Chapter 60
Thinking of this, Zhu Di has been an emperor for many years after all, and although he may be affected by momentary anger, he is still very rational after calming down.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Then what do you mean kid?"

Hearing this, Zhu Zhanji showed a cunning look like a fox on his face, and replied: "If Grandpa directly orders those people to pay more taxes, their characteristics will definitely arouse dissatisfaction, and even people everywhere will be dissatisfied." The officials will write a letter to Grandpa, asking Grandpa to withdraw the edict. At that time, they can say a lot.”

Hearing Zhu Zhanji's words, Zhu Di agreed in his heart very much. He was not unclear about the characters of these scholars.

"If we target them so clearly, of course it won't work, but what about another way? For example. Increase land tax?"

Looking at the sly look on Zhu Zhanji's face, Zhu Di really didn't understand what he meant at the first time, but as he thought carefully, he gradually tasted the taste, and the originally gloomy face gradually emerged. smiled.

Zhu Di and Zhu Zhanji sat together, like two foxes, one old and one young.

While smiling, Zhu Di pointed to Zhu Zhanji beside him and said, "Boy, you have a really good brain."

Zhu Zhanji unceremoniously accepted the old man's praise.

After all, this trick is indeed a bit insidious.

If it does not directly target a certain interest class, it will not cause resistance and upheaval.

But things were still carried out according to the plan, and the goal was indeed achieved.

By what means did these gentry classes seize their interests?
It's the land!
Well, now I am not directly targeting you gentry class, but by increasing the tax on land use, I will transfer the shortfall after the abolition of the poll tax to the tax on land use. In fact, I am targeting those landlords and gentry class. , but will not arouse such direct and strong resistance.

At least it will not be as naked as directly increasing taxes on the gentry.

It is a subtle means.

The result is that the tax burden on the poor people who have no land and their land has been annexed is passed on to those who own the land.

The tax received by the imperial court will not be reduced, and the landless people will no longer be starved to death by tax pressure.

And those people who have land will not be afraid to have children because of the increased poll tax for having children. At the same time, the taxes they need to pay have not changed in any way, but have been integrated from the original messy tax names to one.

In the early Ming Dynasty, the taxes themselves were not high, and these landed people had enough to live on, and they could even accumulate a lot of wealth.

Let the land stay in the hands of the common people, take back what should belong to the court, and at the same time greatly increase the growth rate of the population.

This can be seen from the population explosion of as many as [-] to [-] million in the three generations of Kangxi and Qianlong.

Just imagine, when the 50 million people in the Ming Dynasty exploded to [-] to [-] million in just a few decades, how terrifying the increase in productivity brought about by these population growth will be.

At that time, even if the imperial court's random taxation is exactly the same as it is now, the total amount of tax that can be brought will be seven or eight times that of today's!
The finances have increased by seven or eight times, which means that the Ming Dynasty can build seven or eight more canals, seven or eight more canals, seven or eight more canals, seven or eight more capital moves, and seven or eight more canals on the basis of the old man's current situation. For the Yongle Grand Ceremony, seven or eight times more ships were sent to the West, etc.
All the expenditures of the current imperial court can be increased by seven or eight times!
This is just the direct impact of the court's finances, and there are countless invisible benefits.

Of course, there are still a lot of things to do before this. Although the methods used to reform the taxation system for landowners are subtly subtle, this is just a reason for the court to be aboveboard, as if fighting a war requires fame.

And those vested interest groups are not stupid, they are smart.

They will understand the meaning of this decree in a very short time.

At that time, there will be countless resistances all over the country.

Even these resistances come from within the court.

Zhu Zhanji still has self-knowledge about these.

In fact, everything he said to the old man just now came from the "one whip method" of Zhang Juzheng, the famous chief minister of the cabinet in later generations, and Kangxi's policy of distributing the income to the mother.

To put it bluntly, Zhang Juzheng's "one-whip method" for tax reform is actually a simplified version.

But even the simplified version saved Daming from fire and water, and had a profound impact on the history of Ming.

But even Zhang Juzheng did not escape the end of being liquidated.

After his death, Emperor Wanli ordered people to open Zhang Juzheng's coffin and slaughter his body, and ransacked Zhang Juzheng's home, but in the end, there was no Zhang Juzheng's wealth of millions as rumored by the outside world.

In order to force the Zhang family to spend millions of silver that they didn't need, the officials who ransacked the house did not hesitate to lock the Zhang family in their own courtyard and cut them off from water and food, so that when the door finally opened, dozens of people in the Zhang family had starved to death, and their bodies were even buried. It turned into food in the mouth of wild dogs.

Those who survived were also exiled.

Although there are factors of Zhang Juzheng's arrogance and disrespect to Emperor Wanli during his lifetime, it is not because Emperor Wanli was forced by various forces to compromise.

Including the Qing Dynasty, Kangxi's power during his administration can be said to have reached the peak of centralized development.

But even so, Kangxi did not dare to make big moves when he was old. It was not until Yongzheng succeeded to the throne that he began a complete restructuring.In this regard, the resistance encountered in it is also unimaginable.

But these are not Zhu Zhanji's worries, he is just an idea, and there is an old man above him.

The old man on the side was thinking hard at this moment.

Zhu Zhanji's method was unprecedented for him at this time. Following Zhu Zhanji's method, Zhu Di suddenly discovered that this fundamentally changed tax policy can really solve many problems that the current two-tax system implements. irreversible disadvantages.

As Zhu Zhanji said, once this policy is actually implemented, it will not only benefit the poor, but also reduce the burden on those without or with little land, which is conducive to the development of production, and at the same time, it can reduce a lot of workload when collecting taxes.

But on the contrary, even if this reformed taxation policy is implemented, the tax received by the imperial court will not decrease every year.

It can be said to be beneficial and harmless.

If you have to talk about disadvantages, there is only one, and that is that the issuance of this policy is likely to cause damage to the interests of some Tada practitioners.

Zhu Di also realized this.

It is not easy to make a complete change, but is he, Zhu Di, an emperor who is afraid of great resistance from below?

 Let's count the tickets, guys, if I didn't see people scolding me in the backstage today, I almost thought the internet was disconnected.

(End of this chapter)

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