Taoist night sword

Chapter 143: Chapter 142: The House of the Dead

Chapter 143: Chapter 142: The House of the Dead

In this world, there has never been love for no reason. If there is, maybe this person is your parent or child, but you don't know it yet.

As the saying goes, what people in the world are most afraid of is forgiveness.

"Shan Zhang's spells are magical, is there anything you can't do?" Lou Jinchen asked.

"Hehe, do you want to refuse?" Shan Chang stared at Lou Jinchen with a gloomy gaze.

Lou Jinchen cheered up, he felt that the head of the mountain was dangerous at this time, and said, "I'm just afraid that I can't do well."

"Your sword is just right for this job," Shan Zhang said.

After speaking, he walked towards the door, which meant that Lou Jinchen should follow.

Lou Jinchen quickly picked up the mirror on the table, put on his sword and followed the mountain leader.

Shan Chang walked all the way to the outside of Taixue.

Lou Jinchen didn't know what the head of the mountain was going to do, he just felt that the darkness in front of him was as thick as ink, and he felt that he had walked into a mountain and river painted with ink.

Lou Jinchen didn't look with his eyes, he believed that his own eyes would be able to see clearly, but he was also afraid of causing unnecessary trouble, so after thinking about it, he resisted the urge.

"Do you know how long the old man hasn't been out?" Shan Chang asked suddenly.

"Xiaolou is young and has little knowledge, so he doesn't know the life of Shan Chang." Lou Jinchen said modestly.

"This old man entered the Taixue at the age of 53 and became the head of the mountain. It has been more than 200 years. You have also heard a saying that people in this world can live no more than [-] years. After that, they will either go crazy or change." The head of the mountain said Lou Jinchen's heart skipped a beat. Before, he felt that the mountain leader sometimes looked exhausted, but now he felt that the mountain leader was unfathomable.

"I'm going to die. When the time is up, I must die completely. Otherwise, I will be like the previous two mountain chiefs. I will keep running out if my death is not complete." The mountain chief's words were obviously aimed at Lou Jinchen. Tell some secrets.

It was also telling him that the existence that had just been summoned was one of the previous two mountain chiefs.

"No matter what happens when a person is alive, when he dies, he must die quietly and without worries, Xiaolou, don't you think so?" Shan Zhang asked.

Lou Jinchen, who was following behind the head of the mountain, couldn't answer. After all, many people don't want to die. There is a saying that the winner is the one who lives for a long time. Of course, those who can still get up after death may say: "Don't die!" Nonsense, I'm not dead yet."

"Death may be just the beginning." Such a sentence suddenly flashed in Lou Jinchen's mind.

"Okay, well said, Xiaolou, you have roots of wisdom, but this beginning is in the world of the dead, and we are the living, and the world of the living does not allow the dead to come out at will, otherwise, the world will be in chaos , Do you think it’s Xiaolou?” Shan Zhang asked again.

"Xiaolou has little talent and learning, I think..."

"Okay, well said, now there are too few people like Xiaolou who have a clear self-awareness."

Lou Jinchen choked back what Shan Zhang said. Suddenly, he felt that Shan Zhang must have no friends.

"Xiaolou, it's not that the mountain chief's words are not pleasant, but that the world is too complicated. Some people, who obviously disagree with others, still pretend to praise you and then talk about it elsewhere. Old man, I hate this kind of thing the most. People." The head of the mountain was walking in front, and there was the sound of water under his feet.

Lou Jinchen only felt a bone-chilling chill rushing up from his feet.

"Shan Zhang, where are we going?" Lou Jinchen couldn't help asking.

"I've told you so much, but you still don't understand. You said that you are ignorant, but you are not lying. Of course we are going to the world of the dead," said the head of the mountain.

Lou Jinchen couldn't help but look around again, all he could see was the boundless darkness, and wanted to look with his own eyes again.

"Xiaolou, has anyone told you that on the way to the dead, we can't wake up those souls who haven't died completely? Your eyes are like piercing people with needles. It's best to be able to Be more restrained," said the head of the mountain.

Lou Jinchen was really the first time someone commented on his eyes like this, and he was still very surprised and said: "The head of the mountain should not bully Xiaolou's youth, my eyes are also good eyes, how could this be so." Lou Jinchen said.

"If you don't believe me, then go and have a look. If you get caught up in some weird things, don't blame the old man for not telling you in advance." The head of the mountain said slowly.

Lou Jinchen always felt that he was scaremongering, but he didn't have evidence, so he didn't argue with him because he lived a long time.

