Taoist night sword

Chapter 116 Chapter 115: Canyon Ghost City

Chapter 116 Chapter 115
At night, it began to rain.

The rain was not heavy, and the tile surface was wet with fluttering waves, which gathered into water droplets, and the drops fell on the soil under the eaves. A four-legged snake jumped over the small puddle, climbed up the wall, and burrowed into the beam. Under the eaves, there is a little Taoist boy reading in the room.

The content of the book is exactly the cultivation experience compiled by Lou Jinchen.

In another room, Lou Jinchen, Guanzhu, and Shang Guian were sitting there, and the three lights in the room were shining brightly.

"If you want to leave, I won't stop you. With your cultivation level, there is nothing to tell you, but there is one thing I still want to tell you. Don't force yourself in everything. Go to the Hall of the Five Viscera to sit more often. The last time I wrote to Wanghaijiao to ask if there is a Taoist temple of the Five Viscera Sect, the sect replied to me that there was no, but I think our Five Viscera God Sect is still very good." The temple master said.

"Guanzhu, your impression of me is getting more and more biased. Outsiders think that I, Lou Jinchen, is brave and ruthless. In fact, although I, Lou Jinchen, loves swords, I am also a lover of poetry." Lou Jinchen said.

Shang Guian who was next to him immediately echoed: "Master, I have memorized a poem written by senior brother: I have sharpened a sword for ten years, but I have never tried the frost blade. If I show you today, who will be wronged!"

When Lou Jinchen heard him reciting his own poem, he couldn't help asking, "How do you know this poem?"

"Deng Ding said it to me after he came back from Wanghaijiao, and I copied it down as my practice motto, senior brother, do you think I can be as good as you are now after ten years of sword practice?"

The temple master couldn't help sighing and said: "Look, the poems written are also this kind of poems about beating and killing. A senior in the five internal organs god religion once said that the matter of gods and ghosts is not about beating and killing, but about fighting and killing." Friendship, many people who invite gods to serve ghosts are because they have friendship with them."

Lou Jinchen scratched his head a little, and said, "This is just a casual chant, it doesn't represent who I am."

"I know senior brother still has a song 'Bright Moon', senior brother, what is your relationship with that Hai Mingyue at the corner of the sea?" Shang Gui'an asked again.

Before Lou Jinchen could speak, the temple master sighed again: "Qianjing is no better than other places. There are young people and elders from aristocratic families, great sects, and royal families living there. If you like women, you have to find out their identities carefully. Daughter-in-law, disciples of the sect, and women of the royal family, don't bother to provoke them, you need to know that if you provoke the juniors, they all have elders, but you don't, because you are your own elders."

When Lou Jinchen heard the words of the temple master, he wanted to refute at first, but in the end he nodded. He could feel the temple master's worry about him.

"My lord, please rest assured. I, Lou Jinchen, are not good at women. I am going to the capital just to see the scenery of the capital, and to give away relics for others. I know that when foreigners enter the capital, they have to be low-level in everything. It is best Don't mind your own business." Lou Jinchen said.

"It's good that you understand in your heart." The temple master still said worriedly.

Lou Jinchen has already decided to go to Beijing, and he has been delayed here for a long time, and the grandson of the fifth family has probably passed the time to catch up.

He wrote down some of his experiences, and then went to Qunyu Mountain to find Bai Xiaoci.

Bai Xiaoci was sleeping on her stomach, surrounded by hedgehogs, as if they were waiting for her to tell a story after she woke up.

As soon as Lou Jinchen appeared, she woke up immediately, which made Lou Jinchen wonder if she had been pretending to be asleep.

"Lou Jinchen, are we going to Beijing?" Bai Xiaoci asked in surprise.

"Yes, are you going?" Lou Jinchen asked.

"Of course, I don't want to stay here and tell stories every day." Bai Xiaoci said.

"Don't you like talking?" Lou Jinchen asked.

"I don't like it anymore, I want to be a quiet hedgehog." Bai Xiaoji said loudly.

"Very good, Bai Xiaoci, you've come to your senses!" Lou Jinchen said, "Where's your third aunt and grandma? Go tell them."

Bai Xiaoji immediately moved her short legs, and went to find her third aunt and grandma amidst the envious eyes of the hedgehogs. Although she didn't know what enlightenment meant, she felt that Lou Jinchen was boasting. Own.

After half a day in the mountains, Lou Jinchen took Bai Xiaoci and left.

It could be seen that Bai Xiaoci was very happy.

