Taoist night sword

Chapter 125: 124: Identity

Chapter 125: 124: Identity

Pan Shaoyou was furious.

Since he was a child, he has never been subjected to heavy words, how has he ever been insulted like this!
He heard Lou Jinchen say again: "I heard that the method of holding stone spirits passed down by your family is quite mysterious, why don't you use it one or two times."

Pan Shaoyou couldn't bear it anymore, he raised his hand, and the locust stone in his hand swung out, a withered yellow aura rose in the void, and a yellow shadow appeared, and there was a buzzing sound, and it fell towards Lou Jinchen.

At the same time, countless stones flew out from every corner of the room, turning into a little bit of aura, as if they were alive, and the stones grew invisible wings, like locusts, which were extremely strange, seemingly real and false.

It is dazzled and fascinated, and it is impossible to see clearly.

Pan Shaoyou tried his best, but he felt that it had never been so smooth before. Under the boundless pressure, he used up [-] points of his original [-]% mana.

At this moment, he felt the hope of victory. He felt that as long as he broke Lou Jinchen's blockade of this room, and then his voice could be heard, then his subordinates would be able to save him.

But, can those subordinates save themselves?When he doubted in his heart, he had already seen the moment when Lou Jinchen's sword was unsheathed, he saw a hazy sword light pierced by Lou Jinchen, and those migratory locust stones that were extremely hard and agile in his heart shattered one by one , scattered into a piece of sand at an extremely fast speed.

Pan Shaoyou only felt that his soul was tingling, he backed away in panic, he heard a chuckle and a mocking voice: "It's nothing more than that."

The voice fell behind, and before he had time to make other thoughts, a sword light came into his eyes and pierced his brow.

The cold blade pierced his head, and he felt a piercing pain, and the panic overwhelmed him.

Everything in the past flashed by quickly, and finally it was fixed on the back of Lou Jinchen holding the sword flower, putting the sword back into its sheath, turning around, and disappearing into the void step by step.

The lights in the room seemed to be going out quickly, and he fell into boundless darkness and silence.


Others fell to the ground, but there was no sound.

Someone outside saw the door open, but no one came out, but no one went to look, because their master was angry. After a long time, someone felt that it was too quiet inside, and sneaked to the door to have a look, and saw a Among the messy and broken tiles, there was a person lying on the ground, with blood flowing all over the floor.


The screams attracted a series of hurried footsteps, someone ran in quickly, and then left quickly.

"Hurry up, something happened, son!"


Lou Jinchen walked invisibly in Qianjing City.

Lou Jinchen hated people like Jia Shun, and he pushed a person who trusted him the most into the abyss, which was extremely cruel.

After such a long time of contact just now, he picked up a ray of Jia Shun's breath, and he sensed it from afar with the method of mind, feeling it with the heart, seeing it like eyes, it is the eyes of the mind.

Follow the slightest feeling in the dark, looking for the other party.

He didn't know the way at first, but he turned left and right in Qianjing, approaching Jia Shun all the way.

Along the way, I met several groups of people, including city guards, policemen, watchmen, and people who cleaned up all kinds of kitchen waste at night.

Under the prosperity of the day, there are also a group of people who are ensuring the normal operation of this big city at night. Otherwise, within a few days, this city will be uninhabitable.

Lou Jinchen walked all the way, and stopped in front of a row of houses. The houses here are not good. A row of houses are connected by a wall. The distance between the two rows of houses is also close. Lou Jinchen can be sure. With Jia Shuna's status as a second-rank general, it is impossible for him to live in this kind of place, even if he raises an outer room, it is impossible for him to live in this kind of place.

A person of his status, even if money is tight for a while, it is impossible for him to come here.

So what is he doing here?
I can't control that much, he is here to kill people, not to investigate cases, let alone to spy on other people's privacy.

He came outside the door and sensed carefully, he seemed to be the only one inside, and there were faint footsteps wandering, as if he was not in a good mood.

Lou Jinchen looked around, the windows of this kind of room are not only high, but also small, only cats can get in, and there are only two front and back doors to enter this room.

He came to the back door of the house and knocked.

The footsteps in the house stopped immediately, and he came to the back door and pulled the latch.

