Tiandao is not working today

Chapter 169 Return of the Evil Star

Chapter 169 Return of the Evil Star
Miaohan cut along the road from one end to the other, until he reached the gate of the city.

Killed for more than half an hour!

The blood was red behind him, and there were only a few dozens of people left in front of him, huddled under the Gang Qi wall.

The bald-haired witch wolf had no way to escape, so he bit the bullet and faced Miaohan.

However, such things as true energy and sword intent have long been used to.

Somehow, the energy in the sword also possessed these resistances, and Miaohan blocked his attack with only his true energy.

"It's stupid!" The bald-haired witch wolf knew that he had to bring out a new strength, but he was a warrior, how could he have it?
"Breakthrough! Breakthrough! I want to step into five yuan!"

The bald-haired witch wolf fought hoarsely with Miaohan.

Miaohan was just one sword after another, no subtle moves, just slashing.

If you can't die with one cut, you will get two cuts, and if you can't die with two cuts, you will get three cuts.

The bald-haired witch wolf was extremely tenacious. He suffered a lot of wounds and was covered in blood from the battle.

Skinny and boneless, all blood was lost, and even the body was mutilated.

He was almost exhausted, and finally, an imposing dragon and tiger converged, attracting a vision from the sky.

"My destiny is mine!"

The wind blew away, and the aura of Youwo Wudi was as surging as it was real, and with a bang, it shook the Gangqi Wall.

"Open it for me!"

The bald-haired witch wolf stood proudly holding a knife, his voice was like a bell, and his momentum was like a rainbow, but he still didn't blast the wall of gang energy.


He was stunned for a moment before he realized that Yan Nu had already adapted to 'I am invincible'.

"Who the hell adapted it for him!"

Whether it is the meaning of four elements or the force of five elements, there are essentially only a few types.

The same personality and encounter will have the same meaning and momentum.

He didn't know that his fifth younger brother had already upheld the destiny in my heart in Dong Lai's heart, and he broke out to the death that I was invincible, and then he was shot to death by Yan Nu.

However, the five-element transformation will improve in all aspects, and overwhelming people with power is just incidental.

The bald-haired witch wolf slashed down with his saber, and the saber's momentum was like waves, engulfing the wind and clouds and sweeping everything.

But the three magic weapons suddenly descended, covering Miao Han's body with a strong body protection.

Her whole body seemed to be in the midst of a violent storm, with bloody clothes dancing around.

"Damn it!" Wu Lang thought of it, Miaohan couldn't have hacked him to death earlier, and the three magic weapons were still useless.

"I can still break through! There is also the legendary six yuan! Water and fire are both good!"

The witch wolf had a big breakthrough experience, and realized that as long as he continued to fight like this slowly, he could easily break through between life and death.

This is a rebound of luck, fate blesses you.

But at this moment, his gaze suddenly became terrified, because in the distant sky, a huge firebird was roaring towards him.

"Oops! It's that stupid... evil... evil star!"

The witch wolf was so anxious that he panicked and lost all his momentum.

He had witnessed the battle between Yannu and Yake with his own eyes, how terrifying it was.

What's more, the Tuntian Gate turned into an abyss and valley. He heard from the monk that it was because of the blow from the sky that was as fierce as a flaming bird.


At the critical moment, a Taoist arrived, and the back of his head flashed with aura, standing on a magic weapon like a chariot, crashing into the Gang Qi wall.

"Let's go." The Taoist looked solemnly at the flames in the sky, and the chariot stopped in front of the witch wolf.

The witch wolf was overjoyed, someone came to rescue him again!

He quickly got into the chariot, and the Taoist didn't stop for a moment, driving the chariot and flying.

"What about my clansmen!" Wu Lang saw that there were still dozens of clansmen who hadn't boarded the car.

That Taoist ignored him, with a cold expression on his face, and he didn't have a good look at the witch wolf, but the chariot fled at a high speed.

However, a thunderbolt, tearing like a lightning spear, flew from a very far away.

"Zixiao Shenlei!" The Taoist's face, which was originally as flat as a lake, suddenly turned green!
This is the thunder of divine punishment!If you don't chop against the sky, you will be used by the sky-defying to chop yourself?

This Taoist is actually a casual cultivator with no background, and it is not easy to practice.

