Taoist night sword

Chapter 137 Chapter 136: Swordsmanship of the 4th Realm

Chapter 137 Chapter 136: Swordsmanship of the Fourth Realm

In Taixue, other lecture halls were full of people, even half of them were not full, but the lecture hall where Lou Jinchen was located was the smallest, and there was only one person standing there.

Lou Jinchen looked at Xue Bao'er holding the sword at his waist with both hands slanted, with a dazed look on his face, his heart softened, and he asked, "Has the murderer who killed your grandfather been found yet?"

Mentioning her grandfather brought her back to reality in an instant.

She shook her head and said: "Master Shi said that Grandpa died at the hands of a rat handler, but there are many rat handlers in this world."

"What Tao did your grandfather practice?" Lou Jinchen asked.

"Grandpa practiced the Tao of Feathering, "The Way of the Black Python Entering Dreams", and I also practiced this method." Xue Baoer said.

When Lou Jinchen heard her introduce the spells he practiced, he knew why he didn't see too many traces of practice on her body.

The Tao of Feathering is based on visualization, and the ghosts are born, and the ghosts travel at night and day, and then they are promoted to Yinshen.

Lou Jinchen has never met a Yin God cultivator, but since there is a word 'God' in it, it explains everything.

However, in his opinion, the sects and factions of the Dao of Yuhua are uneven, and they are as strong as the second master Chen Jin. He has also seen people in the Dao of Yuhua of the third level who have no weapons, and their spells are only brought about by observation. The combat effectiveness of such people is extremely low.

A ghost like Xue Baoer can't travel, and she is even weaker. However, compared to ordinary people, she still has some abilities. The characteristics of meditation thoughts are also slightly resistant to the erosion of dreams.

But Lou Jinchen taught swordsmanship.

Xue Bao'er didn't know what to learn here. If you want to ask her if she likes swordsmanship, she doesn't know. She thinks that she can learn anything, but swordsmanship is not the fundamental method. ?It's nothing more than mortal swordsmanship.

"My swordsmanship can be adapted to any fundamental method. It is not only a technique for killing enemies, but also a minor method for cultivating the fundamental method. You may not believe me, but I will show you my swordsmanship."

After finishing speaking, Lou Jinchen picked up the sword on the table and stood up slowly.

"Beginners who learn swords are just learning some delicate moves. The power of the physical body runs through the sword. Even if this power can penetrate the tip of the sword and break through rocks and walls, it is just an ordinary sword. It can be regarded as an introduction."

"And to enter the room, one sword must not only penetrate the whole body's strength, but also be able to gather one's own will at the tip of the sword, which can kill ghosts and monsters. I once used this mortal body to fight an alienated person of the Secret Food School with swordsmanship in this realm. It can be called stepping into the hall and entering the room, and then it can be adapted to any kind of fundamental law."


After hearing Lou Jinchen's explanation, Xue Baoer had a picture scroll of sword art unfolding in front of her eyes.

I saw Lou Jinchen slowly pulling out the sword, but Xue Baoer felt that Lou Jinchen seemed to have disappeared. He was standing there, but when he saw it with his eyes, it seemed that he was about to merge into the brilliance of the void.

The sword was unsheathed, and a sword light fluttered like willow catkins. She thought it was so beautiful, and her eyes couldn't help following the catkin-like sword light. She could no longer see anyone in her eyes.

The sword light flew up, as if caught in the wind, suddenly fell down, and when it was about to fall to the ground, it jumped up and rolled up, and the white catkins suddenly split in the wind, one split into two, and the other split into four , split into eight, and in a blink of an eye, it seemed like snowflakes were floating in this lecture hall.

She heard the sound of the wind in her ears, and a chill suddenly surged, and she seemed to see the scene of frost and snow on the ground, which was very similar to the weather when her grandfather died that day.

After her grandfather died, although the snow had stopped, the depressing snow in her heart had never been clear, and it became more and more depressed.

Suddenly, the endless snowflakes in the eyes fell to the ground, and when the frost was still heavy in the heart, the thick cloud of low pressure broke open, and a ray of warm sunlight broke through the cloud layer. In just an instant, the warmth in the sun melted the earth.

And that ray of sunshine also scattered invisibly, as if all of them had fallen into her heart, she just felt an incomparable relaxation in body and mind, like the gloomy weather brightening under the sunshine.

When she came back to her senses, she saw that Lou Jinchen had sat down again, and she realized that what she was watching just now didn't seem to be swordplay, but a wonderful scene of changing light.

From the beginning to the end, she did not see where Lou Jinchen was.

"The third level of swordsmanship, I call it He Dao, which is in line with your own way of cultivation, and the fourth level is only realized recently, so I call it Enlightenment."

Xue Baoer should be shocked at this time, but she is not so shocked, because she just saw Lou Jinchen's swordsmanship like a scene, and then listened to what he said, she should be shocked, but she felt that what he said was true , as it should be.

This fourth-level swordsmanship was also understood by Lou Jinchen when he was writing the teaching materials these days.

