the first batch of gold and silver flowed into the court, and the court had a steady stream of finances, he immediately ordered Yang Shiqi, who had been idle for a long time and had never led any major events, to start building the first of the Ming Dynasty. A new navy.

(End of this chapter)

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