Taoist night sword

Chapter 111 Chapter 110: Discussion in the Court

Chapter 111 Chapter 110: Discussion in the Court

Lou Jinchen's words fell, as if the mountains could hear it, the birds in the forest didn't move, and the bugs didn't sing.

Those who watched this scene in the dark all looked at Lou Jinchen and asked the locals who he was.

Standing on the crown of a tree, Lvshui Fairy looked at this scene and said, "Who is this man? His sword is so dazzling!"

A local disciple beside her said: "This is Lou Jinchen, the chief disciple of the Fire Spirit Monastery, known as the Swordsman of Immortal Slayer."

"Lou Jinchen? Why haven't you heard of this person?" Lushui Fairy asked.

"He has been away from swimming for many years, and he came back today."

When Lu Shuixian looked at her disciple and talked about Lou Jinchen, she had a strong sense of reverence.

"People from the boundary of Wuyan City are familiar with this Lou Jinchen?"

Lushui Fairy said that outsiders like them call this the boundary of Eyeless City, while the locals call it the boundary of Swimming City.

"Yes, many people say that he is the number one swimmer." After the disciple finished speaking, he felt honored.

This made Fairy Lushui feel a little bad, but she quickly suppressed this feeling.

As far as she can see, Lou Jinchen's beauty is rare among the people she has ever seen.

"Unexpectedly, such a small place has such a character." Lushui Xiangu thought to herself.

On the top of the mountain, Wang Shen's chest was heaving, he wanted to go there and try his best, but his feet seemed to have taken root. After hearing Lou Jinchen's words, he was filled with resentment and dared not speak out.

"Pfft!" A mouthful of blood surged up, and he couldn't help but spit it out, and sprinkled it on the weeds in front of him.

He looked into the eyes of Lou Jinchen who was standing there, he didn't dare to stay any longer, he turned around and left, during the time he turned around, fog rose up all over his body, covering his figure.

Lou Jinchen was in a good mood, so he didn't have to chase him down.

The greatest freedom in life is that other people's lives are at the mercy of my mood.

"Eldest brother, you're back!" Shang Gui'an shouted.

Lou Jinchen jumped down from the roof, looked at Shang Gui'an with blindfolded eyes and said, "What's wrong? Did the temple master do something bad to make so many people dissatisfied?"

"Hmph!" The temple master clasped his hands and walked out from the temple.

"Master!" Shang Gui'an shouted, with a smile on his face.

Lou Jinchen stopped smiling and said, "Disciple Lou Jinchen, see Master."

Lou Jinchen's sudden serious visit made the host a little uncomfortable, he was stunned for a moment and said: "I haven't seen you for five years, maybe I'm doing my best to learn how to salute outside."

The temple master still remembered the first time he saw Lou Jinchen, he looked embarrassed, like someone who hadn't eaten for a few days.However, at that time, Lou Jinchen still had a bit of arrogance and a life-threatening spirit, like a desperado who had nowhere to go.

But now Lou Jinchen's vigor has not disappeared, but his body seems to have become more relaxed, with a sense of elegance, he has become a real Qi refiner.

The temple master said Lou Jinchen because he was happy and joking, and another reason was that he was afraid that Lou Jinchen would become the same as the person he saw.

In his early years, he used to accompany a person who walked the rivers and lakes. That person was also high-spirited, jealous, and unafraid of power and risk. But when he saw each other after a few years of separation, that partner always looked at people with a smile. A strong man with a flattering face.

The viewer was afraid that Lou Jinchen would become such a person. Of course, Lou Jinchen's sense of freedom and freedom was more distinct.

"You are my master, and it is my duty to bow to you." Lou Jinchen said.

"But I seem to have heard you speak ill of me just now." The temple master said,

"Is there?" Lou Jinchen asked in a daze.

Shang Guian didn't say a word, the boy on the side grinned, he also saw that this was a joke between the elder brother and the temple master.

In his heart, Guanzhu was silent, but after seeing Lou Jinchen, he said so much, obviously he was in a good mood.

Both the master and the master didn't care about the battle that just happened. He had a feeling that in the hearts of the elder brother and the master, this incident was like meeting a cat on the road. The toad kicked it away casually.

Lou Jinchen looked around, those people watching from a distance, they clearly saw the gauze covering Lou Jinchen's face, but they had a feeling of being seen.

Back in the temple, after a while, Yima also came back with Bai Xiaoji, after Shang Guian greeted her, she didn't stay in the Huoling Temple at all, and shouted to go back to the mountain of fish, so that She is familiar with her here, so she doesn't need Lou Jinchen's escort.