Passing by nearby, he suddenly felt catastrophic luck, Heavenly Dao felt for him, saying that there is a great opportunity here!

In his induction, if he can save the Man of Destiny, there will be great merit.

So he followed the general trend and bit the bullet to save the Destiny One.

Never thought that he would be punished by the thunder of heaven?
Go to yours!
He was full of annoyance, and regretted taking this muddy water.

Before he had time to think about it, he grabbed the bald-haired witch wolf and threw it at Shenlei!

The bald-haired witch wolf didn't know what was going on, he was still immersed in the joy of an expert rescued him.

What is luck?This is called anger...

"Ah? Why?"


The purple lightning struck Wu Lang's body in an instant, his eyes were about to burst, and he didn't expect it to be used to block the lightning.

He roared angrily, "I'm..."

He didn't speak a word, he didn't make a complete sound, he was shattered into ashes by the electric light in panic!

Seeing that after beating the dead man, the lightning disappeared, the Taoist heaved a sigh of relief and fled quickly.I thought to myself that when the chaos of today's plane is so far, it is better not to wade through the muddy waters in Shenzhou.

At this moment, Miaohan saw that Wulang was hacked to death, and he let out a sigh of relief.

She looked back and the city was full of blood, and her tears couldn't stop flowing.

The whole person seemed to have no energy, and the dozens of bald-haired soldiers who remained behind fled the city in a hurry, but she didn't see it, and her eyes were fixed on the corpses and blood on the ground.

Miaohan couldn't stand still, she thrust her long sword into the ground, trying to support it with the sword, but the sword was so sharp that it sank into the hilt all of a sudden, and she fell to the ground again.

At this time, Yan Nu had already fallen from the sky, and this was Anqiu City, so of course he wouldn't strike with a meteor.

When it falls to the ground, the magic weapon releases gang qi and condenses into a horse.

Seeing the remaining dozens of bald-haired soldiers fleeing from the city, and his consciousness was swept away, the people in the city were in a panic and a mess, thousands of soldiers were also hiding in the deep alleys, and he was angry when they didn't go after the enemy.

"Ge Erdan! You just watched the enemy run away like this!" Yan Nu didn't know what was going on, so his divine sense found an acquaintance in the crowd and questioned him directly.

Ge Erdan was also wronged. Originally, these little soldiers were desperately defending the city, but the superiors sent an order to surrender and disarmed them.

If the bald family slaughtered the city, they would definitely resist desperately, but the bald family didn't massacre the city much, and directly targeted the big households, mainly killing the Zhu family.

Then of course they don't care, why insist on seeking death?No fighting spirit.

But Ge Erdan was grateful to Yannu, and once said that he was willing to do the work of a dog and a horse, and now he saw Yannu descending like a god, coercing the whole city.

He immediately responded: "All my soldiers come with me, don't let the enemy get away, kill the thief!"

Ge Erdan was also a small officer, and he was in charge of hundreds of people. He immediately found weapons, chased them out of the city, and crushed and killed the dozens of bald-haired remnants.

Yan Nu saw that someone was taking care of the fleeing enemy soldiers, so he locked his eyes on the fleeing monks driving chariots in the air.

"Xue'er, who is that person! What's going on here!"

Yan Nu rode on a horse, galloping vertically and horizontally, at an extremely fast speed, galloping all the way from the end of the road.

Seeing Xue'er lost her mind, she asked anxiously.

On the contrary, Xue'er had a lot of thoughts, and her heart was in a mess. In the end, she didn't say anything, but said: "It's all my fault."

"What's wrong with it, get on the horse!" Seeing that the question was unclear, Yan Nu didn't care.

He came galloping in a hurry, sprinting at high speed, picked up Miaohan with one hand, and pulled him onto the horse.

He didn't stop at all, clang clang clang, the speed was soaring.

"What's wrong with you?" Seeing Miao Han nestled in his arms and not speaking, Yan Nu wept while holding the piano.

So he didn't think about anything else, and pointed his gun at the fleeing charioteer: "Don't go! Stop!"

Then he turned the spear, the fire was like a wheel, and the horse's hooves raised, and he galloped through the air like climbing to the sky, chasing and killing quickly.