"Shan Zhang, Xiaolou has always been curious, what kind of way do you practice?" Lou Jinchen asked.

"Boy, do you think it's polite to ask me this question from the first day?" Shan Chang said with a sneer.

Lou Jinchen was silent, looking at Shanzhang's back, and then at his neck under his white hair.

"Hey, Xiaolou, don't blame the old man for not listening to me. After all, I am old and I don't have a few years to live. I can't control my emotions. Can you understand the head of the mountain?" The head of the mountain asked.

"Shan Zhang, I think, you..." Lou Jinchen began to speak, Shan Zhang had already sighed, and said: "Young people nowadays always say 'I think, I think', so can't they speak more simply? "

"Shan Zhang, Xiaolou is still young, so I can't understand the mood of an old and dying person like you!" As soon as Lou Jinchen finished speaking, the whole road suddenly fell silent.

The head of the mountain didn't speak anymore.

"Shan Zhang, can you share your feelings of old age with someone like Xiaolou who is under [-]?" Lou Jinchen asked again.

"Hehe, hehe!" Shan Zhang laughed suddenly in front of him, and said: "Young people nowadays, they just can't take a loss at all. The old man who just said a few words is so excited that he wants to eat people!"

His last sentence was dragged out in a long voice, with infinite exclamation, and that kind of suppressed pain.

Lou Jinchen's heart tightened, and he said, "Shan Zhang, let's have a good chat, you will feel better if you chat well, don't you think? Shan Zhang, you are growing stronger and stronger, and you will definitely be able to break through the shackles of longevity."

"Okay, what a good boy, it sounds so good in a blink of an eye, it's really easy to follow the wind." The head of the mountain sighed.

Lou Jinchen was silent.

In front of him, a long river appeared, and the water of this river was glowing with a faint cold light.

The head of the mountain was walking along the river step by step, and he suddenly said, "Xiaolou, do you want to be the head of the Taixue?"

"Xiaolou doesn't want to." Lou Jinchen said.

"What's the point of being the head of the mountain being locked up here every day?" Lou Jinchen said.

"What if you can't be locked up here?" Shan Zhang said.

"I don't want to either. I'm going back and forth with my sword. I can't go anywhere in the world. Why stay in such a place and wait to die?" Lou Jinchen felt that what he said was not good, because he said "wait Die', seems to be satirizing the head of the mountain.

The head of the mountain was silent for a while, and sighed: "Young people nowadays are very stingy. They say that everyone speaks well, but they are always thorns and swords."

"Shan Zhang, I'm sorry, I couldn't hold back." Lou Jinchen corrected his mistake and immediately apologized.

"Forget it, young people have not reached the realm of life and death, but they always like to wander between life and death. Xiaolou, you said that you don't want to be the head of the mountain, but there are some people who want to be the head of the mountain. What do you think they think?" Long asked.

"Why did the head of the mountain want to be the head of the mountain?" Lou Jinchen asked.

"I, it's been too long, I've forgotten it." The head of the mountain said, "If I remembered, why would I come to ask you?"

Lou Jinchen looked up at the sky, there were no stars in the sky, and in the distance, it was pitch black, only the river running beside it, but there was no sound of the river running, under the shimmering light, there seemed to be endless mystery.

Suddenly, something jumped out of the water, like a fish, but there was a giant fish in the water, jumped up behind him, and swallowed it in one bite.

"Is this really the world of the dead?" Lou Jinchen couldn't help asking.

"The dead are just what the living call them. Whether they are alive or dead, they are just a state. Don't you want to know the way I cultivated? You first guess." Shan Zhang said.

"Yan Luo!" Lou Jinchen said directly.

The head of the mountain was silent for a while and said: "That's why the old man has always felt that young people are dishonest nowadays. They clearly know it in their hearts, but they still pretend not to know."

"Shan Zhang, you have misunderstood. Once, I met an old man. After Xiaolou explained the way he cultivated, he seemed unhappy, so Xiaolou felt that maybe he needed to pretend. Only then can the elderly be pleased." Lou Jinchen said.

"Alas!" The head of the mountain sighed again, and said, "Xiaolou, please speak carefully."

"Yes, Master Shan." Lou Jinchen said.

"Yan Luodao has few inheritances in the world. How could you guess it? Have you seen it before?" Shan Zhang asked.

Lou Jinchen thought for a while and said: "I don't know, I met a black ape once, who seemed to have the ability to walk between yin and yang, and the head of the mountain took me from the world of the living to the world of the dead. I've seen it before, so I guess it's Yan Luodao!"

