Just when he was wondering, when the county magistrate passed by him, he immediately thought of something and said, "You go with us."

Saying that, without waiting for his consent, he went straight to the gate of the city.

city ​​gate.

Xiang Wang Zhu Zhanqian led five hundred Musketeers and waited at the gate of the city.

Although the soldiers on duty in the city in front of him were only about ten people, which looked like a paper lake in his eyes, but Zhu Zhanqian did not put on any princely airs, but completely followed the rules of the court, waiting here for the arrival of the county magistrate.

And when the county magistrate of Nalin County came here, he did not dare to stop for a moment and came to Zhu Zhanqian, and respectfully shouted to the people around him: "Your Majesty, pay homage to His Royal Highness King Xiang!"

Looking at the magistrate of Lin County in front of him, Zhu Zhanqian was not polite, but raised his hand slightly and said, "Get up."

"Where is the person who told you now?"

Hearing Xiang Wang Zhu Zhanqian's words, the county magistrate hurriedly said: "You are at the inn in the city, and the next official will lead the way for His Highness in person."

With that said, the county magistrate walked towards the city in person, and behind him, Zhu Zhanqian led the Musketeers under his command to follow closely behind.

At the same time, the county magistrate who followed the county magistrate and personally brought the group of people to the city was stunned after hearing what they said to each other.

King Xiang!

Although this title is not very honorable to the members of the royal family, everyone in the Ming Dynasty is aware of the power possessed by the King Xiang in front of him.

Especially here, because it is not too far away from the capital, so many gossip will spread here.

Don't look at the direct lineage factions in the current imperial court, the old princeling faction is fiercely fighting, but you have to say who is the most powerful in the imperial court.

No one can get around the two younger brothers of the current emperor.

Yue Wang Zhu Zhanyong and Xiang Wang Zhu Zhanqian.

This civil and military is almost the right arm of the current emperor.

It's just that they are excluded from discussions because they are members of the royal family.

But no one can ignore their existence.

But now, such a legendary figure appeared in his eyes.

The point is, from their conversation, it seems that King Xiang came here in person for the group of people he brought back a few days ago!

How can this make him not panic.

No matter what kind of relationship this King Xiang has with these people, in the midst of this, with his weight, he is a small person who may not be dealt with at any time.

Thinking of this, a trace of panic gradually rose in my heart.

If it weren't for this errand, he didn't violate the court laws at all, and he was still enforcing the law fairly. I'm afraid his legs would go weak on the spot.

Outside an inn in Lin County.

Countless people gradually gathered here, because the battle was too big and the status was too noble, so it quickly attracted countless people to join in the fun.

But looking at the scene in front of him, Zhu Zhanqian's brows gradually frowned.

This time he came to personally pick up the old man back to Beijing, because this matter is very secret, and this news cannot be disclosed publicly, so Zhu Zhanqian didn't want too many people to see this, so he bowed his head to the front The county magistrate who was walking said: "There are too many people. The people in the inn are distinguished. Please ask the county magistrate to dismiss the people around."  …

Hearing this, although the county magistrate was very curious about the extent of the noble status that King Xiang said, it was obviously not the time to think about it, so he immediately responded to Zhu Zhanqian's words and began to dispatch The people in the government began to dismiss the people around them.

After the whole street began to return to tranquility under the clearance of those officials, Zhu Zhanqian got off the horse at this time, and after ordering the surroundings to put martial law outside, he entered the inn alone.

In the inn at this time, all irrelevant personnel were basically dismissed, leaving only Zhu Di, Zhu Gaochi and his son, as well as those guards and people from Dongchang.

At this time, Zhu Di didn't hide anything anymore, and sat alone in the center of the lobby, even Zhu Gaochi stood aside obediently.

Zhu Zhanqian, who walked into the inn, still felt extremely shocked when he saw these two people appearing in front of him alive.

But he still came to the two of them immediately, knelt on the ground and shouted respectfully: "Grandson pays respects to grandpa, pays respects to father."

Looking at his grandson, Zhu Di nodded slightly.

And Zhu Gaochi on the side also smiled.

However, Zhu Di, who was sitting in the middle, asked, "Where's that kid Zhu Zhanji? Why, now that you're the emperor, don't you even have time to come over in person?"

Listening to his grandfather's words, Zhu Zhanqian finally found the feeling he used to have at this moment.

Before that, no matter what anyone told him or what he saw, Zhu Zhanqian always felt a little unreal in his heart.

It feels as if everything is a dream.

But until now, when his old man once again showed his previous habit of taking the lead in everything and putting himself on the right side, Zhu Zhanqian finally felt that all this was real.

Of course, in the face of the old man's accusation, Zhu Zhanqian is actually very similar to Zhu Zhanqian in this regard.

They all knew the old man's temper, so they treated their old man like a child from the beginning to the end.

So he replied: "Grandpa, you said that you died in a while and came back to life in a while, and it would be difficult to accept it on anyone. Let's not say whether this is true or not. Today's eldest brother is an emperor. If it’s fake, wouldn’t it make the world laugh at it?”

"Besides, grandpa, my eldest brother is your grandson, so am I not your grandson?"

"In order to pick you up, and also for your safety, my brother is afraid that someone will have evil thoughts in the dark and will attack you two, so even the soldiers and horses in the capital can't believe it, so I have to lead the soldiers and horses of the Musketeer Battalion to go forward." Come."

"And he himself began to clear the way for the return of the two in the capital. After all, it's hard to hear the news."

"That's it, our brothers didn't even sleep well, didn't eat well, and grandpa you blamed me."

Although the old fifth Zhu Zhanqian was also liked by the old man Zhu Di, after all, this kid is the youngest (direct descendant) of the prince's family.

