Chapter 205 Catch That Kid Back For Me!
Looking at the expressions of the officials below, Zhu Di didn't really pursue it too much, but secretly ordered someone to write down the few people who were more escaped, and then asked: "You are staying here because of this Do you have anything to say about the candidate for the successor?"

After understanding Zhu Di's meaning, those smart officials below immediately resigned.

After these people left, Zhu Di turned to look at the current King of Yue, Zhu Zhanyong, and said, "Is there any result about your elder brother's matter?"

Listening to the old man's words, Zhu Zhanyong seemed to have vaguely guessed something when he thought of what his old mother said before, and said, "I haven't checked carefully the words of Grandpa Huang."

Hearing this, the old man didn't blame anything, but stood up and waved to the people around him, saying: "Come and see with the old man."

Then he said to Zhu Zhanyong, "Lead the way ahead."


Just when everyone arrived at the gate of Fengtian Palace, Han Wang Zhu Gaoxu and Zhao Wang Zhu Gaosui who rushed over after getting the news happened to bump into them.



Accompanied by these two shouts, Zhu Di also smiled, and said, "Follow me."

With that said, a group of people came to the ruins of the Qianqing Palace under the leadership of Zhu Zhanyong.

Looking at the dormitory where he lived in the past turned into ruins, Zhu Di didn't feel too much emotion, but observed carefully.

While looking at it, he asked, "Where's the corpse?"

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanyong immediately ordered someone to take out the charred corpse from the coffin temporarily parked aside.

During this process, the old man Zhu Di also found some doubts after carefully observing the surrounding environment.

Of course, not only Zhu Di saw this, but also Zhu Gaochi who was beside him.

Judging from the extent of the ruins of the Qianqing Palace, this fire must have been quite serious.

But what puzzled them was that apart from the Qianqing Palace, the palaces on the side were not even affected at all.

It seemed that the fire was only burning at the location of the Qianqing Palace.

Of course, this alone is not enough to say for sure.

So after the corpse was brought over, no matter how bad the smell was, Zhu Di still checked it carefully.

Although the three corpses were very similar to his grandson in terms of height, fat and thinness, Zhu Di still felt something strange.

He looked up at Zhu Zhanyong and asked, "Aside from these three corpses, are there other corpses?"

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanyong shook his head.

Seeing this, the suspicion in Zhu Di's heart became more intense.

The emperor, empress and Princess Shunde were all there, but there was not even a corpse of a court lady or eunuch.

This matter can't be justified.

When the people around were wondering what the old man Zhu Di meant by asking these things, the youngest Zhu Zhanyong suddenly seemed to remember something, and hurriedly ordered someone to bring the things over.

Then he handed the wooden box to the old man Zhu Di, and said: "This is what my elder brother told me to hand over to the future successor. He said that in case of any accident, if he didn't leave the edict in time, he asked me to hand over this wooden box." For the emperor who will ascend the throne in the future"

Speaking of this, Zhu Zhanyong seemed to think that this sounded a little weird, so he didn't say much.

But the meaning of the words has clearly been expressed.

My elder brother said that he would hand it over to the next successor. Although he always thought that he was his elder brother's descendant, but now that the old man is back, the successor must be the old man.

It should make sense to hand over this wooden box to the old man.

After taking the wooden box, Zhu Di didn't hesitate at all, and opened the box directly.

After the contents of the wooden box were revealed to everyone, the old man reached out and took out a letter placed on top of the wooden box.

There are not many things in this box, just a stack of folders and a letter.

After the letter was opened by the old man, the expression on Zhu Di's face changed a lot.

Especially when he saw the word 'Grandpa' on the top of the letter, Zhu Di guessed that all of this must be caused by Zhu Zhanji's little bastard.

What a big fire, bullshit, it's all played by that kid himself.

And after reading the letter, the old man Zhu Di tore the letter into pieces in a fit of anger, and then left it on the ground.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Gaochi on the side suddenly became anxious.