As soon as the door opened, a very attractive face was revealed. Although there was a black beard on the chin, the shape of the face showed that it was quite handsome when young, and at the same time carried a bit of makeup. Grandpa Jia Shun holds a sword in his hand.

He opened the door and looked outside.


A bright light rushed towards his face.

Jia Shun's heart tightened, and he hurriedly backed away, followed by Jian Guang piercing into the door.

"Crack!" The door was closed.

Lou Jinchen's figure was revealed, and Jia Shun, who was retreating in the room, held his sword hilt, and when he saw Lou Jinchen clearly, he said in surprise, "How dare you come back, and even found this place!"

"Second Master Jia should know that we savages in the world have no patience. If you are such a bad fruit in the world, you should pick it early." Lou Jinchen said.

"You want to kill me, do you know where this is?" Jia Shun asked in a panic. Although he is a second-rank general, he has already reached the third level, and he has even cultivated the important symbol of martial arts. He has never really fought to the death with anyone.

"I heard that General Jia's family taught martial arts, and it is a unique skill in Qianjing. The ancestors of the Jia family once shot three thousand miles away, and there were few enemies under the gun. Now that General Jia does not carry a gun but holds a sword in his hand, the Jia family must have been able to do it." When it comes to transforming a spear into a sword, Lou has always been good at swords, so I am lucky to see you now, very fortunate."

As Lou Jinchen said this, the sword in his hand was already raised, and the point of the sword was facing Jia Shun.

Jia Shun took a deep breath, put his hand on the hilt of his sword, and said: "Although you were born in the Jianghu, you have amazing sword skills. Why don't you choose a big branch to rely on? It's better than wandering the rivers and lakes to eat and sleep in the open. In the future, you will gain merit and marry the son of a family. Daughter, give birth to children, establish your own family, and take root in the capital for three generations. From then on, you will perch on the largest tree in Qianguo, no matter the wind and rain, there will be a big tree to resist."

He knows that many people in the world are actually eager to have a stable home and want to take root in this most prosperous capital. As long as there is a chance, many pretentious casual cultivators will let go of their original insistence and quickly make changes. Even someone who was a bit tough at first would quickly become a servile person after getting such an opportunity.

This reminded him of Mo Kongxiu before. Mo Kongxiu was also a casual cultivator who seemed to have a strong character, and finally married his daughter to him.

"You should have deceived many people in this way, right?" Lou Jinchen said sarcastically.

"How can this be a lie! Everyone will grow old one day. When you are young, you will walk on rivers and lakes without fear. When you are old and your weak thoughts disappear, you will need a stable place, and that At that time, you no longer have the ability to build this place, so you need to choose early when you are young. In the wilderness, although free, it is also miserable. How can it compare with the prosperity of the capital, fame, beauty, Cultivation resources are inexhaustible!"

"As long as you are willing, I can find a big family for you to rely on, and I can open a restaurant for you in this capital. From then on, you will be the head of one party. After decades of management, you can also be called the ancestor. There are thousands of disciples and grandchildren under the sect, and there are hundreds of responses, what a scene, haven't you seen those monks who died of old age in the wilderness?"

"They were devoured by ghosts in the mountains, captured by evil spirits, and captured by younger and stronger evil cultivators to refine weapons!" Jia Shunyue said that the clearer his mind was, the clearer his thoughts became.

He saw that Lou Jinchen remained silent, and he thought that Lou Jinchen's heart had already moved.

"Our Jia family has been prosperous for more than seven hundred years, do you know the reason?" Jia Shun began to ask questions, ready to exercise temptation.

However, Lou Jinchen said: "I don't know, and I don't want to know, your eloquence is really good, you can be called a lotus flower with a tongue, the things you said may be able to seduce most people, but for me Said, it's just a shackle, a cage, and you are just a prisoner in it, but you don't know it."


"Let me ask you, what you said may make me live longer than [-]?" Lou Jinchen said that the reason for living past [-] is because there is no normal monk who lives beyond [-], even though Lou Jinchen yearns for longevity , but the first step is to live past three hundred.

Jia Shun thought about how to answer, but felt that Lou Jinchen's ambition was too great, and said immediately, "In this world, people who live past [-] have never heard of it, but you want to live past [-]?"

