Taoist night sword

127 Chapter 126: The Road Ahead

Chapter 127 Chapter 126
The gate of the main altar of the Five Viscera God Sect is not tall, and even looks a bit dilapidated. He saw some bricks mottled on the gate he entered. Time has shown sharp blades and art on these hard rocks.

However, it is probably because the Five Viscera Sect established the main altar very early, so it covers a very large area. It is very rare to have such a place in such a prosperous capital.

He saw a lot of people wearing five-color robes, presiding over the pilgrimage of pilgrims, and some were explaining something to some people, and saw a lot of people queuing up, receiving sheets folded into five-pointed stars. The talisman paper, it should be a talisman.

In addition, there were people growing vegetables. There was a lot of open space between the halls, and a row of land was opened up in this open space, and some vegetables suitable for growing in this cold weather were planted on it.

Since he was walking outside and didn't enter the hall to see, he didn't know what was enshrined in the main altar of the Five Viscera God Sect.

What is enshrined in the Huoling Temple is a faceless god statue. The god statue is holding a lamp, and the main worship is that lamp.

Lou Jinchen was taken to the back residence. He saw Mo Zhenzhen and saw that she was fine, so he felt relieved. Lou Jinchen was also arranged to live opposite them.

The woman named Shasha came to express her gratitude to Lou Jinchen. Lou Jinchen shook his hand and said, "It's just a matter of giving hands, it's nothing. You can seize the opportunity to come out by yourself, and it's your own decision."

This made the woman named Shasha even more grateful. She felt that this was the real righteous man in the rivers and lakes.

She introduced herself to Lou Jinchen as a monk of Langya Mountain. Her real name is Sha Ying. She practiced the Tao of Ascension. She has been out for too long, and now she wants to leave and go back to Langya Mountain.

Naturally, Lou Jinchen had no objection. To Sha Ying, this place was like a nightmare.

From Lou Jinchen's point of view, if a cultivator of the Tao of Yuhua has not reached the third realm for a day trip, it is best not to go out of the mountain without refining it. Only after refining the body protection magic weapon can it be truly powerful. Of course, it is best to refine a few more.

It's just that the Tao of Yuhua has been widely spread, and there are many people who practice the Tao of Yuhua in the world, but there are not many people who can sacrifice magic weapons in the inheritance.

He asked about Mo Zhenzhen's situation.

Her first child is Jia Shun's, and she doesn't know who the second child is. When she said this, she bowed her head and wept, feeling ashamed to see others. Lou Jinchen comforted her She said, "Everything you have encountered is the fault of others. You should be stronger yourself."

Lou Jinchen wanted to ask her what her plans were in the future, but because the timing was not so good, she refrained from asking.

Rescuing someone out of the flames is naturally difficult, but Lou Jinchen felt that as an elder, he had to take care of her.

After a while, Kong Sheng came over and said that the Great Elder wanted to see him.

Lou Jinchen got up, followed Kong Sheng to a room, there was a sign above the room, and the plaque read "Enlightenment View".

The Enlightenment Temple is not small, and there are reception areas, bedrooms, kitchens, etc., and then he was taken to a study room, where there was an old man in a dark red robe, sitting at his desk and writing something. .

Beside him, there was a very gorgeous lamp. In his eyes, the flame of that lamp actually had three flames burning and intertwined.

After Lou Jinchen came in, he raised his head and said, "Sit down first, I'll finish this paragraph."

So Lou Jinchen sat down on the chair next to him, and then looked around the room.

There is a table and several bookshelves in the room, and the bookshelves are full of books. The books include bamboo slips, and some are made of silver and copper. Most of them are paper books, occasionally mixed with silk.

There are two stacks of books on the old man's desk, including "Five Elements Qi Theory", "The Nature of Fire", "The Way of Shengke" and so on.

Kong Sheng brought a pot of tea, put it next to Lou Jinchen, poured a cup for Lou Jinchen, and then poured another cup for the old man, but did not retreat, but picked up a book next to the bookshelf to read up.

Lou Jinchen picked up the tea, smelled it, it was very fragrant, closed his eyes and felt it, there was a feeling of refreshing, took a sip, the hot tea entered the mouth, the tip of the tongue was slightly astringent, but there was a feeling of fragrance in the mouth, and it entered the throat After that, there was a coolness, and after a while, a slight cooling sensation appeared on the tip of the tongue.

Even if Lou Jinchen doesn't understand tea, he still knows it's good tea.

Kong Sheng watched Lou Jinchen secretly, but Lou Jinchen didn't seem to notice anything.

While Lou Jinchen was savoring, an old man's voice sounded.

"This tea is dragon beard tea, which is Xiao Sheng's treasure. I usually want to drink some, but she doesn't give it." The old man said with a smile.

Lou Jinchen took a look at Kong Sheng and said, "It turns out this is dragon beard tea, thank you, Miss Kong Sheng."

"You don't look like a mountain man." The old man said with a smile.