After summing up the third realm, his swordsmanship can be practiced by everyone, because in the third realm it can be in line with their own fundamental law.

In the fourth stage, after he practiced his thoughts from rigidity to softness, he found that his sword energy could be more subtle, and he could also pin his own will more finely, so there was a qualitative change in his swordsmanship.

Spiritualization of Qi Refining Dao is a big realm, which can be divided into several small realms. After Lou Jinchen combines his own swordsmanship with the fundamental method of his own practice, it is an excellent secondary method. Of course, his swordsmanship Since then, the power has begun to undergo qualitative changes.

Lou Jinchen's swordsmanship completely changed Xue Baoer's perception of swordsmanship in her heart. The wonderful scene of swordsmanship just now fascinated her and planted a seed in her heart, and she found that this swordsmanship seemed to be able to heal The mood made her depressed heart become much clearer.

Xue Bao'er walked slowly to the middle of the lecture hall, knelt down slowly, and said: "Xue Bao'er, I wish to worship you as my teacher and serve you forever."

Lou Jinchen laughed, and said: "It's good to have such a heart, but it doesn't have to be like this. Only a free heart can control arrogant swordsmanship, and one can be humble. When drawing a sword, one must have a heart of contempt for everything."

"Get up and stand aside. I will pass on a set of swordsmanship that builds the foundation of swordsmanship. It's called "New Foundation-Building Sword Style". Watch it."

After all, Lou Jinchen began to teach her basic swordsmanship, and before she knew it, it had already been a whole morning. When Jiang Ling, who came out of other lecture halls, passed by Lou Jinchen's lecture hall, he took a few glances and found that what he was teaching It is an extremely basic thing, this is the swordsmanship that ordinary people will practice, and he can't help frowning.

They couldn't understand why Lou Jinchen taught such a thing?
One of them said, "The art of wielding a sword requires holding the sword in your hand, taking risks with the sword, and decisively winning within a hair. Like this, you need to start from the basics. Only those who wield a sword, even if there are many people After practicing for a lifetime, facing the current Silver Pill Flying Sword, there is no power to fight back."

"This is a misleading child! Fortunately, there is only one girl who doesn't understand here to learn this obsolete swordsmanship." Another lecturer said.

After the two left, there was another talker passing by, after a few glances, he shook his head and left.

Not long after, students passed by. They gathered around the outside of the lecture hall to watch. After watching for a while, they felt dull. Some people originally thought about coming here to listen to the Fa, but seeing something like Lou Jinchen's teaching, a They all gave up in their hearts.

Xue Baoer was originally very uncomfortable after so many people watching, but seeing that Lou Jinchen didn't care at all, she also relaxed slowly. Later, today's teaching was over, and Lou Jinchen asked her to go back Practice more 'sword luck'.

The practice method of sword handling is to put a ring on the body of the sword, and practice a few fixed sword poses. The ring is not allowed to come off the body of the sword.

This is to practice her control over the sword, to practice the power in her body to penetrate the sword body, and to achieve the strength of the sword tip, this is the foundation.

Xue Bao'er was sweating all over, and after returning to the residence with some exhaustion, she found that her cousin and Miss Cousin were waiting for her.

Cousin Jia Yu did not go to the lecture hall today. He said that he would not go to the lecture hall unless he was given an explanation from the Imperial Academy.

And Xue Baoer was scolded by him, and then transferred to Lou Jinchen's lecture hall.

"I heard that you went to Lou Jinchen's lecture hall to learn swords?" Jia Yu sat at the door, asking as if suppressing some kind of anger.

Xue Baoer didn't answer, and she didn't need to answer anymore.

"You know that he is my father-killing enemy, why do you still go to his place?" Jia Yu suddenly exploded, stood up and questioned loudly.

Xue Baoer felt pain in her heart. In the past, her cousin still took care of her, but she couldn't explain some things clearly. In fact, she didn't want to go to Lou Jinchen's place. This time she went there because she was scolded by Jia Yu. It was a decision to break off the sliver of fate with Lou Jinchen, but Lou Jinchen's words and the set of sword skills that he demonstrated opened a door in her heart.

Or it could be said that a seed was planted in her heart, which quickly took root and germinated.

She began to look forward to that magical and sublime world, and she wanted to be a person who could control her own destiny.

Her gaze has jumped out of Jia's mansion, out of this area, as if she was cut off from the world by Lou Jinchen's sword that broke through the thick sky.

She said, "Cousin, the ancestors didn't ask you to come here to practice for revenge. The ancestors are in charge of this matter, so why do you have to make trouble with yourself here?"

"Okay, you said I can't live with myself, and if you want to learn, then I will let you learn enough here! I will tell grandma about this, and see what grandma says!" Jia Yu said loudly. After all, he Not a very thoughtful person.

Lin Daiqing, who was standing next to her, watched Xue Baoer pass by, she frowned, her eyes were deeply worried, both worried about Jia Yu and Xue Baoer being cheated.

 Not in a good shape today.

(End of this chapter)

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