I thought to myself that I haven't watched it yet.

But when he heard the cursing from the old man's mouth against his kid, he guessed everything.

After knowing that his kid was not dead, Zhu Gaochi naturally stopped worrying.

It makes no difference whether you read this letter or not.

Looking at the angry old man Zhu Di, the king of Han and Zhao Wang wanted to come over and say something, but before they could say anything, the old man Zhu Di immediately reprimanded him: "Get out, get out of here, what are you doing here? Look at the things you did before! You still have the face to get close to me, get out!"

Following the shout of the old man Zhu Di, the Han King Zhu Gaoxu and the Zhao King Zhu Gaosui immediately fled here like frightened fawns.

As for the other people on the side, Zhu Gaochi was the most sensible, knowing that staying here would get nothing but being scolded by the old man, so they simply left with their wife and children.

After seeing all the people around him leave, the old man Zhu Di finally calmed down, and then he took out the rest of the booklets from the wooden box and read them.

However, when he saw that the contents of these notebooks were all about how to deal with the government in the future, the old man Zhu Di's face became even more ugly.

"Little bastard, you ran away by yourself. Do you want your grandpa to work for you as a coolie?"

At this time, Zhu Di was already very clear about his eldest grandson's thoughts.

If he was not sure whether things were as he had guessed before he came back, but when he saw the letter just now, he already understood everything.

That kid didn't hide the fact that he was still alive at all, he explained everything directly in the letter, and said that he was not suitable to be an emperor.

The fart is not suitable!

Just lazy!
The political direction of the next twenty or thirty years has been compiled into a book, and he said that he is not the material to be an emperor.

To put it bluntly, isn't it just that I am lazy and don't want to do it myself, and then let myself, a grandfather, do it?

Little bunny.

Now it's time to dispatch your grandpa!

Every time he thought of this, Zhu Di became very angry.

He, Zhu Di, has lived his whole life, when has he been angry like this.

Thinking of this, Zhu Di seemed to have thought of something, and then Dang even called Huang Yan, who had been following behind him, and said, "Huang Yan!"

"Wei Chen is here."

"I don't care what method you use, I will give you a month to find that kid! Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you must bring him back!"

Listening to Zhu Di's words, although Huang Yan guessed in his heart who the kid Zhu Di was talking about, he couldn't guess in front of the emperor, so he hurriedly asked: "Dare to ask the emperor, do you want to be a humble minister?" Bring who back?"

Hearing this, even though Zhu Didang gave Huang Yan a cold look, but when he thought that his identity was really difficult to say, he still said: "Bring me back that kid Zhu Zhanji, that kid gave me a trick to get rid of the old man's shell, I want to see where this golden cicada can go!"

After figuring out what the emperor meant, Huang Yan didn't delay at all this time, and immediately said: "I obey!"

"However. Your Majesty, today's Dongchang"

Hearing Huang Yan's embarrassing words, Zhu Di also understood what the other party meant. After thinking for a while, he said, "Dongchang resumes its previous powers, and do your best to investigate this matter for me! If you can't find that kid in a month, you and Dongchang There is no need to exist anymore!"

After getting the emperor's promise, Huang Yan was ecstatic in his heart, and at the same time hurriedly stated: "Your Majesty, don't worry, I will definitely find you."

Although now he, Huang Yan, has no clue about the traces of this grandson who even has an emperor, but who is he and what is the existence of Dongchang.

As long as the emperor regains power, he is confident that he will find the grandson within a month!

However, at this moment, Huang Yan, who was full of self-confidence, didn't know at all that the target he wanted to find was already boarded the sea ship and would arrive in the land of Japan half a month later.

In this case, he wanted to find each other within a month, which was tantamount to wishful thinking.

Going to sea on a sea boat.

As the ship began to sail continuously on the sea, the land gradually came into view. At this time, Zhu Zhanji, who was sitting on the deck, also showed a smile that he hadn't seen for a long time.

This symbolizes the free sea breeze.