"Oh, do I have such a nickname?" Lou Jinchen asked with a smile.

"Xiao Sheng, tell him what his name is!" said the old man.

"Shijian righteous man, swordsman, buyer, sword maniac!" Kong Sheng said quickly.

For some reason, Lou Jinchen felt that she was very excited when she said these nicknames.

"I think it's probably because the people in the capital have misunderstood Lou. Xiaolou doesn't want to argue with others. He just wants to read books and listen to music, and occasionally appreciate sword skills. But if you have other things, it's a last resort."

"Okay." The old man said with a smile: "Xiaolou, this name is good, this name is simple, you want to be like this name now, you live here for a while."

"I heard from your master Yan Chuan that you want to come here to practice, but with your current ability, I can only discuss the Dao with you. I am afraid that I am not your opponent in fighting with you, but I can really transform you into a god. The enlightened ones are probably only the national teachers. However, although you can browse all kinds of books in the Hall of the Five Viscera, the really good books are only found in the Taixue. There are many and beautiful books there. Many books here are copied from there."

"Thank you, Great Elder." Lou Jinchen said, his thanks were all sincere, but he also had doubts in his heart, and asked, "I have a question, I don't know if I should ask it or not?"

"With my old man, there is nothing you can't ask." The old man said with a smile, with a very friendly attitude.

"Can the Great Elder tell you what is the relationship between Guanzhu Yan and the Great Elder?" Lou Jinchen asked.

After the Great Elder heard this, he sighed and said, "It turns out that Yan Chuan didn't even tell you this. Perhaps in his opinion, this is a trivial matter and he doesn't want to tell others. However, for the old man and Xiao Sheng It is enough to remember for a lifetime. Many years ago, Xiaosheng's parents were in danger, and the old man went to save them, but it was inconvenient to take Xiaosheng with him, so he had no choice but to entrust it to Yanchuan who was walking a certain distance."

"Yan Chuan lived with Xiao Sheng in a small town for nearly three months. Later, the old man invited him to the capital. He wanted him to stay in the capital to practice, but after a few Years later, he said that he wanted to go back to his hometown to practice meditation, so I went to the National Teacher's Office and applied for a document that allowed him to build a temple."

Of course, Lou Jinchen knew that with this document, the established temples would be on the official list of Dagan, and their reputation would be protected by Dagan officials. Although they might not be able to protect them in time when there was a real danger, at least there were more temples. A layer of protective color.

After hearing the words of the Great Elder, Lou Jinchen realized that the temple master not only helped the Great Elder by chance, but also helped him a lot.

"It turns out that the temple master has really been to the capital." Lou Jinchen said with a smile.

"Why, is Yan Chuan still bragging to you?" the Great Elder asked with a smile.

"That's not true. Guanzhu Yan said that in the capital, all the big sects have their residences here. He told me not to provoke those descendants of those sects, let alone any noble daughters from aristocratic families. The Guanzhu is really too worried." Lou Jin Chen said.

The Great Elder laughed loudly, and said, "Yanchuan is worried that you will suffer the same loss as him."

"Oh, has the temple master suffered from this?" Lou Jinchen asked, "I wonder if the elder can tell me something."

"Yan Chuan himself didn't say it, so I won't say it. It's an old story, so let it be silent." The Great Elder said.

Lou Jinchen felt that it might not be a pleasant thing, so he didn't ask any more questions.

"You can stay here with peace of mind, read books and practice by yourself. If you want to go out, if someone asks your identity, you can just say that you are a guest minister of the Five Viscera God Sect. May I obtain a lecturer status for you, if you can obtain this status, you can read various books in the Taixue library." The elder said.

Lou Jinchen was pondering, and the elder looked at Lou Jinchen's expression and asked, "Why, don't you want to go?"

"No, I've often heard that we have the most complete collection of practice books in the Imperial Academy of Qianguo, from ancient times to the present. However, this needs to be obtained by the elders, which makes Xiaolou really uneasy."

"I don't think you are restless, but you are not angry! With your swordsmanship, there is no place to go except for the Huashen Dojo! You say you are a small building, but it is difficult to contain the arrogance in your heart." The Great Elder commented: " Although you intend to restrain your sharpness, the arrogance in your temperament is hard to restrain for a while, I think, if you can achieve the same light as the dust and restrain this fierce thoughts, you can see the way of turning into a god."

Lou Jinchen's heart moved, he suddenly realized something, and thought to himself: "The way of refining qi that I cultivated is divided into three levels in the first stage. I use the fake to cultivate the sea of ​​qi, and the qi moves through the hundreds of meridians to refine the whole body, and the method to become a gang. This is the end. After refining the method, is it necessary to achieve the combination of rigidity and softness? Yes, even if the combination of rigidity and softness fails to transform into a god, it will be of great benefit to me, and this is the direction of my next practice."

With a direction in my heart, some Taoist scriptures I have read before flowed in my heart and began to be confirmed.

(End of this chapter)

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