Although she was very happy when she came back, but these days when she went home, there seemed to be something that made her want to stay away.

There was nothing wrong along the way, so Lou Jinchen asked her what happened while riding on the horse.

"Lou Jinchen, do you know how much I envy you?" Bai Xiaoci said with a sigh.

"What do you envy me?" Lou Jinchen asked, wondering if she was going to say that she has exquisite swordsmanship, profound magic power, and good poetry and walking?

"I envy you for having no relatives, you are a person without grandma and aunt." Bai Xiaoci said enviously in his voice.

When Lou Jinchen heard this, his whole body became a little stiff.

"Are you scolding me?" Lou Jinchen asked suspiciously.

"No, my grandma is nagging in my ear every day, saying that I should be an independent and wild white fairy, and not be raised in a vine every day. The third aunt also said that I am fat, and that there will be no other white fairy in the future. Immortals will like me." Bai Xiaoci said indignantly.

Lou Jinchen didn't know how to answer for a while, the key was that he didn't know what the hedgehog was thinking.

"Then, what do the other white immortals mean?" Lou Jinchen asked, he suddenly wanted to understand the thoughts of these white immortals.

"Every one of them knew that they wanted me to tell stories, asked me how much delicious food I ate outside, and some people asked me how I got in touch with you, and said they wanted to learn from me." Bai Xiaoci said: "I told them Said, to be a white fairy, you must be attractive and attractive, only in this way, those human beings will take the initiative to find you, they didn't believe it at first, but they didn't believe it until you came to me."

Lou Jinchen suddenly felt that what she said was not very pleasant to hear, but he couldn't find anything wrong for a while.


Qianjing is in the north, all the way north.

Originally, he planned to visit Jiangzhou Mansion, after all, Deng Ding's family was there, but Jiangzhou Mansion deviated from the route going north to the capital, so he didn't go there.

He galloped along the official road all the way, with his sword hanging on the saddle, and beside it was a bag. Inside the bag was a bag of Qiankun brocade embroidery. , There is still a lot of room for improvement in this splendid bag. Although I don't know how it is made, but if it is only the size of a sachet and it is not too heavy to hang around the waist, that would be the best.

Or sew it into the sleeves, wave the sleeves, and store those items in them. There is a universe in the sleeves, which is the Taoist style.

There was a vine hanging on the other side of the saddle, and Bai Xiaoxian lay in it to sleep, she was used to the bumps.

Lou Jinchen seldom cared about Sutou.

He has slept in the wilderness.

The main road forked, and a wooden sign was hung on a big tree in the middle of the road, which read: "There are ghosts entrenched on the left road, please take the right road."

Lou Jinchen turned the horse's head and turned to the left road.

It can be seen that the road on the left used to be a wide road, but because there are fewer people walking, this road is deserted, full of weeds, and unknown vines erode the road surface.

It was dusk, the sun shone on the face, a little dazzling, and the weather turned cold in late autumn, and the evening breeze was slightly cool.

When Lou Jinchen came to a canyon, he immediately stopped, and he began to look at the canyon.

"Looking at the black hole ahead, covered with dark clouds, but there are lights shining in the desolation, this must be a ghost market, let's go in and have a look." Lou Jinchen said.

The so-called ghost market is full of ghosts and ghosts, and the monks are also some evil cultivators.

But sometimes there are some good things in the ghost market. Yiyun, the Seventh Master that Lou Jinchen once knew, said that she bought her wishful hairpins in the ghost market, so when he saw such a ghost market, he immediately Want to go in and have a look.

This ghost market is a canyon, located on the left side of the road, and does not block the main road, but it is also because of the appearance of such a ghost market that this road is deserted.

Lou Jinchen didn't get off the horse, and the little hedgehog also came alive. I don't know when, she also fell in love with this kind of fun of exploring the unknown.

When he came to the mouth of the canyon, there were several big red characters on the stone wall.

"Shixia Village!"

There used to be a village here.

The horse's hooves stepped on the stone ground and made a 'clack' sound. In the originally quiet 'ghost city', it seemed to be alarmed.

Lou Jinchen looked around.

This canyon was originally a village, because there are gates on both sides of the canyon, and small stone roads are opened on the cliffs of the canyon, leading to every house on the cliffs of the canyon.

And in those portals, some people were sitting in the dark, some were lighting up lamps, some were standing 'ghosts', and some were 'paper figurines' standing there, as if waiting for customers door-to-door.