Zhu Zhanji, who finally broke free from the quagmire of the throne, felt unprecedentedly relaxed.

Especially in this calm sea, lying on a deck chair basking in the sun, with his own woman helping him by his shoulders.

This kind of life is the life Zhu Zhanji dreams of.

The reason why he chose to go out on a seaboat this time was not only because he had already guessed that the old man would definitely try his best to bring him back.

And staying in Middle Earth, it is only a matter of time before they are found.

That's why they chose such a path that they couldn't find.

The most important thing is that Zhu Zhanji has never been abroad, although he has seen overseas scenery on the Internet and TV, no matter in his previous life or in this life.

So, after he was relieved of any pressure, he naturally wanted to walk around and have a look.

The sea route to Dongpu is now very mature, and it has reached a very good level in terms of safety and efficiency.

That's why Zhu Zhanji chose Dongying as their next first stop.

Of course, this is a beginning for Japan, not their end.

Now all the seamen on the ship Zhu Zhanji is on are basically composed of the navy of the Ming Dynasty, so Zhu Zhanji basically does not have to worry about his own safety.

In addition, now that they are at sea, there is no need to worry about whether the old man will be discovered and taken back.

According to his plan, after living in Japan for a period of time at the first stop, he will follow the coastline of the Ming Dynasty and drive all the way in the direction of Tianzhu.

One is to play all the way and see the outside world with your own eyes.

The second is to see everything along the way in person. According to the memorials he left for the old man, the next development of the Ming Dynasty will be in this direction.

Whether it is by sea or on the road, this is the only way to go.

And Zhu Zhanji can personally feel the development process of the Ming Dynasty in this aspect when he walks around by himself.

Once something really went wrong, he could also write to the old man immediately.

In short, now that there is no burden on his shoulders, Zhu Zhanji can go wherever he wants.

But the good news doesn't stop there.

Apart from the fact that he is completely free now, Zhu Zhanji also learned another piece of good news from Hu Shanxiang after he boarded the ship with Hu Shanxiang.

That is, Hu Shanxiang seems to be pregnant again!
Zhu Zhanji, who is now free of any pressure, was naturally overjoyed after hearing the news.

When he was pregnant with Shunde, he didn't fulfill his duties as a husband.

Now that he is pregnant again, still in this situation, he naturally wants to do his best as a father.

In addition, what made Zhu Zhanji even more happy was that Hu Shanxiang seemed to like eating sour things very much this time compared to the last time he was pregnant with Shunde.

He vaguely remembered that Hu Shanxiang liked spicy food very much when he was pregnant with Shunde.

Of course, this is just Zhu Zhanji's own guess, and this statement is not so accurate.

So Zhu Zhanji didn't tell Hu Shanxiang what he thought. First, he didn't dare to guarantee it himself. Second, he didn't want to put too much pressure on Hu Shanxiang.

It seems that if you don't have a son, you don't live up to it.

This concept was very common in ancient times.

The last time Shunde was born, Hu Shanxiang was quite disappointed.

Although Zhu Zhanji also wanted to have a son, after all, he already had a daughter, but he only wanted a son because he already had a daughter.

It's not that there's a big difference in opinion between daughters and sons.

For his son and daughter, Zhu Zhanji, a person of later generations, still thinks highly of them.

Therefore, he would not make Hu Shanxiang think too much because of this, and naturally he would not speak out these guesses.

more than ten days.

As the coastline became clearer and clearer, Zhu Zhanji, who was standing on the deck at this time, also knew that Dongpu had arrived!
Although neither the previous life nor the current life had any good impression of Dongpu, it didn't affect him to take a look at the scenery of Dongpu.

Especially Mount Fuji, which was often mentioned in the previous life.

The cherry blossoms all over the mountain are still very suitable for taking Hu Shanxiang and Shunde to have a look.

Although the location of Mount Fuji is not within the sphere of influence of the Ming Dynasty, this does not affect anything. The big deal is to knock down Mount Fuji.

(End of this chapter)

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