The whole process was smooth and flowing, and I felt a gust of wind and fire, and Yan Nu galloped from the sky, and then picked up Miaohan and galloped away.

Leaving the two monkeys below, staring at each other, chirping.


"What a terrifying powerhouse! What a evil star!"

The escaped Taoist turned his head on the chariot, and saw Yannuma stepping into the sky, covered in a peerless battle armor, holding an unknown musket, with a terrifying momentum, even the white clouds were dodging.

His facial features were distorted in fright on the spot.

"When did such a character appear in Shenzhou!"

He said how the Heavenly Dao would reward so many merits for such a trivial matter as saving a mortal.This kind of meritorious deed of heaven is definitely sensed by the major sects first.

Why didn't those tall people make a move?How could it be his turn as a casual cultivator to receive such an opportunity?
It turned out that the water was muddy and black!

The big sect must have clear information and understand the difficulty, only casual cultivators like him are not sensible.

"Oh! I regret that I shouldn't have come to Shenzhou!" The fleeing Taoist cried and slapped himself repeatedly.

Why didn't you think of such a thing earlier?One leaf blinds the eyes, and the greedy insect moves recklessly!

"Run away, right?" Although Yan Nu didn't know what was going on, but when he came here and saw this Taoist saving the bald-haired Witch Wolf, he must be a bad person.

Seeing that the distance was approaching, Yan Nu's eyes were on fire, and he immediately set fire to the fleeing Taoist.

"Samadhi is really hot!"

The fleeing Taoist was terrified, then black flashed, he got out of the sea of ​​flames naked, and jumped off the chariot.

This is exactly his supernatural power... The golden cicada escapes its shell.

Compared with the magic power of Jizhang, which is ranked among the earth's evil spirits, it is naturally not good. You can only use clothes, armor, body protection, or skin to attract spells, and escape by shedding your shell to avoid damage.


He got out of the chariot, the speed of the chariot dropped sharply, and Yan Nu caught up with a shot and smashed it.

This blow stunned the escaped Taoist, and he smashed the magic weapon with one shot. Although he was only a basic magic weapon, it stored 80 segments of vitality that he had collected in Antarctica for more than a hundred years, and his defense was amazing.

Unexpectedly, Yan Nu couldn't bear it!
"My magic weapon... my vitality! I'll tell you what God wants!"

The escaped Taoist cried aloud, all the hard work and accumulation overseas for a hundred years, is it just gone?

He said in his heart that Tiandao had been miserable, and he wanted to scold Tiandao but didn't dare to scold directly, so he simply used the word Tiandao as a curse word.

Seeing Yannu's long spear that shattered the magic weapon raised again, he was so frightened that he stopped and waved his hands.

"By mistake, fellow daoist! I passed by!" The escaped Taoist cried, waving his hands while covering his naked body.

Seeing him stop voluntarily, Yan Nu chased after him, raised his spear, and glared, "Who do you want to abolish?"

"No... I meant a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding. I really don't know anything! I just returned to Shenzhou!" The escaped Taoist screamed.

Yan Nu shouted: "You saw with your own eyes that you rescued the bald-haired witch wolf!"

"I threw him into Leili with my own hands too!" the escaped Taoist said in fear.

Yan Nu was taken aback for a moment, as if he did too.

"It's my fault, I shouldn't be greedy for the merits of heaven!"

"What's going on? How could Anqiu City be destroyed!" Yan Nu asked him.

The fleeing Taoist cried: "How do I know how Anqiu City will be destroyed?"

Seeing that Yan Nu was still reasonable, he quickly explained what was going on.

Yan Nu was also not sure about the situation, so he heard that some god was getting married, and then Anqiu was in danger, so he hurried back.

After listening to the description of the escaped Taoist, Yan Nu tilted his head: "You just passed by, and the heaven told you to save people, so you went to save them?"

"I was wrong...but the way of heaven gave too much..." The escaped Taoist cried: "Actually, when I saw that he was Hu Man, I regretted it a little. Hu Man has a destiny, so he wants to kill me Big man?"

"What big man? It's the Great Jin Dynasty. The Han Dynasty has been dead for more than 100 years." Yan Nu said inexplicably.

The escaped Taoist was stunned: "What! The big man died?"


 PS: sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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