"You guessed it right. I practiced the way of Yama, and the previous two mountain chiefs also practiced this way. It is precisely because of this way that at the end of their lives, they are not willing to die like this, and think that their own It is also possible to come back to life in another way, after all, Yama Dao is a cultivation method that walks in yin and yang, and has the most contact with the dead, even if you want to die, it is difficult to die completely." Shan Zhang said.

"I don't know where the head of the mountain is going to take Xiaolou now? Please tell the head of the mountain clearly, so that Xiaolou can be mentally prepared." Lou Jinchen said.

"I'll take you to kill those two mountain chiefs," said the mountain chief.

This answer not only surprised Lou Jinchen, but also gave him a feeling of not being surprised.

"Didn't the head of the mountain just dismiss that 'head of the mountain' with a single word? What's the matter?" What Lou Jinchen wanted to say was, if you want to kill, it's not easy, and you still need me to go?
"I can't kill them. I'm a fellow practitioner with them. They're already dead. How can I kill them again? Now I'm just detaining them, but I myself will die. In the future, I will die too. No one will kill them." You can detain me who is dead." There was a touch of worry in the words of the head of the mountain.

But for some reason, Lou Jinchen heard a sense of excitement again, and Lou Jinchen felt a strong conflicting emotion from him.

The head of the mountain seems to be looking forward to the scene where no one can do nothing to get him after his death.

"Shan Zhang, my sword will not let you down, you said just now that someone wants to be Shan Zhang, who is it?" Lou Jinchen asked.

"Of course it's the two great teachings." The head of the mountain said: "Gong Yao, the high-ranking priest of the God of Winter, wants to be the head of the mountain, and so does Liu Hanfeng from the National Teacher's Mansion."

"They are not from Yan Luodao, can they also be the head of the mountain?" Lou Jinchen asked.

"Whether you can do it or not, you will only know when you do it." While the head of the mountain was speaking, he came to a place with lights in front of him.

If Lou Jinchen hadn't been told that this is the world of the dead, he wouldn't have thought the lights were strange at all, because the lights were like a lonely farmyard. the only light in it.

As the two approached step by step, the small courtyard and lights in the painting gradually became clear in Lou Jinchen's eyes.

Lou Jinchen didn't make a sound, he was looking at the yard.

When they approached the courtyard, the two came to the door, which was locked. The head of the mountain actually took out the key and opened the door. Lou Jinchen followed in, touched the door with his hand, stretched out Knock on the door.

Some sawdust was held down by him, and he rubbed it with his fingertips, and the sawdust flew away like dust.

A cramped courtyard.

The light came from that room, and Lou Jinchen felt that it was like a prison.

There were windows, window paper on the windows, and lights in the room. Suddenly, a figure jumped on the window, looking out from a broken window hole.

Those were a pair of dead eyes, this was the first time that Lou Jinchen looked at such a dead person's eyes so carefully.

From these eyes, he only saw negative emotions.

No matter what happens to the eyes of a living person, there will always be a kind of vitality in them, and this pair of eyes, watched by him, seems to be dying slowly.

Lou Jinchen didn't look too much, but looked at the three rooms and said, "Didn't it mean that only two mountain chiefs were locked up here? Why are there three rooms?"

"Because there is a room reserved for myself," said the head of the mountain.

"Oh, what should we do now? Go in directly?" Lou Jinchen asked.

He always felt that things should not be so easy.

"Of course, as long as you open this door and kill that damned person in the house who refuses to die completely, this trip will be over and the hidden dangers of the entire Taixue will be eliminated." In the voice of the head of the mountain, there seemed to be many There was some excitement, as if a long-cherished wish for many years would be fulfilled.

Lou Jinchen was deep in thought, as if he was thinking about something, and after a while he opened his mouth and said, "Shan Zhang, can I kill you?"

"The old man has never seen such an outstanding young man like you, Xiao Lou, you can do it." Shan Zhang said.

So Lou Jinchen took two steps forward and slowly drew out his sword.

The sword chant circulated in this silence, but the breath on his body became weaker and weaker, but the sword seemed to be as heavy as a thousand pounds, and it seemed to hide a touch of the moon, which needed to be pulled out carefully, the light was in this small courtyard shine.

 It’s gone today. I wanted to make a proper update today, but it’s the holidays. My friend called out for a couple of drinks. If I didn’t drink too much, I’ll come back and continue writing.

  At the end of the month, I sincerely wish all your wishes come true and everything goes well.

(End of this chapter)

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