In the middle of the canyon, there are several piles of flames, but compared to this long canyon, the flames obviously cannot dispel the darkness.

At the bottom of the canyon, on the ground in front of the row of caves, there are stalls one after another, and all kinds of strange objects are placed on those stalls.

Lou Jinchen rolled over from his horse and fell, and the little hedgehog climbed onto his shoulders.

He came to the first stall and squatted down.

First, he took a look at the stall owner. He was an old man wearing a small black cap. He was too thin. When Lou Jinchen looked over, he just raised his eyes to look at Lou Jinchen, his eyes glowed green.

Lou Jinchen responded to the urge to "look at him" in Nai's heart, and lowered his head to look at the object on display. It was a stone. He reached out to pick it up, his hand was cool, and he knew it was very hard when he touched it. He asked, "What kind of stone is this?"

"Yinming stone." said the old man wearing a black hat.

"What is the Yinming Stone?" Lou Jinchen didn't understand these materials at all.

The old man glanced at Lou Jinchen with his green eyes, but didn't answer, obviously he didn't bother to answer.

Lou Jinchen didn't follow up and asked, but looked at one of the jade pieces and wanted to pick it up, but the old man took out a black stick from under his clothes and tapped it on the jade, saying: "If you don't understand, don't take it. "

"Yeah, these things are expensive, I won't touch them, I just look at them." Lou Jinchen said.

He looked at the items placed on the animal skin, none of which he could understand clearly, so he got up and continued to look at the next person.

Lou Jinchen could clearly see the things on this booth. They were all wood, with layers of yin energy wrapped around them, and some of them were carved into human shapes.

"Young man, do you want to buy a pagoda tree statue?" The seller was an old woman with a missing front tooth, and her speech was a bit leaky.

"Did the statue of the pagoda tree say anything?" Lou Jinchen asked.

"There is a tree charm sealed in this locust tree." said the old woman with missing front teeth.

"What's the use of that?" Lou Jinchen asked.

"The tree charm can be refined into a ghost, a stand-in, a messenger, or a 'spirit'. It has many uses." The old lady said with a smile.

Lou Jinchen is interested in these knowledge points, but he doesn't know how to refine them himself.

He looked again, but found nothing interesting, so he turned around and changed.

There are all kinds of books on the booth of this family. The books are copper books and silver books. Some of them are stacked, and some are already incomplete.

He wanted to pick it up to read, but the stall owner said: "I can't read this thing. If you want to read it, you need to pay for the book first."

This is the first time Lou Jinchen has come across this rule, but when I think about it, the other party may write down the content because he is afraid that people will read it at a glance. That is being cheated of money.

However, he still asked, "What do you charge here?"

"I only charge incense money."

Lou Jinchen looked at the other party again, but the other party suddenly covered his face and said hastily: "Your eyes, don't look at me like that."

With just one glance, Lou Jinchen already saw clearly that the other party was not a person, but a scarecrow, and the spell on the other party's body seemed to be broken by his inadvertently probing eyes, and the whole person became tattered.

Its pair of eyeballs were strangely black, and Lou Jinchen found that those eyes seemed to come from the Eyeless City.

After the scarecrow revealed his real body, he retreated into the dark cave immediately.

The person next to him who was reading a book suddenly woke up. This was a pale young man with a horrified expression. He put down the copper paper book in his hand, got up and left.

Lou Jinchen shook his head, then knelt down to read the copper paper books. Now that the stall owner is hiding, he can read them casually.

At this moment, Lou Jinchen heard the sound of a sword in his ears.

Turning around, I saw that my horse was actually wrapped in a cloud of black air and heading towards a cave.

The sound of the sword's cry was a soft cry that was stimulated by Yin Qi.

With the sound of the sword, the black air surrounding Lou Jinchen's black horse not only did not subside, but became more intense.

"Is there anyone else who steals in front of the master?" Lou Jinchen stood up and said with a sneer.

Lou Jinchen walked over, and the scarecrow behind him quickly collected his stall.

Yima was wrapped in black air, as if lifted up by countless imps, and headed towards the cave.

Lou Jinchen just stood at the entrance of the cave, and didn't go in immediately, when he heard a voice saying in his ear, "If you want to return your luggage, just give me a hundred incense sticks."

"Do I have to pay for my own things?" Lou Jinchen asked in a cold voice.

"This is no longer yours." The voice in the cave said.

Lou Jinchen sneered, suddenly, he felt something in the hole, as if he wanted to eat his horse.

(End of this chapter)

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