"According to what you said, it may make me invincible under the sword?" Lou Jinchen asked again.

"In this world, who dares to say that he is invincible?" Jia Shun felt that Lou Jinchen was crazy because of his fantasies.

"I once had a poem that I miss for you." Lou Jinchen said.

"Okay, tell me!" Jia Shun thought in his heart, what exactly did Lou Jinchen mean, whether he was moved or not, and if he was moved, why would he ask such an unrealistic question.

"After ten years of sharpening a sword, I have never tried the frost blade. Is there any injustice when I show you today? Let me ask you, as you said, can I use the sword to avenge injustice?" Lou Jinchen asked.

Jia Shun only felt a cold murderous intent rushing towards his face.

"You, you are a lunatic! How is this possible!" Jia Shun pointed at Lou Jinchen and said tremblingly.

"Hehe, as you said, neither can I live a long life, nor can I gain invincible swordsmanship, let alone express my feelings. This is not wealth, it is to tie my neck with a collar." Lou Jinchen said. He raised his sword again and said, "General Jia, let Lou experience your martial arts and swordsmanship."

Only then did Jia Shun understand that Lou Jinchen was not tempted at all, so he couldn't help asking: "You came to the capital to kill a second-rank general and a nobleman just for the sake of a sworn brother? Are you not afraid of killing the nine clans?" , Are you implicating the master?"

"So I came here secretly?" Lou Jinchen said, the sword in his hand moved forward and then stopped, and Jia Shun's sword was unsheathed instantly, meaning to sway a starlight.

The swordsmanship he practiced was transformed from the spearmanship of the Jia family. There was once a genius in the Jia family who turned the spearmanship into the swordmanship, and he was invincible all over the capital.

This sword technique is called the Falling Star Sword Technique. When the sword is moved, it looks like a falling star, and another sword has the meaning of stabbing down the star.

With his sword out, in the dimly lit room, in an instant, there seemed to be a rain of stars passing through nothingness and falling here, shining brightly.

This sword is his life-and-death sword, completely different from the heart of the sword in the past. This sword is faster and more unrestrained in his heart than when he practiced it before, and every sword resounds with the sound of the sword.

Lou Jinchen didn't move, but his upper body twisted like a weak willow supporting the wind, waving the sword in his hand, forming circles of sword light, and every shooting star of Jia Shun's sword light was pushed away by the sword circle.

"Although swordsmanship is good, people are poor."

Lou Jinchen's voice sounded, and Jia Shun saw that Lou Jinchen, who was surrounded by his sword power, suddenly moved. He saw that the sword ring in Lou Jinchen's hand suddenly split open, and the person seemed to disappear. In the sword circle, the sword light turned into a mist, piercing his own sword light, as if piercing the falling stars.

But a sword light wiped his throat like a thief.

Blood gushed out, Jia Shun stretched out his hand to cover it, turned his body, he looked at Lou Jinchen, but Lou Jinchen had already sheathed his sword, and instead of looking at him, looked at the furnishings in the room.

In this room, there were several low tables with cloths and cushions on them, as if they were waiting for someone to come to the meeting.

But Lou Jinchen just glanced at them, and his eyes finally fell on a shrine, and there was a statue of a female god in the shrine.

The statue was carved out of some kind of white wooden core, and he noticed that the eyes of the statue seemed to be conceived with will.

He felt that the temperature in the room began to drop, and in the eyes of the idol, there were crystal flowers blooming.

At the same time, he heard a person standing up slowly behind him, that person was covered in frost.

Lou Jinchen turned around slowly, seeing Jia Shun's frosty eyes, his heart became serious.

Only then did he realize that this Jia Shun had another identity.

The blood in Jia Shun's throat had stopped, and it seemed that he was not injured.

"The God of Winter?" Lou Jinchen read out the name.

"The power of the God of Winter is beyond your imagination! Now, I can give you another chance. As long as you fall into the arms of the God of Winter, you will be exempted from all previous offenses. I can apply for the Temple of the God of Winter for you." The sword-wielder in the village, who is in charge of killing and cutting, has a high position and authority." Jia Shun's voice seemed to be a little less human, and a little more majestic.

The original powdery aura on his body also disappeared, and there was more of a mysterious, icy and terrifying aura.

(End of this chapter)

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