Chapter 116
Sikong Jin didn't show his appearance. He wore a peaked cap and sunglasses and followed behind Ye Xin.

When Ye Xin came out, Ye Kai showed a disdainful smile, "You finally got out."

"Ye Kai, you come to my club to make trouble, aren't you afraid that I will call the police?"

When Ye Xin was talking, she looked at the middle-aged man behind Ye Kai. This man was familiar to her, probably an ancient warrior from the Ye family.

"Call the police? It's none of my business, I didn't do anything anyway." Ye Kai smiled and shrugged, "You said you slapped me yesterday, what should you do?"

Ye Xin smiled indifferently, "Just tell me, what are you doing here?"

"A mere bastard of the Ye family who dares to slap me, I'm going to beat you to the death and bring you back to the Ye family for questioning. Do you know that you broke the family rules?"

Ye Kai looked at the middle-aged man behind him, "Bring her to me, I'll give her a hundred slaps first."

Ye Kai didn't expect that ten years later, Ye Xin became more and more beautiful.

He could not wait to put Ye Xin in the dungeon and play for a few years.

But he dared not.

His grandfather hated this humiliating scandal the most, if his grandfather knew about it.

His fate is predictable.

The middle-aged man standing behind Ye Kai walked forward with a cold expression on his face, he hadn't made a move yet.

Sikong Jin took a step forward and stood in front of Ye Xin.

"Haha! The mantis arm stops the car!"

Ye Kai sneered, this middle-aged man is an ancient martial artist, and has entered the realm of the peak of the middle stage of Ming Jin.

A small garbage looking thin, but dare to face it head-on.

When he was two meters away from Ye Xin, the middle-aged man suddenly accelerated and appeared in front of Sikong Jin in an instant.

Sikong nearly kicked out, the middle-aged man stared in disbelief.

His body flew out like a cannonball, just hitting Ye Kai's body.

Together with his body, it hit the pillar behind.

"Ah! You are such a waste!"

How could a fragile body like Ye Kai withstand this kind of impact, screaming in pain.

The middle-aged man immediately got up and whispered to Ye Kai, "That person is a master."

Ye Kai finally calmed down and stared at the people around Ye Xin.

The man wearing a hat and big sunglasses turned out to be an ancient warrior.

No wonder Ye Xin dared to come to Yun City and slap himself.

Once in Ye's house, how could she have such courage, it turned out that someone supported her.

"Ye Xin, there was a master to protect him. No wonder he's so crazy, but how strong is this master?" Ye Kai raised his middle finger contemptuously, "Let's see."

He just turned around and happened to meet Feng Lin who was walking towards him.

Feng Lin greeted very politely, "Good morning."

"Good Nima! Abolish him for me!"

Ye Kai still remembers this kid who tripped himself last night and made him fall to the ground.

Ye Xin is not easy to deal with for the time being, and it is easy to deal with a servant.

Before the middle-aged man could act, Feng Lin slapped Ye Kai on the face.

The mouth was full of blood, and a tooth popped out.

"Didn't your dad teach you? How should you answer when I say good morning?"

Feng Lin grabbed Ye Kai's collar and asked.

The middle-aged man in the back saw this situation and immediately attacked Feng Lin.

But Sikong Jin rushed over in the blink of an eye and kicked the middle-aged man out again, hitting the street outside the clubhouse.

"I asked you something! I said good morning, how should you answer?"

Feng Lin slapped Ye Kai's face again.


Ye Kai clenched his fists, his body trembled violently, but he could only endure it first, he whispered, "Good morning to you too."

"This is a good boy, let's go."

Feng Lin loosened Ye Kai's collar and nodded with a smile.

Ye Kai covered his face with gloomy eyes. If he couldn't do too much for Ye Xin, he didn't have any concerns about Feng Lin.

Must kill him!
After Ye Kai left, Feng Lin walked over with a smile and asked, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, but you may have something to do, so stay with me from now on."

Ye Xin's face was a little worried, the Ye family was a wealthy family with many experts.

On Feng Lin's side, there is only Sikong Jin as a bodyguard. If Sikong Jin follows him, Feng Lin's side will be in a disadvantageous situation.

Otherwise, she will be in danger, and the best way is to be together.

"Don't worry, don't worry about me."

Feng Lin shook his head with a smile, put his arms around Sikong Jin's shoulder and asked, "Is the seventh out?"


Sikong nodded lightly.

"Then wait for her news. If we find some masters hidden in the dark, we will start to act."

Feng Lin smiled at Sikong.


Ye family.

Ye Kai covered his face and complained.

Ye Tao and Li Meihong were very angry when they saw their son being beaten like this.

They didn't expect that Ye Xin was so mad now that he didn't care about them at all.

"Husband! You must find justice for your son, or I will never end with you!"

Li Meihong roared angrily.

"Is Uncle San there?"

At this moment, outside the villa on the mountainside, a woman's voice came.

"It's Ye Yan."

Ye Tao murmured softly and shouted to the outside, "I'm here, come in."

The eldest of the Ye family has a son and a daughter, and Ye Yan is his youngest daughter.

Not long after, a woman in casual clothes came from a distance.

Scattered hair, giving a feeling of being difficult to get along with.

She looked at Ye Kai strangely and asked inexplicably, "What's wrong with you?"

"Sister, do you still remember Ye Xin? She came back, and there was an ancient warrior by her side, and she beat me up."

Ye Kai hurriedly rushed over and cried, Ye Yan was not easy to mess with.

The key to a wide-ranging behavior is the brain.

In the circle of the rich second generation in Yunshi, she is a well-deserved eldest sister.

"Hehe, I came here because of this. My dad already knows about Ye Xin."

The corners of Ye Yan's mouth twitched slightly. If her father hadn't reminded her, she would have forgotten about this sister.

It looks like he is back for revenge.

"Sister! Avenge me!"

Ye Kai grabbed Ye Yan's shoulder, because he lost a tooth, and his speech was a little leaky.

"Don't worry, we don't need to do it." Ye Yan smiled faintly, looking like she was winning, "She is in the clubhouse, and we have a way to deal with her."


Feng Lin had nothing to do and walked around the streets of Yun City.

After these few days, his fever disappeared, and he couldn't stay at home all the time.

Feng Lin put his hands in his trouser pockets and observed the pedestrians around. Compared with Jiang City, the people here seemed to be busier.

Suddenly at a street corner, Feng Lin saw a man wearing a panda doll, handing out flyers here.

After Feng Lin walked over, the other party instinctively handed Feng Lin a flyer.

Feng Lin also instinctively reached out to pick it up, but he didn't take it because the opponent's hand was very tight.

The next moment, she let go.

Feng Lin narrowed his eyes slightly and left with the flyer. This is a newly opened milk tea shop.

The location was not far away, Feng Lin walked over, sat by the window, and ordered a cup of milk tea.

It didn't take long before the dolls that handed out flyers appeared.

She walked into the store, took off the huge headgear, and a pure face reflected in Feng Lin's eyes.

Sure enough, he was an acquaintance, Zhao Qingqing.

Feng Lin's high school classmate.

"Qingqing, are you finished?"

The boss smiled and took out the cash.


When Zhao Qingqing was taking off the doll's clothes, she happened to see Feng Lin by the window.

The whole person froze in place.

(End of this chapter)

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