Chapter 109
Wang Boqi's mouth was full of smiles. After his investigation, he did not expect that Xu Ruoying was from Jiang City and was going to open a company in Yun City.

A new girl, he naturally has to teach it well.

Xu Ruoying frowned, and when she saw this person, she knew about it, "Mr. Zhang Run, I don't know what you mean?"

"Haha! Miss Xu sit first." Zhang Runan stretched his stomach and tried to straighten up, "Although I promised Miss Xu before, we didn't sign the contract, right?"

"Sit on the ground and raise your price, but it has an impact on your credibility."

Xu Ruoying patted Feng Lin's arm and motioned for him to sit down too.

"We are all businessmen, and interests are everything, not to mention I have not publicly agreed." Zhang Bang pointed at Wang Boqi and smiled: "Wang Gongzi bought it at twice the price."

Xu Ruoying clenched her fists. This was obviously aimed at herself. She said coldly, "In order to deal with my new company, you really have to pay for it."

"Next book?"

Wang Boqi shook his head with a smile, and asked arrogantly, "Miss Xu, are you from Jiang City?"

"That's right, what's wrong?" Xu Ruoying asked.

"I checked the stock market before, and our Wang family's property ranks in the top five in Jiang City." Wang Boqi shrugged disdainfully, "I just took a little money from the company."

Xu Ruoying's face was ugly, Yun City was the provincial capital of Jiangbei after all, and Jiang City couldn't compare in terms of assets.

Some groups in the top ten may be at the level of the four major families in Jiang City.

"Can't we change one? Anyway, there are many companies here." Feng Lin looked at Xu Ruoying and said.

"Okay! That's the only way to go, I'll keep looking." Xu Ruoying nodded, preparing to leave.

"Miss Xu, this time I invited you to come for discussion. Don't rush to leave."

Wang Boqi propped his chin up, his eyes wandering around Xu Ruoying all the time.

If it wasn't for Xiao Yu's strong background, who would pursue her?

Xu Ruoying's top quality, he can't wait to take it for himself immediately.

"Why should I talk to you?"

Xu Ruoying grabbed Feng Lin's hand and stood up to question.

"Hehe, I'm the general manager of a branch of our group. I calculated that the funds I can move are about 20 billion."

Wang Boqi opened his arms domineeringly, "Guess, if I fight with you, can your company continue?"


Xu Ruoying pointed at Wang Boji angrily, her fingers trembling.

"Don't be nervous, let's sit down and talk."

Feng Lin pulled Xu Ruoying to sit down, not to mention Zhou Tian, ​​Ye Xin alone could easily resolve this crisis.

"You little white face is quite knowledgeable about current affairs." Wang Boqi leaned against the chair and smiled slyly, "Miss Xu should have heard that many women have passed unspoken rules to ascend to the top."

"You are shameless!"

Xu Ruoying slapped the table hard.

"Don't get excited, I'm not forcing you, we're just negotiating conditions, just be my woman, not only the materials this time, but also my interpersonal relationship, you can use it as you like."

Wang Boqi smiled, not forgetting to look at Zhang Run next to him.

Zhang Bang understood and began to speak, "Ms. Xu, Shao Wang is right, interpersonal relationships are invaluable, especially for a new company like yours."

"You are dreaming! Feng Lin, let's go!"

Xu Ruoying grabbed Feng Lin's hand and left without looking back.

"Miss Xu, I always open the door for you."

Wang Boqi narrowed his eyes.


"Damn! Scumbag!"

Xu Ruoying sat in the car and slapped the steering wheel angrily, "I'm not afraid of the Wei family, I'm even afraid of a little shrimp like you!"

"Don't be angry, what raw materials do you need?" Feng Lin asked lightly.

"Our company is mainly for women's skin care products, and the raw materials are the essence of some Chinese herbal medicines."

Xu Ruoying took a deep breath and drove away.

"Did the Song family have one before?"