But because the grandfather he saw was the appearance of the emperor, so basically all the time the two spend together is with the monarch and his subjects first. …

So in the past, he never dared to say such things.

After all, at that time, the old five dared not let go.

But now, after going through the great battle in Mobei and a series of things later, and Zhu Zhanji's experience with him, this kid's temperament has also been tempered a lot.

This calmness alone is by no means what he had in the past.

However, Zhu Zhanqian was not clear about such a change, but Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi, who hadn't seen this kid for a long time, could see it clearly.

After the old man Zhu Di faced his grandson's words, he was not angry, but suddenly laughed, and then looked meaningfully at Zhu Gaochi beside him.

Zhu Gaochi was also happy when he saw the old man's gaze.

Even quite proud.

After all, as a father, when he sees his sons whom he hasn't seen for a long time, how can he not be happy when he sees that each of them has grown up, each of them has grown up, and each of them has grown up and made progress.

It was also at this time that the old man Zhu Di slowly smiled and said: "Okay, don't learn, just learn from your elder brother's stupid face."

"Okay, no need to talk nonsense, let's go."

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanqian nodded immediately, then got up and began to arrange for the people outside to prepare the carriage.

At this moment, when the county magistrate and others who were guarding outside saw that Zhu Zhanqian, who was King Xiang, was leading the way for those around him, the officials who had brought them almost fainted.

This scene naturally aroused the suspicion of the county magistrate.

In today's world, who can let Zhu Zhanqian, who is King Xiang, lead the way in person?

Except for the current emperor and empress dowager, such people hardly exist.

But the people in front of them are obviously not these.

Therefore, he couldn't figure out the identity of this group of people.

But although he was puzzled in his heart, on the surface he still greeted everyone respectfully.

After the group of people and the soldiers and horses of the Musketeer Battalion left from the gate of the city together, the county magistrate standing at the gate of the city finally articulated the doubts in his heart.

"Who is this group of people? They want King Xiang to greet them in person."

Zhu Di and others who left from Lin County, on the way back to Beijing, Zhu Di, who had nothing to do, also called Zhu Zhanqian into the carriage.

It has been a long time, because the authority of the East Factory has been cut, so the only power that the old man Zhu Di can directly control has no effect, so he is not clear about many things in the capital and the Ming Dynasty.

Now that he finally met Zhu Zhanqian, he couldn't wait to ask about everything about the Ming Dynasty.

And when talking about this, that kid Zhu Zhanqian was also full of interest, after all, these achievements were all made by his brothers.

Especially when talking about these things in front of my elders, this sense of pride naturally grows stronger.

Although most of these things were done by his elder brother and third brother, Zhu Zhanqian did not fail to contribute, especially the Dongying party, which brought an unknown amount of wealth to the Ming Dynasty.

And hearing so many things and amazing achievements from Zhu Zhanqian, Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi, who were listening on the sidelines, showed shocked expressions. …

They never imagined that the younger generations of their family would have made so many achievements in the mere one or two years since they left the area.

Even if you don't combine all of these, if you take out one piece alone, it is unprecedented.

Not to mention other nonsensical things, Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi couldn't understand it, so they just talked about the grain output,

Directly increased by [-]%!
There is also the government finance, the port tax alone has reached [-]% of the previous year's finance of the Ming Dynasty!

oh my god.

Is this something you dare to think about?

So in this shock, Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi also questioned a little bit, eager to know how all this was done.

Under the detailed explanation of that kid Zhu Zhanqian, these two people also understood the meaning behind it.

For most of their lives, they have never heard such strange remarks.

What promotes the development of the industrial chain, what economy, what finance, what productivity, what technology, etc.
These gaudy names simply overwhelmed the two people who had listened to them.

But after figuring out the underlying logic inside, his face was full of fascination again.

They never thought that there are so many things to say about this ruling.

Even set a 30 years plan for the imperial court
In this big goal, several five-year and three-year plans were divided.

In this way, the entire Ming Dynasty is like a machine, and according to the plan given by Zhu Zhanji, it will be done firmly.

Everyone has their own small goals scattered from this big goal.

In comparison, the former imperial court had only one blind goal, which was to let the people of the world live well.

But there is only such a simple and blind goal, which is of no use at all.

It's like someone saying that I want to become a rich man. Such a goal is like shouting slogans, and it is actually useless at all.

But now it's different.

Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi, who used to be emperors and princes, are naturally more aware of the impact that doing so can bring.

At the same time, from the mouth of Zhu Zhanqian, he also heard the detailed standards of the imperial court's assessment of local government.

I also figured out why they couldn't even enter the city this time.

Although these things have also been heard from Huang Yan, what Huang Yan can know is definitely not as clear as Zhu Zhanqian.

After all, after their suspended animation, Huang Yan basically stayed with them, so some understanding of the court was also heard from other people.

It must be that one of the rule-makers, Zhu Zhanqian, was not more aware of the reasons and circumstances.

For a whole day, Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi acted like two children pestering their parents to tell stories.

He told everything about the court since their suspended animation.

Although some things sound simple, once they get to the depths, they can't hold back for an hour or two.

So Zhu Zhanqian also said that his mouth was dry.

At the same time full of helplessness.

At the beginning, when he was showing off his achievements to the old man and the others, Zhu Zhanqian still had an excited expression on his face.

But in the end, I was also speechless about the old man and father's inquisition.

For the two of them, these things are naturally new and must sound exciting.

But for him, Zhu Zhanqian, these things have happened around him, just like eating and sleeping, he is used to it.

So in the process of constantly telling them about these things, Zhu Zhanqian naturally couldn't raise his spirit.

Just as the grandson, father and son were on their way in the carriage, chatting about these things one after another, the arrival of a piece of news made everyone's eyes widen.

"What did you say!

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