Chapter 104

Feng Lin's voice was so high that everyone around him heard it.

Some brainless fans and black fans have personally attacked Feng Lin.

With nine years of education, the overall IQ of the nation has improved.

The anti-string black powder also has a brain.

For example, if someone hates a singer very much, he will not scold him without thinking, but will blow without thinking.

Leave a message below other singers, saying that my idol is much better than yours.

This will cause many passers-by to resent the singer.

Simply scolding will make passersby feel sorry for the singer, and even like the singer more.

This is also the situation in front of me. The one who scolds Feng Lin most fiercely, except for the brainless fans, the rest are all people who don't like Wen Renxi.

This gives the illusion that the whole world is on Wen Renxi's side.

"Who do you say is an actor? Garbage, don't compare those stinky stars with my goddess!"

"That's right! Clearing the field is responsible for everyone. When my goddess comes out, it's easy to cause a stampede."

"My goddess donates [-] million a year, and this airport might have her share! What have you donated?"


Many men and women began to denounce Feng Lin.

Yan Yibai didn't look anxious at all, wishing to add a few more fires, and whispered in Feng Lin's ear, "Boss, there are so many fans, you are going to suffer."

Feng Lin digs his ears in disdain, coughs lightly, and turns on speech mode.

"I want to ask everyone, is the common area of ​​the airport a celebrity? I ask you? My wife is standing here, why are these bodyguards pushing her away?"

Feng Lin grabbed Yan Yibai's shoulders and pulled her to his side, "My wife is pregnant, who will take responsibility if something goes wrong?"

Yan Yibai rolled her eyes, worthy of being the boss, they threw a hat over, and Feng Lin gave these people a bigger hat.

"That's it! This is a public area, why push us away? My kids are crying."

A woman was holding a little girl in her arms, and her child was pushed to the ground just now.

The surrounding people gradually quieted down, and what they said made sense.

Feng Lin continued: "We are a country of etiquette. If they borrow a word, I may agree, but they will push everyone away without saying a word. You can bear it, but I can't bear it!"

"Who said we can bear it? I can't bear it either! What was your name just now? She is your goddess. You have a good life with her and break up!"

A woman with dyed blond hair pointed at her boyfriend and shouted, just now her boyfriend scolded Feng Lin, and he scolded him most fiercely.

"Yes! I agree with this handsome guy, and apologize to us!"

"Apologize! Apology!"


Feng Lin raised his hand high and continued: "Let me ask again, how do these so-called stars make money? Does it depend on our audience?"

"That's right! Without the support of our audience, what kind of money can these stars make?"

A man in a suit said loudly.

"Brother, what you said is quite right. In a popular understanding, we are their source of income. To put it uglier, it is their parents."

"We don't ask them to bow down to us, we want the least respect, star performances, we give money, everyone is equal, they are not higher than us!"

Feng Lin glanced around, his voice was loud, spreading to every corner.

"Well said! Apology! Apology!"

"Apologies! Otherwise, don't go!"

Many passengers responded one after another, all of them crowded forward, and the several bodyguards here were also confused.

They usually do this, but they didn't expect to encounter hard stubble this time.

Feng Lin and Yan Yibai left here, hiding their merit and fame.

At the same time, a woman wearing a peaked cap and sunglasses walked over with her head down.

She is Wen Renxi.

Seeing so many people in front, the female assistant next to her whispered in Wen Renxi's ear, "Sister Wen Ren, your popularity is getting higher and higher, and those uncles and aunts are cheering for you."

Wen Renxi shook his head slightly. It was not for the security guards to maintain order just now. How could there be so many people.

"Wen Renxi! She is Wen Renxi!"

Suddenly, a young man pointed at Wen Renxi and shouted.

In an instant, everyone surrounded her and surrounded her way.

Wen Renxi kept a smile and lowered his head slightly, "I'm sorry everyone, I have to make an announcement here, so I can't take photos with everyone..."

"Who is taking a photo with you? What are you doing? Apologize to us!"

"Wen Renxi! Apology! Wen Renxi! Apology!"


The sudden change made Wen Renxi a little confused.

She herself didn't know what to do.

Her family is not short of money, there are no so-called unspoken rules, and she keeps a distance from every male artist.

Because her family had told her that she had a fiancé.

She was dismissive of her fiancé whom she had never met.

The reason why she is single until now, she just thinks that she has not met the right person.

She really didn't understand why she had provoked public anger.


"Boss, this female star is very popular, you may be famous."

Yan Yibai sat in the co-pilot of Wuling Hongguang and smiled at Feng Lin.

"Anyway, the country will automatically cool us down."

Feng Lin didn't care either. For example, the video of him playing football in the past can't be found on the entire Internet.

Yan Yibai held the back of his head with both hands, and asked with a smile, "What is the stimulus for the boss? You want us to work again?"

"I found the whereabouts of Jiuyou Land. This organization killed Lao Liu, and I want revenge."

Feng Lin parked the car in front of a hotel, "You can stay at the hotel these few days, my people will come right away, then you and the fourth will live together."

"Fourth brother is here too? Oh, boss, you don't know. I went to see him last year during the New Year's Eve, and the takeaway box at home stinks."

Yan Yibai pouted, she really didn't understand, such a sloppy dead fat mansion was even more beautiful than her.

"I asked him to help first. He stays at home like this. If he doesn't find something for him, he can stay for the rest of his life." Feng Lin smiled and patted Yan Yibai's shoulder, "Contact anytime, I won't go up."

"Okay, give me the money." Yan Yibai smiled and stretched out his hand.

"Miss, do you have any money to stay in a hotel?" Feng Lin rolled his eyes.

"No! I don't depend on my family for a long time. I sell paintings online now. Two or three thousand a month is enough for me to live, but I don't deserve to live in a high-end hotel."

Yan Yibai grinned at Feng Lin.


Feng Lin got out of the car and called Xu Ruoying.

"what happened?"

Xu Ruoying asked over there, not forgetting to hum a little song, obviously in a good mood.

"Beautiful sister, my friend called me today, and I just remembered that I owed her 5000 yuan." Feng Lin said embarrassingly.

Xu Ruoying asked, "Really?"

"Of course it's true." Feng Lin asked seriously, "When did I lie to you?"

"What did you call me just now?" Xu Ruoying asked suddenly.

"Beautiful sister?"

"No, what should you call me?"

"My name is... wife."

"Well, the money has been transferred to your WeChat." Xu Ruoying said lightly.

After hanging up the phone, Feng Lin sat in the co-pilot again and handed it to Yan Yibai, "Five thousand for you, no need to pay it back."

"Wow! Thank you boss."

Yan Yibai saw the WeChat transfer and went to the hotel with her luggage.


Wen Renxi finally got into her car, her head was about to explode with anger.

She believes that it won't be long before she hits the headlines.

"Sister Wenren, my colleague sent the video, it's this man!" The assistant next to him handed him the phone.

Wen Renxi stared at the phone screen, and Feng Lin was giving a speech there.

(End of this chapter)

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