"Of course, the Song family originally provided raw materials." Xu Ruoying suddenly remembered, wasn't the Song family bought by Feng Lin's fiancee?

And when I went to pick up Feng Lin today, I seemed to notice that the name of the club there was changed.

"I can find a supplier for you." Feng Lin glanced at Xu Ruoying.

Xu Ruoying said strangely: "Is he looking for your fiancée? They are wealthy women, and they have bought the Song family's properties."

"The tone of your voice, why do I want to beat you up? Who am I doing this for?"

Ye Xin is not Feng Lin's fiancée, but she lied to Xu Ruoying at the beginning, so let's lie to the end.

"I don't accept your fiancee's alms." Xu Ruoying pouted.

"Then if it's not charity, will she also make a lot of money?"

Feng Lin showed a meaningful smile, and found a wonderful way to deal with Wang Boqi.

"In this case, I reluctantly agree, everyone makes money, and no one owes anyone." Xu Ruoying glanced at Fenglin, "What can I do?"

"I don't want to talk about it, I've been helping you all the time, I don't even have a reward, I have no motivation." Feng Lin sighed.

Xu Ruoying's cheeks suddenly flushed, and she asked intermittently, "What do you...want...rewards?"

Feng Lin didn't speak, his hand just gestured.


Xu Ruoying's face flushed, and she almost hit the car on a telephone pole.

"It's fine if you don't agree, you keep chasing me, I think you just want to prostitute me for nothing." Feng Lin pouted.

Xu Ruoying sneered in her heart, this bastard really had something wrong with him.

Anyway, I'm a woman, so I don't need to admit it when the time comes.

"Okay! I'll reward you when it's done."

Although he planned to deny the account, Xu Ruoying's cheeks were still unnatural.

"Go to the Narcissus Club."

Feng Lin took out his mobile phone and sent Ye Xin a message. The other party is a smart woman, and her acting skills will definitely not be bad.

Helping Xu Ruoying is also helping Ye Xin open a path.


The top floor of the Narcissus Club.

Feng Lin brought Xu Ruoying to the glass table together.

Xu Ruoying always felt a little nervous when facing Ye Xin.

Feng Lin fought so badly that she was once caught.

"That's the way it is. Anyway, you are also planning to develop in Yun City. Why not use Xu Ruoying to open a path first."

Feng Lin sat opposite Ye Xin and explained the general situation.

"Hehe! For a small business of 1000 million yuan, what path do you take?" Ye Xin looked at Xu Ruoying calmly, "What's more, he is my rival in love."

"Feng Lin, let's go!"

Xu Ruoying stood up angrily.

"What are you going? Sit down!" Feng Lin scolded.


Xu Ruoying clenched her fists and sat down on the chair again.

"Our business is very big, because Xu Ruoying provokes a big company in Yunshi. As long as she signs a contract with someone, the other party will buy it at a high price."

Feng Lin smiled and hugged Xu Ruoying's shoulders.

Ye Xin shook her head slightly, "It turns out that I have offended a big company, so I can't agree more."

"Miss Ye think carefully, we buy your [-] million goods, and the other party may spend [-] million. This is a bloody profit." Feng Lin said with a smile.

Xu Ruoying suddenly looked at Feng Lin in surprise, it turned out to be this way.

Join together to pit Wang Boqi's money.

"Haha, it's kind of interesting, double the money, and take advantage of it." Ye Xin covered her mouth and smiled, "I agree, what do you want?"

"According to the original plan, we only need 1000 million sources of goods, and we hope the cost price."

Feng Lin blinked at Xu Ruoying.

"Okay! I agree!" Ye Xin nodded.

Xu Ruoying hugged Feng Lin's arm excitedly, but did not expect to get the supply so easily.


At the same time, Wang Boqi received news that Xu Ruoying went to the new club.

As soon as Xu Ruoying left, he drove to the Narcissus Club and walked in.

(End of this chapter)

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