Shang Guian asked Daotong to drink.

"There is no good wine for swimming, where can I get wine?" Lou Jinchen said.

"There is a wine lady outside Wuyan City who opened a winery. It is said that eye medicine is the main medicine and she brews a special spiritual wine. After eating it, people feel like they are flying into the sky. It is very wonderful." Shang Gui Ann said.

"Then I have to taste it." Lou Jinchen said.

"Senior brother, you and master talk first, I'll cook some food, and clean up the dust for senior brother." Shang Guian said.

Lou Jinchen followed the temple master to his room, and saw a flag with dense runes on it, and the runes formed a portrait.

Lou Jinchen came to this flag, stared at it, and said: "This flag is a flag that is based on the soul-absorbing rune, and it also traps many resentful souls on it to increase its power. , In fact, there is no need to be like this, these resentful souls may have many wonderful uses, but when they really meet the strong, they have no ability to fix the universe."

"Then what should he do?" asked the viewer.

The two hadn't seen each other for five years, and they chatted naturally without any estrangement. In the past, in this respect, Lou Jinchen could only listen, but now he can express his thoughts.

"This person has this banner. He should practice the method of soul-stealing intensively, combining sound capture, sensory sensing, and eye-sensing, and using the soul-stirring banner to increase the power of his method. I think if he is like this, then today, the spectator will be It's dangerous." Lou Jinchen said.

"You have gained insight, but you have underestimated the master of this temple. This temple has not been sleeping in the temple for five years. Just look at my magic weapon." While the temple master was speaking, he took out the one Ruby gourd.

Lou Jinchen took it for a closer look.

For all the monks, most of the magic tools are made by themselves through untold hardships, just like their own fate, they are rarely shown to others, let alone entrusted to others.

But the temple master handed it directly to Lou Jinchen, and Lou Jinchen took it naturally and looked at it carefully.

This is the camera gourd he once gave to the temple master.

There are circles of lines in the gourd, like the ripples of a vortex.

Now this red jade gourd looks like a lamp, a lamp in the shape of a gourd.

Lou Jinchen asked: "Monastery Master, what is the name of this lamp now?"

When the temple master heard that Lou Jinchen didn't call it a gourd, but called it a lamp, he knew that Lou Jinchen already knew the inner meaning of his magic weapon.

"Heart Gourd Lantern." The temple master said: "I want to sacrifice a lamp that can illuminate all darkness, protect the body, kill the enemy, and never go out."

When Lou Jinchen heard this, he said: "Guanzhu really has great ambitions, but if he can combine the sacrifice of this treasure with his own practice, then it can be regarded as opening a mysterious great law."

"Your reminder is very good, we practice, and we should not waste our own practice just because of the sacrifice of magical artifacts and treasures." The temple master said.

Lou Jinchen returned the Xinxin Gourd Lantern to the host, and then sat on both sides of a tea table with the host. He poured two cups of tea, and one of them was moved to the front of the host.

At this time, he took out the jade sword he had just captured.

Lou Jinchen said: "Guanzhu, what do you think of this sword?"

The sword was taken out of his sleeve, even if no one was inspired by the law, it still exuded a jade light.

The temple master took it, looked at it carefully, and stretched out his hand to wipe the blade, and blood was cut out instantly, he said: "This sword should be made of gold and jade ore. The Academy is mining."

"This time I met a Confucian from Qiu Chan Academy. The other party has a sword embryo. Although it is not the same as this sword, it is not so transparent, and the gold nature is heavier, but it can be seen that it should be from the sword. Ore from the same source." Lou Jinchen said.

"Oh, that means this sword belongs to Qiu Chan Academy." The temple master said.

"Master Ji is also from the Qiuchan Academy. In the small city of Yushui, there are actually two former Confucian scholars from the Qiuchan Academy stationed here." Lou Jinchen said.

The viewer looked at Lou Jinchen who was blindfolded, but he didn't answer his words, but asked, "Are your eyes still okay?"

"Okay, but because the eyes are quite strange, it's ominous for ordinary people to see." Lou Jinchen said.

The temple master suddenly found that in front of Lou Jinchen, he would always be inexplicably angry.

"You mean, you blindfolded me to prevent me from seeing it because I'm an ordinary person?" said the temple master.

Lou Jinchen looked around, and then said: "The temple master misunderstood, am I just waiting for the temple master's order? After all, there are still junior disciples in the temple."

