Dad asked me to choose one of ten goddesses to marry

Chapter 1160 It is easy to deal with them

Chapter 1160 It is easy to deal with them

"I don't know where Cen Caixuan is now, nor have I had any contact with her. Let me guess."

He Xun crossed his legs and glanced at Feng Lin, "Is she living under the fence now?"

"Sent under the fence?"

Feng Lin didn't react.

"A simple understanding is that she hides under the wings of others. She has never been the boss by herself."

He Xun explained with a flat face.

"That's right! She's following Xu Xianfan now."

Feng Lin nodded heavily.

"That's right, she is still the same as she used to be, cautious and good at hiding herself."

He Xun took it for granted, she knew Cen Caixuan too well.

"Then what should we do?"

Feng Lin asked.

"She is very selfish. If there is a baby she cares about, no matter how close a friend is, she will not say anything, but choose to go by herself."

He Xun paused, "This is the key."

"You mean, find a place to lure her here?"

Meng Changsheng asked while smoking his pipe.

"Yes, as long as we ambush there, we should be able to kill her."

When He Xun said this, he shook his head lightly, "Of course, this is in the theory of existence. Cen Caixuan is proficient in a lot of escape techniques. I can only say that the highest [-]% certainty."

"Then what if they are captured alive?"

Meng Changsheng asked with a smile.

"Caught alive?"

He Xun frowned slightly, "It is very difficult for a normal person to capture alive, but it should be easier for her."

"how do I say this?"

Golden Phoenix was a little puzzled.

"I said before that she is afraid of death and will not fight with her life. When she is captured alive, she should deliberately admit cowardice."

He Xun explained, "When she regains her strength, she must use strange and weird techniques to escape."

"Fuck! Is this old man so afraid of death?"

Meng Changsheng smiled and smoked his cigarette.

"By the way, is Cen Caixuan really strong in battle?"

Feng Lin asked suddenly.

"Strong! Anyway, an eighth-level master will definitely not be able to keep her."

He Xun smiled wryly, "It is very difficult for our Jiuyou clan to reach the ninth rank. If she is a master of the ninth rank, almost no one will be able to keep her."

"The Jiuyou Clan is so strong, it's actually very difficult to reach the ninth rank."

Feng Lin was a little surprised.

"All of this seems to be predestined. The stronger the race, the more obvious its weaknesses."

He Xun looked at Feng Lin, "For example, human beings belong to the late stage of the standard, and they are the weakest race in the early stage. There is no one, but the threshold of the seventh-order Qihai is like a fake for humans."

"It's not just about race, it's about everyone. The higher the class, the greater the distress."

Meng Changsheng shook his head slightly.

"Second Master, when I went to the Middle East to perform a mission, the prince there seemed to have no worries."

Feng Lin smiled and barked.

"Who said that? Those people have no pursuit after birth, so they must be unhappy."

Meng Changsheng said with a smile.

Feng Lin couldn't help shaking his head.

In fact, this world was originally built on an unfair basis.

"Then what shall we do next?"

Feng Lin glanced at He Xun.

"If you want to deal with Cen Caixuan, I recommend someone to you, Zhuang Qingyan."

He Xun stood up from the grass and patted the dust off his butt a few times.

"She has a way?"

Feng Lin frowned slightly, this man's father also said it.

Don't confide in her, mom's friends are not honest people.

"This person is not simple. She said clearly that it's useless for me to beg her. You can."

He Xun looked at Feng Lin, "But you need to be careful, I can't see through her."

"I thought you were on good terms."

Feng Lin couldn't help but laugh.

"She saved my soul back then, that's all we have ever met."

He Xun shook his head, "It is definitely not ordinary people who can escape from the Yin-Yang Crusade."

"Is she back?" Feng Lin asked.

"I'm back, but I should change places now."

He Xun took out his mobile phone and dialed a number, "You talk to her."

Seeing that the phone was connected, Feng Lin said with a smile, "Hello, Auntie."

"It seems that He Xun has found you, what's the matter?"

Zhuang Qingyan asked with a smile.

"He Xun is not completely sure about Cen Caixuan. I want to ask Auntie for advice."

Feng Lin turned on the handsfree of the phone so that several people could listen to it.

"Nine You Clan, it's easy to deal with them."

Zhuang Qingyan giggled.


Feng Lin also laughed, "How easy is it?"

"They have a long memory and they know countless exercises. Then we will make a one-size-fits-all approach and build a spirit-breaking array to lure them there."

Zhuang Qingyan asked with a smile, "Everyone can't use Qi, can't you deal with her?"

Feng Lin's eyes lit up, his own Gatlin was so hungry and thirsty.

"Auntie, do you know how to break the spirit formation? I heard that this is a very powerful formation!"

If it is possible to build a broken spirit array, let alone Cen Caixuan, wouldn't Xu Xianfan also want to finish it?
"Of course I will, but I can't use it. However, I can teach you."

Zhuang Qingyan laughed.

"it is good!"

Feng Lin agreed on the spot, regardless of whether she was honest or not.

If you can learn this kind of formation, it is your own.

"Give He Xun the phone number, I'll give her the address, and let her bring you here."

Zhuang Qingyan said over there.


Feng Lin handed the phone to He Xun.

He Xun turned off the speakerphone and walked into the distance.

"Who is this guy?"

Meng Changsheng looked at Feng Lin and asked.

"A formation expert who claims to be my mother's friend."

Feng Lin explained.

"If you can really learn, we only need to consider one thing, and that is to lure Cen Caixuan to the top."

Meng Changsheng smiled, "It's your world up there. An old man like me is useless."


Feng Lin took out a Gatling from the interspatial ring, "Second Master, you look like a handsome old man, and you are very suitable for Gatling."

"Fuck! Young people nowadays like to tell the truth."

Meng Changsheng couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Don't be ashamed."

Golden Phoenix at the side rolled his eyes.

Meng Changsheng took a puff of his pipe, and came back this time mainly to relax for a few days.

Meet Feng Lin and Jin Fenghuang, and don't let them worry.

After Feng Lin went to learn the formation, Meng Changsheng also planned to continue to step into a different world.

The era of Fenglin is coming soon.

Meng Changsheng was going to pave the way for him before he surpassed himself.

For example, he is active in a different place.

It's not Meng Changsheng's identity, nor is it a nightmare.

It is an invisible dream.

"We can go now."

He Xun came from a distance and said.

"Hold on!"

After Feng Lin finished speaking, he grabbed Meng Changsheng and ran into the villa beside him.

He took out the essence of the elements.

"Fuck! So many?"

Meng Changsheng almost stared out.

"Go ahead and take it." Feng Lin said grandly.

"This can't be done. Jinghong and Qiuhui are both golden lives. I will take five yuan first, and the rest will be used when I advance."

Meng Changsheng said with a smile.


Feng Lin nodded, "Second Master, then I'm leaving."

"Be careful."

Meng Changsheng patted Feng Lin on the shoulder.

Feng Lin said goodbye to everyone, and He Xun came to the front of the house, and he locked the door facing outward.

"Feng Lin!"

Chu Youyou was sitting at the door.

Her mother, Cui Ju, was also ashamed.

This man is a miracle doctor, and he scolded him yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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