After speaking, he took off the gauze covering his eyes.

The temple master carefully looked at Lou Jinchen's eyes, he remembered that when Lou Jinchen left, his eyes were like lime, and there was no expression in them.

But now this pair of eyes is so dark that the viewer's eyes glowed with fire, and he stared at them carefully, as if a ray of fire fell into the abyss, trying to illuminate the abyss, but he couldn't do it at all .

"Your eyes are like an abyss, containing boundless horror." The temple master said: "You should put on your veil, your junior is still young, don't scare him."

The master asked him about the changes in the front and back of his eyes. After listening, he couldn't help sighing: "Your experience, many people only experience it once, is enough to be passed down as a family story."

Lou Jinchen asked about the origin of the Xiaodao boy, but the temple master said that he was the nephew of Fen Shuiling Chen Xiao.

This Chen Xiao is exactly the Chen Xiao that Lou Jinchen met outside the Matoupo Village back then. He didn't go in at that time, and he was the first group of people who felt Lou Jinchen's extraordinary. Nor is it surprising.

At this time, Shang Guian's shout came from outside, and he had already prepared the meal.

So the two of them went out to the yard outside, moved out the table, and set out the food. Just at that time, the boy came back from buying wine.

In the sky, a full moon has risen.

Everyone sat down, poured wine and toasted.

Looking at the full moon in the sky, Lou Jinchen felt extremely peaceful in his heart, but he also had a feeling that he was floating and flew to the moon.

This wine is really good, after drinking it, it will give people a wonderful illusion.

But in his heart, there is a part that is eternally quiet, and there will be that illusion, but he has indulged part of his mood.

"Brother, I offer you a toast."

"Big Brother..."

"Big Brother..."

The one who talked the most at the table was the boy Chen Zaitian, as if he wanted to say everything in his heart.He was not affected by the wine.

Lou Jinchen answered, but it seemed that the whole person was divided into many parts, one part was answering, talking, missing, and quietly admiring the moon.

This is the ability brought to him by the 'octopus' secret spirit. He can multitask with one mind, but there is also a shortcoming, that is, he often can't help being distracted and distracted.

The night is getting cooler.

The boy was already drunk.

In the yard, the three of them were sitting there, watching the moon and blowing the night breeze.

"Monastery Lord, you diverted your conversation earlier, do you know something?" Lou Jinchen asked.

Shang Gui'an's ears were already pricked up, he didn't dare to say anything, but he was listening seriously.

"Some things, I don't think we need to know, so there is no need to explore." The temple master said.

"The viewer is right." Lou Jinchen said.

"However, tomorrow I will go to Wuyan City to visit Master." Lou Jinchen said, "I saw him at the top of the city today and knew I was back. I also have some questions to ask Master."

"Master has been in the Eyeless City for five years and has never come out, but many people who went in never came out again." The temple master said.

"Is it so dangerous in Eyeless City?" Lou Jinchen asked.

"This kind of city is a place where filth is hidden, and all kinds of monsters and ghosts will hide in it. Moreover, the forest outside the eyes of Wucheng has begun to grow 'eye medicine'." The temple master said.

"Eye medicine?" Lou Jinchen asked with some doubts.

"Yes, there will be things like eyes growing on the leaves at night, and they will harden quickly after the sun comes out, turning into pimples. Everyone will come to pick the newly grown eye medicine, and take it back to make medicine. It has a lot of magical effects."

"Is that all?" Lou Jinchen thought it was like an open secret realm.

"This kind of situation usually occurs, which means that there must be an altar built in that city, so this kind of situation occurs. Otherwise, even if there is an 'eye medicine', it will only be in the city."

Lou Jinchen could understand what the temple master said, and he himself had entered the secret realm.

"Is there any? I'll find out tomorrow when I go and have a look." Lou Jinchen said.

"Did you see it?" the watchman asked.

"Let's talk about it." Lou Jinchen said: "Monastery Master, what kind of grievances do you think Wang Shen has with Master, that he was allowed to stay near this Swimming City for so many years?"

"So, with your hot hand, you didn't kill him today, because you thought there was a deeper reason for this matter?" the temple master said.

"The temple master misunderstood me. The disciple is not a person who is easy to kill. Killing people is really helpless." Lou Jinchen said.

Just as the words were about to fall, someone actually pushed open the door of the Taoist temple and walked in quietly.

 First of all, I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival.Four thousand words.

(End of this chapter)

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